ASB Premiership: Changes Needed Next Season

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

 Finishing second does not guarantee you an O League spot. Did TW and Canty go in the year they made the final? Nope......

You keep banging on that only winning matters, well being competitive matters as well and getting to three ASBP finals is not mean feat for Canterbury and TW. By saying their efforts are worthless you're belittling the whole competition. Does that mean a team like Spurs is worthless because it hasn't recently won the English premiership. A competition is about all the teams who compete, not just the winner.

over 17 years

I love how NZF are willing to clim prize money for a competition they are not willing to enter (O-League).  I find that fundamentally outrageous

about 15 years

Trueblue wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

 Finishing second does not guarantee you an O League spot. Did TW and Canty go in the year they made the final? Nope......

You keep banging on that only winning matters, well being competitive matters as well and getting to three ASBP finals is not mean feat for Canterbury and TW. By saying their efforts are worthless you're belittling the whole competition. Does that mean a team like Spurs is worthless because it hasn't recently won the English premiership. A competition is about all the teams who compete, not just the winner.

If you go back to the original point that was made and how this got started, the statement was that the competition is not a two horse race because Canty came within a penalty shoot out of winning the comp. As I said, what did it get them - nothing. 2nd place in this league gets you nothing so coming within a penalty shoot out of winning vs last, its all the same. You get nothing. It does not even get you an O League spot because you don't even have to make the final to get that.

Hence really, this competition is a two horse race because the only winners have been ACFC and Waitakere and with the exception of one season where YHM were also included, ACFC and Waitakere have been in the O League. Saying that Canty came within a penalty shoot out of winning does not justify this competition as being meaningful or competitive. What was the phrase used to describe the ASB by an ACFC supporter a couple of posts back.... cabbage?

That's the point so no, I was not banging on about winning is the only thing that matters.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Not sure they are willing. Probably more the fact they aren't allowed to enter.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Getting dizzy yet guys?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
2ndBest wrote:

Not sure they are willing. Probably more the fact they aren't allowed to enter.

I think you and JV are becoming confused. If any team is in the top two spots at the end of the season or wins the final they go into the O League. Canterbury and TW have come close. They can do it, despite your inference of a two-team jackup. I simply don't share your assessment that the ASBP is rubbish. What did you call it once JV - "dismal crap". You're way too negative.

about 15 years
Trueblue wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

Not sure they are willing. Probably more the fact they aren't allowed to enter.

I think you and JV are becoming confused. If any team is in the top two spots at the end of the season or wins the final they go into the O League. Canterbury and TW have come close. They can do it, despite your inference of a two-team jackup. I simply don't share your assessment that the ASBP is rubbish. What did you call it once JV - "dismal crap". You're way too negative.

Can we examine some facts for a moment.

Yes I have said its dismal crap - because I really do not rate the football shown in it. Its ACFC, Waitakere and the also rans. The also rans are not flash although TW and Canty have their days. Some of the football is down right abysmal. I was at Kiwitea last year when ACFC trounced YHM and Stu Jacobs gave MOM to the worst player on the pitch in Nathan Cooksley. I could have done a better job and I'm over 60!!! The TV games this year (I think TW v Canty was it) was just utter shit. That being said, the competition has a purpose in NZ and it fills that purpose - provides a national league.

There are also ACFC fans saying 'ASB doesn't count' 'O League is where its at' 'Cabbage' so to say I'm way too negative... well I can suggest you throw that same stone at your own mates because the same supporters you hang out with share this view. Read back a couple of pages. I'm not being negative at all. I am telling you that there is no justification for calling this a competitive comp because....

The only teams to win the competition and make O League are ACFC and Waitakere. 'Come close' does not make it competitive or meaningful. What did Canty and TW get in those seasons where they came close that the teams that finished 8th didn't get. The answer is nothing because 'coming close' gets you nothing. If for the next 20 years, TW and Canty come close yet ACFC and Waitakere are still winning and still making O League, it wont make it a competitive comp. Which leads me to....

