Starting XI
almost 17 years

To me the only explanation at this point is that Martin and Heraf met during the 2015 U20 WC, became great mates, and Martin has been backing his buddy to the point of covering up at least one staff member's allegations of misconduct. This morning I though Martin might be able to survive for a while, even if Heraf didn't, now he simply can't.

over 13 years

To me the only explanation at this point is that Martin and Heraf met during the 2015 U20 WC, became great mates, and Martin has been backing his buddy to the point of covering up at least one staff member's allegations of misconduct. This morning I though Martin might be able to survive for a while, even if Heraf didn't, now he simply can't.

So three people where responsible for Heraf hiring, Andy Martin, Anthony Hudson and Tony Readings, only Martin is still around

almost 11 years

It's treason, the CEO or others in the chain have tried to cover this up and support Heraf while completely disregarding the players wellbeing.

I'm proud of our wahine for standing up and to the sporting public, this could lead to some huge ramifications for NZF.

about 17 years

I posted this in the Andy Martin thread last week, should have been here:

Bullion wrote:

Appointed NZF technical director in August last year, Heraf then added Football Ferns coach to his list of responsibilities in December.

Martin maintained it was the players who asked for him to come on board fulltime after he was the interim coach on their successful tour of Thailand last November.

"A senior delegation of players came to me personally and wanted Andreas to stay on until the World Cup.

"I was the last to be convinced by this because of the conflict between [his] two roles.

"But he had a good affect on the girls and they wanted him to stay with them."

Martin also said Heraf had the full support of captain Ali Riley, the Swedish-based defender who had taken over as Football Ferns skipper.

"It certainly was the new captain who led that delegation [of players] for me to appoint Andreas.

"Right now Ali's been very supportive. She's been in camp [for the Japan fixture] and I'm sure she would let me know if there were any issues and to date she hasn't. If she does then of course we will respond to them.

"We have a group of girls who want to perform at the World Cup."

It seems weird that Martin is saying the players wanted Heraf to stay on but with Erceg prior to the Japan game and now the fallout post the Japan game that the players are not happy with the conduct/approach by Heraf.

Starting XI
over 9 years

Bullion wrote:

I posted this in the Andy Martin thread last week, should have been here:

Bullion wrote:

Appointed NZF technical director in August last year, Heraf then added Football Ferns coach to his list of responsibilities in December.

Martin maintained it was the players who asked for him to come on board fulltime after he was the interim coach on their successful tour of Thailand last November.

"A senior delegation of players came to me personally and wanted Andreas to stay on until the World Cup.

"I was the last to be convinced by this because of the conflict between [his] two roles.

"But he had a good affect on the girls and they wanted him to stay with them."

Martin also said Heraf had the full support of captain Ali Riley, the Swedish-based defender who had taken over as Football Ferns skipper.

"It certainly was the new captain who led that delegation [of players] for me to appoint Andreas.

"Right now Ali's been very supportive. She's been in camp [for the Japan fixture] and I'm sure she would let me know if there were any issues and to date she hasn't. If she does then of course we will respond to them.

"We have a group of girls who want to perform at the World Cup."

It seems weird that Martin is saying the players wanted Heraf to stay on but with Erceg prior to the Japan game and now the fallout post the Japan game that the players are not happy with the conduct/approach by Heraf.

maybe, but it may have just been the fact he was new, Tony Reddings had been in the job for 6 years and by his own admission when he resigned he'd got a bit stale in the role. The players would have seen this and after 6 years having a different approach could easisly be seen as positive to satrt with 

over 9 years

Bullion wrote:

I posted this in the Andy Martin thread last week, should have been here:

Bullion wrote:

Appointed NZF technical director in August last year, Heraf then added Football Ferns coach to his list of responsibilities in December.

Martin maintained it was the players who asked for him to come on board fulltime after he was the interim coach on their successful tour of Thailand last November.

"A senior delegation of players came to me personally and wanted Andreas to stay on until the World Cup.

"I was the last to be convinced by this because of the conflict between [his] two roles.

"But he had a good affect on the girls and they wanted him to stay with them."

Martin also said Heraf had the full support of captain Ali Riley, the Swedish-based defender who had taken over as Football Ferns skipper.

"It certainly was the new captain who led that delegation [of players] for me to appoint Andreas.

