We all dream of a team of Team Andys
over 12 years
SurgeQld wrote:

It's an opportunity for Te Whever to get on the front foot... adopting the NZ Football comms methodology (aka: the Emu) will, by default, reinforce the negativity/secrecy inferred in the article.

Invite him on the poddy, answer his q's publicly (and openly as he seems to infer some secret society kinda thing lol). Use their (Fairfax) own forum (that readers article Stuff Nation bollocks) platform to do so.

And, get him to write a follow-up article answering his own questions (and more). 

It's an opportunity - make the most of it.

I like that idea Surge. From what I have seen the Fever have nothing to hide and the Exec do a hell of a lot of work in their own time for the good of the supporters, club and football.
about 15 years

I wonder if he thinks servers, website maintenance and bandwidth come for free.......

over 17 years

Maybe Dom Post want to put up the $1200 for our freestyle comp (that got rained off at great expense)? Or maybe they can reply when I email them asking to publicise it?

Starting XI
over 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:

It's an opportunity for Te Whever to get on the front foot... adopting the NZ Football comms methodology (aka: the Emu) will, by default, reinforce the negativity/secrecy inferred in the article.

Invite him on the poddy, answer his q's publicly (and openly as he seems to infer some secret society kinda thing lol). Use their (Fairfax) own forum (that readers article Stuff Nation bollocks) platform to do so.

And, get him to write a follow-up article answering his own questions (and more). 

It's an opportunity - make the most of it.

So so so much this. 
Early retirement
over 17 years

As he was in the BackBencher pre-game yesterday, in the Fever Zone, and knows who pretty much all of us are would it have hurt him to wander over and ask us?

Anyway. Meh.


David Cross - https://twitter.com/the_Nighthawks

(Updated for transparency)

about 15 years
2ndBest wrote:

Who exactly are the Yellow Fever?


Just what is the Yellow Fever fan club? How do you become a member? What happens to profits from their merchandise?

These questions stem from a conversation with a non-footballing friend who asked me if I was a Yellow Fever member.

I have a club membership. The membership card says Yellow Fever Zone. That’s good because I like to stand, sing, and shout my support.

It certainly makes me part of the Yellow Fever crowd but does it make me part of the fan club? Or is the club, as has been suggested to me, simply a website forum?

Well, for sure, it’s a bit more than that. Yellow Fever Ltd is a registered company with one director/shareholder and two other shareholders.

What I also know is that Yellow Fever Ltd management, or their representatives, get to decide what is written on a giant banner traditionally unfurled before games. They get to submit articles for the Nix programme. They get to organise trips to games outside Wellington. They get to represent the fans with stadium management. They get invitations to media events.

Good on them.

Then comes the Yellow Fever merchandise, primarily t-shirts such as the Retro-Ricki.

There are new t-shirt designs every season. They are sold in shops such as Ryos. They’re as classy as a Hernandez free kick. I own three different styles.

Does the merchandise make a profit and if so where does that profit go?

It’s time for the Yellow Fever to have a transparent leadership structure and to insist on  memberships.

Having a website forum so fans hiding their identities can spread whatever rubbish they want doesn’t cut it as a fan club. All fans deserve a voice but they should be clearly identifiable.

Wellington Phoenix Football Club needs to play a larger part in Yellow Fever operations. For example, it should take a lead from AFL teams which hold BBQs for official fanclub members. They do that because they know without fans, there is no club.

Yellow Fever-founders rightfully received plaudits for creating a good atmosphere at the Cake Tin after the club formed in 2007. But more than six years later and the time has come to step it up a level.

I have never signed a Yellow Fever membership form or paid a membership fee. As far as I’m aware, no one else has either. Ask me and I’d do both – so long as there is transparency of operations and management.

I love the Phoenix and being part of the Fever crowd but these are valid questions that demand some clear answers


Why do they 'demand clear answers'? This is not a publicly run company that files reports with the SX. Get your hand off it.

Its a fan group pure and simple and some people have chosen to give it a bit of 'organisation' (read: shambles)

No one is forced to sign up, no one is forced to pay anything. I would hazard a guess that pretty much everything is done on a volunteer basis to give others enjoyment and any cash that comes in from merchandise etc, covers costs and thngs like server maintenance, domain registration, bandwidth. The podcast equipment broke - who pays for the fixing of that?

What a dickhead. Why does something that we enjoy have to be pulled down by an article like that. So what if the 'YF exec' happen to make $20k each. It does not bother me in the slightest and would not begrudge them that for the time and effort put in.