Making the final is irrelevant because making the final does not guarantee you anything. What did Canty get the year they made that final that Adam Cowan and co didn't get at YHM. The answer is nothing. You can also argue that you guys should give a bigger share of the money to Waitakere because without them winning (Say it was a Canty or TW) then you would have..... nothing (and that point is me stirring so don't take that one with any seriousness). The league is set up in such a way that reality is that going hard to the end, gets you nothing. You get rewarded for consistent league performance (and I have no issue with that)


Stop putting words in my mouth about it being all about winning or I am being negative or diverting away from the stated point. The argument is simply that you have zero grounds to argue that this is a competitive competition. By the facts above (and going back further to the very original point) why is there whinging about U20s and YHM when the result is a foregone conclusion. Please, argue the point. Come back to me because the facts show, there is none. I also urge caution not to use the 'participation' line or 'why turn up then' line because its just more red herrings. The point of the U20s inclusion is to give these kids exposure and of you noted back a couple of pages, I did agree with some of your points. Them being involved will make zero difference to the fact that either ACFC or Waitakere will win the league next year and will make zero difference to the fact that ACFC and Waitakere will make the O League. If we go back to the points you and 2nd Best were arguing, you can rightful argue if the U20s will get anything out of that considering the final make up of the team will change anyway. That's where the real argument is. Giving exposure to an U20s team which is likely to change anyway so what is the point of dressing it up as that exercise?

When you are prepared to discuss those points, then we have a conversation but do not make the above or my opinion out to be anything else that what I have stated.

about 15 years

I would also like to add that the Tottenham and EPL arguments are also red herrings. How has Scottish Football gone over the last 30 years. Its been Celtic, Rangers and a couple of other teams that have made the final. Say, doesn't that sounds like the ASB? Fact is, both are not comparisons to what we have.

Must try harder
over 17 years

Bluddy hell....wot a lot of writeing .,...

Starting XI
about 14 years
FU BLU wrote:

Bluddy hell....wot a lot of writeing .,...

That's the quote which sums it all up really
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Trueblue wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

Not sure they are willing. Probably more the fact they aren't allowed to enter.

I think you and JV are becoming confused. If any team is in the top two spots at the end of the season or wins the final they go into the O League. Canterbury and TW have come close. They can do it, despite your inference of a two-team jackup. I simply don't share your assessment that the ASBP is rubbish. What did you call it once JV - "dismal crap". You're way too negative.

I think 2ndBest was talking about the U20s, who are not eligible to enter even if they win it.

2ndBest was countering James Dean's point about it being outrageous that NZF would take a cut of OFC prize money for the 20s when they weren't willing to enter the O-League.

Has anyone (apart from JD) listened to the Grant McCav interview? Did it change anyone's views?

over 13 years

Can YHM get back into the league?

about 13 years

I think NZF will look at all youth teams systems for suitability to integrate into the ASB premiership if not all ready there. 

That is when expansion is reviewed again.

about 15 years
N-Bomb wrote:
FU BLU wrote:

Bluddy hell....wot a lot of writeing .,...

That's the quote which sums it all up really

Perhaps, but no one has refuted it.
Starting XI
about 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
N-Bomb wrote:
FU BLU wrote:

Bluddy hell....wot a lot of writeing .,...

That's the quote which sums it all up really

Perhaps, but no one has refuted it.

Oh I was making a point about that incredibly intelligent comment. I'm on board with your post.
about 15 years

I'm actually hoping to generate conversation, that's not pointed at ACFC or Waitakere. I do like our national league for what it is even though the football is hit and miss. I guess fundamentally, if the u20s improve that, then how would that be a bad thing?

Starting XI
about 14 years

I love the national league, I look forward to every Waikato FC home game (so that should well show how in favour of it I am!), but I do still agree, we are deluding ourselves if we think this competition is an extremely meaningful, close-run, world-renowned competition. Most of all, it is a stepping stone for our bright young talent, as well as a competitive environment for those who are lucky enough to get paid a small amount. Adding the under 20's may have slight logistical issues but on the whole it benefits kiwi football, and that's what the ASBP is meant to do.

about 17 years
Smithy wrote:
Trueblue wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

Not sure they are willing. Probably more the fact they aren't allowed to enter.

I think you and JV are becoming confused. If any team is in the top two spots at the end of the season or wins the final they go into the O League. Canterbury and TW have come close. They can do it, despite your inference of a two-team jackup. I simply don't share your assessment that the ASBP is rubbish. What did you call it once JV - "dismal crap". You're way too negative.

I think 2ndBest was talking about the U20s, who are not eligible to enter even if they win it.