"Right now Ali's been very supportive. She's been in camp [for the Japan fixture] and I'm sure she would let me know if there were any issues and to date she hasn't. If she does then of course we will respond to them.

"We have a group of girls who want to perform at the World Cup."

It seems weird that Martin is saying the players wanted Heraf to stay on but with Erceg prior to the Japan game and now the fallout post the Japan game that the players are not happy with the conduct/approach by Heraf.

Heraf coaxed Erceg out of retirement in February. I think back then FF players were happy with him. So he had not only duped Martin, to that stage.

It’s all unravelled since trip to Spain.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Fenix wrote:

I don’t quite understand the argument about a particular playing style though.

I would expect developing players to be learning to tackle, to pass, to shut down, to hold and shield the ball, to pass and move, to cross, to shoot, to head, to play first time, to play with both feetetc.

Surely in any game, or part of a game, or when you change teams, you will need to adjust your style of play to suit . There is no one way of playing. If your game gets too predictable, its way to easy to play against you.

So I don’t understand why players should be taught to play one way in any case. The game changes, the opposition changes, your team changes, tactics will need to change.

A coherent and constant playing philosophy is absolutely vital to developing young footballers because they need to learn how to solve the problems they're faced with on the pitch. As Cruyff said, football is played with the brain, your legs are there to help you.

Once you know the basic technique of how to strike a football then the most powerful way to get better is to play the game, but the more touches and the more cognitive-technical challenges you face then the better you will get. This is why kids need to play inside a philosophy that encourages as many touches as possible. This has to go for training and for games, which is why rondos have worked so well at La Masia, they are a constantly tessellating, high-pace replica of what happens in a game but in a smaller space (directional rondos tend to replicate the whole pitch, non-directional replicate small areas). 

A player with a good cognitive-technical ability will be able to go and learn a new coach's system because it isn't very hard to teach a team to play a particular way, especially if you have them full-time. The harder thing is giving young players a philosophy and tactics that helps them become smart players in the first place, but if you do that then they can play anywhere. Declan's players would all have failed as soon as they left Ole if that wasn't the case.

then you are basically agreeing with me, that players need to be rounded and well prepared. TBH I don't know what Heraf is actually telling these kids, perhaps if I did, then I would be horrified
First Team Squad
almost 17 years

AlfStamp wrote:

james dean wrote:

I come back to the importation of foreign coaches. At some point we have to actually try one of our own in a senior coaching role. The more of this garbage we have to put up the clearer it becomes that we are being led up and down the garden path by some very very average foreign coaches and the requirement regarding coaching qualifications is a complete red herring. NZ does have a football culture and that needs to be reflected in our coaching appointments 

The bit thats really weird about all of this is that within the WoF plan and all the coaches I know or have known who have been involved with it the type/style/philosophy/process of coaching and playing are seemingly a long way removed from the guy they employed as the DoF.

If we do take in a foreign coach to this sort of role then surely they need to follow the direction NZF decided to head down 6 or 7 years ago.

Fundamentally the WoF plan has a good backbone and there are of course issues within it that need tweaking etc but it was and still is a step in the right direction so just follow your own bloody plan NZF.

Also with respect to foreign coaches in NZ there does need to be a distinction made between a foreign coach who has just arrived and those who are throughly embedded in our football scene. The likes of Jose for example have made a life here, been totally involved in every area from coaching clubs, schools, federation and international level. He isnt a foreign coach to me.

I remember a few years ago one of our womens age group teams was off to a WC and the position of Assistant was advertised, one prominent and very successful local coach who had done every single course asked of him applied and was told he lacked experience. Stevie Baxter who had only arrived in NZ from Scotland a few months earlier was given the job. 

Assistant coach at an age group WC is the perfect way and pathway to gain needed experience, surely this local coach should have got the nod for that reason alone.  

There are tons of very good local coaches who can be integrated into the international systems and NZF does have plenty of support resources available to help those coaches.

I have no problem with a high level foreign coach taking on the DoF role if they are in line with NZF's own WoF and whats actually being done here in NZ via the various academies and quality coaching ideas being pursued. We need a DoF who's main motivation is to assist the coaches get better and to drive the types of technical and skill work we need. 

