Early retirement
about 17 years
There has been a letter from Capital Soccer in the last few days saying they have an aim to get  referees for every senior game. 

The $$ would be there, but if no one wants the job how do they do it ?
about 17 years
Isn't that the truth!!! I for one wouldn't want to give up my saturday arvo's refereeing.....
plenty of other places to cop an earbashing!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Cap'n Hook - good to see new guys joinin up with this thread. Always trying to expand the potential and try and get all the teams on board.

Can i just say yes, the game was tense, with tempers flaring from all directions and the game did get pretty ugly, but some of ur guys went below the belt (even bringing out the race card) and started some of that homosexual talk. but its fish n chip paper now and we'll take the result even tho u guys came thru pretty strong and dominated at times with the wind. we were lucky to escape with a win to be honest.

As for that Lower Hutt SG guy, funny u say that coz we had a run in with him after our 2-0 loss back in round 3 or 4 (in the torrential rain and gales). Even tho we lost he still had the nerve to come over to us post-match and had a go at us hahahha.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Welcome Capn' Hook and welcome Seatoun- If you are the Capn' of Seatoun then I thought you were one of the better players in terms of fairness- but I�d suggest taking a bit more control of your team- I captain the Salmon and always ask my boys to respect the oppo and respect the ref and I brook no dissent � the players respect that- when we play next time can we please cut the backchat to the referee? Let�s just get on with the game eh? the worst thing about when we played you was that you were skinning us fairly and squarely and still whingeing about every little thing- like Dennis I. said noone wnats to cop an earbashing on a Saturday arvo- its a social game.
This thread is great for developing the Cap 8 communtiy nad getting a conversation going eh

Stop Out; We haven�t got Barry, our ref, for this weekend so its up to you guys now- although we can still ref a half if you want/need

about 17 years
No problemo, would be cool if you guys don't mind doing a half depending on how many we get turning up. Early indications are we may have about 14 so in that case we can do the full 90, of course now that i've said that we will probly get about 8!!!
Hopefully the weather holds out and we'll get a game in!
almost 17 years
all fair comments guys, your right too Salmon07 about taking control but the guys are mates first and a team second and thats how they see me as a captain. We are progressing tho. If you had played us last year boy i feel sorry for ya haha, but yeah our team understand we have problems. Our biggest one is that we yell so much at each other, but that is being heavily focused on lately. Good to here that a small ball is rolling in terms of referees.

Hey anyone a Liverpool fan? Rumour has it Fernando Torres is set to sign for us! bout time something started happening in the transfer market. What happened to our 'Warchest'? when we gonna open it and spend it.
about 17 years
Can fully sympathise with ya mate in regards to captaining a team made up of mates, the lines get a little blurry when it comes to discipline!!! Our stop out boys have had their moments in the past altho this year has been a big improvement(helps when you're winning for a change!) As for Liverpool, how many big name players do they need to buy to win a premiership???
Sure Torres is a great player and will score plenty of goals but I thought they had the personnel in place to stake a challenge anyways, on paper they always  look great but just seem to underperform for some reason?
Starting XI
about 17 years
man whats up with the cancelations- just found out 1/2 an hour ago that all games are off after newstalkzb said cap 8 was all go! wish they would sort it out- you stop out boys are lucky- the salmon love the wet conditions! looks like we will have to meet you guys at the end of season instead- bring on the spackoes next week!

FYI guys im on holdiay in sunny Samoa all week and i doubt checking this forum will be hiogh on my priority list- drinking Vailima and kicking back will be though, so i'll have to catch all the result and match reports when i get back in two weeks- adios and good luck for next weekend

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
we r pretty guttered that its cancelled, we have played in much worse conditions, ie last season vs Miramar rangers at fraser park.

Y r they so quick on the trigger? its stil not even 2:30, y not re-asses later in the day e.g. Its just sooo inconsistent, i remember beautiful sunny days last year on sat and game is cancelled also!

Salmon07 - Thats pretty poor with the newstalk ZB cancellation, just stuffs ppl round.

Mate i love playing in any conditions! rain or shine - football's about adapting to the conditions, u mite be right tho, back in round 3 we had a loss to Lower Hutt SGs at Te Whiti and that was in worse conditions than this! way winder and way wetter
almost 17 years
Def under rated league.always exciting and produce some absolutly cracker goals.always a bit of push and shove.which makes any game more interesting.
seatoun HOWEVER- wanna be gangstas fight amongst themesevles and cant play to save themeselves.funny to watch , look like fat kids trying to chase a cupcake.
(no offence to fat kids)
almost 17 years
Cap 8 has a new leader!