2ndBest was countering James Dean's point about it being outrageous that NZF would take a cut of OFC prize money for the 20s when they weren't willing to enter the O-League.

Has anyone (apart from JD) listened to the Grant McCav interview? Did it change anyone's views?

It didn't change my view because I have no issues with the U20s being there. If you're a Manawatu player that's good enough to play ASB Premiership then you still will, you must just have to play for a different team.
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Crikey - what a response. My point JV is still TW ousted ACFC in the finals playoffs recently and came withing the final of qualifying for the O League. Canterbury came within one penalty goal of the same. The fact they didn't doesn't mean they can't. Manawatu did one season and that to me alone is reason for them to be allowed to compete if they can do it. You know I think the Under 20 team demeans the competition to a training ground for the NZF and belittles the hugely professional efforts of ACFC to be competitive on a decent level, as is Waitakere. If the Under 20 team takes any of the O League prizemoney won by ACFC or any other team then that just rubs salt into the wound by the NZF. You mention the Scottish premier league, well the likes of St Johnson and Aberdeen have pride and can dream of cracking the top two. Just as Spurs are knocking on the door in England. I don't care if one team wins it nine years out of ten, the dream is what matters (speaking from knowledge as a Crystal Palace supporter).

I have never thought the ASBP was ever "dismal crap" and I think your sometimes caustic dismissal of domestic football says more about where your head is at than what is happening on the field in front of you. I appreciate you go to local games and wish there were more like you but I think you should sometimes temper your views.  

about 15 years

So now it's the dream that matters? Ok, you change your stance to suit your position a lot.

Please tell me how participation.... er 'the dream' makes the competition competitive? You can't because it doesn't. The fact remains, ASB, SPL are not competitive and people in the UK have been saying the SPL has been poked for years. The rich get richer in Europe and the also rans keep being the also rans. Celtic and Rangers were active in trying to get out of Scotland and into something else because its such a crap league for years. Lets not rewrite history to suit your argument. Stop throwing up these red herrings.

The U20s have a dream of doing well at the local WC. This helps facilitate that. Does that fit in with your 'dream' statement?

Taking out YHM and adding U20s does not turn the comp into a training ground. If that's your argument then it's been that way for a couple years with a mandate of having to field x amount of youth players or whatever that policy was so you have no argument. Spoonley hasn't sat on the bench because ACFC choose to put a kid as the reserve GK - a classic example. Whether its YHM coming last again, replacing them does not change the competition. If you decide to deny entry to the 60 yo guy at the Auckland marathon because he has come last the last few years and let someone else who could potentially do better, does not make any difference to the other participants or change the makeup of the marathon. Because this decision has zero effect on your club or the competition, the bare faced facts suggest you just don't like change or have a greater bugbear. This does nothing to affect your club and arguing it makes the league less competitive when it's not competitive already is a circular argument.

Again, how does U20 being in this league instead of YHM makes the competition worse? I want you to tell me.

I also don't have to temper my views because if it looks like spam and tastes like spam, I'm not going to sell it as scotch fillet.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

So now it's the dream that matters? Ok, you change your stance to suit your position a lot.

Please tell me how participation.... er 'the dream' makes the competition competitive? You can't because it doesn't. The fact remains, ASB, SPL are not competitive and people in the UK have been saying the SPL has been poked for years. The rich get richer in Europe and the also rans keep being the also rans. Celtic and Rangers were active in trying to get out of Scotland and into something else because its such a crap league for years. Lets not rewrite history to suit your argument. Stop throwing up these red herrings.

The U20s have a dream of doing well at the local WC. This helps facilitate that. Does that fit in with your 'dream' statement?

Taking out YHM and adding U20s does not turn the comp into a training ground. If that's your argument then it's been that way for a couple years with a mandate of having to field x amount of youth players or whatever that policy was so you have no argument. Spoonley hasn't sat on the bench because ACFC choose to put a kid as the reserve GK - a classic example. Whether its YHM coming last again, replacing them does not change the competition. If you decide to deny entry to the 60 yo guy at the Auckland marathon because he has come last the last few years and let someone else who could potentially do better, does not make any difference to the other participants or change the makeup of the marathon. Because this decision has zero effect on your club or the competition, the bare faced facts suggest you just don't like change or have a greater bugbear. This does nothing to affect your club and arguing it makes the league less competitive when it's not competitive already is a circular argument.

