almost 10 years

The thing that I cant get my head around is that this approach to playing is the exact opposite of everything that has come out of NZF coaching courses, coaching directives, Federation approaches and applications. Its exactly what NZF was supposed to be trying to change with the WOF plan. 

So we now have a technical Director pushing directly opposite to the clear, documented and planned direction of the game in NZ.

and 2 others
almost 14 years

AlfStamp wrote:

The thing that I cant get my head around is that this approach to playing is the exact opposite of everything that has come out of NZF coaching courses, coaching directives, Federation approaches and applications. Its exactly what NZF was supposed to be trying to change with the WOF plan. 

So we now have a technical Director pushing directly opposite to the clear, documented and planned direction of the game in NZ.

Think the Federations have recognised Heraf is dangerous for this reason. When I hear through a close mate that a Womens U20 player I know (definitely going to France) HATES it, you know we have a big fudgeing problem. Action needs to happen. NOW. 

about 12 years

Based on his comments the board should atleast call him in for a please explain.

Whilst I don't think he can be fired, they should certainly start asking him the question, do you still think you are the right person to carry NZF forward... effectively ask him to resign. If he doesn't then start building a case against him.

Yesterday we played to lose, just not by too much and you can't have a coach celbrate that mindset, yet along the countrie technical director.

I hope Piney or similar ask NZF to please explain his comments.

over 17 years

Reality is there is no future playing this way, only a dead end.  Look what happened at the end of the Ricki Herbert era, which looked enlightened compared to this.  There is a good way to play defensive football, and defensive football isn't automatically "wrong", but this was just baaaad.  No wonder the last board have been turfed out when they were responsible for this guy as well as Hudson!

Woof Woof
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

There is a good way to play defensive football, and defensive football isn't automatically "wrong", but this was just baaaad.  

Yeah, I think this is the key point here. There's nothing wrong with playing a defensive style, but the problem with yesterday was that the team clearly didn't know how to park the bus, the counterattacking was non-existent, and we were reduced to trying to win corners/set pieces to create scoring opportunities when in their half rather than trying to construct them in a structured way (even through counterattacking). And to cap it all off, Heraf then publically throws the players under the bus straight after the game, when he himself set them up to fail by not allowing them to play a style that they're more comfortable with/better suited to.

And the question then is - why would you want to play for a guy who basically thinks and says that you're shark, and who isn't prepared to work with you to come up with a system/structure that suits the players' and team's abilities better?

Life and death
over 17 years

AlfStamp wrote:

The thing that I cant get my head around is that this approach to playing is the exact opposite of everything that has come out of NZF coaching courses, coaching directives, Federation approaches and applications. Its exactly what NZF was supposed to be trying to change with the WOF plan. 

So we now have a technical Director pushing directly opposite to the clear, documented and planned direction of the game in NZ.

You've hit the nail on the head with this and your similar earlier post Alf. You would think that during the job interview process he would of been asked about how he saw the WOF approach and how he would build on that. If he wasn't then NZF dropped the ball in not wishing to align their new director with what has been a substantial [and I think successful] development programme. Now if he was asked and gave an answer and what he is now doing is at odds with that or detrimental to the WOF development programme - that should be used to manage him out of the positions he has in NZF. I know there will be a certain amount of uninformed angst about what happened on the weekend but there is enough smoke to show NZF there is a serious fire about to get out of control. To keep him based on financial grounds will be the wrong thing to do because he has great potential to fudge up our game and the cost will be a thousand-fold more by keeping him than by getting shot of him now.
over 17 years

AlfStamp wrote:

The thing that I cant get my head around is that this approach to playing is the exact opposite of everything that has come out of NZF coaching courses, coaching directives, Federation approaches and applications. Its exactly what NZF was supposed to be trying to change with the WOF plan. 

So we now have a technical Director pushing directly opposite to the clear, documented and planned direction of the game in NZ.