Karori Sealords 13 8 3 2 36 13 27
Stop Out 13 9 0 4 30 26 27
Lower Hutt City 2 13 8 2 3 32 16 26
Petone JJ's 13 7 1 5 31 27 22
SV Killer Bees 13 6 2 5 30 32 20
Wgtn Un Salmon 13 5 2 6 27 28 17
U/Hutt Spackoes 13 5 2 6 25 29 17
Lower Hutt SG's 13 5 1 7 36 30 16
Seatoun 13 3 1 9 22 42 10
Miramar Rangers 13 2 0 11 19 45 6

Nice goal difference too :) Looks like it's in our hands now.

Nice knowing ya Stop Out.
Mitch2007-07-15 22:32:36
Starting XI
about 17 years
Congrats Sealords- i wouldn't rule out a come back from Stop Out or Hutt City, or even JJ's - Salmon would just be happy to avoid the drop.
We played Seatoun on Sat and they were much more discplined than last time- abig ups to Mike the captain for that. our big guy Vinnie got a bit carried away and we had to sub him off before he did something silly though.
looks like the final run is going to be a cracker with every team having something to play for- except maybe Miramar who look certain for the gallows
Starting XI
about 17 years
C'mon Capital 8- wheres the discussion?- first games in three weeks and noones talking!
doesn't have to be on the games though- Phoenix, Brazil, the weather anything
Lets be hearing ya!
about 17 years

Nice one Sealord's, wouldn't rule us out just yet tho mate......

We got a reasonable run home and after shaking off the cobwebs on sat we are ready to bounce back against da spackoes!!! Would be great if we had a final fixture vs you lads to decide the title but we'll take the double and hope youse drop a point or 2 somewhere along the way

Salmon07 - do ya think our fixture with you guys will be replayed at some stage? ie. double headers like last year or something?
Starting XI
about 17 years
Hey Stop Out- yeah it'd be a shame if they didn't let us play the cancelled fixtures- last year was the only year that we didn't play all 18 games
Pray for fine weather--
Predictions for this weekend?
Salmon 3 -Lower Hutt City 1
almost 17 years

just for now mitch.

enjoy it while you can l.o.l.
still a few games left.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
It doesnt say on the website but for those who want to know we (Stop Out) drew 3-3 with Upper Hutt spackos...

Karori - dont count ur chickens before they hatch...well glady take back whats rightfully ours.

Salmon07 - how bout that win from u boys today! LH were breathing right down our shoulders.

Petone - good on ya for stepping up, tough place to win in Petone

Its gonna come down to whos going to choke come the business end

bungrightknee2007-07-21 20:48:15
almost 17 years
3-all!? Spitting Spackoes spring a surprise! Stop Out regain the lead (by 1 pt) and Sealords now have to await further failures from the fags* in first. *(all in the name of illiteration!)  A question of when, not if, I believe :)

Unfortunate result against Petone. 2 x Defensive debacle + Strong opposition = Piss poor result.

Sealords have a good run home. Stop Out vs Lower Hutt City shaping as a championship deciding match.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Well Mitch- i wouldn't be so sure ;)

And by the way we trounced Hutt City for our own benefit- not as a favour to the team that beat us  4-0! yeah we were pretty stoked with that result. Hutt City's keeper must be on your payrole!

off to the Phoenix game soon to pick up some Brazillain tips! see you at aisle 21
over 17 years
about 17 years
about 17 years
how did they lose? possibly a little cocky i would think mitch(nice to know ya sealords)!!!
good on ya son, we had a shocker against spackoes and still got a point which could decide the grade!
Then again, playing a rejuvenated salmon could be a difficult prospect but one we will relish!!! Well done the Salmon, big favour there lads!!!
Anyway the phoenix were terrific today and thats all that matters, go the bumblebees.....
Starting XI
about 17 years
Cheers Dennis

Thoughts about the nix?

Sydney were rubbish really- Slower than Miramar in the capital 8th.

Good atmosphere at the ground eh?
about 17 years

Hey Salmon07, what a game today aye!