Again, how does U20 being in this league instead of YHM makes the competition worse? I want you to tell me.

I also don't have to temper my views because if it looks like spam and tastes like spam, I'm not going to sell it as scotch fillet.

My argument JV is you often use ridiculous extreme language - like "dismal crap" - when I don't think it's a fair assessment. The ASBP is a reasonable standard and players put in a lot of effort on and off the pitch. I think they deserve more respect.

The ASBP was set up as a franchise-based competition representing the main regions, so the Under 20 team is a major change. It doesn't represent any part of the country and dilutes the local identity of teams like ACFC, Waitakere, Hawkes Bay, Canterbury, Otago, Waikato, Wellington. It also places young players in a difficult situation. They may want to play for their local franchise like Canterbury or ACFC but will feel under pressure if NZF wants them in the Under 20 team. Likewise coaches will be under pressure from NZF to let their best young players play for the Under 20 side when they want them for their team as well. I just think it was a short-sighted decision made for the convenience of the NZF rather than to benefit our national league which is in need of rejuvination.

No football league in the world is equal, there are always heavyweight teams and those fighting to catch up. ACFC and Waitakere set the standard and Canterbury and TW aren't far behind. But there is always the dream of cracking it. It's what it is all about. If you don't understand that I can't explain it to you.

about 15 years
Trueblue wrote:

The ASBP was set up as a franchise-based competition representing the main regions, so the Under 20 team is a major change. It doesn't represent any part of the country and dilutes the local identity of teams like ACFC, Waitakere, Hawkes Bay, Canterbury, Otago, Waikato, Wellington. It also places young players in a difficult situation. They may want to play for their local franchise like Canterbury or ACFC but will feel under pressure if NZF wants them in the Under 20 team. Likewise coaches will be under pressure from NZF to let their best young players play for the Under 20 side when they want them for their team as well. I just think it was a short-sighted decision made for the convenience of the NZF rather than to benefit our national league which is in need of rejuvination.

Ok now we are getting down to it. Took a while but I clipped the rest out to focus on this, which appears to be your reason why you are against it.

I can understand your view. I think when you look at the whole thrust of the invention of the ASBP, one of the main considerations I guess was representation/identity. In my opinion, OU, CU, HBU have this sorted out well. From what I can see from the outside, TW is turning into a Miramar/Phoenix entity, WFC have pretty much been an Auckland team in disguise for most of their incarnation, ACFC/Waitakere = Central/Waitakere and YHM have been a Manawatu team but recently, buy back retreads who went to Wairarapa who in turn, seem to think they can field a better team with the same players.
If you take the above as I see it (and I accept I may well be the only one who sees it like this) then the whole identity thing doesn't come into it because a lot of the teams don't have that representation/identity already other than in name.
The thing with the kids and the pressure, yes I can see that as well. I do think though that if you look at the mix of players in the league, it's young, but not under 19 young so I don't think we are talking about a whole lot of players that are making an impact already and them leaving their team, will leave that team in a weaker position. There are none that are major players at Waitakere and ACFC, the kids at TW are nix tied, OU have them from university considerations so are unlikely to move so really the only teams that might suffer are HBU, WFC and CU and I didn't see many young ones in CU this year. We are also talking a window of 2 years. It's not a lifetime and if you are a kid that wants to go to a WC, you might be inclined to increase your chances being in the 'circle of trust' as opposed to being outside it. I think if I was 19, and was faced with being a squad player if I stayed with a franchise, or potentially starting for an u20 team and putting myself in the shop window for WC, well then for that two years, I'd take that because when you are 30, you can be a 30 yo that's been an ASBP footballer for 12 years, or be an ASBP footballer, who also went to a WC, potentially got seen and signed up elsewhere with scouts watching.
I think if these kids are good enough, they will play ASBP regardless after they have done their u20s stint. Look at the players that transition from ACFC to Waitakere and back and there is no bad blood. Milos is playing for Central but spent the summer at Waitakere so this I don't think is a big deal. As for the coaches.... are you going to put your own personal glory (and the pressure is greater at Waitakere and ACFC as repeat participants at O League) ahead of the development cycle of footballers in NZ. I'm no Calcott fan but even he sees the bigger picture vs the fortunes of TW and I respect that greatly.
Life and death
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Take someone like Simon Arms. Would you prefer to be at ACFC and in the Fifa Club World Cup or in an Under20 side in the ASBP which can't be in the O League? I think it's unfair on our young players. There are more than a few who could be in this position.

