WC Intercontinental Playoff vs Costa Rica | Tue 14th June (15th NZT) | 9pm (6am NZT)

almost 3 years
Danny Hay talked in the presser about being in form at the moment was one of the key selection criterias. I don't think there's any way Tuiloma doesn't end up starting on the field come game day against Costa Rica. While on paper the defence might appear a bit more vulnerable than our attack, if you can find a way that Reid, Boxall and Tuiloma can all be on the field at the same time that should be enough cool and experienced heads to get the job done. Danny Hay has made no reservations about Smith being an asset to the side as well. So if we are fortunate enough to find ourselves defending a 1 goal lead with 20-25 minutes to go. It is all going to get a bit hectic and panic stations no matter what but Smith being able to come on for either one of those three should be enough to allow cooler heads to prevail.
over 10 years
Dougie Rydal
Jenny May is a quality interviewer, you never get the impression she's ticking off a list of pre-prepared questions like some others.
 Jenny May has made a number of caustic comments about Football on the Breakfast show. Comments such as "Football is boring" and "as  if  anyone would be interested"  
over 2 years
Anyone know anywhere (preferably online) to order All Whites gear? Especially either the home or away kit. Cheers all
over 9 years
Dougie Rydal
Jenny May is a quality interviewer, you never get the impression she's ticking off a list of pre-prepared questions like some others.
 Jenny May has made a number of caustic comments about Football on the Breakfast show. Comments such as "Football is boring" and "as  if  anyone would be interested"  

If true, ironic given she is an ex netball player, a sport I just can't watch for long.

over 9 years
Will be so important AWs are rock solid in defence early on. The longer the AWs don't concede the better. Though we also don't want a pen shootout as Navas is world class, and has won high stakes pen shootouts for years for whatever side he has played for.

But this will start as a very tight affair and if AWs go behind early, Ticos will love it. They will then sit deep and be a big threat for a counter sucker punch. They are going to be hard to break down for a goal at 0-0, go behind early and that will get even more difficult, especially without Singh & Thomas.

They will just milk fouls galore, falling over at the merest contact and the young AWs will just get more frustrated & frustrated. If the game goes that way it could be a truly horrible watch, with many expletives hurled at the telly.

Keeper I really don't know now who starts out of Marinovic & Sail. Marinovic has the international experience and hasn't really had a bad game for the AWs, but Sail backs himself (at least outwardly) and is high on confidence after a really good ALM season.

Hay will start with a back 3/5. I'd go with Reid and the two MLS centre backs. That MLS experience Boxall & Tuiloma have will come in, very handy. They play against & train with Latino players in numbers every week. They well know how they love to draw soft fouls. Pijnaker doesn’t really have that. Tuiloma is now also a fantastic goal threat. Both in the air and taking free kicks himself near the box. Whilst Boxall is more defensively solid.

Pijnaker does have a lovely left foot, and often a great pass forward. But Reid can also rake it forward accurately to Wood & co in need. 

Actually Ticos likely shape up very similar to the AWs at the back. They have an experienced CB playing in a high level Euro league with Duarte in La Liga (a Reid equivalent), and then 2 MLS CBs in Calvo & Waston - though the latter is now back in CR after many years stateside.

So after the CBs it's Cacace on the left, and maybe Kirwan on the right. I think once the AWs settle into the game after a nervy opening 10-20 mins, Hay will be wanting his WBs to get forward, to create a goal threat. That's more Kirwan than Payne. 

Then midfield & the forward line alot of Hay's thinking could be dictated by how the Ticos setup. All the intel says that recently in CONCACAF qualifying they setup deep, happy to have only 30-40% possession even against the weaker Central American teams at home. Even when Canada went down in 10 men in San Jose they sat deep.

But could they change that up against the AWs? They have picked a tonne of midfielders and only 3 forwards in their 26 man squad. They have recalled a midfielder who hasn't played for them in 9 years.

