Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 1)

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over 16 years
From what I understand is Chch Tech should have had the game wrapped up easily, but had a mare. Also there first team keeper was out, and he's been the stand out goalie of the year. So take the results with a grain of salt me thinks
almost 16 years
just out of interest, when was the last time a Chch club team beat a Dunedin team - think it might be 2003? quite a long time ago now...most chch teams have been rubbish since the old national league back in 92, Dunedin teams have always dominated the Super Club, Southern & South Island Leagues - Fact
almost 16 years
Isn't that why it's the 'beautiful game'? On the day anyone can turn over anyone. There should be no feeble excuses about players being out, it just shows that there wasn't the squad strength there.
It's going to be an interesting game at the Cale. Wonder if Tech will bring the champagne that they've carried round for a while?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Kennedy wrote:
So as predicted another all Otago South Island Final - Tell me again why we seem to bend over backwards for Caterbury Football when we are obviously far superior - they should be the ones pushing for a South Island league because obviously the standard up there is average.
Bend over backwards? You're kidding right? Caversham only agreed to play at the last moment when Mainland Football agreed to fly them to ChCh to play in the final if they made it. 
Two hard fought games that could just as easily gone the other way. Love your arrogance. Looking forward to playing Otago United in the NZFC.
You guys can't even get a youth tean to the South Island U19 tournament. So where does the bending over backwards comment come from?
Fact is we have quality players spread over 8 teams (check the reasonible closeness of our league this year) with another 2 or 3 in the next tier capable of footing it in the Premier League. If this makes it harder to contest the South Island Championship then so be it, I personally would much rather have it this way than the farcical situation that exists down your way. 
almost 16 years
Just hope the "quality players" you're referring to aren't players like James Reichwein or Blazej Wieclawski....not sure whats the go with the U19's? personally i'd probably rather be playing against FC Porto over in Northern Ireland than you lot....
Starting XI
over 17 years
Perrygroves wrote:
Just hope the "quality players" you're referring to aren't players like James Reichwein or Blazej Wieclawski....not sure whats the go with the U19's? personally i'd probably rather be playing against FC Porto over in Northern Ireland than you lot....
 Me too.
It always looks much better when you get whipped by an internationally known club rather than one from your own back yard .
As for Reichwein and Wieclawski they couldn't make the muster in an MPL team this year such is the strength of the competition. They'll probably sign for Otago United for the NZFC 'cos I can't see them getting a look in up here this season. Should help to bolster your side along with a few of the other ex Cantabs down there already. Now that's what I call bending over backwards to help the game .
Regarding the U19's we only sent the information out to Soccersouth back in March so it probably hasn't got through yet and the clubs that were rung after that reckoned they lacked the strength to be competitive, except for Southern Spirit who will fly the flag high for the southern teams.
Ronaldoknow2009-09-07 12:32:06
almost 16 years
re under 19, think you might find Tech are playing up in Napier this year

Just had a look at the Western squad that played down in Dunedin, not too many quality players in there i'm afraid - def not nzfc standard & it thats the second best team from chch!

over 15 years
So Caversham and Tech are going to meet for the 5th time this season, law of averages would suggest its going to be techs day, but Cavy are the form team, any thoughts??
As for the idiot going on about Otago, thats 2 years running Canterbury have finished bottom and 2 years running 2 Dunedin teams have got to the south island final.
But if your happy with the teams in your league!!!!!!!
Oh and correct me if im wrong but didnt otago do the double over canterbury last year!!!
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Don't get me wrong Ronaldino, I felt you made a couple of good points in that yes your league is much tighter then Dunedin's. I would much rather Dunedin adopt an 8 team format and feel that is probably the way forward, pending Canterbury's almost inevitable rebuttal to a South Island league (don't you think this would do both federations good?).

However, shouldn't your top teams as a result of playing tough games week in week out in what is supposdly a tight, high standard league simply run all over our Dunedin based clubs? My theory would be that a strong league should breed strong teams however what I have seen over the last 4 or 5 years hasn't been so.

The fact is both Otago and Canterbury NZFC teams don't have the depth for an U19 team. If they are any decent they will find themselves in the senior squad.

I think what Otago has done with regard to it's Milk Cup ventures etc is outstanding and is unrivaled by every province in NZ. If you ask any young footballer I think they would take that over the national league in a breath.

