Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

Starting XI
about 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
Jerzy Merino wrote:
mjp2 wrote:
2ndBest wrote:
Doloras wrote:

Of all the suggestions that have arisen in this thread, TV advertising is the only one which seems like it hasn't been tried yet.

I’m not convinced by advertising argument. Given there is an article in both papers just about every day, and 2 or 3 stories on the TV news, I find it hard to believe that potential attendees don’t know the Phoenix play. Whether they know the precise details is another story. But if you know the Phoenix play, want to go, then it’s not hard to find out when or where. Do people really read bus shelter ads? I doubt it. 

I’m not convinced that if we double our marketing budget it would suddenly increase the number of people going.

Yep, I'm not going to know when the Opera is on if I'm not in the slightest bit interested.  But if the Stones are coming to town I'll be looking it up, and in time to get a seat before they sell out.  (Or White Stripes or Snoop Dog or Pearl Jam or what's your poison).

I am convinced it's not marketing.  It's performance that get's people seeing some positive press and word of mouth and starting to think, maybe I could check out the Nix.  I believe it's only THEN you need enough marketing to make it easy for more casual supporters to find the next game times and booking details.  Being on good terms with the press and helping them get out the good stories and back-up 'colour' articles is probably helpful though, you'd think so at least.

Of course it is. Everything else is just flannel.


But if we won 6 in a row to start the seaon do you think we'd get 10K to the 7th game? Doubt it. Casual punter would still hold off toward the end of the season where there is more on the line.

If you read my other post you already know my answer.
Yes, I think we would hold 10k+ - if we were not in the middle of Xmas Holidays by then, which we wouldn't be for the 7th game, and if it was decent weather - which would be 50:50 before Xmas.  Win the first six I think you have a good chance of 10-11k+, in fair weather.  

And 2nd best's chart shows that is the case - 10-14k crowds inside the first 40% of the season are very possible.
about 17 years

Maybe the novelty has worn off and only the hardcore are attending. I only say this because a good friend of mine recently moved from Auckland to Wellington. He moved into his new house on Wednesday and today I got an e-mail from him asking when the Phoenix are playing in Wellington for the rest of the season. He's never been to a Nix game but is interested now.

about 14 years

Could the issue then be that Welly is a small city and therefore has the hardcore fan base relative to its size. My home town in Europe is about the same size as Wellington (approx 400,000) and while football is obviously the number one sport, there are also others competing with it for popularity. My hometown team ground holds only 18,000.  Over the last ten years the average crowds were (over each season) from 4K (in bad seasons) to 6K (in good seasons). Only twice over that period was the average crowd 10K.

One clear difference I noted while looking over these stats for was the relatively high number of visiting fans of the opposing teams (this is known because they get separate seating by sectors). The opposition fans come by train, bus or they fly, which is not particularly expensive in Europe. Accommodation costs are similar to those here in NZ.  But getting to away games in in A-League is not cheap as a regular thing.

Could it simply be that the way to grow the crowds is to look for an A-League wide deal with an airline to have cheapish tickets for the club fans (as a way of sponsoring the league). These should be fenced-off to ensure people actually have to go to a game to get the cheaper airfare. This would be useful for us flying across the ditch to support the Nix although lots of Kiwis live there anyway, but even more important to the West Island team supporters coming over here, with the NZ dollar moving up close to the AUD lately.

I would not mind seeing more opposing team fans at our game, as long as the security can be educated that this is all good safe fun. Westpac Stadium is much easier to get to for a visitor without having a car than many other grounds around the Australian mainland. if we had a few hundred of hardy souls flying over to the Cake Tin every second weekend there would be more colour and interest as well.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
mjp2 wrote:

And 2nd best's chart shows that is the case - 10-14k crowds inside the first 40% of the season are very possible.

8 times we have got >10K before 40% of season played. 5 of those were in season one. other 3 were opening round games
about 14 years
2ndBest wrote:
Doloras wrote:

Of all the suggestions that have arisen in this thread, TV advertising is the only one which seems like it hasn't been tried yet.

I’m not convinced by advertising argument. Given there is an article in both papers just about every day, and 2 or 3 stories on the TV news, I find it hard to believe that potential attendees don’t know the Phoenix play. Whether they know the precise details is another story. But if you know the Phoenix play, want to go, then it’s not hard to find out when or where. Do people really read bus shelter ads? I doubt it. 

I’m not convinced that if we double our marketing budget it would suddenly increase the number of people going.