Do they plan to overload in midfield? Do they look at the likely greenhorn AWs midfield, and see a weakness. After all we are likely to have a guy who's just left the Norwegian league, a guy playing 2nd tier in Denmark, a guy playing U19 football in Italy, and the most experienced guy coming from the weak ALM who couldn't cement a spot at a struggling English 3rd tier club.

Juneof86 said Ticos key player is 33 yr old Borges. A hugely experienced midfielder with 10 years playing in Europe (including La Liga). He will try pull the strings. The AWs have to give him no space to stand a chance. Ticos coach will know this, and perhaps is going to overload the midfield to give Borges plenty of passing options, so if Bell, Stamenic, Garbett rush in to close him down that creates space for their midfield elsewhere. The other thing the Kiwi youngsters will have to get right is their contact against the Tico midfielders, with again the slightest nudge and it's a flop by Borges & co and yet another frustrating free kick conceded. It's actually something Lewis is quite good at, milking soft fouls. 

Will be very interesting to watch the Ticos against Panama especially, and how they setup, with one eye on the AWs. Do they change tact a bit, and try play with more of the ball in midfield?

I think alot of that analysis will dictate who Hay starts with, and how he sets up the forward line & midfield. Shutting Borges down, sounds one of the keys to winning this playoff. Plus being rock solid at defensive set pieces, and not giving away stupid fouls in dangerous positions.

Oh and with their Bundesliga RB Gamboa not picked, maybe their right side is potential weakness for Cacace to unpick. Who knows.
and 1 other
almost 3 years
No super surprises in the squad - but not too sure on Gould as 3rd choice keeper. I know its highly unlikely he'll play a minute but we're also still in the weird world of Covid so you never know. I'm guessing if the unthinkable did happen Hay would be on the phone to Woud asap. 

Although we're missing 2 of our best players its awesome to see the level of depth which has been built the last couple of years. Even without those 2 we've still got a really competitive team with a good mix of youth and experience. 
over 6 years
It seems like Celso Borges is recovering from something but is joining the camp next week. The Ticos have already begun training with their domestic-based squad. 
I might have a different opinion once I see the Peru friendly and see Costa Rica’s friendlies, but I like a 3-back formation for the AWs. Costa Rica’s back four (when it is a back four) can get pretty narrow and there may be some space for the wingbacks to attack and get crosses in. The reason they like to play so narrow is because you can cut them apart through the middle more than most sides (Calvo in particular, but Waston as well, are aggressive and take chances, plus the central midfield pairing of Borges and Tejada are not particularly quick). I also think Costa Rica fancies their ability to defend crosses and win balls in the air, so they don’t mind giving up space out wide. However, that does force their wide attacking players track back. I think making whoever that is (Venegas, Ruiz or Torres probably) is good for New Zealand as well. 
To be clear I think Campbell is their most dangerous player and he’s the one that needs the most attention, but you have to get after Borges. He can kill if you if you give him too much time on the ball. And they ask him to do a lot. I think the Ticos will be connected and full of effort, but there have been matches this cycle where it looks a bit like a 6-0-4 with the attackers not working back and the back line and d-mids pinned deep. And then it’s up to Borges to connect those lines almost on his own. He is literally and figuratively central to their success. Campbell can drift in and out of the match depending where he is on the pitch and how they're playing, but pretty much everything goes through Borges.
Coochiee makes an excellent point about the gamesmanship. We call it “CONCACAFing” over here. You can’t get frustrated. You need to understand that ridiculous things are going to happen and you have to accept it. As you say, the key to neutering their shenanigans is by simply not falling behind. Easier said than done, obviously, but playing from behind will only increase the CONCACAFing. It’s a hard balance to strike, to match their intensity, match the playing-like-your-life-depends-on-it mentality that Costa Rica will bring… and then be a cool customer when the calls don’t go your way and some guy you didn’t touch is rolling around on the ground. 
Having a good official makes a huge difference as well. The Aussies benefitted from a referee that wasn’t going for any nonsense in Honduras last cycle. 
I too am curious about how aggressive Costa Rica may be how proactive they may want to be in terms of committing men forward and trying to dictate play. It hasn’t really been their primary tactic, but if I were them, I wouldn’t want to sit back in this situation. I would want to be assertive. 
First Team Squad
over 3 years
No one has talked about those that have missed out... but of all the players, I think Nikko Boxall might be the unluckiest. I thought he was v good in his last two games for NZ and did everything he could have to get him in the squad.
Honestly thought the same!
over 13 years
Think Coochie hit the nail on the head with his midfield comments. Without Thomas and Singh that’s definitely our weakness and they will try to overload us there
First Team Squad
over 17 years
It seems like Stamenic/Garbett/Lewis will be fighting over who partners Bell in the midfield? I feel like Lewis might be best for balance of the side... But I likely have bias since I've seen a lot of him and only olympics/OFC from the other two. Would be interested in people who know more/watch more football of the other 2 as well, who they think should be in the team out of the 3?
First Team Squad
over 3 years
I had a thought about how many of the squad had actually played a home AWs game, and it turns out only 11 of the 26 have. Tim Payne has 25 caps but only 2 of them are in NZ (15 minutes vs New Caledonia in March 2013 and 90 vs South Africa in May 2014).
over 17 years
I'm not sure if this has been posted. But it's a great interview with one of the Costa Rican players. 

