The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Hi.  My name is Siggy and it's been 24 hours since my last battle... HELP!

At least it was a win.

about 17 years

Talk about camping Facok (apptly named), KV-1S sat in El Halluf doing F all along with Vernados who I guess at least got one kill. Xerephah is flipping out as he's killed, scouted and basically won the game for us, trying to goad them into action as the clock was running down.

When we are around 5 to 2 left Facok says "Go" and goes to take down the badly beaten up Hummel and the Hellcat with Vernados and the others. Anyhow he pulls his slow ass over to their cap but runs out of time as he's left it to late and they've all dithered as to kill or cap the result is a draw. 

At one point Xerephah was up against 5 tanks at their camp, whilst I was playing cat and mouse with chichi25 the KV-1S in my T-49.Facok sat at J6 the entire time and if he'd just moved to J7 I could have survived as I was scrapping at H6. Gabablaka also just sitting on the friggin K line.

Unreal we had this sown up.

Our base was J2.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm looking forward to tank of the month.  A T80 vs the SU-85b.  Boom.

Wondering if I can match the T-80 rewards from killing them.

about 17 years

Off to bed for before nightshift

50 games played.

Wins 33

Loses 16

Draws 1

Best tank:

StuGIII  Wins 16 Loses 8 with 26 kills 

over 11 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Off to bed for before nightshift

50 games played.

Wins 33

Loses 16

Draws 1

Best tank:

StuGIII  Wins 16 Loses 8 with 26 kills 


Nice work FT.  Now get some sleep.

about 17 years
vickmeist23 wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

Off to bed for before nightshift

50 games played.

Wins 33

Loses 16

Draws 1

Best tank:

StuGIII  Wins 16 Loses 8 with 26 kills 


Nice work FT.  Now get some sleep.

Slept for an hour what time you home?
about 17 years

After doing ok today, had a quick blatt before work and could not buy a win until this little battle came along. Very satisfying finding a sheltered ambush spot in Redshire with my lil T-28.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
about 17 years
Tegal wrote:


Lol completely, I had my tent, camping stove and deckchair!

I actually intended to move on, but got pinned down by the KV-1 so thought f*it,  I ain't moving. When the three tanks rolled past without noticing me allowing me to fill their arses full of lead I thought this is a great spot! 


Bet it never works again though.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Hey Tegal,

Sorry about the Plat last night.  Munk and I had just had a couple of horrors in the T40s, one where MM trolled us into a massively Tier VI battle (that ended with me vs a full strength KV-2 and KV-1s) the a Tier IV where the team collapsed and I didn't notice so Munk was left saranded.  Irritatingly we ran into a PLat of SU-85bs and T40 which would notmally have been us and tyhe SU-85bs killed both of us.

I did kill my first Tier IX last night with my SU-122-44.  Which was nice.

over 17 years

Only played a couple of times last night...but did play one of the more memorable games in the Mat BP:

Went into the valley.  Tried to play peek-a-boo - not very well.  Retreated when down to about 5% life. Score was 7-11.  Then got two kills in the retreat.  Got a spartan.  Went back to base to help out.  Arty killed a full strength enemy medium.  Went to cap - killed an enemy arty trying to do the same.  Made it to cap with my last friendly - the "hero" arty.  Won.  Had no right to - the enemy simply choked. 

about 17 years

Good job Stevo. I find you can never predict how that map is going to turn out.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I love it in a TD platoon if you can convince the heavies to go through town and someone wtches the main road.  Munk and I once absolutely smashed it from the North in the Lawnmower (renault UE) and the Jeep (T-82).  It was just us and arty in the valley and everyone else stormed through town.  The top of the hill was a graveyard of tanks filled with 57mm rounds.

Early retirement
over 17 years

On that subject.  What is your most hated map?

What map turns up and you just collapse demoralised when you see it?

Mine is Port.

I hate it.  It has provided me with two comedy moments (the air launch on the 1c - and yesterday getting a kill for pushing arty into the harbour - my 2nd drowning kill in the new 8.6 rules) but nothing about it suits my style.  MM comes up and I just go FFS.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Port also for me, tho Highway North spawn offers very little fun either

about 17 years

Totally agree.  Port map just confuses. This is prettty much the only map that I just don't have any plan as to where I'm going. I stick to the flanks in my TD's, but I just don't have much luck.


Probalby followed by Pearl River,  Sacred Valley, or Lakeville. They are ok just not great.


Favs in no particular order:


South Coast, Sand River, Westfield, Fjords, Highway, Ruinberg, Widepark. Airfield, El Halluf if at the top and Morovanka if I'm at the top also.


And of course all the low tier maps.



Early retirement
over 17 years
Munk wrote:

Port also for me, tho Highway North spawn offers very little fun either

Highway North?  With the billboard?  Highway South...
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Munk wrote:

Port also for me, tho Highway North spawn offers very little fun either

Highway North?  With the billboard?  Highway South...

thats the one!
Early retirement
over 17 years

Not a bad weekend to be on the US Server:

I bought a T-80 last night for the first 'mission'.  Play 10 games in it and you get bonus credits and experience so for the month I'll use it to grind crews (despite what the game says you get experience from using them in another non-premium tank).  WIth bonus 30% credits as well I just need premium for it to be reasonably profitable and to not get too many Tier VI battles from that bitch match-maker.