I am not convinced the coverage on TV is as good as you make it sound. On TV3 tonight I expected at least something about our game away in a few hours. Instead they put on a lengthy imported item about a drunk MU fan in Manchester UK calling the local police demanding to speak with Sir Alex Ferguson. That was in the sports bulletin. Nothing about the Nix. 

I stand by my argument about lazy local TV journos not bothering with thinking locally and getting a sockah item from the UK wires for free.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years


about 13 years

A lot of football people don't know that games are on but due other commitments don't know the day or time on any given weekend.

And on Monday you tell them they kick themselves. Don't know how you fix it. 

almost 16 years
Must try harder
over 17 years
Mainland FC wrote:
2ndBest wrote:
Doloras wrote:

Of all the suggestions that have arisen in this thread, TV advertising is the only one which seems like it hasn't been tried yet.

I’m not convinced by advertising argument. Given there is an article in both papers just about every day, and 2 or 3 stories on the TV news, I find it hard to believe that potential attendees don’t know the Phoenix play. Whether they know the precise details is another story. But if you know the Phoenix play, want to go, then it’s not hard to find out when or where. Do people really read bus shelter ads? I doubt it. 

I’m not convinced that if we double our marketing budget it would suddenly increase the number of people going.

I am not convinced the coverage on TV is as good as you make it sound. On TV3 tonight I expected at least something about our game away in a few hours. Instead they put on a lengthy imported item about a drunk MU fan in Manchester UK calling the local police demanding to speak with Sir Alex Ferguson. That was in the sports bulletin. Nothing about the Nix. 

I stand by my argument about lazy local TV journos not bothering with thinking locally and getting a sockah item from the UK wires for free.

Mate its too easy too go for the " BIG" story , theres FA kudos in covering local sport ....
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Doesn't it make sense that they'd go for the big story? The big story being the one that most people want to hear about. 

about 14 years
Tegal wrote:

Doesn't it make sense that they'd go for the big story? The big story being the one that most people want to hear about. 

This is a circular argument, as I am sure you know. People want to know what the media sells them as the story to know.

How else do you explain the apparent (ongoing) fame of Kim Kardashian? When queuing up at the Countdown checkout I have no choice but to slowly move past the stand with gossip magazines (the good mag section is elsewhere in the store, where the "New Scientist", "Cosmos" and "Goal!" can be found). While in the checkout queue, at least two or three magazines tell me loudly from their covers that "Kim has her perfect bikini figure back again and is not afraid to show it off".  Philosophically I came to expect Kim K as the perfect apposite of The Nix.  She has done nothing of substance, while her publicity machine is enormous, while The Nix.... oh, never mind.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Actually I think that theory is self fulfilling. 

I like to give people more credit than that. 

almost 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

yup because the introdcution of the the warriors shut down the local league competition.

Actually it did!! 
And 3 Basketball teams in Auckland gone during Breakers existence 
But this has been done to death before in various threads
Blue Cod
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

yup because the introdcution of the the warriors shut down the local league competition.

Actually 2ndBest it did. Before the Warriors the Auckland league competition drew big crowds to the old Carlaw Park. Sides like Te Atatu were big. Now look at the domestic league competition outside the Warriors, it's a shadow of its former self. I've had this confirmed by a local league follower fyi.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Tegal wrote:

Doesn't it make sense that they'd go for the big story? The big story being the one that most people want to hear about. 

You've hit the nail on the head Tegal. Just look at the steady decline of TW.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

yup because the introdcution of the the warriors shut down the local league competition.

Actually 2ndBest it did. Before the Warriors the Auckland league competition drew big crowds to the old Carlaw Park. Sides like Te Atatu were big. Now look at the domestic league competition outside the Warriors, it's a shadow of its former self. I've had this confirmed by a local league follower fyi.

Um I said shut down. Is it still running?
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Smithy on next on radio sport to talk crowds

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
almost 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

yup because the introdcution of the the warriors shut down the local league competition.

Actually 2ndBest it did. Before the Warriors the Auckland league competition drew big crowds to the old Carlaw Park. Sides like Te Atatu were big. Now look at the domestic league competition outside the Warriors, it's a shadow of its former self. I've had this confirmed by a local league follower fyi.

Um I said shut down. Is it still running?

No not in previous format

almost 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Doesn't it make sense that they'd go for the big story? The big story being the one that most people want to hear about. 

You've hit the nail on the head Tegal. Just look at the steady decline of TW.