Putting the Under20 side in the ASBP means NZF doesn't have a plan to enhance it's struggling (as far as the bottom four teams go) national league. Instead they're just being expedient. I've been arguing this from the beginning so I don't know where your reference to "now getting down to it" comes from. Nice to see you reasoning your opinion so perhaps it is for you.

Are there any other leagues where a national age-group side are slotted in with club sides? I suppose you could argue Dragon in Tahiti is close but its still a club side.


about 15 years

I don't think can look at this in a backwards applicable manner because Arms is not eligible for the team and thus it does not apply to him. Neither was Rojas and neither was Wood. You can only apply it going forward and I don't really see who this applies to.

Is a 19 yo footballer going to be starting at CWC for ACFC (or in fact get game time) because let's be honest, that's who you are referring to? Unlikely so I don't think that's a relevant argument because the team gets stacked with imports and guest players are bought in. As for being in the O League, we are talking 1 maybe 2 seasons at the most and with the timing of when qualifiers and the tournament is, may not be able to play in it anyway.

More than a few... Throw out some names and lets discuss them realistically rather than hypothetically. I think the list is far smaller than you think. Otherwise, we are just guessing and not proving your argument or mine.

As for enhancing the bottom 4 of the league, I think it's been well accepted for a long while but the answer is cash, and there is none, so that won't be fixed anytime soon. I will say though in respect of those bottom 4, they provided a development opportunity so it does not improve the competition but will improve young footballers whom may go back to their areas and improve their teams.

As for this happening elsewhere in the world, I have no idea, but as you did say, other leagues are not comparable.

about 17 years

Remember this is Under20 players for 2015. So they will be 17 now won't they? Would a 17 year old be starting ASB Premiership?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
Luis Garcia wrote:

Remember this is Under20 players for 2015. So they will be 17 now won't they? Would a 17 year old be starting ASB Premiership?

The promising David Browne has had game time for ACFC this past season and he's only 16-years-old. I know he's technically Papua New Guinea but it's likely he'll become a NZer. So just who are all these Under20 players who are going to fill the 16-18 places in this guest Under20 team, surely there will be a number who would have turned out for franchises? 

Doesn't Fifa rules mean they can actually be over 20 when they play in the World Cup as long as they're under 20 when the team qualifies? Also, aren't some over-age players allowed too?

I suspect NZF is using the O League prizemoney won by ACFC and spread around the ASBP to provide the cheaperst build-up it can get away with for the Under20 team. Remember NZF take a nice slice of the O League money and this'll pay for the Under20 team so Frank the Bank and co don't have to raid their junket funds. They have millions invested from the last World Cup, they just don't want to use it. Look I'm all for the Under20 AWs getting as much game time as possible but not at the expense of injecting some much needed new interest and funding into the ASBP. Having a South Auckland side would be been a big lift for the competition. The Under20 side are not going to bring in new spectators or sponsors.


Woof Woof
about 17 years
Trueblue wrote:
Luis Garcia wrote:

Remember this is Under20 players for 2015. So they will be 17 now won't they? Would a 17 year old be starting ASB Premiership?

Doesn't Fifa rules mean they can actually be over 20 when they play in the World Cup as long as they're under 20 when the team qualifies? Also, aren't some over-age players allowed too?

Players eligible are those born on 1 January 1995 or after. No other players allowed.

about 15 years
Trueblue wrote:
Luis Garcia wrote:

Remember this is Under20 players for 2015. So they will be 17 now won't they? Would a 17 year old be starting ASB Premiership?

The promising David Browne has had game time for ACFC this past season and he's only 16-years-old. I know he's technically Papua New Guinea but it's likely he'll become a NZer. So just who are all these Under20 players who are going to fill the 16-18 places in this guest Under20 team, surely there will be a number who would have turned out for franchises? 

Doesn't Fifa rules mean they can actually be over 20 when they play in the World Cup as long as they're under 20 when the team qualifies? Also, aren't some over-age players allowed too?

