Still Believin'
over 17 years

I like that while the Burgess blog is buried in some obscure part of the Stuff website, Steven Holloway's piece is right there in the main Herald sport section. I think that's what you call a good result.

Only downside is Burgess will get a few more clicks out of it. Nice article by Holloway though.

Woof Woof
about 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

You can bet Jeremy Ruane is as about as wet as a football ferns piss up in eagerness to get on that list.

Football Ferns drinking alcohol? Surely not.
almost 16 years
terminator_x wrote:

I like that while the Burgess blog is buried in some obscure part of the Stuff website, Steven Holloway's piece is right there in the main Herald sport section. I think that's what you call a good result.

Only downside is Burgess will get a few more clicks out of it. Nice article by Holloway though.

A plus is that the occasionally humorous 2B blog is also linked.
Also there is a nice link in the second Burgess Blog by some anonymous chap called Feverish (how original!): 

 Feverish4 hours ago

Hopefully this helps you sleep at night budgie. WARNING: ACTUAL JOURNALISM

about 17 years

I can't let this slip. Any journo whom, even in a private blog, calls someone whom doesn't agree with him, a retard. He has not shown a professional ability.

Next, the Napier trip was the real first time I have been in contact with the YF trip organisers as such. It was brilliant. Done by amateurs in a professional way. Credit where it is due.

 As for transparencey, it was I whom did the 19 HNs that travelled to Christchurch. This was done at my own expence and I expect nothing for it, except a bollocking from HN now that it is public knowledge.

What the YF organisers have done and achieved over the last 7 years is a credit to them and all the persons whom have taken part or helped or attended. This blog sking sbout transperency yet it is on this very site 24/7. There are no secrets, no hidden agendas and no one making money out of it from what I have seen. That's what makes it such a brilliant thing.

Aas the article written in spite or was it in jealously?  The Dompost have never really been a fan of the Nix nor the YF since day one so it doesn't really surprise me. I don't expect mega positive blindly written pro articles, but I would like to see the occasional balanced and informative article from time to time. 

Lastly I am happy to buy the tee shirts etc if that in turn helps the club find another Rojas. That  was an awesome thing the YF did. Now Marco is living the dream.  Long may it continue.

Andy Wardle (For transparencey of course)

One in a million
over 17 years

YF Rule, amazing that the tall poppy syndrome would reach to these dizzy heights.

They should be investigating the millions that the Beige Brigade have secretly got in Chatham Island bank accounts instead

about 15 years
el grapadura wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

You can bet Jeremy Ruane is as about as wet as a football ferns piss up in eagerness to get on that list.

Football Ferns drinking alcohol? Surely not.

Amber Hearn - teetotaller.....
about 15 years
Junior82 wrote:

The list as it currently sits is for those that aspire to reporting on football as opposed to those commentating events.  

Unlike Termy, "my" list is fully public domain and has no IP ownership concerns (in other words feel free to add or change the list as anyone sees fit).

You have to give at least give Bruce a shout of you are giving one to Steve.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:

I'd be willing to guess it was Steve Holloway jumping on the potential good press and view counts the Herald could receive from the YF (Because lets face it, nobody else cares).

Backhanded compliment to 2B's blog: "occasionally humourus".

Hard to make a call either way with two posts.  Statisticians would be having a conniption! 

almost 16 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

The list as it currently sits is for those that aspire to reporting on football as opposed to those commentating events.  

Unlike Termy, "my" list is fully public domain and has no IP ownership concerns (in other words feel free to add or change the list as anyone sees fit).

You have to give at least give Bruce a shout of you are giving one to Steve.

OK.  Maybe a version 2 to be released on Friday.
Two Categories:
1. Fourth Estate Hacks
  • Stout Fellas
  • Recently Un-friended
  • Melters
2. Silver-tongued Match of the Day Story Tellers 
  • Gooooooooolololol Meisters
  • Journeymen
  • Paint Drying Experts

Starting XI
about 15 years

Can someone link me to the homeless posing journo story?

In other news, I've stopped watching 7 sharp and I don't listen to you on the radio Stanners.

almost 16 years
cosmo wrote:
Junior82 wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:

I'd be willing to guess it was Steve Holloway jumping on the potential good press and view counts the Herald could receive from the YF (Because lets face it, nobody else cares).

Backhanded compliment to 2B's blog: "occasionally humourus".

Hard to make a call either way with two posts.  Statisticians would be having a conniption! 

Q: How do mathematicians get rid of constipation?
A: They work it out with a pencil.

I'll get me coat.

almost 16 years
ahmad wrote:

Can someone link me to the homeless posing journo story?

Will be archived on Stuff I guess.  It was a hard hitting, no holding back, all stones turned over DP story with our intrepid Dave posing as a homeless beggar on the mean, cold streets of Wellywood (where dreams are made or shattered) to see what the generosity of the most educated city in NZ was like.