Isn't this exactly the kind of role Rob Sherman could fill. Not a local, but has spend enough time here to be a known quantity. 

over 13 years

Fenix wrote:

Fenix wrote:

I don’t quite understand the argument about a particular playing style though.

I would expect developing players to be learning to tackle, to pass, to shut down, to hold and shield the ball, to pass and move, to cross, to shoot, to head, to play first time, to play with both feetetc.

Surely in any game, or part of a game, or when you change teams, you will need to adjust your style of play to suit . There is no one way of playing. If your game gets too predictable, its way to easy to play against you.

So I don’t understand why players should be taught to play one way in any case. The game changes, the opposition changes, your team changes, tactics will need to change.

A coherent and constant playing philosophy is absolutely vital to developing young footballers because they need to learn how to solve the problems they're faced with on the pitch. As Cruyff said, football is played with the brain, your legs are there to help you.

Once you know the basic technique of how to strike a football then the most powerful way to get better is to play the game, but the more touches and the more cognitive-technical challenges you face then the better you will get. This is why kids need to play inside a philosophy that encourages as many touches as possible. This has to go for training and for games, which is why rondos have worked so well at La Masia, they are a constantly tessellating, high-pace replica of what happens in a game but in a smaller space (directional rondos tend to replicate the whole pitch, non-directional replicate small areas). 

A player with a good cognitive-technical ability will be able to go and learn a new coach's system because it isn't very hard to teach a team to play a particular way, especially if you have them full-time. The harder thing is giving young players a philosophy and tactics that helps them become smart players in the first place, but if you do that then they can play anywhere. Declan's players would all have failed as soon as they left Ole if that wasn't the case.

then you are basically agreeing with me, that players need to be rounded and well prepared. TBH I don't know what Heraf is actually telling these kids, perhaps if I did, then I would be horrified

Some of these players come from professional teams and years with the Ferns, if something is happening with Heraf that is enough to make these players revolt then I'm inclined to believe there is something wrong with Heraf and his coaching instead of the players. 

You also have this apparent report from a New Zealand staffer after the Spain trip that was ignored, this feels like a case of where there is smoke, there is fire. 

about 12 years

What a sharkstorm... if he doesn't resign from both roles he needs to be pushed - simple as that. His position is no longer teneable. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

What a sharkstorm... if he doesn't resign from both roles he needs to be pushed - simple as that. His position is no longer teneable. 

I suspect we all agree with that!
Starting XI
about 12 years

Fenix wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

number8 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Piney about to interview Edge on Radio sport re Heraf and NZ U17/20s

Edge wants to pull all Ole players from age group sides as they don't want to support the direction Heraf is taking NZ football. They must supply a good chunk of the players as well.

Martin has to act soon surely?

Edge decides or is he suggesting this to his players? Looks like a cult from the outside.

Here are Declans words

Im 100% totally with Edge here. Everything I’ve ever seen or heard about Ole has been good and positive. Everything Ive ever seen or heard about Heraf has been bad and negative.

I don’t quite understand the argument about a particular playing style though.

I would expect developing players to be learning to tackle, to pass, to shut down, to hold and shield the ball, to pass and move, to cross, to shoot, to head, to play first time, to play with both feetetc.

Surely in any game, or part of a game, or when you change teams, you will need to adjust your style of play to suit . There is no one way of playing. If your game gets too predictable, its way to easy to play against you.

I agree, you should throw in any Ole player into any environment and they should know what to do and perform. Keeping them out of a National team because of fear they don't like to play a certain system is the opposite what they should learn. Edge may need to re think his coaching in this respect.

about 15 years

scribbler wrote:

Isn't this exactly the kind of role Rob Sherman could fill. Not a local, but has spend enough time here to be a known quantity. 

He was DoF before Heraf.....
over 17 years

AlfStamp wrote:

james dean wrote:

I come back to the importation of foreign coaches. At some point we have to actually try one of our own in a senior coaching role. The more of this garbage we have to put up the clearer it becomes that we are being led up and down the garden path by some very very average foreign coaches and the requirement regarding coaching qualifications is a complete red herring. NZ does have a football culture and that needs to be reflected in our coaching appointments 

The bit thats really weird about all of this is that within the WoF plan and all the coaches I know or have known who have been involved with it the type/style/philosophy/process of coaching and playing are seemingly a long way removed from the guy they employed as the DoF.