Project T-62A

I free-experienced to the top gun on the T-34-85 and have the first engine upgrade.  The new gun is much better.  My win rate in it did slip to 40% but has now pushed back up to the mid 50s range (with help from Munk) as Match-maker was playing quite nice last night on that.  Not so much the STuGs which got an awful Tier VII battle on Karelia.  

I have unlocked the T-25/2 as well from the Hellcat but at 1.2m credits it's going to need a big sale this weekend (and/or a gift pack with credits) to get one in my garage.  The same problem I have with the JgPz IV.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Just posted this in the failed to carry part of the sea forums -fair to say I didnt get a lot of support during this battle -damaged 11, destroyed 7..

Early retirement
over 17 years

...and I poked sticks in you in the same thread.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I needs more purplez:

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

...and I poked sticks in you in the same thread.

thats was terrible - 4 carries in a row that turned into losses -the combo breaker was very stressful... 
about 17 years
Munk wrote:

Just posted this in the failed to carry part of the sea forums -fair to say I didnt get a lot of support during this battle -damaged 11, destroyed 7..

Haha that's an epic effort!!! Look at the rest of your team? 9 did bugger all apart from entering the game  - priceless!!!
Early retirement
over 17 years

Interesting stuff going down this weekends.  Acres of specials and promos.

over 17 years

Can't believe I'm now +31, and at 54% in the Matty BP.  A constant threat on the battlefield now...

over 17 years

The only map which concerns the BP is Highway (south spawn)...trying to reach the town often involves the "circle of death" treatment from an enemy light/medium....

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

I hope this isn't one of us -i did suggest they change thier account name so it doesnt reflect badly on the country..

i just witnessed this "player" lose a completely winnable  situation, being unable to finish off a 17% KV1s, a 40% BDR and a 2% Grille-in thier VK3601 -I notice the 38% win rate in that 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Just go straight to their cap.  Bypass town :-)

My glorious two initial victories in the T-80 were followed by two losses yesterday and Munk now refusing to platoon with me when I run it.  The 2nd one was in a majorly Tier VI battle where I got 4th in damage... which says something about how the rest of the team went.

For this weekend I will be:

Buying a T25/2.  It's shit but it's all i can get to in a Tier 7 to have a lash at the Tier 7 rewards this weekend (Shame my Premium is exempt).  Think I need about 50k cash for the 30% off purchase price.

I'll also bash around in things most likely to win me a TG or have me top three in damage for the other rewards - T40, STuG, Su-85b, T127 and T18.  Matilda a possible as well.  I will get a guage on how many goods are running Tier VII vs how many bads trying to get the rewards before I consider running the SU-122-44. 

Suppose I'd better run the T-34-85 a little as well... and the T-80

Missed in the hype around the main events are 2x crew experience which is always great value and a weeks premium for the price of three days. I'll be working on those as well, particularly as my Hellcat, T-34 and STuG crews are around the 90% mark on first skills and I need to re-grind a Russian light crew now my light crew are in the T-34-85.

I might also load 8.7 into test and have a play with the new German Premium TD.

Of course this does require Mrs. News being in a tolerant mood so the reality might just be run everything once.

Early retirement
over 17 years

How do you only have a max experience of 725 in a 36.01H ? 170 battle in a VK!!!

Makes Junior News and Matti look superb (fair to say they are 'works in progress').

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

How do you only have a max experience of 725 in a 36.01H ? 170 battle in a VK!!!

Makes Junior News and Matti look superb (fair to say they are 'works in progress').

i guess it takes all sorts... but why always me?
Early retirement
over 17 years
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Imagine him in a T-80.

In a  platoon with you
over 17 years
Munk wrote:

I hope this isn't one of us -i did suggest they change thier account name so it doesnt reflect badly on the country..

Dude, he could have "issues"...once, I checked on the noobmeter my Ruski Valentine stats...saw a guy with some quite frankly, atrocious stats...then had to check out his WOT profile...

He had played one kind of arty over 3,000 times - for something like 7 kills!  Seriously.

Something not quite right there...

Early retirement
over 17 years

'some people just play for fun dad.  it doesn't have to be competitive'

Fucking kids today.

This was after I used his account to rage at a team in a battle he had played and call them all fucking idiots.

Oh, and Munk. GGF.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

'some people just play for fun dad.  it doesn't have to be competitive'

Fucking kids today.

This was after I used his account to rage at a team in a battle he had played and call them all fucking idiots.

Oh, and Munk. GGF.

lol -maybe there should be World of Tanks by Nerf -they can all bugger off there and fire nerf darts and flowers at each other
also -ty Sig -Good Good Friend
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Perhaps the controlling sideline parents initiatives in sport need to also somehow be applied to computer games!!

over 17 years

Sad thing was though - the guy with 3000 for 7, had a win rate better than my Ruski Matilda...

Early retirement
over 17 years

This weekend I also wish to work on removing the Yellow in this:

Stoppid T-80 leaving me at 50% yesterday...

Early retirement
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Perhaps the controlling sideline parents initiatives in sport need to also somehow be applied to computer games!!

I have promised not to communicate with teams when signed on as him.  Particularly when it is a battle he is fighting not me.
Mind you, yesterday I got a five kill in a T18 derpathon in his T18.  No need for raging then.

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