First Team Squad
about 15 years
I had a thought about how many of the squad had actually played a home AWs game, and it turns out only 11 of the 26 have. Tim Payne has 25 caps but only 2 of them are in NZ (15 minutes vs New Caledonia in March 2013 and 90 vs South Africa in May 2014).
and he was fortunate to still be on the pitch for 90 mins in that SA game - couple of fairly 'robust' challenges...
over 9 years
I'm not sure if this has been posted. But it's a great interview with one of the Costa Rican players. 



Yeah a great watch if you have 20-25 mins. Gives a proper outlook on the tough challenge ahead.

34 yr old Kendall Waston 7 seasons in the MLS, including a couple with Marinovic at Vancouver Whitecaps. Fellow AW Francis de Vries was also in the 2nd team (in the USL) there for awhile. Deklan Wynne & Myer Bevan as well for brief spells.

Actually Marinovic when he left the Whitecaps made a few barbs about the Latino players there, being selfish, cliquey etc undermining coach Carl Robinson (ex Jets & WSW). Wonder if that included Waston?

Waston is a bit of a beast at 1.96 cm (6ft 5). Big goal threat from free kicks & corners. Man marking for Wood probably.

One of their other likely starting CBs Francisco Calvo (age 29), was at Chicago Fire with Elliott Collier, and prior that was a CB partner for Mikey Boxall at Minnesota. He's now with San Jose Earthquakes.

Both Waston & Calvo (180 cm) were/are pretty regular goal scorers in the MLS. Their 3rd likely starting CB, Óscar Duarte (age 33, 186 cm) also bangs in a few in La Liga. Emphasising the threat of the Ticos from set pieces.

Duarte's Levante have been relegated from La Liga though, so he's maybe looking for a new club.

I imagine they will double team up on Wood if the ball is just pinged forward. The Woodsman will need all that EPL experience. Few hold up the play better. But yeah is a bugger that Singh won't be there, he may just have found that pocket of space between 3 older and presumably slower large CBs.

So AWs will need to pick their moments to hoof it forward to Wood. To be far he's probably a bigger aerial threat/physical presence than I imagine most forwards in CONCACAF. So likewise is going to be a big challenge for Waston & Co. Gonna be a huge battle. Then we also have Tuiloma, Reid & Mikey Boxall at setpieces.

And probably a number of the Ticos players hablar bueno Ingles from playing in the MLS or Europe. 

Wonder if some equivalent Costa Rican TV show has tracked down the AWs resident Spanish speaker Marco Rojas for a chat? Remember some amusing scenes at Mexico City Airport back in 2013, when a scrum of Mexican reporters used a bemused looking young Marco I think as an interpreter to ask Ricki a host of questions.
almost 3 years
I'm not sure if this has been posted. But it's a great interview with one of the Costa Rican players. 



