The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm generally around 170 but I need more graffix power as my fps can bomb horribly in wooded areas.  This is a problem when 90% of your battle are fought in TDs.

UG did say his dropped by 70 rather than to 70.

We all get one of these tomorrow:

Wonder how it compares to the T-127.  Hopefully they are worse so I can beat them up.

Big weekend specials.  Slots and re-training the keys for me.

Starting XI
over 17 years

yeah I should have said I get around 150-220 ping to the US west server were 220 used to be the minimum on the east coast server.

And I have to wait until Saturday morning to try the free tank.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Looks like a slightly weaker T-127. 

Quicker but with no preferential match-making.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Now, Im not saying the E25 is overpowered,

but the E25 is OP and a frickin blast -

this was my very 1st run

With Rammer and Vents and crew with Bia that was a shell every 3 secs  -and the aim time is really quick-a platoon of these would be deadly -did i mention top speed is 65

over 17 years

You need to try the Matty Black Prince dude...

almost 16 years

Just read about Glorious Mission

Could be fun...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Junior.  Behave.

Me?  Seal-Club?  Never?

In my defence my win rate in this was awful.  I think the only wins I had were in Tier I of campaign Clan Wars.  I bought it back to grind a crew up for the next campaign and this was my first run.  

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

We got smacked in our first time out in our E-25s, thanks MM, but I did manage to get thier T71

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

and some long range sniping fun and games at El Halluf

Early retirement
over 17 years

I just failed to carry VickMeist on Sand River.  Was dreaming of a Kolob having killed three of the last five but got undone by a bastard Cruiser that fluked into finding me with just him and a STug left.

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I just failed to carry VickMeist on Sand River.  Was dreaming of a Kolob having killed three of the last five but got undone by a bastard Cruiser that fluked into finding me with just him and a STug left.


Yeah watched that one.

Actually managed to play for a bit last night, maybe an hour. Still getting random, (once every 5 games), Nvidia/WOT game crashes but not as bad and the cursor issue that was slowing the game looks to have been solved by a registry cleanup. My god I enjoyed playing the game for once.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

E-25 - 15 battles -46 destroyed -81% hit rate - get one before the nerf

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Do you guys have server reticle enabled?  I don't because it seems to make me wait too long to shoot because of the 140ms ping.  What is your advice?

Early retirement
over 17 years

No.  I use no mods at all.

There are a couple of XVM things that I am tempted by but the temptation to then use the whole lot would do my head in.  The last thing I want to see is a SEA of red (see what I have done there).

I acquired 6 tanks at the weekend.

Somua Sau-40 (re-acquired to try and get a good score for TD manouvres)
T1 - It's for campaigns.  Honest.
A20 - Under 50% win rate.  I want to rectify that.
ARL v39 - Two battles.  Two losses.  The rate of fire drove me mental with the top gun.  The 2nd to top 90 has a better ROF but can't pen anything and this thing has no camo at all.  Might have to give up on it but will give it a few more battles and try the 105 from the s35-CA
E25 - Ah.  A love hate relationship.  0 for 7 in it.  I have had three kills a couple of times in it but the teams around me collapse horribly.  I love it but MM or something doesn't love me in it.
LTP - One battle.  A loss.  Not a patch on my T-127 and it has a loader.  None of my other three Russian lights have a loader so the only crew I can use it for training really is an MS-1 crew... or I could get a T-50 but they seem so slow (ha ha ha)

I did get both my T40 and Su-85b crews to 2nd skill though.  Good weekend with the 3x.  If you won/win your daily double and were/are top in experience you could get 18x crew experience from one battle.

I did try and grind my STuG crew yesterday to 6th sense but form was patchy and the E25 failure didn't help.

Thinking I might get an ELX on special this week.  Just have o get through the 40... maybe not.

Oh yeah.  Also I've dumped Project T-62A and moved on to Project Foch - hence the ARL.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Yes.  A fucking win!!!

Early retirement
over 17 years

...and then I bought me some vermin.  Not great but an okay start.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

T40 on South coast, 2 incoming T49s

about 17 years

Quick blatts today as my gut has finally talked me into less WOT and more exercise.

Unreal Lakeshire.

Me, a med tank and another TD head for town. Almost everyone lemmings the far valley. Our top tier 9 Heavy though thank god is a genius, what a tactical mastermind and decides to defend the middle road with two TD's. 

Enemy side piles into town, us 3  keep them busy from trying to cap for about 4 minutes. The lemmings get bogged down in the valley. Our Top-Gun heavy,(god not even afk, idle, etc), spends his time taking pot shots at the 5 or so tier 7-9 heavies,etc in town who are happily capping. He can't hit then as he's defending the middle road from nobody and he can't see the cap.

I thought clan players had a clue or is that a myth? Think his clan are called MVF or something.

Strangely enough they cap with I think zero losses.

It's good keeps me from playing and instead I'm preparing for Taupo.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Its been a bad couple of days out there..

over 17 years

Worked my tail off to get the BP to the giddy heights of 55%...

Now known as the "Wrath of Heaven"...

over 17 years
about 17 years

T34-85 - written off by many as a crap tank but I think it's great fun

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

I take it you have the top gun on that? When fully upgraded its a lot of fun -currently on the T-43 -not as much fun

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Was nice to see Mr and Mrs Fortean in their Hellcats tonight - they were the victims of a crap team tho..

I shot you both! But Siggy got the kill

over 11 years
Munk wrote:

Was nice to see Mr and Mrs Fortean in their Hellcats tonight - they were the victims of a crap team tho..