If we do take in a foreign coach to this sort of role then surely they need to follow the direction NZF decided to head down 6 or 7 years ago.

Fundamentally the WoF plan has a good backbone and there are of course issues within it that need tweaking etc but it was and still is a step in the right direction so just follow your own bloody plan NZF.

Also with respect to foreign coaches in NZ there does need to be a distinction made between a foreign coach who has just arrived and those who are throughly embedded in our football scene. The likes of Jose for example have made a life here, been totally involved in every area from coaching clubs, schools, federation and international level. He isnt a foreign coach to me.

I remember a few years ago one of our womens age group teams was off to a WC and the position of Assistant was advertised, one prominent and very successful local coach who had done every single course asked of him applied and was told he lacked experience. Stevie Baxter who had only arrived in NZ from Scotland a few months earlier was given the job. 

Assistant coach at an age group WC is the perfect way and pathway to gain needed experience, surely this local coach should have got the nod for that reason alone.  

There are tons of very good local coaches who can be integrated into the international systems and NZF does have plenty of support resources available to help those coaches.

I have no problem with a high level foreign coach taking on the DoF role if they are in line with NZF's own WoF and whats actually being done here in NZ via the various academies and quality coaching ideas being pursued. We need a DoF who's main motivation is to assist the coaches get better and to drive the types of technical and skill work we need. 

100%. The idea that sitting a course makes you qualified as a coach is complete BS. I’m not against people who are committed to the game here, it’s the idea that someone off a plane with a piece of paper is automatically qualified. We are not hiring the best, we are hiring career journey men coaches who are just looking for a new gig. I’d love to see Ramon or Jose taking charge of the Olympic team for example. Declan is a maverick and I don’t agree with him 100% but wouldn’t it be interesting to see a team of his go to a World Cup. At some point we have to trust our own system. Even if we do have a foreigner running the programme overall, surely the goal is to develop local coaches?

over 17 years

To me the only explanation at this point is that Martin and Heraf met during the 2015 U20 WC, became great mates, and Martin has been backing his buddy to the point of covering up at least one staff member's allegations of misconduct. This morning I though Martin might be able to survive for a while, even if Heraf didn't, now he simply can't.

Clearly the feds are out for Martin, so his only way through this is to maintain there’s “nothing to see here”. That strategy is clearly finished. No doubt the off the record quotes regarding the FIFA rule book etc are from fed reps.  He’ll be gone in less than a month

Phoenix Academy
over 9 years

"feds are out for Martin"

Elliot Ness?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

number8 wrote:

Fenix wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

number8 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Piney about to interview Edge on Radio sport re Heraf and NZ U17/20s

Edge wants to pull all Ole players from age group sides as they don't want to support the direction Heraf is taking NZ football. They must supply a good chunk of the players as well.

Martin has to act soon surely?

Edge decides or is he suggesting this to his players? Looks like a cult from the outside.

Here are Declans words

Im 100% totally with Edge here. Everything I’ve ever seen or heard about Ole has been good and positive. Everything Ive ever seen or heard about Heraf has been bad and negative.

I don’t quite understand the argument about a particular playing style though.

I would expect developing players to be learning to tackle, to pass, to shut down, to hold and shield the ball, to pass and move, to cross, to shoot, to head, to play first time, to play with both feetetc.

Surely in any game, or part of a game, or when you change teams, you will need to adjust your style of play to suit . There is no one way of playing. If your game gets too predictable, its way to easy to play against you.

I agree, you should throw in any Ole player into any environment and they should know what to do and perform. Keeping them out of a National team because of fear they don't like to play a certain system is the opposite what they should learn. Edge may need to re think his coaching in this respect.

And they do tend to, see Elijah Just at the U17 WC last year. I think Declan's problem is that the players go and spend time playing in a system that isn't good for their development when they could be at Ole. The other thing here is that Declan is saying players no longer want to be part of the national system, rather than him declaring a blanket ban on players going to camps or whatever.

about 12 years

Why would players want to go to camps if they think they are going to be counter productive to their development. Better staying at home with a coach with a record of getting players trials and gigs overseas and with NZ's only professional side on your doorstep.

over 17 years

harrymc wrote:

"feds are out for Martin"

Elliot Ness?