I was in heaven just watching a kiwi football team score goals in front of a decent crowd, was a beautiful thing.... as you say, sydney were average at best but still a very encouraging performance considering the players we had missiong!
As for miramar, I can't afford to bag them haha seeing as we are in a slump and the table would suggest our easiest game of the year but after the results yesty who knows!
anyway give me a match report of how u dudes beat the gay(with a grain of salt) hutt boys??? 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Ah Dennis
if i let you read that then you'd have the secrets to our success!
Nah it'll be up on http://www.wuafc.wellington.net.nz/ pretty soon
Basically we passed the ball abput a bit, got stuck into em and took our chances
its not rocket science is it?
about 17 years
Karori Sealords       14  8  3  3  37  15  27
Stop Out              13  9  0  4  30  26  27
Lower Hutt City 2     14  8  2  4  33  20  26
Petone JJ's           14  8  1  5  33  28  25
SV Killer Bees        14  6  3  5  33  35  21
Wgtn Un Salmon        14  6  2  6  31  29  20
Lower Hutt SG's       14  6  1  7  41  31  19
U/Hutt Spackoes       13  5  2  6  25  29  17
Seatoun               14  3  2  9  25  45  11
Miramar Rangers       14  2  0 12  20  50   6
Watch out for the mighty killer bees late season run. Just jokes.
We've had a horror season with injuries and only taken 5 points off the bottom two teams. Seatoun started with only seven on Sat and held us out for 10 minutes until the rest of their team showed up. Down 3-1 the boys fought back and we looked like we'd come up with the points, but Seatoun held on well. Pretty awesome grade most team seem pretty even and not to many muppets. Seen some pretty awesome goals and play as well. Have to agree that it's one of the best grades. Very underated as we tell The boys from the Valley in Div 7.
Corndog2007-07-23 13:05:20
about 17 years
Sealords would like to make it clear to all footy lovers in div 8 that the views of a certain "Mitch" do not reflect the views of our team...and everything this muppet says should be taken with a grain of salt - he is in fact an australian import who does not understand kiwi culture...
heres an alliteration we have devised for this 'renegade'
further superficious shocking sayings on 'said' site shall see splinters in thy sphincter
hahaha anyway lads good to see an extremely tight competition...long may it continue!If only you could get bonus points for the number of supporters you bring along!
And Phoenix...where to start...AMAZING. Enough said.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Welcome Corn dog of the mighty Killer bee's.  We used to have some great battles with the bee's in the Eight Div before you flew off the radar-
 so now we have representatives from:
  • Salmon
  • Sealords
  • Stokes Valley
  • Stop OUt
  • Seatoun

The S-Club 5 eh? where are the other five teams? crying into their coffee?

C'mon Miramar, Petone JJ's, Hutt City? SG's? Spackoes? Lets be hearing ya!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Welcome aboard corndog..i have to say the killer bees avenged our 4-0 defeat of them with a solid 3-1 performance a couple sats back. they have been our bogey team for the last 3 years haha! and gotta love playing at our beloved Trafalgar on a sunny day, irrespective of the result

our 3-3 draw with Spackoes stil aint showing up, Dennis can you sort this out and give them a clip round the ears?

how good was sunday at the nix game!!
about 17 years
Thought it was a pretty good game at trafalgar much better than our 4 goals in 15 minute effort at the valley, though we lost our big midfielder in the process, damn goalies are all made of concerete. Seatoun were bitchie as always on Sat but you get that when there are no old heads to calm the young fellas  down. Have to say i enjoy playing footie rather than cricket at trafalgar. Bloody minefield.
Spackoes played pretty good in our last game. 3 all. Could be a tight finish with a few teams still in contention.
Starting XI
about 17 years
I reckon these are the teams that are still in the hunt for the top two spots-
Karori Sealords       14  8  3  3  37  15  27
Stop Out              13  9  0  4  30  26  27
Lower Hutt City 2     14  8  2  4  33  20  26
Petone JJ's           14  8  1  5  33  28  25

SV Killer Bees        14  6  3  5  33  35  21
Wgtn Un Salmon        14  6  2  6  31  29  20
With the top 4 in pole position- no easy games this year- its been great
almost 17 years

Cant believe we lost! We really choked on Saturday but to Petone's credit they were the better team...Its good to see this friendly banter within the grade and its good to be able to discuss the grade!

To the Karori boys just remember that we've played the top top three sides twice now and only have bottom and mid to play whereas Stop Out and Lower Hutt have to play eachother etc. So provding we dont lose from here we can take it out!!
Looking forward to the tight run in to the end of Season!!
about 17 years
I represent miramar, more a lurker than a poster though, esp with our results this season
Starting XI
about 17 years
Welcome Miramar
You were tough in our first round game (2-1) win but capitualted in the second (5-1)
What happened?
Best thing you can do is finish strong, restore soem pride and thow up soem upsets amongst the league leaders
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
I'd like to ask what happened to the Sealords?....not known to be chokers, step it up boys!!luggsy062007-07-25 14:09:30
almost 17 years
Lugsy Lugsy, if only you hadnt have left us for the reserves!!
Don't worry i think Sealords will pull through as long as we dont choke in the next few games!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
sort of wish they did top 4 playoffs. ie have the league as normal and the "minor premiership" and guaranteed promotion for 1st place, but have something like 1st vs 4th and 2nd vs 3rd, and the winners play in the final.

dont top 2 get promoted?? extra incentive to make the final, and a chance for 3rd and 4th to stil go up


haha or top 8 (out of 10)
almost 17 years
Similar idea to what i had. Top 5 and bottom five split to become to seperate leagues. You play everyone once and the top two in your league play in a final
almost 17 years
Similar to what Capital 13 have done if you look on the Capital Soccer website...it would suit our grade as the top 4/5 are so close!
Starting XI
about 17 years

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