Now, what happened to all the shekels that he collected from those philanthropic citizens?


(sorry, just had to use that word again)

over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
ahmad wrote:

Can someone link me to the homeless posing journo story?

Will be archived on Stuff I guess.  It was a hard hitting, no holding back, all stones turned over DP story with our intrepid Dave posing as a homeless beggar on the mean, cold streets of Wellywood (where dreams are made or shattered) to see what the generosity of the most educated city in NZ was like.

Now, what happened to all the shekels that he collected from those philanthropic citizens?


(sorry, just had to use that word again)

What was funny about that story is that the angle was clearly that it was tough being homeless, no-one cares about homeless people yada yada yada and then people coughed up something like $200 in 2 hours!
over 17 years

What i dont understand is havnt the Doom Post had some sort of marketing tie up with the Phoenix for some time.I seem to recall a number of promotions over the years promoting Phoenix games and events.Yet virtually since we started there have also been articles which have tried to focus on what they consider to be the negative side.

Was a regular reader but stopped when it seemed as if there main focus was to bring the Phoenix down.

I think if we were honest with ourselves we would have to admit that there have been mistakes made over the years but what more could you expect from something whose bet ideas mostly come after consumption of copious  amounts of alcohol.

Maybe we should just ignore some of this crap and not give it more legs than it deserves by responding to it on social medis.

about 17 years

does seem odd that a brand which is so uniquely Wellington, and has had success, and doesn't exist anywhere else in the country has the local paper trying to rip it to shreds...

over 17 years

I think that the Dom Post have done plenty of good things for the Phoenix over the years which get ignored by the majority on here. Problem is that as soon as they say anything that is not completely fawining of the club or some of its people (some of it deserved, some of it not) people here get all up in arms - "oh, they are so mean to us and our club".

over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

I think that the Dom Post have done plenty of good things for the Phoenix over the years which get ignored by the majority on here. Problem is that as soon as they say anything that is not completely fawining of the club or some of its people (some of it deserved, some of it not) people here get all up in arms - "oh, they are so mean to us and our club".

Dont agree entirely Frankie,yes they have done some good things.But while you were away they were like a dog with a bone on some of the things they perceived to be the bad things.As you said some of it deserved   but the way they continually linked it to the Phoenix was not right and i think its that which got many off side.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

And here is the inevitably disappointing sequel BLOG: "It seems some readers are deluded"
Starting XI
over 17 years
Dave Burgess wrote:

"Given I hold a season ticket for the Fever Zone, my opinion comes as a valid Yellow Fever ''member''."

[quote=Jeff Vader] 

When has it ever been said that if you buy a ticket in the Fever Zone, you become a member of Yellow Fever? What utter bullshit and he would know that. For seats sold anywhere, including the Fever Zone (an area designed as being slightly 'different' from regular seats) money goes to the club/stadium/ticketek.

JV, that was my first thought on reading that dross. The Fever Zone isn't a YF exclusive zone, but a designated 'PG13' zone, that happens to borrow its name from YF.

If Burgess is so keen to belong to something, perhaps it should be pointed out that for an additional fee, he can buy a Phoenix Membership to go with his season ticket, thus becoming, an Official Wellington Phoenix (Fan) Club Member.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

@2ndBest - lolz GGF

almost 15 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

I think that the Dom Post have done plenty of good things for the Phoenix over the years which get ignored by the majority on here. Problem is that as soon as they say anything that is not completely fawining of the club or some of its people (some of it deserved, some of it not) people here get all up in arms - "oh, they are so mean to us and our club".

I tend to agree. When we are winning, (The Royal We, being Nix or AW's) they are all over it like a $20 Hooker at three in the morning still waiting for her First trick. When things go pear shaped or even just a bit mehhhhh they are into that too, such as the whole Terry saga. Start getting consistant results again and the love will flow. We do need to remember they are a Newspaper, not a fanzine.
about 13 years
almost 15 years
2ndBest wrote:

And here is the inevitably disappointing sequel BLOG: "It seems some readers are deluded"

Are you Whaleoil, are you Whaleoil are you Whaleoil in disguise?
about 17 years
ballane wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

I think that the Dom Post have done plenty of good things for the Phoenix over the years which get ignored by the majority on here. Problem is that as soon as they say anything that is not completely fawining of the club or some of its people (some of it deserved, some of it not) people here get all up in arms - "oh, they are so mean to us and our club".

Dont agree entirely Frankie,yes they have done some good things.But while you were away they were like a dog with a bone on some of the things they perceived to be the bad things.As you said some of it deserved   but the way they continually linked it to the Phoenix was not right and i think its that which got many off side.

Exactly. The way they went after Terry, one would have thought that the Nix were his only business interest as they were always mentioned.
3rd XI
over 14 years

wow just spent about an hour reading what this is all about . I am totally gobsmacked !!! the worst case of trolling I have seen in a while and from a fan!!!

bit late on replying but that blog is a total shambles by dave.