Its only there crowds that have declined 
They have never won anything on the park
almost 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
alireggae wrote:
Tegal wrote:

It is quite pathetic that you don't care about the nix, yet you still troll around reading Phoenix related threads just to find a post that you can have the same little dig with. 

Get a life? 

Translation: yawn. 

I asked a legitimate questions and got a legitimate answer but with a dumb trolling comment so just returning like for like.

Honestly. You guys are pathetic. 

Here is a graph of crowds I did a few years ago when you lot first pipped your hypothesis that the Phoenix were taking away from TeeDubs.

A) Crowds were fally before the phoenix started.
B) TeeDubs were giving out 50+ free tickets to each clubs that came under the TeeDubs banner in the first few years.

Go back to your rock.

Coincedence though that best crowds were in Season 1 of NZFC when there was no A-League anywhere in  NZ that year?
Or just novelty of new Franchise league
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Novelty of the new league. Same thing happened with Phoenix crowds, high in the first season and then steadily dropped off.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Plus a lot more clubs were involved in TW at that stage.

Blue Cod
over 14 years

I'm not denying interest in the ASBP has declined across the board after the initial heady rush. But three sides ACFC, Canterbury and Hawkes Bay have held reasonably steady with crowds of 400-800. The two sides who have really dropped away in terms of local interest are TW and Waitakere (despite their title wins). I mean both now play in below par facilities and draw less than 200 fans.

I think it's no coincident that ACFC, CU and HBU have good facilities, no A League competition, and decent organizations and are still an attractive prospect.

If TW was the only summer game in town I'm sure it would attract a lot more local attention and support.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

There is no way that David Farrington Park can be classed as as "below par".

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

It's pretty annoying to get to though. 

almost 16 years
Bluemagic wrote:

If TW was the only summer game in town I'm sure it would attract a lot more local attention and support.

I'm sure it wouldn't. 
Term_X posted a while back over why Nix could pull crowds and supporters/fans but TW would/does struggle.
Can't find it as the search function is still munted but his reasoning made sense.

Personally if TW was the only summer football I might go out of curiosity, but the few times I have been I don't feel any connection so not much support from me sorry.

about 15 years
patrick478 wrote:

There is no way that David Farrington Park can be classed as as "below par".

Yeah unfortunately he has a point. It is.
over 17 years

Interesting the talk about the Warriors ruining the local league comp. IMHO the Warriors off the field illustrate what the Phoenix should be aspiring too. Solid supporter base with buy in from the media, good engagement with the community, and a production line of quality players coming through the under 20s set up.

about 17 years

I remember the League days when Wainui ruled the entire country.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
patrick478 wrote:

There is no way that David Farrington Park can be classed as as "below par".

It doesn't even have a covered stand, which is still a requirement under the old NZFC rules. 

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

I remember the League days when Wainui ruled the entire country.

I remember pre-Warriors when top local league sides would attract 3,000 - 4,000 to Carlaw Park. Now that competition doesn't even exist.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Now the warriors sell out mt smart every 2nd week. And more kiwis are playing professionally than ever before. 

You're right, massive step backward. 

Blue Cod
over 14 years
steelo wrote:

Interesting the talk about the Warriors ruining the local league comp. IMHO the Warriors off the field illustrate what the Phoenix should be aspiring too. Solid supporter base with buy in from the media, good engagement with the community, and a production line of quality players coming through the under 20s set up.

True, but if the Warriors ever fail then domestic league , as a shadow of its former self, can't step back up to replace it.

If we put all our eggs in the A League basket and neglect our domestic national league, then we run that danger in football. Gareth Morgan is even talking of investing in an Auckland A League franchise. That would be the end of ACFC and the summer national league and we'd just be left with the winter club competition which could not step up structurally or financially should the A League involvement hit a brick wall. Personally I don't trust the Australians on this because they are putting unfair obstacles in the way of the Phoenix as it is. They are not going to encourage two fully professional NZ sides and could pull the rug out one day. We have to keep a robust national league going in NZ in case that ever happens.