I shot you both! But Siggy got the kill

Yeah that was embarrassing, i think we were the only ones that got kills though!

Early retirement
over 17 years

You were.  I shot you both as well but killed Fort.  Someone else got you VickMeist.

We won't mention the Ruinberg battle where again you had a very poor team.  I didn't do much in that.  Following a clan mate around who hit with every shot while I missed.  ALthough I mya have hit you VickMeist.

over 11 years
Hard News wrote:

You were.  I shot you both as well but killed Fort.  Someone else got you VickMeist.

We won't mention the Ruinberg battle where again you had a very poor team.  I didn't do much in that.  Following a clan mate around who hit with every shot while I missed.  ALthough I mya have hit you VickMeist.

you are such a diplomat!  I must admit wine was involved...of course not making excuses though (hhmm)


over 11 years

Now, I am a sensitive soul, and I stupidly kinda get a bit pissed off when someone calls me a noob, or openly abuses me in game for my tactics (no doubt justified sometimes :)), BUT another player did this to me the other night during game, THEN he also DMd me to say it was my fault we lost the game (Fort was playing too and said it clearly wasn't).  I gave a carefully worded response and then blocked him.  Has this happened to any of you guys??

about 17 years
vickmeist23 wrote:

Now, I am a sensitive soul, and I stupidly kinda get a bit pissed off when someone calls me a noob, or openly abuses me in game for my tactics (no doubt justified sometimes :)), BUT another player did this to me the other night during game, THEN he also DMd me to say it was my fault we lost the game (Fort was playing too and said it clearly wasn't).  I gave a carefully worded response and then blocked him.  Has this happened to any of you guys??

Yeah it was Sigfried Line Assault we were defending. I'm not sure what the guys problem was. We were pretty much overrun in the south/middle straight away. (Myself, this guy and Vicks were north), the game was pretty much over. I killed one and was taken out. This guy died. Vickmeist killed 4 and was last man standing.

I think he was wanting you to come straight into the base rather than trying to circle them, (that approach killed me and him though so not great tactics). But by that point the game was lost and either tactic was doomed as you were up against another 6 odd tanks.

You need to not let it get to you.

Today got my KV1 pulled into a tier 7 battle were everyone was calling each other "f*cking noob", "idiot" or "f*cking moron" I'm guessing all the kids just got up a little cranky without their sugar fixes.

Still having Nvidia graphics card problems, despite getting help form WOT and uninstalling everything and rolling back drivers. I can crash every game or I can go 20 games without one. Getting pretty annoyed as reading forums etc seems to be WOT's issue rather than Nvidia. Won't put up with it for much longer.

Do I buy the New Total War game? Has an even worse history of crashing than WOT.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I don't think someone who killed one, can blame the loss of a game on someone who killed 4. 

over 11 years

It was more the fact he personally contacted me to abuse me, rather than how crap or great I was, oh well 8 games today and 8 losses...

about 17 years
vickmeist23 wrote:

It was more the fact he personally contacted me to abuse me, rather than how crap or great I was, oh well 8 games today and 8 losses...

lol "fr*ggin noob, u suk, etc".

(hides carving knife)
over 17 years

A few days ago, one guy got pretty shitty with my so-called camping at Ehrenburg - I'm a BP for goodness sakes - and I got the full "noob" treatment...then checked out his record...I had the last laugh!

Oh, I just won this...a 'Burno's Medal'...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Name and shame VickMeist.  We're happy to put shots into someone who is being a dickhead to our allies.

I've been having a love/hate relationship with my bathtub.  Consistently top three in damage but just getting the worst teams imaginable (or opposition that is stacked).  W/R in it tanked from 70+ to 55% as I tried to get it to 100% first skill.

Then last night it all came together.  In two battles I made 10,000 XP with the September monthly bonuses, including a top gun + Halonen match on Severogorsk.

First skill done.  6th sense on.  Perry re-sold (my 3rd time with with the SAu-40).  Now... to re-train the crew to my AC 46 and start again with a new bathtub crew or not...

September specials fantastic for crew and XP grinding.

Also, for those with a German medium line.  If you have the 30.01 (H) in your garage when 8.8 comes out you get a free tank, a free slot and a free 100% crew.  It's being made a Tier V heavy so you get the new Tier VI medium as a replacement and you end up with both a heavy and a medium crew.

over 17 years

The 3,000th...

Current state of the BP project...

over 17 years

Personally, I think I'm a fairly world clarsh BP pilot - why then is my winning average below the SEA average for the BP?  Sucks.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Probably because you are solo pubbing and your rivals platoon alot more.

Can make a huge difference with the average mental age of some of the idiots on this server.

Also.  I bought a Dicker Max.  EVERYTHING bounces it.  In three battles I think i have had one penetrating shot and that is a guess as it was a blind shot.

over 17 years

Poor tonight.  Down to 53% in the BP.  Some of these noobs out there are just so woeful.  

And cowardly too.  Can't stand that.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Oh yes.  Had one last night in the D.Max - Ruinberg twice in five battles in it - I was the only one that went to the road on the right side of the map.  Got two kills.  In a Tier 7 battle we had a KV-1s that got three and me, and that was it.

about 17 years

Terrible team tactics at Erlenberg. Heavies going halfway down the map when defending the base on Assault map. Then they can't get back in time to stop the base getting capped. Seen this happen 3 times in the last day. This is tier 6-8 not noobs either.

I play and enjoy my KV-1 now and again so I understand it's important for a heavy not to get isolated, but training it down to the other team's spawn point on assault???

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