Look at how quickly this has all developed since the congress changes, and the fact that multiple negative stories are appearing in the media. Burgess reported the stuff from the congress, including the federation issues for changing the board, and is getting this story first hand. No coincidence. I agree with it btw, these guys are changers who are taking us for a ride

Starting XI
about 12 years

number8 wrote:

Fenix wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

number8 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Piney about to interview Edge on Radio sport re Heraf and NZ U17/20s

Edge wants to pull all Ole players from age group sides as they don't want to support the direction Heraf is taking NZ football. They must supply a good chunk of the players as well.

Martin has to act soon surely?

Edge decides or is he suggesting this to his players? Looks like a cult from the outside.

Here are Declans words

Im 100% totally with Edge here. Everything I’ve ever seen or heard about Ole has been good and positive. Everything Ive ever seen or heard about Heraf has been bad and negative.

I don’t quite understand the argument about a particular playing style though.

I would expect developing players to be learning to tackle, to pass, to shut down, to hold and shield the ball, to pass and move, to cross, to shoot, to head, to play first time, to play with both feetetc.

Surely in any game, or part of a game, or when you change teams, you will need to adjust your style of play to suit . There is no one way of playing. If your game gets too predictable, its way to easy to play against you.

I agree, you should throw in any Ole player into any environment and they should know what to do and perform. Keeping them out of a National team because of fear they don't like to play a certain system is the opposite what they should learn. Edge may need to re think his coaching in this respect.

And they do tend to, see Elijah Just at the U17 WC last year. I think Declan's problem is that the players go and spend time playing in a system that isn't good for their development when they could be at Ole. The other thing here is that Declan is saying players no longer want to be part of the national system, rather than him declaring a blanket ban on players going to camps or whatever.

Yes, was reading the less sensational article with more of the interview. If clubs, academies and players don‘t buy into, NZF has to change and do better. I guess with this Ferns sharkstorm there is no way those guys can stay in charge.

Credit to the Ferns to stay united and work as tream to change things. They will be stronger, happier and play better after this is over.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Stuff spoke to a current player on the condition of anonymity. She claimed members of the playing squad were told they had to ask for Heraf's permission before they could leave the table at dinner time, and that players were shouted at for passing the ball between defence and midfield or if they passed the ball backwards, because it was deemed too risky, a claim backed up by a second Ferns player.


over 13 years

Surely some of this stuff must be wrong? surely?

I tell my 8 year daughter not to pass the ball back, or across the goal, or to the midfield when she is a defender. 

That is great advice for her level but is it really happening here?

Starting XI
over 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

So, we have pay parity, but in the same breath we also have an organization that threatens players, refuses to allow them to speak freely and bullies them into retirement. Not cool.

Huge accusation. Got a source?

He's talking about this

"Multiple players have voiced their concerns to Stuff, with one prepared to go on the record until New Zealand Football and the New Zealand Professional Footballers' Association intervened."

Ok, so just a massive negative twist on a story with feck all details then.

Hi Nelfoos

See above

Remember this? 

almost 10 years

Surely some of this stuff must be wrong? surely?

I tell my 8 year daughter not to pass the ball back, or across the goal, or to the midfield when she is a defender. 

That is great advice for her level but is it really happening here?

Thats awful advice for an 8 year old

and 6 others
over 13 years
First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

scribbler wrote:

Isn't this exactly the kind of role Rob Sherman could fill. Not a local, but has spend enough time here to be a known quantity. 

He was DoF before Heraf.....

Why did he leave? Anyone know?

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

THink there were some personal health reasons, which I assume isn't the case now if he applied for the Phoenix job.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Assuming this is all true, and I have no reason to think it isn't, it really should see both of them gone. And not before time. It's pretty depressing to think that Martin's incompetence, and perhaps the Board's lack of checks and balances, has led to women being being bullied.

over 13 years

A really good summary of everything here and links to each story in the article. It makes for terrible reading and really shows the ineptitude of NZ Football. If Heraf goes at the end of this then Martin needs to follow him out the door

He was one of three that hired him, he has publicly backed him while appearing to ignore any warning signs brought to him by players and media. This quote seems to sum up his leadership "I think you guys are making a lot more of it than what it is, to be quite honest".

about 13 years

Press conference this afternoon

Life and death
over 17 years

The 'you can't leave the table until you're excused' story sounds bizarre, so much so that I can't help thinking there is more to the story [perhaps he wanted a quick word with the whole team before they headed off to bed or whatever!!!!].

