almost 16 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
Junior82 wrote:
It was $39 for an adult in the cheap seats vs Bahrain or $99 family pass. Same as now.

Difference was that the cheap seats for 14 Nov were similar to the Nix games, this time they are just at the ends.
My seats weren't far from half way which I wouldn't consider 'cheap seats' and they were $39 each. I know they were because I bought 32 of them.

OK - I think we were pretty close to the gold zone for nix games too.

Chopper may be right.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Hmmm, I thought I remembered a blanket cost for all seats. I'll ask the marketing guy when I see him next.
about 17 years
good visibility for match(es) in today's dompost sports liftout
Starting XI
over 17 years
tigers wrote:
good visibility for match(es) in today's dompost sports liftout
True, although we could do without Hamish Bidwell's snipes in the "Top 5 Viewing" column of said liftout. Disappointing.
Phoenix Academy
over 14 years
tigers wrote:
good visibility for match(es) in today's dompost sports liftout
Sad that they suggest most NZers couldn't point to Paraguay on a map.  And totally forgetting that it is something of a World Cup rematch.
almost 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Braveheart wrote:
Well said BigDunc.

C'mon NZF, you/Clemenger did a brilliant job at marketing the "One shot for glory" campaign. I wasn't expecting the same expenditure on these two games. However, a wee bit more publicity would have made a big difference.

Advertising agencies may not be cheap, but perhaps it would be worth getting Clemenger to promote future games?

Anyway, bring on Paraguay! I am really looking forward to the big game at the Ring of Fire.
Actually I think you might be giving more credit than is deserved there.� The whole 'one shot' campaign was focussed around a website and uploaded personal content that never really fired, the logo ended up on a black t-shirt when everyone knew we'd be in white and that white was the colour.What made that a success was the talk that the game was important and the fact that ticket sales early made people realise it could sell out so sales snowballed.� Couple that with a meaningful game, the timeframe, the rewards, the fact it was a Saturday night and it sold itself more than that slogan did (as good as it was).Good coverage of the first leg and having a live tie didn't hurt either.� Remember sales for that were sluggish until we'd done okay in Bahrain (I think).

about 17 years
bigdunc wrote:
Iv got to vent some frustration at NZF! All this week we have been seeing on TV and radio sport articles on the poor ticket sales for the matches this weekend. Firstly, typically of the general media they take up the negative instead of concentrating on what they should be talking about, The fantasic All Whites and the top class opposition we are playing against. All that is being focused on is a few quotes from Nelson on the state of the crowds.I have to ask, what has NZF done to promote the matches? The last 2 days in the dominion there has not been a single word in the Dom Post about the matches. If it were the Nix playing a home match, John Mitchell would be on the phone to every jurno getting his slice of the pie in the paper. Yes, there are ads on Radio sport and Sky Tv. But what about targeting the 50/50 fan? The fans that jumped on the World Cup bandwagon who may not know about these games or if they do ( and Im sure they are aware of the matches) NZF has to drive the idea down everyones throat, not just asume that tickets will sell by defult. NZF you have to learn from 82. We had the whole country All Whites fans 3 months ago, dont take your foot off the throttle! This is the time and these are the matches that we have to use to keep the momentum going! It is pure arrogance to assume that because of the World Cup success that people will just turn up to these matches. You need to market just as much and just as hard as the Bharain game . NZF marketing manager and Media Liason, Pull your fingers out and do some work!!

The game looks like its going to be sold out.....
almost 17 years
about 17 years
Im doing some photography work for NHS at the game tonight, work with respect to the rugby world cup. The stadium manager told me at 10:20am this morning that the main stand was sold out and that only 4000 tickets were left for the rest of the stadium. Thats including extra seating thats been put in and also the grassy banks. NHS management on the steady stream of ticket sales expect the game to be a sell out. Also there are going to be traffic restrictions so if you are driving there i suggest you get there earlier. Same deal if you are hoping to buy a ticket, there will be queues and the chance they are sold out if you dont get there early enough.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
brumbys wrote:
@Stack, whats that based on?

Stack's conversation with NHS staff, as reported in the AW v Honduras match thread.

If the ground is a sell out or close to it anyway, can we say that Michael Glading has been very clever not spending too much money on advertising?
about 17 years
obviously be great if it sells out

and if we do win then the full-house and the win might lift numbers for Welly mid-week

it might be the Welly game that needs some last minute promotion

we need a good crowd here to keep up the football vie inthe media and across NZ

btw Stack's post (based on chat w NHS guy) seems to have the numbers bigger than 13,383 pax at that time

about 17 years
His exact words were " 6 seats left in the main stadium and just on 4000 left for the rest." I dont know what they have set the capacity for. I was under the impression it was 23,000? but I probably have that wrong. He did say the 4000 number included the banks and extra seating in place so that possibly looks like the uncovered area is filling up.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Makes me think they've done a Wellington lions and given out a lot of freebies.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Tegal wrote:
Makes me think they've done a Wellington lions and given out a lot of freebies.

To whom? My club certainly didn't get any, and I haven't heard any rumours of such a thing around Auckland football circles (which are hives of gossip). I repeat: most likely explanation is that 5 to 8 thousand Aucklanders were waiting to see if the weather was going to be good. We're not as hardcore as those south of the Bombays.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Yeah probably right. And capacity is 23000? Pretty decent!

