Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

YET AGAIN.......

Why do they insist on obviously cheap feeds for football games?

The allblacks playing in europe never cuts out like this...im just saying....
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Ok i take that back if the electrical storm thing is true...
But my point still stands...
Can I have some lungs please miss
over 16 years
What f*#&in century are we in???

A bloody storm means the whole world loses a signal????


Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Awful. We only got about 15 minutes of the second half in the end, missed two goals and what must have been a tight finish.
Very poor.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
What's worse is Sky have done nothing to make up for the situation, instead of showing a replay of the 2nd half asap, we instead have to wait until 4pm for the full replay. 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Electrical storm = Darryl from tech support spilling his coffee all over the switchboard.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
DKP22 wrote:
Electrical storm = Darryl from tech support spilling his coffee all over the switchboard.

Maybe we should start a "Fire Darryl" campaign...

Starting XI
about 17 years
It wasn't all that bad. We got to listen to Elrick and Katsanos for 30 minutes. Being informed by Elrick that "the European Championships only have teams from Europe playing" and the attempted pronunciations of player names by both of them, such as Rustu being pronounced Rust (like oxidised metal) -oo, was a real pleasure.

f**king numpties.DKP222008-06-26 11:12:02
First Team Squad
about 16 years
ahhh wasn't sky lads was the coverage all over the world as a whole.
Aparently few fights between germans and turish in pubs when the coverage stopped.
So give sky a break had nothing to do with them
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
No offence Bob but I'm not going to take your word for that.
I reckon Sky are f**king muppets and the odds on them being to blame are high.
sh*ttest football broadcaster in the world bar none.
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Well...did anybody else think Katsanos (sp?) reasons for the outage were a bit...differing?
He said electrical storm...but then said the problem was inside the stadium....i didnt notice any sort of storm whilst the game was being played? Could be wrong...but...
Its more the fact its not the first time its happened in this tournament even...and its really really not good enough. Anyone going to bite on the fact it never happens when the allblacks play in europe?
First Team Squad
about 16 years
Smithy wrote:
No offence Bob but I'm not going to take your word for that.
I reckon Sky are f**king muppets and the odds on them being to blame are high.
sh*ttest football broadcaster in the world bar none.
evidence from soccernet.com gamecast.

And we've lost pictures again! Tee hee! Sack the electricity board!!

search google on tv coverage of semi final euro 2008 everyone watching it on tv got crap coverage - had nothing to do with sky.

i disagree sky shows every phoenix game live what are you complianing about it could be on tv 1 with keith quinn.

First Team Squad
about 16 years
dairyflat wrote:
worldwide feeds are coordinated through one point: an International Broadcast Center (we mention it below). In this case it was the IBC in Vienna. A lightning strike killed the feed from the game, and then when the tournament's governing body, the Union of European Football Associations, went to the backup feed, inclement weather killed that one too. Nwulu said sports producers told him that this was "the first time this has happened to this extent in recent memory."
im sure sky and myself weill recieve your apologies smithy.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
In Germany they managed to get the local Swiss TV feed on-air and at least in England they had the good sense to use the radio broadcast when the video crapped out
over 16 years
Yes, in Germany they had an audio commentary when the first blackout happened and they had the Swiss TV feed during the second blackout. There was no third blackout worldwide so the last one must have been Sky's fault. I am really disappointed and angry about Sky and how they handled the problems. Listening to two such incompetent commentators was a pain and what they talked was utter rubbish. They could have done an audio commentary as in Germany. Just unbelievable that this happened! And the most unbelievable thing is that a blackout with Sky happened before at the Quarter final between Italy and Spain during extra-time. I really wonder how Sky will broadcast the final. If there is another blackout, then...
Starting XI
about 17 years
stephange wrote:
And the most unbelievable thing is that a blackout with Sky happened before at the Quarter final between Italy and Spain during extra-time.
That blackout was purely sky's fault as i was watching the civerage from malaysia with same feed and commentataor and they didnt have a dropped signal, i was calling out the penalties over the phone to the packed pub.
UberGunner2008-06-26 15:21:05
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
yeah i was texting my German lad during the game and he said they only had the one black out.  So glad he was texting me updates - loved it when I announced the second goal and the pub went nuts, had so much fun at backbencher this morning AWESOME atmosphere.
Starting XI
about 17 years
smarah wrote:
So glad he was texting me updates - loved it when I announced the second goal and the pub went nuts, had so much fun at backbencher this morning AWESOME atmosphere.
Was that you???!  Great moment!! 
dairyflat2008-06-26 15:46:07
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
dairyflat wrote:
smarah wrote:
So glad he was texting me updates - loved it when I announced the second goal and the pub went nuts, had so much fun at backbencher this morning AWESOME atmosphere.
Was that you???!  Great moment!! 
Yep. You weren't the twat who stood right infront of me for five minute so I couldn't see were you? 
Starting XI
about 17 years
Nope, we were away to your left... then again even if I stood in front of you it's not likely that at my great height any view would be obscured... 
over 16 years
Alright so basically this is what happened:
Monday Italy vs France Quarterfinal:
Sky lost their coverage for approximately 10-15 mins from the 2nd half of extra time up untill about the half way point of the penalties.