You've hit the nail on the head with this and your similar earlier post Alf. You would think that during the job interview process he would of been asked about how he saw the WOF approach and how he would build on that. If he wasn't then NZF dropped the ball in not wishing to align their new director with what has been a substantial [and I think successful] development programme. Now if he was asked and gave an answer and what he is now doing is at odds with that or detrimental to the WOF development programme - that should be used to manage him out of the positions he has in NZF. I know there will be a certain amount of uninformed angst about what happened on the weekend but there is enough smoke to show NZF there is a serious fire about to get out of control. To keep him based on financial grounds will be the wrong thing to do because he has great potential to fudge up our game and the cost will be a thousand-fold more by keeping him than by getting shot of him now.

I think the changes to the board at the recent congress with the public statements that the federations were not happy, plus this, is more than enough to show that things aren't right over there currently!

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Interesting that Heraf clearly sucks balls through a straw - while his pick for the men's team, Schmid, seems to be doing a decent job so far?

Starting XI
about 12 years

This football can’t be the official way for the future, the All Whites played pretty good last week. I don’t think this is what Schmid wants.

Starting XI
over 17 years

i'd hope not and i hope fritz is his own man and not a puppet for this control freak

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Should the buck stop with Andy Martin? Maybe getting rid of Heraf would only solve half the problem.

and 1 other
over 10 years

The Board issued a vote of confidence in Martin after a string of his cock ups and some Board Members have already paid the price for their "Old Boys Network" approach by being voted out. Hopefully others will go when they are up for re election.

almost 14 years
over 13 years

Global Game wrote:

The look on poor Mouse's face speaks volumes :(

Yeah someone on Facebook said those first three photos in the article are very telling (a picture is a 1,000 words)

over 9 years

Surely, its been Andy Martin all along who has caused so much grief, for so many ?

They won't have the possibility, of getting rid of Heraf easily, in fact, can't see them having the football to do it at all based on previous 5 years of ...unfortunate incidents.......

Agree with all those talking about the WOF Plan we all have been hammered with as parents and clubs, and coaches and feel its a worthwhile enterprise...how could they even remotely, walk away from that now ? They will look like fools and the country won't have it , with a bit of luck...why should we ?

over 11 years

Yakcall wrote:

Global Game wrote:

The look on poor Mouse's face speaks volumes :(

Yeah someone on Facebook said those first three photos in the article are very telling (a picture is a 1,000 words)

You mean this picture?
First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Just think, this 'loser' could have been coaching the All Whites, as was suggested by a few people on this forum a while back. Confession: I might have been one of those people. Ugh!

almost 14 years

Good to see Piney, Hyslop and Voerman pulling no punches. As Piney implies, there is a lot more yet to come to light. I feel for the players and their families, scared to speak out for fear of non-selection. But where are the voices of the Federation coaches and coach educators?

The last time there was this much angst (2015 player eligibility scandal), Martin rode it out. If he was the one who knowingly gave the nod to Heraf - to in effect disregard the WOF plan and Kiwi spirit in general - then I hope both pack their bags. 

It's time for the Board to step up and show some leadership.

about 15 years

Global Game wrote:

Good to see Piney, Hyslop and Voerman pulling no punches. As Piney implies, there is a lot more yet to come to light. I feel for the players and their families, scared to speak out for fear of non-selection. But where are the voices of the Federation coaches and coach educators?

The last time there was this much angst (2015 player eligibility scandal), Martin rode it out. If he was the one who knowingly gave the nod to Heraf - to in effect disregard the WOF plan and Kiwi spirit in general - then I hope both pack their bags. 

It's time for the Board to step up and show some leadership.

Where was this sorry?
about 15 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Based on his comments the board should atleast call him in for a please explain.

Whilst I don't think he can be fired, they should certainly start asking him the question, do you still think you are the right person to carry NZF forward... effectively ask him to resign. If he doesn't then start building a case against him.

