Starting XI
about 16 years
That was appaling from JC. I don't agree with the Moon Man's theories and I don't intentionally follow them, but he was very hard done by in that sham of an interview. And shame on JC for interupting whilst MM was trying to give his sympathies too.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Toffeeman wrote:
Wow, complete silence here at work. Heart warming stuff for our fellow Kiwis down in Christchurch.
I was in Queensgate at the time. Really surreal for an entire mall, busy and loud as per usual, to fall almost entirely quiet. Many places around Wellington still have their signs up from notifying customers of their observation plans.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Scottishbhoy wrote:
ken ring v JC
OK, so why did they even bother putting him on? The last thing we need here is another f**kin panic merchant...
To quote a GNS scientist: "If something happens on or around March 20 he will be correct. That doesn't mean he is accurate... His predictions are akin to a horoscope, if you are vague enough then you have a better chance."
Everyone knows there will be aftershocks... again. Nobody knows where, when or how big. I guess we have to either get out or on with it.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
I-I-Iffy wrote:
OK, so why did they even bother putting him on? The last thing we need here is another f**kin panic merchant...
I'm guessing he wanted to make an example out of one crackpot to dissuade further panic merchants/reassure gullible folks. And failed.
The horoscope analogy is spot-on.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
sh*t man that little earthquake we had now was some next level sh*t,freaked me out haha
Still Believin'
over 17 years
over 17 years

funny how a normal sized earthquake freaks me out all of a sudden despite living in wellington

used to like the thrill to be honest, not so much anymore......
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

And just about every teenager rushed to update their facebook.

over 17 years
Robb wrote:
I-I-Iffy wrote:
OK, so why did they even bother putting him on? The last thing we need here is another f**kin panic merchant...

I'm guessing he wanted to make an example out of one crackpot to dissuade further panic merchants/reassure gullible folks. And failed.


The horoscope analogy is spot-on.

I think he invited him on in good faith, and then his emotions got the better of him and he let rip far more than he should have as a professional. Its understandable given the circumstances though.
Starting XI
about 17 years
I feel for the Christchurch people who came up to Wellington to escape the aftershocks and just felt that quake.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
KiwiChick1 wrote:

And just about every teenager rushed to update their facebook.

hey im 25
Starting XI
about 17 years
I tend to freeze, but this time was all action with the kids in tow...
almost 16 years
Hard to imagine what the Cantabs go through everytime they have a jolt.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Mrs Iffy just arrived. She says meh... only 4.5
Then we had one here just to keep you company
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
That one near Wellington was a baby compared to most aftershocks in Christchurch. They've had two there since that probably felt bigger than the one here.

Reference Number: 3472177
NZDT: Tue, Mar 1 2011 10:42 pm
Magnitude: 4.6
Depth: 5 km
Details: 10 km west of Lyttelton
Reference Number: 3472166
NZDT: Tue, Mar 1 2011 10:12 pm
Magnitude: 3.6
Depth: 2 km
Details: 10 km north of Lyttelton

Reference Number: 3472164
NZDT: Tue, Mar 1 2011 10:07 pm
Magnitude: 4.5
Depth: 40 km
Details: 20 km north-west of Wellington
Early retirement
over 17 years
Biggie in Chch in the last 15-20 by the looks of it.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
Reference Number: 3472177
NZDT: Tue, Mar 1 2011 10:42 pm
Magnitude: 4.6
Depth: 5 km
Details: 10 km west of Lyttelton 
Yep, was a good'un. We're getting good at guessing size/distance now.
Edit: Wasn't a jolt Junior, more like a swaying motion. Bit like Dec 18 on the way to Mollies  
I-I-Iffy2011-03-01 23:14:18
Starting XI
about 17 years
Did the preceeeding 2km deep 3.6er feel as significant as the 5km deep 4.6er I-I-Iffy?