Just for some clarity so you know I aint hiding Hadleigh Turnbull 's the name behind chefmivec


about 17 years

So the outcome is a story in the reputable media highlighting the generous donation of time and effort by YF organisers. I could almost believe that the original blog was written by a YF patsy.

about 15 years
sthn.jeff wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:

I think that the Dom Post have done plenty of good things for the Phoenix over the years which get ignored by the majority on here. Problem is that as soon as they say anything that is not completely fawining of the club or some of its people (some of it deserved, some of it not) people here get all up in arms - "oh, they are so mean to us and our club".

I tend to agree. When we are winning, (The Royal We, being Nix or AW's) they are all over it like a $20 Hooker at three in the morning still waiting for her First trick. When things go pear shaped or even just a bit mehhhhh they are into that too, such as the whole Terry saga. Start getting consistant results again and the love will flow. We do need to remember they are a Newspaper, not a fanzine.

The thing is Frankie, I agree they are a newspaper not a fanzine and they have to report the news, but at least provide a fair and balanced deal around it. Michael Burgess wrote a similar article to Worthington but he at least attempted to give it some balance. People were not up in arms about it. Its not the first time the Dom Post have done a hatchet job. If its a bad new article, then so be it, but at least attempt to report both sides, or seek comment or give it balance. Worthington lacks that time and time again (remember the move to Newtown reported a couple of years ago?)
Starting XI
about 17 years
Fink wrote:

So the outcome is a story in the reputable media highlighting the generous donation of time and effort by YF organisers. I could almost believe that the original blog was written by a YF patsy.

It has all been a cunning plot by the "Yellow Fever Mastermind" - Mike Greene
You don't fool us Mr Green, Step down from your ivory tower, disembark from your luxury Yacht, reveal yourself, become accountable to your legion of minions, who you have obviously brainwashed into carrying out your dirty work. 
I feel violated, knowing that I have been a mere pawn in Mr Greenes plot to rule football supporters in NZ.
I'm off to rub myself down with Swarfega !
Early retirement
over 17 years

I ran on the assumption you regularly gave yourself a rubdown hatter.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I ran on the assumption you regularly gave yourself a rubdown hatter.

This is true, but I save the Swarfega, for special occasions !
about 17 years

And in true, shambolic, Fever fashion - we forgot to mention all the money raised for CanTeen over the years.

I can tell you that your generous purchasing of multiple bandanas (I know I've got several!) raised over $1,200 combined for the 2012 & 2013 appeals.  Good effort!

about 15 years

Am I allowed to say that I thought todays Sam Worthington article was ok? It actually felt like there was some balance to it.

Starting XI
about 14 years

I was going to be snarky and mention something similar. All his previews are fine, all have quotes, there's no bias amongst it or anything, he writes well. I think the main place people have issue with him is when he writes opinion pieces, or reports on rumours?

almost 16 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Am I allowed to say that I thought todays Sam Worthington article was ok? It actually felt like there was some balance to it.

I think you are .......

(Christ that was hard to admit)

Starting XI
about 14 years

Wrong section but this is where everyone was jumping on Sam Worthington for his Ricki article, so I ask you - Is this bad journalism?

No quotes, "sources" - makes a few assumptions, potentially slanderous if not true - isn't this basically the same as the Ricki article?

For clarity - I don't think either is bad journalism, and unnamed sources are all part of the gig - but surely there has to be consistency here, or am I missing a crucial part which isn't "Oh, we don't like Sam Worthington"?

On probation
over 13 years

I said same thing few weeks ago. Theres just anti dom post sentiment here and ppl without journalism degrees or experience trying to pass judgement. No quotes and just saying a source said is used all over the sporting world. Unfortunately its a small pond here and its amplified

The press council complaint was rather silly

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
N-Bomb wrote:

Wrong section but this is where everyone was jumping on Sam Worthington for his Ricki article, so I ask you - Is this bad journalism?

No quotes, "sources" - makes a few assumptions, potentially slanderous if not true - isn't this basically the same as the Ricki article?

For clarity - I don't think either is bad journalism, and unnamed sources are all part of the gig - but surely there has to be consistency here, or am I missing a crucial part which isn't "Oh, we don't like Sam Worthington"?

Yup it's shit journalism. Not marked as opinion.
Tell me this: where is the opposing view in the article.
almost 16 years

Thanks for the link. If I was Smith I'd be rather pissed off. 

I didn't realise we had to have journo degrees to be able comment on the standard of an article. Perhaps we shouldn't comment on things like earthquakes and GMOs unless we are qualified geophysicists or gene jockeys.

almost 16 years

If unnamed sources are part of the gig and are all you use, do you think that makes it credible?

Try doing that for any serious work (reports, reviews, academic papers). 

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Better shut this place down then because only Pav would be able to comment.

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