Yesterday we played to lose, just not by too much and you can't have a coach celbrate that mindset, yet along the countrie technical director.

I hope Piney or similar ask NZF to please explain his comments.

While I fundamentally agree with you, Martin deals with operational matters and staff are an operational matter. I can't see the board getting involved with Herafs employment unless there is serious misconduct and even then....

Martin is in Russia and likely wont have seen the game....yet. Most likely his phone has gone hot and he will now probably watch it, but because he has no background in football, he won't be able to assess it for himself nor be able to see through any of Herafs lines.

The board are unlikely to get involved in operational matters because then you have a problem attracting a CEO if all they ever get is a board that meddles in what he does. CEOs need to be allowed to do their thing working within the boards outlined framework but then be accountantable if there are no results. Someone will ask the question of Martin and if Heraf goes tits up, and Martin fails to address that, then thats when Martins position becomes an issue.

over 17 years

I'm not really a follower of women's football, but I read we are 20 in the world.  So it's not even like the All Whites playing against Japan

over 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Good to see Piney, Hyslop and Voerman pulling no punches. As Piney implies, there is a lot more yet to come to light. I feel for the players and their families, scared to speak out for fear of non-selection. But where are the voices of the Federation coaches and coach educators?

The last time there was this much angst (2015 player eligibility scandal), Martin rode it out. If he was the one who knowingly gave the nod to Heraf - to in effect disregard the WOF plan and Kiwi spirit in general - then I hope both pack their bags. 

It's time for the Board to step up and show some leadership.

Where was this sorry?

On twitter


over 17 years

Wow - there must be an awful lot being said behind the scenes for journos to be writing articles like this


Starting XI
almost 15 years

But Japan are Asian champions...….

First Team Squad
almost 10 years
Starting XI
over 9 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Based on his comments the board should atleast call him in for a please explain.

Whilst I don't think he can be fired, they should certainly start asking him the question, do you still think you are the right person to carry NZF forward... effectively ask him to resign. If he doesn't then start building a case against him.

Yesterday we played to lose, just not by too much and you can't have a coach celbrate that mindset, yet along the countrie technical director.

I hope Piney or similar ask NZF to please explain his comments.

While I fundamentally agree with you, Martin deals with operational matters and staff are an operational matter. I can't see the board getting involved with Herafs employment unless there is serious misconduct and even then....

Martin is in Russia and likely wont have seen the game....yet. Most likely his phone has gone hot and he will now probably watch it, but because he has no background in football, he won't be able to assess it for himself nor be able to see through any of Herafs lines.

The board are unlikely to get involved in operational matters because then you have a problem attracting a CEO if all they ever get is a board that meddles in what he does. CEOs need to be allowed to do their thing working within the boards outlined framework but then be accountantable if there are no results. Someone will ask the question of Martin and if Heraf goes tits up, and Martin fails to address that, then thats when Martins position becomes an issue.

the board used to get involved when Frank van Hattum was the chair..........but I suppose that's why we went through so many CEOs

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Hyslop's article actually calls for senior players to go on strike and for staff to revolt.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

It’s almost impressive how much damage one game and a press conference has done. 

almost 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Based on his comments the board should atleast call him in for a please explain.

Whilst I don't think he can be fired, they should certainly start asking him the question, do you still think you are the right person to carry NZF forward... effectively ask him to resign. If he doesn't then start building a case against him.

Yesterday we played to lose, just not by too much and you can't have a coach celbrate that mindset, yet along the countrie technical director.

I hope Piney or similar ask NZF to please explain his comments.

While I fundamentally agree with you, Martin deals with operational matters and staff are an operational matter. I can't see the board getting involved with Herafs employment unless there is serious misconduct and even then....

Martin is in Russia and likely wont have seen the game....yet. Most likely his phone has gone hot and he will now probably watch it, but because he has no background in football, he won't be able to assess it for himself nor be able to see through any of Herafs lines.