This guy should focus on writing an article thats about a real issue.

over 17 years

Some people here got stuck into Worthington's character assassination on Herbert and now his mate (boss?) is sticking up for him with name calling.  Almost predictable, certainly embarassing. 

No one should be surprised by Fairfax though.  Surprised they haven't bugged the Fever guys phones.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Its a fan group pure and simple and some people have chosen to give it a bit of 'organisation' (read: shambles)


over 17 years

can everyone pls disclose their real identity after each post.



about 15 years
Feverish wrote:

can everyone pls disclose their real identity after each post.




I'm Mike, I'm 62 and I'm an alcoholic. I have worked as a chiropractor but retired a fair while ago and have an intense dislike of the Dominion Post. Am I in the right room?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Why do they 'demand clear answers'? This is not a publicly run company that files reports with the SX. Get your hand off it.

Its a fan group pure and simple and some people have chosen to give it a bit of 'organisation' (read: shambles)

So much this.

Patrick Barnes
about 15 years

My wife got involved in that whole Twilight movie shit (do not get me started) and she participated in their online forum. They did little 'membership' cards and crap like that but she did not pay anything. They used to organise massive screenings of the films when they were released and all went along paying to the cost of going etc. I think she paid something like $80 each time. Now $80 to go to the movies seems quite excessive but as she said, its not about the money, its about the enjoyment I get from being involved. If someone running the thing makes a dollar out of it, I'm not fussed. Its called 'contribution' and much like software releases that are free on the interwebs sometimes call for a donation or contribution, there is no 'if I give you this cash as a contribution, you have to tell me exactly where every penny went' thing and I feel this place is much the same. How many people have stated they purchased the app or the fever card simply to give a donation to YF.

Eventually (for anyone that cares) it all fell apart because groups of women bitch and they bitch hard (harder than Steve-O on here) but the general principle crossed over to what we do here and remains much the same. 

about 13 years

I blame Edward Snowden.

Ricki Herbert

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Hi, my real name is Sheila Incognito, my hobbies include goalkeeping, prog rock, and telling Dom Post journos to piss up a rope.

More seriously, Dave Burgess was one of those guys who kept hounding Terry long after he'd gone bankrupt, right?

On probation
over 13 years

My name is Sam Worthin....fuck

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Doloras wrote:

More seriously, Dave Burgess was one of those guys who kept hounding Terry long after he'd gone bankrupt, right?

Yes, but apparently that was because he was told to by the uppers at the Dom Post and he was just doing what he is paid to do, his job.
about 15 years
TV wrote:

My name is Sam Worthin....fuck

That was laugh out loud funny.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Does anyone actually care who I am?

Benjamin Button

about 15 years
fuckhead wrote:
Wellington Phoenix Football Club needs to play a larger part in Yellow Fever operations.
Do the club really care providing we are not affecting the brand?

Why is he not calling for WSW to have a greater part in the RBB? Those roosters are out and out loco.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
almost 16 years

Also something about feeding a troll.

(and cross reference Patrick's definition of blog/opinion piece, post #433)

about 15 years
Junior82 wrote:

Also something about feeding a troll.

(and cross reference Patrick's definition of blog/opinion piece, post #433)

Yeah point taken. 

The difference is (as Dave NZ noted on the articles comments section and HN noted) he literally hangs out with all those guys every week and does not go 'hey lads....' I mean that is like taking out a full page advert asking the wife whats for dinner tonight when you could have text her or asked her when you were leaving in the morning. It is just being xxxxx for the sake of it.

I'd also like to point out the following which would go down well on a classy t-shirt.

"No Yellow Fever = No Marco Rojas"


xxxxx - Language Jeff.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I liked his wording of "they get to" do this and that. As if theyre some things that other people don't get to do, rather than something you give up your precious free time to do that we all enjoy. 


You've repeatedly asked for help from people for various things, so its not some exclusive thing that shareholders have and others are excluded from, like he is making out.


over 17 years

Has he relied to any of the comments on his blog?

Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

"No Yellow Fever = No Marco Rojas"

Chances are he'd of been signed up some other way.

What's with the defensive stance on the blog and the ripping into him on twitter?
Why not accept the challenge and rise up and make the experience better.  
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I'm sure you're welcome to contribute in some way to make things better. RR does the tipping comp, which has now become a cool TAB competition within it. I shambolically contribute by organising the fever trophy manager competitions. Different people contribute different things to the fever, some may do more than others for sure, but I think its a bit cheeky of you to stand up and tell others to rise and make things better, when all you generally do is criticise and complain to those who do contribute, without really contributing anything yourself. 