The whole bullying thing might be quite subjective too. Many coaches and sports [although I suspect not as many as there once was] shout at players and put them under pressure. A lot of young people don't like that and I don't believe [myself] its the best way to get the best out of people - but I have seen athletes that actually thrive under that sort of pressure. If anyone saw the fly on the wall documentary about the Warriors this year - you would of seen a coach [Kearney] that didn't hold back. Comments like "if you do that again I'll kick your fudgeing ass" I think in today's age, that would be classed as bullying.

I know its all about to come out but maybe when the dust as settled, a discussion about what does or doesn't amount to bullying in the semi/professional sports environment will be interesting.

over 13 years

The 'you can't leave the table until you're excused' story sounds bizarre, so much so that I can't help thinking there is more to the story [perhaps he wanted a quick word with the whole team before they headed off to bed or whatever!!!!].

The whole bullying thing might be quite subjective too. Many coaches and sports [although I suspect not as many as there once was] shout at players and put them under pressure. A lot of young people don't like that and I don't believe [myself] its the best way to get the best out of people - but I have seen athletes that actually thrive under that sort of pressure. If anyone saw the fly on the wall documentary about the Warriors this year - you would of seen a coach [Kearney] that didn't hold back. Comments like "if you do that again I'll kick your fudgeing ass" I think in today's age, that would be classed as bullying.

I know its all about to come out but maybe when the dust as settled, a discussion about what does or doesn't amount to bullying in the semi/professional sports environment will be interesting.

I agree that some of it maybe over the top but when you have such experience players such as Duncan and Erceg who will have had a lot of different coaches and different styles saying he is doing something wrong and walking away from the game, questions have to be asked. So I would expect at minimum an independant inquriey to be opened by NZ Football at the press conference this afternoon.

over 9 years

Yakcall wrote:

I think this article tries to sum up the whole saga so far well.

Yes excellent informed summation.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

So, we have pay parity, but in the same breath we also have an organization that threatens players, refuses to allow them to speak freely and bullies them into retirement. Not cool.

Huge accusation. Got a source?

He's talking about this

"Multiple players have voiced their concerns to Stuff, with one prepared to go on the record until New Zealand Football and the New Zealand Professional Footballers' Association intervened."

Ok, so just a massive negative twist on a story with feck all details then.

Hi Nelfoos

See above

Remember this? 

Yup, was completely wrong on this one. Glad I am as well, Heraf is hurting football in NZ. and has to go.
about 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

Assuming this is all true, and I have no reason to think it isn't, it really should see both of them gone. And not before time. It's pretty depressing to think that Martin's incompetence, and perhaps the Board's lack of checks and balances, has led to women being being bullied.

But won't Martin just say it was the Football Ferns who convinced him for Heraf to stay even though he was aware of the conflict in roles?
Starting XI
over 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

So, we have pay parity, but in the same breath we also have an organization that threatens players, refuses to allow them to speak freely and bullies them into retirement. Not cool.

Huge accusation. Got a source?

He's talking about this

"Multiple players have voiced their concerns to Stuff, with one prepared to go on the record until New Zealand Football and the New Zealand Professional Footballers' Association intervened."

Ok, so just a massive negative twist on a story with feck all details then.

Hi Nelfoos

See above

Remember this? 

Yup, was completely wrong on this one. Glad I am as well, Heraf is hurting football in NZ. and has to go.

Sorry to be a complete dick about it

Most things I say are just a load of rubbish, but sometimes it is sourced, but given everything that was about to start flying around, I thought it would be best to keep a lid on things in case I landed myself in trouble :-)

over 9 years

If allegations by FFs and age group sides are proven to have substance then yes Heraf needs to be sent back to Austria.

I'm prepared however give Martin some leniency. Up until Spain trip, seems Ferns players were happy with Heraf - he even persuaded Erceg to come out of retirement. 

So seems at that point all was rosy. Don't think you then blame Martin, for recruiting Heraf in the first place for either DOF (he would have taken guidance also from Readings & Hudson) or FFs coaching role.

However Martin needs to act quick and dismiss Heraf if allegations are true. Then ideally appoint coaches already in NZ (or worse case Australia), for both DOF & FFs roles. 