The board are unlikely to get involved in operational matters because then you have a problem attracting a CEO if all they ever get is a board that meddles in what he does. CEOs need to be allowed to do their thing working within the boards outlined framework but then be accountantable if there are no results. Someone will ask the question of Martin and if Heraf goes tits up, and Martin fails to address that, then thats when Martins position becomes an issue.

the board used to get involved when Frank van Hattum was the chair..........but I suppose that's why we went through so many CEOs

It is Martin's job as CEO to ensure the strategic plan of NZF is implemented.

If the strategic plan mentions continued WOF implementation and Martin knowingly appoints a national TD who is unwilling or incapable of enacting that, then the Board has every right to take action.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Tegal wrote:

It’s almost impressive how much damage one game and a press conference has done. 

I think the Hudson era has made the NZ footballing public much less susceptible to bullshark.
and 1 other
over 11 years

Tegal wrote:

It’s almost impressive how much damage one game and a press conference has done. 

Good innit! I think this has been waiting to happen for a while. 
about 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

Tegal wrote:

It’s almost impressive how much damage one game and a press conference has done. 

I think the Hudson era has made the NZ footballing public much less susceptible to bullshark.

Nah almost the opposite.

Heraf refused to bs us about what he really thought. 

almost 14 years

Doloras wrote:

Hyslop's article actually calls for senior players to go on strike and for staff to revolt.

Any action, from any stakeholder in the game, can't be simply over a new coach having a differing coaching style or formation. It has to be based on failure to implement the Board approved NZF strategic plan, and/or failure to build consensus of direction with key stakeholders (Federation coaches, national coaches, national team players).

If you're speaking truth to power, maybe Hyslop's approach is a legitimate course of action; but how many staff or players will be willing to collectively take such action? And how easy (hard) would that be given logistical and geographical realities?

Alternatively, if you're in a position of power, strike action can achieve a result. The Real Madrid dressing room has power; but NZF and Fed staff and WNT, U20 and U17 teams? 

I'm sure there will be more written in the next few days, but I think key stakeholders (including football media) need to reach out to Board members to have any hope of meaningful change.

almost 14 years

Thanks Shushy. Just wow. Apart from the European's in-built football cultural snobbery, the biggest thing for me was poor Mikayla feeling as though she had to spout the Austrian's party line. I heard the give-the-ball-to-the-opposition tactic is called "Chip and STAR". Is that an acronym for Stand There And Retch?

One in a million
over 17 years

I admire the players for having stuck to the awful game plan for the whole ninety minutes. That takes amazing self discipline. Well done Football Ferns ( I am not being sarcastic, in case it comes across that way).

over 13 years

Its interesting to see the amount of angst about the game.

I can't help wondering if this has partly occurred because it was a home game, a decent crowd turned up and it was on at a decent time.

All very unusual characteristics for any recent NZ game, male or female.

almost 10 years

Theres another thing I cant get my head around.

The defensive approach to the game was taken because apparently we werent good enough to compete with Japan and that we didnt have good enough players.

There have been massive strides forward in the womens game in the last decade or so. I forget the numbers but before John Herdman was in charge our womens team had gone 19 years without scoring a goal against a non Oceania side and 16 years without having scored a result (they drew with some team I forget) against a non Oceania side.

I remember the womens team playing the USA in the US a few years ago (4 or 5?  2013?) and they came desperately close to pulling off an upset in front of a huge crowd, only giving up the lead in injury time (from an awful ref error). I think at the time the USA were ranked #1.  We also drew with Japan in Japan that year. The last couple of years we have stalled a bit but there was a period of 3 or 4 years where the team ( with many players still current) scored really great results in games from the Cyprus cup to friendlies. We even held a ranking at one point of 13 from memory.  I think we beat Brazil a few years ago as well as China?

Again many of the players involved in those results are still around the current squad so how come this coach thinks they cant compete?

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