For me both Canterbury and Otago need to work together to make a strong South Island league which will benefit both NZFC franchises.
Kennedy2009-09-07 17:32:09
Starting XI
over 17 years
m-i-k-e wrote:
So Caversham and Tech are going to meet for the 5th time this season, law of averages would suggest its going to be techs day, but Cavy are the form team, any thoughts??
As for the idiot going on about Otago, thats 2 years running Canterbury have finished bottom and 2 years running 2 Dunedin teams have got to the south island final.
But if your happy with the teams in your league!!!!!!!
Oh and correct me if im wrong but didnt otago do the double over canterbury last year!!!
Every dog has his day, when was the last time Otago made the NZFC final?
2 years running we've finished bottom in a 4 team straight knock out situation isn't a real test of strength now is it? And both teams that won this year would have to admit they were wins that could have gone either way.  
Didn't say I was happy with the standard of teams in our league, said I preferred a more even spread of talent across all teams.
Good luck to both teams in the final, let's hope it's a closer game than last years farce. 
Starting XI
over 17 years
Kennedy wrote:
Don't get me wrong Ronaldino, I felt you made a couple of good points in that yes your league is much tighter then Dunedin's. I would much rather Dunedin adopt an 8 team format and feel that is probably the way forward, pending Canterbury's almost inevitable rebuttal to a South Island league (don't you think this would do both federations good?).

However, shouldn't your top teams as a result of playing tough games week in week out in what is supposdly a tight, high standard league simply run all over our Dunedin based clubs? My theory would be that a strong league should breed strong teams however what I have seen over the last 4 or 5 years hasn't been so.

The fact is both Otago and Canterbury NZFC teams don't have the depth for an U19 team. If they are any decent they will find themselves in the senior squad.

I think what Otago has done with regard to it's Milk Cup ventures etc is outstanding and is unrivaled by every province in NZ. If you ask any young footballer I think they would take that over the national league in a breath.

For me both Canterbury and Otago need to work together to make a strong South Island league which will benefit both NZFC franchises.
All good points. The south Island league is a must to strengthen the game down here. provided a point for much discussion at the the last MPL review meeting. Not sure where you get the idea all clubs and Mainland are against it here, that is not the case from my experience. We have a couple of clubs here that would prefer to spend money on players rather than travel (without success I might add). My personal preference would be for a local 8 team league in each region that breaks into top 3 which then combine to play a 2 round South Island League. Top 2 then go through with the top 2 in Central and Northern to play in National League.
While the spread of talent is fairly good here the standard is not that different from the top to the bottom team and probably because of that spread lower overall than say your top 2 or 3 teams, hence the results the past couple of years.
We also had a lot of players turn their backs on our NZFC team last season for whatever reasons, that won't be the case this time around so we should be considerabley stronger in that area and I recall that we have done quite well  against you guys in representative stuff (can't recall the name of the cup) in the past few years as well. Also our NZFC youth team has done very well in the past few seasons.
The Milk Cup is an interesting one but don't you feel that in developing those players you are just providing stock for other areas? How many stay and go on to become regulars in your senior NZFC side? I see you have been going over for a few years now so there must be some around by now.
Ourselves we can only afford to go to Canberra for the Kanga Cup (1st and 3rd first time out!). Our club has taken this path for the same reasons as your federation, developing (and testing) players outside of the local competition.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

The Milk Cup is an interesting one but don't you feel that in developing those players you are just providing stock for other areas? How many stay and go on to become regulars in your senior NZFC side?

Id say at least 15 would have gone from Milk cup to play in the NZFC?And two for NZ age teams not including import(brockie/spoonley)Not to bad i wouldn't think?
Starting XI
over 17 years
My question was how many actually stay and play or do they all move away?
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
This weekends South Island Final.

Dunedin Technical 2 Caversham 1

Rumor has it Scoullar went up front and looked good against Chch Techninal, was replaced well at the back. Should be a good game
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Id hate to see jackson against one of those younger boys at the back..If i were Tech i would keep him at the back
First Team Squad
over 15 years
jackson is quality, cavy 4 tech numpty
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Eating your words now deli lama? Jackson had nothing
Dunedin Technical 4 Caversham 1
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Ronaldoknow wrote:
My question was how many actually stay and play or do they all move away?
My question would be why would any player stay?
over 15 years
Does anybody have any news as to who will be the Otago Untd coach?
All other NZFC teams are in training and Otago are yet to name the coach. I hear from a good source that Tery Phelan is not the coach and is coaching the youth team.
If it wasn't hard enough the job has been made harder by 5/6 players from last years squad definatley not playing
almost 16 years
Don't you think that the 'board' (lamont and Chidley) just want the season to be over even before it's begun? They will run out the same old tired excuses that the local players are not good enough and finishing bottom is all that can be expected. Could they score in a brothel with a $100 note?
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Yeahright wrote:
Don't you think that the 'board' (lamont and Chidley) just want the season to be over even before it's begun? They will run out the same old tired excuses that the local players are not good enough and finishing bottom is all that can be expected. Could they score in a brothel with a $100 note?