Yeah a great watch if you have 20-25 mins. Gives a proper outlook on the tough challenge ahead.

34 yr old Kendall Waston 7 seasons in the MLS, including a couple with Marinovic at Vancouver Whitecaps. Fellow AW Francis de Vries was also in the 2nd team (in the USL) there for awhile. Deklan Wynne & Myer Bevan as well for brief spells.

Actually Marinovic when he left the Whitecaps made a few barbs about the Latino players there, being selfish, cliquey etc undermining coach Carl Robinson (ex Jets & WSW). Wonder if that included Waston?

Waston is a bit of a beast at 1.96 cm (6ft 5). Big goal threat from free kicks & corners. Man marking for Wood probably.

One of their other likely starting CBs Francisco Calvo (age 29), was at Chicago Fire with Elliott Collier, and prior that was a CB partner for Mikey Boxall at Minnesota. He's now with San Jose Earthquakes.

Both Waston & Calvo (180 cm) were/are pretty regular goal scorers in the MLS. Their 3rd likely starting CB, Óscar Duarte (age 33, 186 cm) also bangs in a few in La Liga. Emphasising the threat of the Ticos from set pieces.

Duarte's Levante have been relegated from La Liga though, so he's maybe looking for a new club.

I imagine they will double team up on Wood if the ball is just pinged forward. The Woodsman will need all that EPL experience. Few hold up the play better. But yeah is a bugger that Singh won't be there, he may just have found that pocket of space between 3 older and presumably slower large CBs.

So AWs will need to pick their moments to hoof it forward to Wood. To be far he's probably a bigger aerial threat/physical presence than I imagine most forwards in CONCACAF. So likewise is going to be a big challenge for Waston & Co. Gonna be a huge battle. Then we also have Tuiloma, Reid & Mikey Boxall at setpieces.

And probably a number of the Ticos players hablar bueno Ingles from playing in the MLS or Europe. 

Wonder if some equivalent Costa Rican TV show has tracked down the AWs resident Spanish speaker Marco Rojas for a chat? Remember some amusing scenes at Mexico City Airport back in 2013, when a scrum of Mexican reporters used a bemused looking young Marco I think as an interpreter to ask Ricki a host of questions.

I think based on the comments above we really need to play 2 up top or at least an AM as close to Wood as possible. If 2 of their CBs gang up on Wood as a sole striker I don't know how much joy we'll get. 

But if we have someone along side him with a bit of pace (thinking Kosta tbh) then he might have a bit of room to work if Wood preoccupies the other CBs.. 

I'd go for a 3-5-2 formation which could transition to 5-3-2 on defense. 
over 9 years
Agree on the formation, but not sure about Kosta. He seemed pretty average coming back from injury in a pretty average SFC team. His record with the AWs also ain't that great. 4 goals from 47 games (34 starts). Only goal against a non OFC team, El Salvador 10 years ago.

I'd be really tempted to start Greive. I think he could go well alongside Wood. Appeals already as someone tricky with a smart football brain. Not adverse to looking to draw a foul in or around the box, ie going down with contact. It could well be a freekick/pen that decides this game. Sure they have only been OFC teams (apart from his Jordan debut cameo) but he already has 2 goals, from 4 appearances.

Starting XI
almost 6 years
There's no doubt that Costa Rica are hard to score against. looking at previous posts they have height at the back and play quite narrow.  So crosses into the box are going to be pretty ineffective with Wood as a lone target outnumbered. Also factor into that the rest of our forwards are all quite short. And we are missing out best midfield ball players in Singh and Thomas.
I would have thought that getting in behind would be a more effective route to goal so playing a 5-2-3 with wing backs and wide forwards linking up on the flanks, Try and stretch them. 
Set piece is the other possible route to goal for us and having the likes of Reid, Boxall and Tuimola able to add height and help out Wood in the box on those occasions.
Not going to be easy. That's for sure.
Edit. A bit of a worry that alot of out forwards are out of form at club level right now. Just and McCowatt seem to be struggling. Kosta with an underwhelming season at SFC. Champness without a club. Wood not scoring alot and with some sort on injury. Only really Waine and Greive doing ok. At least Rojas is in a winning side scoring and assisting.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
5-3-2 against a more-favoured Spanish-speaking team from the American continent, with a game plan to get it to Wood up top and have the nippy lad run in behind him. Slightly back to the future, but as they say, third time’s a charm.