One option I see, that could balance both needs, is for the Phoenix to become a NZ franchise, rather than Wellington. I know this will outrage ardent Wellington supporters but think about this. If the Phoenix play say two games in Christchurch, three in Auckland and the rest in Wellington, then crowds will be bigger by sheer local interest. In playing only a few games in either Auckland or CHCH the Phoenix will not suck up all the attention and money away from ACFC and CU, key ASBP sides. The Wellington supporters will get half a dozen home games a season and the side could be based there. I know regular supporters like to have regular games but the Wellington base is stuck in the 5,000 - 7,000 bracket which means Welnix is losing a lot of money each season playing most home games in Wellington. This option would make the chances of breaking even more viable. If the Phoenix make the playoffs then it could be split between Wellington and Auckland. This would at least allow the ASBP to soldier on. Having two NZ A League sides won't. We could simply continue as we are but that means Welnix and Morgan must be prepared to lose a lot of money each year, unless they hit the playoff jackpot.

It's vital that a robust summer national league keeps going for the sake of NZ football in case the Phoenix ever lose their license or fail. But it's a difficult balancing act. We can't even rely on Fifa keeping the Club World Cup going in the long term, especially after Blatter goes. Without the O League qualification honeypot I don't think the ASBP is financially viable for most franchises.

Personally I'd prefer if all this money poured into having a NZ A League franchise was spent on the domestic national league. Then it would be a robust semi-pro competition across the country, not dependent on the whims of the Australian football authorities.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

By the same logic, if we only had the ASBP and that failed, then there would literally be nothing to replace it. 

almost 12 years
Tegal wrote:

By the same logic, if we only had the ASBP and that failed, then there would literally be nothing to replace it. 

IMO the ASBP is failing. While the A-League is very much succeeding.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:

One option I see, that could balance both needs, is for the Phoenix to become a NZ franchise, rather than Wellington. I know this will outrage ardent Wellington supporters but think about this. If the Phoenix play say two games in Christchurch, three in Auckland and the rest in Wellington, then crowds will be bigger by sheer local interest. In playing only a few games in either Auckland or CHCH the Phoenix will not suck up all the attention and money away from ACFC and CU, key ASBP sides. The Wellington supporters will get half a dozen home games a season and the side could be based there. I know regular supporters like to have regular games but the Wellington base is stuck in the 5,000 - 7,000 bracket which means Welnix is losing a lot of money each season playing most home games in Wellington. This option would make the chances of breaking even more viable. If the Phoenix make the playoffs then it could be split between Wellington and Auckland. This would at least allow the ASBP to soldier on. Having two NZ A League sides won't. We could simply continue as we are but that means Welnix and Morgan must be prepared to lose a lot of money each year, unless they hit the playoff jackpot.

Doesn't this run counter to your standard argument? Wouldn't more games in other centre draw more attention to the a-league than now?
Blue Cod
over 14 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:
Tegal wrote:

By the same logic, if we only had the ASBP and that failed, then there would literally be nothing to replace it. 

IMO the ASBP is failing. While the A-League is very much succeeding.

Not for the top three ASBP sides - ACFC, CU and HBU. But you're right when it comes to the others unfortunately.

Gareth Morgan is offering $millions to revitalize NZ football and is talking of an Auckland A League franchise. Well, Gareth, if you're reading this - then why not simply invest big time in the existing ASBP as well as the Phoenix? It could be either spread out evenly or as prizemoney or half and half. A $1 million a season investment would reap a good reward for the development of NZ football. With South Auckland coming on board there's great potential in the ASBP. It would level the financial playing field and enable all franchises to seriously compete, which would in turn provide a great feeder base for the best NZ players going to the Nix.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:

One option I see, that could balance both needs, is for the Phoenix to become a NZ franchise, rather than Wellington. I know this will outrage ardent Wellington supporters but think about this. If the Phoenix play say two games in Christchurch, three in Auckland and the rest in Wellington, then crowds will be bigger by sheer local interest. In playing only a few games in either Auckland or CHCH the Phoenix will not suck up all the attention and money away from ACFC and CU, key ASBP sides. The Wellington supporters will get half a dozen home games a season and the side could be based there. I know regular supporters like to have regular games but the Wellington base is stuck in the 5,000 - 7,000 bracket which means Welnix is losing a lot of money each season playing most home games in Wellington. This option would make the chances of breaking even more viable. If the Phoenix make the playoffs then it could be split between Wellington and Auckland. This would at least allow the ASBP to soldier on. Having two NZ A League sides won't. We could simply continue as we are but that means Welnix and Morgan must be prepared to lose a lot of money each year, unless they hit the playoff jackpot.

Doesn't this run counter to your standard argument? Wouldn't more games in other centre draw more attention to the a-league than now?

Yes, but it wouldn't be across the season. ACFC and CU could still get enough oxygen.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

So instead of once a season, you are advacating for 2 or 3 times a season.

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