Not at House of pleasure it's $200 there..And also yes i have eaten my words well done Dunedin Tech.Also should United even enter a team this year with as little as 5 of last year's squad backing up
over 17 years

Has the Terry Phelan experiment worked?

The accounts reveal that Otago United spend a lot more on coaching and player expenses than many other sides, yet to see a return
almost 16 years
No it hasn't worked. It once again proves that a professional player does not always make a decent coach. He apparently works well with elite kids on a one to one basis, but you only have to look at the way he sends his teams out to see he hasn't got the tactical nouse. Mind you he talks a good game, problem is his teams dont play a good game
Early retirement
over 17 years
Lads, Colin Falvey.  Was he just in town for the NZFC season or is he still in Dunedin ?

almost 16 years
Phelo has one more year on his contract, so he's either the NZFC coach or the best paid youth team coach in the country. Its interesting with Phelo, he had an alright start in 05-06 but he has had some mingin squads since then, esp in 06-07 & 07-08 years, last year was alright but lacked a few players, but in the end Otago hasn't really kicked on.  Phelo is more suited to the professional game, he'd be an ideal coach at A-League level, maybe not that gaffer but def in the coaching set up, would be interesting if he was coaching a decent team in the NZFC.

In Phelo's defence, its always a battle down here esp with the board & would there be any other coach in the NZFC that would've done a better job with those players????  maybe maybe not, i've heard through the grapevine that Steve Fleming has been offered the job a few times but wont send in his CV, which is required by the board for the selection process in order to be the coach? So yeah looks like either Phelo or Malcy Fleming for the role...

Hard News - Old Pikey Falvey is in the states -

over 17 years
I don't to what extent he is involved in getting in overseas players but Otago have had a fairly average time of it with them. 
Not quite sure what he's done to prove that he'd be a good fit at a higher level?  Surely getting good results with an average group of players would be a good sign that he was ready for a step up?
Seems a bit petty re: Steve.  It's pretty obvious what he has achieved although perhaps he should be the bigger man and send in the CV and take the job.
I was (very peripherally) involved with some of the original meetings at the set-up of the franchise as the Otago Uni club rep (clearly didn't have a lot to say and no one was really interested in my opinion!) but attended a few of the meetings etc and I always felt that the board wanted a franchise but weren't really prepared to break from running it how you would run a succesful amateur club.  The succesful franchises have been run as semi-pro outfits and have taken a long term view when it comes to recruitment, coaching etc.  Obviously hard geographically for Otago to attract players but a good start would be to get all the guys playing in the Southern League to commit to summer football.  I'm sure having a good set-up would help
almost 16 years
The board has never followed its own rules by having a member from the clubs to their meetings. So no information gets out and the closed shop syndrome is allowed to fester. it's meant to be a franchise and the clubs need to be aware of what is happening. the board puts out that the clubs have never contibuted financially - but they've never been asked, and if they did they would want a more transparent view of how the money was being spent. Imo there was never a business plan, and they have only being looking on a day to day month to month basis. Just ask the players when they received their 'expense' payments - it wasn't during the season. This suggests that this seasons money is already being spent on last year!
As for attracting players, it's no good saying to players come and play but find yourself a job. If Otago had put in place long term coaching programmes then they could attract players who would coach 'grassroots' to earn their keep. So far the only programme in place is so that Mr Fridge gets paid during the summer.
over 15 years
Yeah your right about Phelo getting paid too much just to be a youth team coach but its either that or pay him off.
Malcolm Fleming is begging for the job but they want Steve instead and if Steve doesn't want the job then it will be Phelo for one last year unless they give in to Malcolm.
over 15 years
I was amazed by the comments by Hard Talk. I think it was him?. I was at all meetings concerning OU in the initial set up. As a Northern member. I was allowed to attend. The young lad Chidley (Tech president)was the main instigator to get the clubs together to form OU.He managed to ,get clubs to commit to the OU idea. He was some player in his day and then he left my club and ended up at Tech.  
I know OU spend a lot of money on coaching, however i have had them twice at NEV school for a week at a time and they were brilliant.They dont charge the schools and the kids love it. I have go two Cavy lads arriving in a couple of weeks and they are thru OU. What is wrong with free coaching for schools. We would struggle left right and centre without this service. These guys do it for us for nothing.
I have had Terry Phelan up at school and he is one of the best coaches (of any sport i have seen).
Whatever decision the board make as to who is coaching for the coming season is just that.Get on with it and accept/ OU is nowhere near Auckland, Watakere and these guys. Have a look at the DIA site and have a look what there up against. AC $500,000 plus Trillian Trust. Waitakere Utd $600,000 The Trusts. Then have a look at OU. They do amazing for the size of the population.
Stop being negative and support a team that does struggle and still manges to compete.  
almost 16 years
love the naievity of Charlie George. The programme to go out to the schools is to support the money received from Trusts that pays the wages, so it is not for nothing. I agree that coaching should be in the schools but please dont think that those people gave their time for nothing.
almost 16 years
Yeahright, spot on, well looks like its going to be long hard season again, has the potential to be the worst... heard the Peter Verway might be inline for the coaching job up at Roslyn? 
over 15 years
Sorry -Yeahright. I put that wrong. I meant to say that as schools its good that theres no charges to us for coaching.I understand that the programme for us schools was put in place to employ the imports,coaches etc each year. If they are getting grants for coaching in schools and people are doing the coaching.Is that not a good thing for everybody involved.
I dont think any other sport gives schools free to schools coaching on a regular basis. The good point about it all is the kids love it and if it helps keeps players here in Otago.Then it is worthwile.
almost 16 years
I agree that it is only a good thing for more kids to be exposed to coaching. What disappoints me is that it is so hit and miss. If a decent long term plan had been put in place ( minimum 3 years) then the ability to attract a better quality of player who is also a coach would have borne fruition. the problem has been that the coaching in the schools is being done so ad hoc with no real planning done. By that I mean from grant to grant.
Kids will love any sort of coaching, but I see a bigger picture whereby not only the schools benefit, but also Otago. I am not talking about imports here, they are a seperate issue. What I'm talking about are NZ based players who make a living (all be it a small one) by playing the game. In Dunedin I can only see Phelo and Fridgey in that category when in reality there should be, and could have been, a couple of players. These players then give you continuity, they can affiliate to a winter club AND more importantly carry on the coaching throughout the year so the grassroots benefit. You also have identities in the community for the youngsters to look up to.
It took Otago 3 years to go into the schools, I amjust disappointed that they have been so short sighted.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
I don't understand how so many people blab on about how we have one/two/three of the best clubs in the country based in Dunedin, and yet no-one expects Otago to finish better than last in the National League.