Does slightly worry me what the plan would be at the World Cup if we actually won, given those three teams are a big level up on Costa Rica. Big time damage limitation defending I suppose, not exactly the 4-3-3 that gets wheeled out in pressure-less friendlies.
over 9 years
Hopefully if we get to Qatar, we would have both Singh & Thomas.

Yes gulp, Germany, Spain & Japan. But playing at a proper 32 team WC should be tough. And at least we would be there. Italy won't be and maybe not our big brother Trans Tasman neighbours.

And I'm thinking AWs will have plenty of the ball in midfield against the Ticos, maybe not 60% plus like some of the CONCACAF teams. But for sure you still send it forward direct to Wood now and again. He did it week in week out effectively for Burnley in one of the world's toughest leagues. You just pick your moments. Easier said than done of course, especially without no Ashley Barnes equivalent up top with him.

We have some very promising young midfield players. But really they are pups compared to the hugely experienced (if apparently slow) Borges, Tejeda & co. The Peru friendly will reveal a lot about Hay's plans.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
I'm not sure if this has been posted. But it's a great interview with one of the Costa Rican players. 


That was highly entertaining. Very likeable guy.
over 9 years
Hay's 13 min presser when squad was announced.
He's a fan of Scandinavia as a first stop for Kiwis heading to Europe. So still reading from the Declan playbook somewhat.

over 9 years

PSG hosting Metz in their last game of the French season. Runaway league winners. Man they have a stacked team. Navas in goal. I’m sure it’s not immoral to hope for an injury 
Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years
We’ve struggled when we’ve played 2 up top with Wood as he gets dragged too wide and just isn’t in goal scoring positions enough. A top 3 keeps him central but will also, If they have decent CBs as suggested, drag them a little wider.

This means we only have 2 in central midfield but I think with Bell and Stamenic we’ll be ok as Cacace and Payne the guys have big engines.

If their plan A is to sit deep then our 3-4-3 will be a little impotent with 3 CBs but I think the CB in Hay will prefer that a 4-3-3 as we don’t have a third midfielder screaming to be selected. Just likely to come on if we are chasing the game. 
Agree on the formation, but not sure about Kosta. He seemed pretty average coming back from injury in a pretty average SFC team. His record with the AWs also ain't that great. 4 goals from 47 games (34 starts). Only goal against a non OFC team, El Salvador 10 years ago.

I'd be really tempted to start Greive. I think he could go well alongside Wood. Appeals already as someone tricky with a smart football brain. Not adverse to looking to draw a foul in or around the box, ie going down with contact. It could well be a freekick/pen that decides this game. Sure they have only been OFC teams (apart from his Jordan debut cameo) but he already has 2 goals, from 4 appearances.

almost 5 years
We're fizzing as supporters to be dropping in from all over the world for a mad 48 hours in Doha, including a potential Australia vs Peru game. If you know any kiwis going or who live in the Middle East and might want to join a group with some plans for fan friendlies, prematch fizzing, tickets together and dressing up like crazies please put them in touch. Russia was really special but with the ultimate prize on the line this is going to be an incredible experience together.

FK17 Russia.jpg 101.22 KB
Phoenix Academy
about 11 years
Hi guys, any particular bar in Auckland that will be the place to be for this game?
over 9 years
Hi guys, any particular bar in Auckland that will be the place to be for this game?

Got to assume The Fox?
about 17 years
Bit worried about Rojas on the evidence of Victory v Western United. He’s been hit and cold this season and 

Watched a video about the fall of Aussie rugby. A very persuasive argument that the most cohesive team wins. This tallies with 2009 experience for the AWs and also the Mexican team that beat us. 