At the time, I believe that the Sky hosts claimed that this was an international problem and that other stations were having the same difficulties.

However, as far as I know and from what a  few people on this forum have said, other stations which used the same feed in other countries did not have any cut outs.
After todays interuptions which were an international problem, a Sky spokesman has said that they are investigating what happened on Monday, and that no one would be getting refunds unless coverage is lost for atleast 24hours. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/4/story.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=10518471
That is ridiculous really.
One must question why we were lied to on monday when the host said it was a international problem.
Why on earth has it taken so long for them to begin an investigation into what happened.
And I am no lawyer but im pretty sure sky have breached thousands of contracts with their failure to provide decent coverage. The fact is we pay a fee to sky every month, and in exchange they are supposed to provide us with quality tv. My monthly fee is $66.99. If i only pay $60.00 a month to sky then they cancel the contract and stop providing me with the tv coverage.
Sorry to mumble on but whats happened over last few days has really pissed me off, Skys treatment of football fans in this country has for years been shocking and its time it stops.
I have called them twice today and complained and I strongly advise you all to give them a call at some point to let them know you are not happy with their service.
footballer2008-06-26 17:16:05
Starting XI
about 17 years
smarah wrote:
yeah i was texting my German lad during the game and he said they only had the one black out.  So glad he was texting me updates - loved it when I announced the second goal and the pub went nuts, had so much fun at backbencher this morning AWESOME atmosphere.
Yeah i felt a bit of a pillock going upstairs to get the score of the web, finding out Germany scored, rushing downstairs to announce  it and you already all new. ill just stay put if it happens tomorrow :)
Starting XI
about 17 years
I don't care if it was an electrical storm in Vienna. Sky are still c**ts.
First Team Squad
about 16 years
DKP22 wrote:
I don't care if it was an electrical storm in Vienna. Sky are still c**ts.
why they play every decent sport you could dream of, yes more of rugby but rugby gets more viewers than football just cause of the time zones etc etc - they play the phoenix - they play live english premier league with all the pre shows and reviews - wat the f**k more do you want?
tvnz  and tv3 aint exactly angels either.
stop your whining.
almost 17 years
I was at work for the second half so I was 'watching' the EPSN Soccernet webcast, they lost signal a couple of times and were making comments like the fact for a while they had to listen to the radio broadcast to know what was going on.

Perhaps not entirely an international issue since Sky seems to have lost coverage for longer than most... Soccernet only missed Germany's second goal in terms of significant events during the game blackouts.
about 17 years
DKP22 wrote:
It wasn't all that bad. We got to listen to Elrick and Katsanos for 30 minutes. Being informed by Elrick that "the European Championships only have teams from Europe playing" and the attempted pronunciations of player names by both of them, such as Rustu being pronounced Rust (like oxidised metal) -oo, was a real pleasure.

f**king numpties.
Im surprised someone didnt throw a brick at the TV. Cant believe they had Elrick on here - bad luck. I think I prefered the German that I had.
Starting XI
over 16 years
I'd rather watch happyted present a Nix game than the numpties from sky.

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