2km is an outrageously shallow focus.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Hadn't felt a thing all day until 10:42. That's the weird bit; we're 20km west of the city in Rolleston and aren't even noticing the vast majority of aftershocks, totally different to the Darfield quake and its (continuing) series. Narrow depth=short range maybe?
about 17 years
It was just the earthquake room at Te Papa.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
JC couldve won that without resorting to interrupting him. Only made himself look like the idiot really.
It is his interview style,and its very irritating.
Starting XI
about 16 years
I'm only about 5km west of Iffy and I slept through all aftershocks last night. However this mornings smaller one was enough to make the lights flicker and shake in the cow shed about and trip out 2 irrigation pumps.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Legends of League game next Thursday night at Mt. Smart to raise cash for Christchurch:
over 17 years
Last night was a good shakeup. But had been feeling at least one of those a day, sometimes more, since Tuesday.
There was one with 0km depth on Monday I think.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Jeremy �the sign language guy� Borland at each quake press conference is doing an excellent job signing for the deaf, but I can't help feeling exhausted from just watching him signing away. He must be quite fit.
almost 16 years
The Eastbourne ferry got swamped by a wave this morning and some students from St Andrews who had relocated up to Scots were onboard.  They must feel like a dog's breakfast (or some other mixed metaphor).
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Wongo wrote:
Jeremy �the sign language guy� Borland at each quake press conference is doing an excellent job signing for the deaf, but I can't help feeling exhausted from just watching him signing away. He must be quite fit.
In that pic he looks like he's doing the "rabbit with big pointy teeth" from Monty Python & The Holy Grail.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
true, it does
Downey262011-03-02 13:06:58
about 17 years
Go Simon Dallow...
"Cruise ships could be used to accomodate rugby fans during the world cup. The idea was floated  today by Prime Minister John Key."
Nice bit of punnery Simon.
over 17 years
Jag wrote:
Wongo wrote:
Jeremy �the sign language guy� Borland at each quake press conference is doing an excellent job signing for the deaf, but I can't help feeling exhausted from just watching him signing away. He must be quite fit.
In that pic he looks like he's doing the "rabbit with big pointy teeth" from Monty Python & The Holy Grail.

"If you see a rabbit, shoot it - they can feed a small family for a few days"
Starting XI
almost 15 years
The dust is unbelieveable. It's in my eyes, my teeth, my throat and in my hair. This place is a mess. You don't have an idea of what it is like here until you see it for yourself. Stay strong Christchurch!
about 17 years
My nephew is down there at the moment and he too was saying the NW winds have really whipped up a dust storm.
I want to know what just has CHCH done to deserve the crap that has befallen them? What next? A plague of locusts?? I really do feel for them.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Jag wrote:
Wongo wrote:
Jeremy �the sign language guy� Borland at each quake press conference is doing an excellent job signing for the deaf, but I can't help feeling exhausted from just watching him signing away. He must be quite fit.
In that pic he looks like he's doing the "rabbit with big pointy teeth" from Monty Python & The Holy Grail.

Quick, where's the Holy Handgrenade!
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Did anyone else just feel that or was it just another tank driving by? I have been drinking...
Starting XI
about 16 years
Gets hard to tell sometimes huh. Even when you're sober. I remember after the 7.1, after a week of getting about 3 or 4 hours of sleep every night sometimes I wasn't sure if the ground was moving or it was just me.
over 17 years
I've been imagining a few.
Slept through all 12 (?) last night. Felt the breakfast jolt tho.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Getting my head around the intensity scale, Mercalli 8 is violent, Mercalli 5 is strong, as opposed to the Richter scale.
"One way that scientists use to estimate a locality�s future earthquake pattern is to look at its past. Since 1869, 11 strong earthquakes felt in Christchurch have resulted in Modified Mercalli scale ground shaking of 5 or more in the city":

� 1869, Christchurch, magnitude 5, ground shaking intensity 7�8

� 1870, Lake Ellesmere, magnitude 5.5, ground shaking intensity 6�7

� 1881, Castle Hill, magnitude 6.0, ground shaking intensity 5�6

� 1888, Hope Fault, North Canterbury, magnitude 7�7.3, ground shaking intensity 5�7

�  1901, Cheviot, magnitude 6.9, ground shaking intensity 6

� 1922, Motunau, North Canterbury, magnitude 6.4, ground shaking intensity 6�7

� 1929, Arthur�s Pass, magnitude 7.01, ground shaking intensity 6

� 1929, Buller, magnitude 7.8, ground shaking intensity 5�6

� 1994, Arthur�s Pass, magnitude  6.7, ground shaking intensity 3�6

� 2010, Darfield, magnitude 7.1, ground shaking intensity 5

� 2011, Lyttelton, magnitude 6.3, ground shaking intensity 8.

Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
Weah wrote:
chchnix wrote:

my laptop was in getting more grunt and was going to pick it up on tuesday but that never happened so have biked 15km to mums to see her, have a shower , do some washing and check out yf.

This certainly puts things in to persepective, sport is nt that important afterall , the whole cbd is devasted but thats not important, so many fatalities & misisng.
I walked home from town on Tuesday - many people doing the same walking down Moorhouse Ave & Ferry Rd, not one motorist pulled over to offer people a lift, even an empty bus went past - I was disgusted - I know people wanted to get home and check on loved ones but that was the time to pull together - people were walking to Sumner, probably 15km from town.

To be fair everyone would have been rushing to check on their familes, friends etc if you didn't know what happened to your family and if they were alive would you stop and pick a person you don't know and drop them home first?

and the buses weren't allowed to be running I was at school and there were 3 or 4 empty buses that were just parked on the road. Buses had to even kick off people who were on the bus before the quake
Yes I would have, infact i did, took a person home to my place and then drove them from Opawa to as close to Sumner as I could.
Starting XI
about 16 years
edward l wrote:
Getting my head around the intensity scale, Mercalli 8 is violent, Mercalli 5 is strong, as opposed to the Richter scale.
"One way that scientists use to estimate a locality�s future earthquake pattern is to look at its past. Since 1869, 11 strong earthquakes felt in Christchurch have resulted in Modified Mercalli scale ground shaking of 5 or more in the city":

� 1869, Christchurch, magnitude 5, ground shaking intensity 7�8

� 1870, Lake Ellesmere, magnitude 5.5, ground shaking intensity 6�7

� 1881, Castle Hill, magnitude 6.0, ground shaking intensity 5�6

� 1888, Hope Fault, North Canterbury, magnitude 7�7.3, ground shaking intensity 5�7

�  1901, Cheviot, magnitude 6.9, ground shaking intensity 6

� 1922, Motunau, North Canterbury, magnitude 6.4, ground shaking intensity 6�7

� 1929, Arthur�s Pass, magnitude 7.01, ground shaking intensity 6

� 1929, Buller, magnitude 7.8, ground shaking intensity 5�6

� 1994, Arthur�s Pass, magnitude  6.7, ground shaking intensity 3�6

� 2010, Darfield, magnitude 7.1, ground shaking intensity 5

� 2011, Lyttelton, magnitude 6.3, ground shaking intensity 8.

One thing that I've learned in the last 6 months is that it all comes down to where you're standing in relation to the shake. I'm guessing that ground shaking intensity was recorded in Christchurch city. During the 7.1 shake, given how close I was to the epicenter (about 5km), it was freaking intense, however during the 6.3 I was about 30km away and in all honesty wasn't quite as intense. Everyone who I've talked to in town says the 6.3 was more violent but you have to remember how much closer it was to them. Moving the CBD south west to get away from a higher ground shaking intesity rating probably wouldn't do much. There are lots of other things I've learned too from reading on geonet, like how different underground formations have different affects on the shaking. Very interesting.

I should point out that I wasn't in the same place for both earthquakes, first one I was at home and second one I was at Bush Inn, about 30km away from home in the direction of the second shake.
timmymadden2011-03-03 19:31:42
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Interesting item on Campbell a few minutes ago where a geo-scientist said (paraphrasing) that the earthquake energy was created under Lyttelton Harbour, expanded and passed through the solid rock of the port hills and then compressed as it hit the flat ground of the city. Then it reflected off the solid ground of the Canterbury Plains back towards the softer central city and eastern suburbs which wobbled around like a jelly for some time after the original fault had stopped moving.
That explains why we are barely feeling even a 4.5 here, just 20km from the city centre.
Essentially the chain of events formed a "worst case scenario" (his words).

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