Either we need to select a team that has played together a lot internationally or that has a significant core from one club. I guess though there’s been a lot of youth football together for some players?

Edit: I didn’t realize Rojas had been quite as good in the A league as he has- 6 goals and 7 assists. I’d felt it had basically been one dominant game and much inconsistency outside that. Anyone watched him every minute?
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Bit worried about Rojas on the evidence of Victory v Western United. He’s been hit and cold this season and 

Watched a video about the fall of Aussie rugby. A very persuasive argument that the most cohesive team wins. This tallies with 2009 experience for the AWs and also the Mexican team that beat us. 

Either we need to select a team that has played together a lot internationally or that has a significant core from one club. I guess though there’s been a lot of youth football together for some players?

Edit: I didn’t realize Rojas had been quite as good in the A league as he has- 6 goals and 7 assists. I’d felt it had basically been one dominant game and much inconsistency outside that. Anyone watched him every minute?

I watched quite a few victory games/highlights, plus reading lots of Victory fan comments on the reddit A-league sub, where most Victory fans have been very complimentary about him this season. He had a good season and was in form (in general played better than he did in the last one vs Western).

He reminds me of Piscopo a little that he isn't a guy to carry a team, but looks good in a dominant team with good players around him. He can fade out of matches quite a bit when his team isn't on top, which is a concern for the qualifier.
almost 5 years
Fizzing with the group, plans on the day and kiwis coming together to support. Any stray kiwis heading over to Doha please put them intouch so we can do it together. https://www.theflyingkiwisfc.com/kiwis-do-doha/ 
over 5 years
I know he's the third choice keeper and very unlikely to be involved, but I can't believe not much has been made of Gould's inclusion. The dude is his own go coach in the fifth tier of English football. He's not even young. Better to take someone with more potential along. But then of course his dad is part of the coaching staff. 
over 9 years
I know he's the third choice keeper and very unlikely to be involved, but I can't believe not much has been made of Gould's inclusion. The dude is his own go coach in the fifth tier of English football. He's not even young. Better to take someone with more potential along. But then of course his dad is part of the coaching staff. 

In reality he spent the last season out on loan in the 7th tier. Not even one of the best 2 keepers at his 5th tier club. And yes age 28.

He'll probably never get a start for the AWs, and will be a good NZ football trivia question in a few years. 

But I guess of the other contenders for a role where you will highly likely just be training 'cannon fodder' as Hay said - Woud is trying to establish himself at his Japanese club, Tzanev can't enter Doha as unvaccinated, Crocombe is in the midst of English 5th tier playoffs & Searle is probably focused on trying to sort out his immediate future just having been released by Swansea. You could make a case for Paulsen maybe, but Gould knows the team setup and what's expected of him in an important camp. 
about 17 years
Similar to James Bannatyne in a way - a nine-year international career (including the 2010 World Cup), with three caps all in 2001 and 2002. 
over 5 years
Hard not to see this as a paid family reunion and/or the ground work for some sweet WC prize money down the road.

Paulsen is miles ahead of Gould.  

If Hudson pulled of this kind of nepotism, people would be blowing up big time.
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
I know he's the third choice keeper and very unlikely to be involved, but I can't believe not much has been made of Gould's inclusion. The dude is his own go coach in the fifth tier of English football. He's not even young. Better to take someone with more potential along. But then of course his dad is part of the coaching staff. 

In reality he spent the last season out on loan in the 7th tier. Not even one of the best 2 keepers at his 5th tier club. And yes age 28.

He'll probably never get a start for the AWs, and will be a good NZ football trivia question in a few years. 

But I guess of the other contenders for a role where you will highly likely just be training 'cannon fodder' as Hay said - Woud is trying to establish himself at his Japanese club, Tzanev can't enter Doha as unvaccinated, Crocombe is in the midst of English 5th tier playoffs & Searle is probably focused on trying to sort out his immediate future just having been released by Swansea. You could make a case for Paulsen maybe, but Gould knows the team setup and what's expected of him in an important camp. 
"Tzanev can't enter Doha as unvaccinated,". 
Sorry there appears to be a misprint here; I'll fix it.
"Tzanev can't enter Doha as he's an effing eejit."
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Hard not to see this as a paid family reunion and/or the ground work for some sweet WC prize money down the road.