I suspect NZF is using the O League prizemoney won by ACFC and spread around the ASBP to provide the cheaperst build-up it can get away with for the Under20 team. Remember NZF take a nice slice of the O League money and this'll pay for the Under20 team so Frank the Bank and co don't have to raid their junket funds. They have millions invested from the last World Cup, they just don't want to use it. Look I'm all for the Under20 AWs getting as much game time as possible but not at the expense of injecting some much needed new interest and funding into the ASBP. Having a South Auckland side would be been a big lift for the competition. The Under20 side are not going to bring in new spectators or sponsors.

I have heard that Browne wants to stay PNG but I can't remember where so I could be wrong about that. He would be 1 if eligible but does his leaving City materially affect them? He would be getting full games in an u20 outfit. He would not be getting them at City any time soon (see Steven Carmichael). That's 1 name we have, doubtful for eligibility and not going to affect ACFC or the coach and would benefit the player, playing a full 90. Anymore?

In the case of eligibility, no over age players and for the next in NZ, born after Jan 1 2015 so currently they will be 17 of just turned 18 so Luis Garcias point stands. There are no players currently who fit that criteria that I know of that would make their franchise worse for leaving or put the coach in a hard spot so I think it's a fair comment to dismiss that fear.
You need to help me out with the next bit because I am unclear. You want the u20s to get as much game time as possible but you don't want it done cheaply, and you don't want u20s doing it from O League money which they would get a small amount ($30k you said?) from the previous YHM share. Have you not seen the ramifications to our game after Seatter was in charge and spent willy nilly? Wasn't there a year they chose not to go because there was no cash? 30k basically gets the team a return trip to Fiji so that money is hardly going to fund their whole program. I really think you should re-think your position on that because its a bit silly. As for this mountain of cash, if you have not read the last 2 financial statements they have borrowed money from their reserves to make the game look like it is making a profit. The reality is the figures might be in the black, but the reserves are shrinking because of. Lets not also add in the 33% budget cuts across the board at NZF this year because of a failure to make Confeds which *cough* "NZF never budgeted for". And you don't want this campaign done on the cheap? Hmmmm if the above doesn't make it clear, allow me to help you. They have no money. I'll make it clearer if you still aren't sure but their lack of want to invest in their own comp should tell you there is no money, but, I know that you know that. So how do they do it if there is no money?? I would like your thoughts on that.
Lastly, what would a South Auckland side really do? I seriously doubt it's going to break the trend and attract the masses. Your team has just over 500 on a game usually and you are a successful team with a good set up. In South Auckland, where there will be stuff all Islanders playing for them because of competition regulations so thus no local interest (why did you get a mass turn out at Kiwitea for O league? Cause it was Fijians playing) and looking at the playing talent of Northern Premier, there is not a wealth of island talent in that level, let alone any that could step up. So why would anyone go to Mangere paddock with a crap playing surface to watch Hogg, Strom and any other retreads you care to mention. If it was a team that somehow got permission to field a team of mainly Islanders (of which they would be from Northern 1 or 2) using the same line re-U20's inclusion, how does that help NZ, NZF, the competition and the development of talent and also that O League $30k which would probably head back to the islanders such is the culture of giving back to their countries. Again, perhaps I see it wrong, but I would like your thoughts on this.
I'm still not getting your resistance to this u20s inclusion.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Trueblue wrote:

Take someone like Simon Arms. Would you prefer to be at ACFC and in the Fifa Club World Cup or in an Under20 side in the ASBP which can't be in the O League? I think it's unfair on our young players. There are more than a few who could be in this position.

Players would still be able to play for the u-20 side and in the FIFA Club World Cup by simply tranfering to clubs competing in the OFC Champions Lge after the end of the ASB Premiership. Players already do this e.g. Darren White transferred from Canterbury United to Auckland City to play OFC Champions Lge. I can't see NZ football standing in the way of players doing this.

I back NZ football's move to include an u-20 side because the u-20 World Cup is such a big and unique opportunity to promote football here, the biggest football event ever to happen here, the likes of which many of us will never see again. And it's important we field a credible side. I, for one, would actually enjoy seeing my local side Canterbury United v NZ u-20 and if a few Mainland Football youngsters were turning out for NZ u-20, all the better...

almost 16 years

I agree with Big Pete

any Mainland footballer in the U-20 gets my support. we are not gettign numbers into these rep sides. 

almost 14 years

Nil x Mainlanders in 2013 U20s and 2 in 2013 U17s

about 13 years

You have just got to watch the 2 club rule for transfers.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Good chat here lads.