almost 16 years
I firmly believe it's how you set the team out so it's down to the coach. At the roadshow recently, Otago Utd reps kept stated that the players are not good enough locally.   The clubs stated they should be competing better with the players they've got. The mindset at Otago is that they will be lucky not to finish last and this transmits to the players. It needs a new coach (and board and gm)to instil some pride back into the players, have a better tactical nous than Phelo (pockets and chase)to reflect the strength at club level.
over 15 years
If somebody has said Dunedin has 3 of the best teams in the country then they are wrong - they do have three good teams but not the best in the country!
As for Otago in the NZFC there is nothing more certain than them finishing bottom this year. Never mind a new coach, get a new board who actually have a clue about the game instead of idol bastards just interested in making money for themselves and not putting the club first!
m-i-k-e2009-09-18 09:11:12
almost 16 years
m-i-k-e wrote:
If somebody has said Dunedin has 3 of the best teams in the country then they are wrong - they do have three good teams but not the best in the country!
As for Otago in the NZFC there is nothing more certain than them finishing bottom this year. Never mind a new coach, get a new board who actually have a clue about the game instead of idol bastards just interested in making money for themselves and not�putting the club first!

I agree with the sentiments about not having a clue and idol - do you know who any of them are?, but the only person within the board set up in a position to make money is chidley as the gm. I thought BVG was put in there to keep an eye on him.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
chidley has done nothing for dunedin football.
almost 16 years
Dunedin def hasn't got three of the best teams in the country, having played in the Central League, based on this years league Tech & Cavy would go alright but Roslyn would be down the bottom.

Like James Dean said its hard geographically for Otago to attract players, so its important to keep the nucleus of all the decent players from Cavy Tech & three decent imports, a play off spot is not impossible.

Also been hearing Terry Boylan is heading back to Mosgiel after turning down the Phoenix....

First Team Squad
over 15 years
good yarn perry. Agreed based on this years results you are probably right, dunedin has the potential to make the playoffs (obv not this year). Need to get some new blood in there, it is the same useless c**ts year in and year out. Steve fleming would be a great man for the job, hopefully he sucks up his pride and takes the position his record speaks for itself. horseshead212009-09-18 13:16:02
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