So maybe take up your challenge, and rise to it. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

You also have to wonder if it is in response to 2Bs complaint about that article last week. 

over 17 years
Bobobalde wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

"No Yellow Fever = No Marco Rojas"

Chances are he'd of been signed up some other way.

What's with the defensive stance on the blog and the ripping into him on twitter?

Why not accept the challenge and rise up and make the experience better.  

Um how exactly?
almost 13 years

After reading that I think that maybe it's actually a postmodern critique of subcultural identities within the bland capitalist, post-industrial Western European Anglo-Saxon settler-colony monoculture. The author asks some deep and disturbing questions of his audience: what constitutes membership of a social group? How is your identity constructed in a sea of competing narratives? Is membership of said social group only meaningful in relation to other social groups?  Is Dave Burgess being a massive f*cking troll? Is it possible to be authentic in an age where hipster irony has become ubiquitous? Who truly owns anything once it is in the public domain? Is there any such thing as a 'real person' behind socially presented personas or are the people themselves merely the sum of their socially-presented personas? Is professional sport a shameless money-grabbing exercise on behalf of a cynical elite or the last bastion of tribalism in a homogenous urban social landscape? Are fervent supporters of sports teams engaging in harmless fun or reinforcing dangerous stereotypes of aggressive masculinity?

almost 16 years

After reading that I think that maybe it's actually a postmodern critique of subcultural identities within the bland capitalist, post-industrial Western European Anglo-Saxon settler-colony monoculture. The author asks some deep and disturbing questions of his audience: what constitutes membership of a social group? How is your identity constructed in a sea of competing narratives? Is membership of said social group only meaningful in relation to other social groups?  Is Dave Burgess being a massive f*cking troll? Is it possible to be authentic in an age where hipster irony has become ubiquitous? Who truly owns anything once it is in the public domain? Is there any such thing as a 'real person' behind socially presented personas or are the people themselves merely the sum of their socially-presented personas? Is professional sport a shameless money-grabbing exercise on behalf of a cynical elite or the last bastion of tribalism in a homogenous urban social landscape? Are fervent supporters of sports teams engaging in harmless fun or reinforcing dangerous stereotypes of aggressive masculinity?

I would have got away with it, if it wasn't for you meddling kids!

almost 13 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

"But football, like all sports, is forever fluid and changing. Astute coaches find ways to combat the dominant style of play and instigate new methods. That's why we've seen 2-3-5 become 4-4-2, why we've had the Whole of Football programme, the deep-lying centre forward, Catenaccio and Total Football."

Hands up who has played 2-3-5 (other than Leggy!).

Me. My very first season, in under-8s.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Tegal wrote:

I'm sure you're welcome to contribute in some way to make things better. RR does the tipping comp, which has now become a cool TAB competition within it. I shambolically contribute by organising the fever trophy manager competitions. Different people contribute different things to the fever, some may do more than others for sure, but I think its a bit cheeky of you to stand up and tell others to rise and make things better, when all you generally do is criticise and complain to those who do contribute, without really contributing anything yourself. 

So maybe take up your challenge, and rise to it. 

I'm such a corporate sell out /o\
Stage Punch
about 17 years

Dave Burgess is the new messiah.

Inspired by his teachings, I meditated on my selfishness last night. 

In the interests of openness, here is a list of the things that I get to do that none of you underlings will ever get to do:

+ I get to organise events that nobody turns up to, and then get it in the ear from bar owners, sponsors, and the few people there about how nobody turned up/the venue was wrong/the beer was too expensive/the weather was bad.

+ I get to spend my own money travelling around the country to check out bars and facilities so that the few people who do turn up have a better time. Current tally for season 2013/14 approx $1300 spent going to away game venues prior to away games for this purpose.

+ I get to liaise with the club on how things could be better for fans, and then get it in the ear when the club doesn't listen, or when someone's particular point about the seats in Row J of Aisle 32 being a different yellow isn't actioned.

+ I get to do things for free for people who get paid to do them for a living.

It's hardly glorified.

I couldn't begin to calculate the amount of time and money I've sunk into the Fever over the last 6 years or so. It's totally Hard News's fault too, he was the guy that got me involved. 

It is great fun though, because of the people in it. 


Burgess can eat my d. He's only posted that lame-ass blog because we filed a Press Council complaint about Sam Worthington's shoddy journalism. It's pure spite.

about 15 years


Passion!! Emotion!! I love it.


Eat my small dick too Dave.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I might send him a calender invite to the next time we put the banner together.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

If he showed up, that would be awkwardly fantastic.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Eat my small dick too Dave.

Eat my even smaller dick!!!

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