For mine, you've both got good points. I agree with Trueblue that NZF hasn't invested in the league, and has taken the easy option by kicking out Manawatu and slotting in the 20s. It is, in his words, expedient. +1 on that from me.

But I also agree with Big Pete 65 when he says that the 2015 U20 WC is such a massive thing for us, we need to field a credible side and give them a decent build up. And it has to be a build up we can afford of course.

I don't really buy into the idea that this move is going to strip franchises of players. Sadly, youngsters don't get a great run in the ASBP.

Where does that leave me? Firmly with a fence in my arse? Yes, that is correct.

I think I would have preferred it if NZF had replaced Manawatu with another team (South Auckland) implemented rules about a minimum number of U20s on the field for all games, and then played exhibition games as build up in the style of the ASB Challenge games against the Phoenix. 

But from what I hear that South Auckland franchise was enthusiastic but not ready, and there are question marks over the competitiveness and usefulness of exhibition games.

So I can understand the decision they've reached. And I'm not particularly bothered by it. 

The thing that worries me the most is how it will or won't work alongside the Phoenix's proposed Academy expansion, and how that might play out for the players.

about 15 years

I don't think anyone is under any illusion of doubt that NZF has not invested in the league. That's one battle True Blue and I will never have. Coupled by a complete idiot in Glyn Taylor who was running it - well we have what we have.

I think the only real question mark I have around their inclusion is "Are the u20 players in this team likely to get the benefit of 'time together as a team' when the final make up will probably have overseas players come in as always does". The rest, I don't think is really an issue contributing to the mass doom and gloom 'downgraded to a training comp' that's get flouted about.

As it stands, there is a matchday squad quota of age group players that much be in the team. I think what NZF have effectively done is rather than (mandating as you suggested Smithy) the fielding of a minimum number of age group players on the field, they have said 'stuff the quota, here is 1 team'. I think putting in quotas doesn't really change what was there in the first place (and to be honest, was not really used as intended)

over 17 years

One other question, presumably players will actually remain registered to their club (as they won't be able to register with the U20s) - does that mean they won't actually need a transfer at the end of the season to an ASBP side for O-League etc?

over 13 years
You boys know a lot more then I do about this issue but I just have one question. If South Auckland has potential and is the next cab of the rank why on earth would they play the under 20's on the shore rather then further south? Surely a couple of years of playing football in this area would only be a good thing?

over 11 years

This may have already be mentioned so apologies if it already has, but with the inclusion of the U20's will the franchises still be required to have 2 youth players in their match day squad?

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
Smithy wrote:

Good chat here lads.

For mine, you've both got good points. I agree with Trueblue that NZF hasn't invested in the league, and has taken the easy option by kicking out Manawatu and slotting in the 20s. It is, in his words, expedient. +1 on that from me.

But I also agree with Big Pete 65 when he says that the 2015 U20 WC is such a massive thing for us, we need to field a credible side and give them a decent build up. And it has to be a build up we can afford of course.

I don't really buy into the idea that this move is going to strip franchises of players. Sadly, youngsters don't get a great run in the ASBP.

Where does that leave me? Firmly with a fence in my arse? Yes, that is correct.

I think I would have preferred it if NZF had replaced Manawatu with another team (South Auckland) implemented rules about a minimum number of U20s on the field for all games, and then played exhibition games as build up in the style of the ASB Challenge games against the Phoenix. 

But from what I hear that South Auckland franchise was enthusiastic but not ready, and there are question marks over the competitiveness and usefulness of exhibition games.

So I can understand the decision they've reached. And I'm not particularly bothered by it. 

The thing that worries me the most is how it will or won't work alongside the Phoenix's proposed Academy expansion, and how that might play out for the players.

I take your points Smithy and I'll grudgingly accept the benefits of having the Under20 side in the ASBP in order to have our best side in the 2015 World Cup. My first interest has always been to promote the ASBP which is losing its appeal. Thank heavens for the O League.

about 15 years

I don't think we going to see a change anytime soon unfortunately.

With the $10m from the WC and ASB investing $2.5m every year for 4 years, where is this money going cause we were turning profits in 2009 prior to this cash and now we are not.

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