Just feel if Martin also goes, leaves too many important roles at NZF, vacant all at the same time. Then looks a bit of a shambles and very unsettling. Esp with Schmid only in his job a few months. NZF needs a bit of stability right now.

Martin has his faults for sure - but he wasn't only one duped it seems by Heraf. However he needs to now act decisively, otherwise yes that then shows a real lack of leadership. He should also then if possible look to re recruit any good people forced out of NZF by Heraf.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

So, we have pay parity, but in the same breath we also have an organization that threatens players, refuses to allow them to speak freely and bullies them into retirement. Not cool.

Huge accusation. Got a source?

He's talking about this

"Multiple players have voiced their concerns to Stuff, with one prepared to go on the record until New Zealand Football and the New Zealand Professional Footballers' Association intervened."

Ok, so just a massive negative twist on a story with feck all details then.

Hi Nelfoos

See above

Remember this? 

Yup, was completely wrong on this one. Glad I am as well, Heraf is hurting football in NZ. and has to go.

Sorry to be a complete dick about it

Most things I say are just a load of rubbish, but sometimes it is sourced, but given everything that was about to start flying around, I thought it would be best to keep a lid on things in case I landed myself in trouble :-)

Its alright, the one you did in the other thread proved me right so we'll call it 1-1!
Starting XI
over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

The 'you can't leave the table until you're excused' story sounds bizarre, so much so that I can't help thinking there is more to the story [perhaps he wanted a quick word with the whole team before they headed off to bed or whatever!!!!].

The whole bullying thing might be quite subjective too. Many coaches and sports [although I suspect not as many as there once was] shout at players and put them under pressure. A lot of young people don't like that and I don't believe [myself] its the best way to get the best out of people - but I have seen athletes that actually thrive under that sort of pressure. If anyone saw the fly on the wall documentary about the Warriors this year - you would of seen a coach [Kearney] that didn't hold back. Comments like "if you do that again I'll kick your fudgeing ass" I think in today's age, that would be classed as bullying.

I know its all about to come out but maybe when the dust as settled, a discussion about what does or doesn't amount to bullying in the semi/professional sports environment will be interesting.

I agree that some of it maybe over the top but when you have such experience players such as Duncan and Erceg who will have had a lot of different coaches and different styles saying he is doing something wrong and walking away from the game, questions have to be asked. So I would expect at minimum an independant inquriey to be opened by NZ Football at the press conference this afternoon.

The concept of trying to cajole a performance out of an athlete can border on bullying. But the coach will say s/he is just trying to do what's best for the athlete and they may genuinely believe that this is the case. It may also be true that the athlete is better off for receiving the cajoling.

Generally speaking in workplace law, harassment is defined by the effect on the recipient and not the intent of the instigator. In other words, those in a position of authority or power are required to act responsibly. To what degree does this apply to members of a sports team?

I was talking to a well respected coach last night and he was adamant that there is no place for this behavior in a sports team. I told him that most of my coaches were bullies and a couple were just plain nasty. He said to me, 'But what was the toll? How many players left the game?'

The magnitude of  what has happened is going to determine what happens. Threatening a players future and livelihood is bullying and totally unacceptable. Requiring permission to leave the dinner table is controlling and more subjective and it's significance will depend on the magnitude of the other allegations.

From what I'm led to believe, the allegations are serious enough for misconduct to be alleged and Heraf will be suspended.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

reg22 wrote:

So, we have pay parity, but in the same breath we also have an organization that threatens players, refuses to allow them to speak freely and bullies them into retirement. Not cool.

Huge accusation. Got a source?

He's talking about this

"Multiple players have voiced their concerns to Stuff, with one prepared to go on the record until New Zealand Football and the New Zealand Professional Footballers' Association intervened."

Ok, so just a massive negative twist on a story with feck all details then.

Hi Nelfoos

See above

Remember this? 

Yup, was completely wrong on this one. Glad I am as well, Heraf is hurting football in NZ. and has to go.

Sorry to be a complete dick about it

Most things I say are just a load of rubbish, but sometimes it is sourced, but given everything that was about to start flying around, I thought it would be best to keep a lid on things in case I landed myself in trouble :-)

Its alright, the one you did in the other thread proved me right so we'll call it 1-1!

Ha ha, yeah u bet :-) Let's keep a ledger!

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