Is odd they chose the lower capacity stadium for the Saturday game? Perhaps they either thought aucklanders wouldn't turn up midweek,or wellingtonians will turn up no matter what day,or both.
about 17 years
Stack wrote:
His exact words were " 6 seats left in the main stadium and just on 4000 left for the rest." I dont know what they have set the capacity for. I was under the impression it was 23,000? but I probably have that wrong. He did say the 4000 number included the banks and extra seating in place so that possibly looks like the uncovered area is filling up.

i prefer your info to paxiness confusion
Starting XI
about 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Yeah probably right. And capacity is 23000? Pretty decent!

Is odd they chose the lower capacity stadium for the Saturday game? Perhaps they either thought aucklanders wouldn't turn up midweek,or wellingtonians will turn up no matter what day,or both.

Wasn't because Paraguay was organised first?
almost 16 years
Tegal wrote:
Yeah probably right. And capacity is 23000? Pretty decent!

Is odd they chose the lower capacity stadium for the Saturday game? Perhaps they either thought aucklanders wouldn't turn up midweek,or wellingtonians will turn up no matter what day,or both.

If it's a sell-out then Super Auckland will be the new ChCh.

almost 16 years
Read the Dewhurst blog a-coupla-days ago.

In all honesty I am not overly patriotic re the AW games.   I've already stated my club over country bias.

We as a country still have a while to go before international football matches become the norm (as rugby tests are here) and big crowds are to be expected. It doesn't help that it is difficult to bring over teams here to play, but I think the first step in developing the culture is to have a competitive, sustainable high profile domestic(= A-)league.

1. Would I travel around the country to see the Nix? As much as my budget and time will allow (and assuming no Bon-feckin-Jovi concerts get in the way).

2. Would I travel around to see the AWs? No. (see 1 above).

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Jason Pine @pineyzb

Chief Executive Grant McKavanagh is leaving New Zealand Football ... official announcement soon

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Goneski... sounds a little weird actually...

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Weird time to walk. Guessing some disagreements around the table..

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Grant McKavanagh resigns as Chief Executive of New Zealand Football

July 5, 2013 AUCKLAND -

New Zealand Football today accepted the resignation of Grant McKavanagh CE of New Zealand Football.  After over two years in the role, Grant has decided to take a short break from sports administration.  “I have really enjoyed and thrived in this role and I am proud of my part in the continuing development of the Whole of Football programme, the renewed partnership and strategy development with the Federations and the rise of Women’s Football and Futsal. Maintaining the organization’s financial surpluses and the international programs and Olympic successes are other highlights. “The last two years has seen New Zealand Football evolve quite dramatically with new structures and processes put in place, and going forward I feel the next period of evolvement for NZ Football requires a different skill set than mine to deliver the next cycle of development.  “Having also finalized the venue and structure for the Intercontinental Playoff in November, the time is right for me now to step aside.” New Zealand Football Chairman Frank van Hattum on behalf of the board and New Zealand Football thanked Grant for his commitment, his enthusiasm and his passion. “Football and indeed Sport Management is a complex and difficult area to work in with many competing stakeholders, the inevitable struggle for sustainable funding and resources and a large agenda. “Grant has maintained the agenda and strategy development over the last two and half years.  The continuation of the whole of Football programme, the rise of Futsal and women’s football, the games commitment to a new three year strategy plan and  maintaining  New Zealand Football’s modest surpluses are all areas that Grant can take pride in. “ Grant will cease his duties as Chief Executive on the 12th July but will continue to assist the board to transition to a new CE and in advancing several projects. We wish Grant the best in his future endeavours.

about 15 years

1 weeks notice aye? Good riddance

Funny how I said there was dissent in the ranks and I was told I was talking bollocks. Nightz where are you now?

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'm more scared about what we get as a replacement.

You do wonder timingwise if it's got any links to the decision on host city.

almost 15 years

Smells like " Can't work with the decision the Board has made " kind of resignation to me

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

Smells like " Can't work with the decision the Board has made " kind of resignation to me

What's his problem with Auckland ;)
Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

It is the Board's perogative to make decisions and the CEO implement.

In all truth the Board would back the CEO as much as possible to meet the objectives that have been set.

almost 15 years
Dino11 wrote:

It is the Board's perogative to make decisions and the CEO implement.

In all truth the Board would back the CEO as much as possible to meet the objectives that have been set.

But if the CEO finds them decisions untenable .... he then walks
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I'm putting my money on De Jong.

Moar stars
over 12 years

Herbert's ears are ringing................

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I believe it has nothing to do to the WCQ decision.

almost 15 years
2ndBest wrote:

I believe it has nothing to do to the WCQ decision.

Absolute shit house timing if it is not.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

"the time is right for me now to step aside"

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

I believe it has nothing to do to the WCQ decision.

Absolute shit house timing if it is not.

is it though? New financial year sorted. WCQ decision sorted.

almost 15 years
2ndBest wrote:
sthn.jeff wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

I believe it has nothing to do to the WCQ decision.

Absolute shit house timing if it is not.

is it though? New financial year sorted. WCQ decision sorted.

Surely though the decision for the WCQ is only really step1 in a multi step process,  and Financial year for them is @End of Dec I beleive so while last years results only recently released is halfway through new financial year.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I understand each bid city have put together an organising group so I'd imagine they be running the day to day stuff.  So say he continues until the WCQ, and then we qualified, wouldn't there be pressure to stay on until the WC too?

How long do you ask someone to stay in a job if someone doesn't want to be in that job?

almost 15 years

I know what you're saying and I guess there is never a "good" time for a CEO to leave, but this just seems an extra odd time to me anyway 

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

I think everyone just wants to believe that some sort of dispute took place. Everyone loves a bit of drama.

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