Paulsen is miles ahead of Gould.  

If Hudson pulled of this kind of nepotism, people would be blowing up big time.
Yeah I'm not gonna lie I agree with this. Heck even taking someone like Scott Basalaj would be better. Or bring Alex Paulsen for the experience. Third keeper is the most irrelevant place in an international squad, but it's still a bit of the rort that Gould gets in. Surely Searles' immediate future in terms of finding a club would suit him well to be selected for the All Whites squad... who knows. 
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Hard not to see this as a paid family reunion and/or the ground work for some sweet WC prize money down the road.

Paulsen is miles ahead of Gould.  

If Hudson pulled of this kind of nepotism, people would be blowing up big time.
Yeah I'm not gonna lie I agree with this. Heck even taking someone like Scott Basalaj would be better. Or bring Alex Paulsen for the experience. Third keeper is the most irrelevant place in an international squad, but it's still a bit of the rort that Gould gets in. Surely Searles' immediate future in terms of finding a club would suit him well to be selected for the All Whites squad... who knows. 

There’s three lines of thought, you can go with your three best keepers, have the third as shooting fodder/extra coach, or a young keeper as work experience. Hay’s obviously gone with two, and gave his reasoning why, whereas Hudson often went three, which is why Sail, Crocombe and Woud all had call-ups under him.

We don’t really have three obvious top keepers who would be in contention to play, since Woud has had a turbulent season, but a clear two-way battle. I’m not terribly annoyed about Gould, because he won’t play, and will help out those that will. Hudson called up Rory Fallon from a similar level to play Peru, when really it was just for his mana in the dressing room.

Paulsen would have benefited from the camp, but he is just a teenager who has been in Australia all season, so maybe they thought he could use some time with family, as opposed to several more weeks flying all around the world. Searle, could’ve been, but I’m sceptical about him, especially given how little he played for Swansea’s reserves. Then the only other young keepers who are in Europe are Zac Jones, who could’ve been good to get involved, he is currently the only keeper on Haverfordwest’s books so hopefully set to be number one next season, or Kees Sims, who’s playing third tier Swedish U19s, so would be too early for him.
over 17 years
I know he's the third choice keeper and very unlikely to be involved, but I can't believe not much has been made of Gould's inclusion. The dude is his own go coach in the fifth tier of English football. He's not even young. Better to take someone with more potential along. But then of course his dad is part of the coaching staff. 

In reality he spent the last season out on loan in the 7th tier. Not even one of the best 2 keepers at his 5th tier club. And yes age 28.

He'll probably never get a start for the AWs, and will be a good NZ football trivia question in a few years. 

But I guess of the other contenders for a role where you will highly likely just be training 'cannon fodder' as Hay said - Woud is trying to establish himself at his Japanese club, Tzanev can't enter Doha as unvaccinated, Crocombe is in the midst of English 5th tier playoffs & Searle is probably focused on trying to sort out his immediate future just having been released by Swansea. You could make a case for Paulsen maybe, but Gould knows the team setup and what's expected of him in an important camp. 
"Tzanev can't enter Doha as unvaccinated,". 
Sorry there appears to be a misprint here; I'll fix it.
"Tzanev can't enter Doha as he's an effing eejit."
Maybe but if we do make it I can fully see him there in November as many footballers, especially at the pinacle of the sport are unvaxxed.  Just have a look at the stats for the Premiership.  

No way will FIFA allow Qatar to still enforce that rule in November.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
It isn't that unfathomable Gould could end up on the field vs Costa Rica. 

Just takes one of Sail or Marinovic to get Covid or an injury. .. Then the other to get an injury in the match... And Gould would be up. 

WC Intercontinental Playoff vs Costa Rica | Tue 14th June (15th NZT) | 9pm (6am NZT)

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