almost 14 years

Information vacuum = rampant speculation, but AW82 is an impeccable source usually. NZF must be due to announce ASBP/Youth plans.

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years

Ren wrote:

Alas the Reserves will still be involved in ASB Prem.

They will also have a team in Youth League 

That's great news!

I think the 8-team league (as we have it) is about as good as we can hope for at the moment.

Going forward, it might be nice if Nelson got a side together (given that their Youth team did so well - but could that same side 'compete' in a National League now?)...and there has to be another side in Auckland. 

There's no crime in having most of the teams coming from the largest centre/s - look at England. Then every now and then a 'one-club town' does okay - but can seldom (if ever) be expected to dominate.

Manawatu's the obvious 'victim', but given their lack of ability to get something together (between Phil Keinzley's resources/'powers of persuasion' and the definite ability kids from the Manawatu/Wanganui/Taranaki regions have)...will anything ever change?

Perhaps eventually a 'National Club Championship' (NCC) could be an avenue to introduce promotion/relegation.

The winners of the four regional leagues play each other at an 'islands-style' tournament over a week either side of Labour Weekend (either three games each, or four with a final) - obviously in Taupo - and the winner plays-off against the bottom-placed National League team home-and-away over two weekends in March.

If the winner of the NCC wins the play-off, they still play their winter season as preparation for the coming National League, with the associated publicity, exposure, and time to build funds for their National League campaign the following summer.

The bottom-placed National League team then goes into purgatory for a year, where they 'undertake an internal review' and figure out whether their franchise really should exist, or resources should be handed over to their corresponding region's best winter team (or their actual feeder team) - for example, purely hypothetically, if Waitakere United got relegated they would revert to Waitakere City and attempt to win the Northern League, then NCC, then re-emerge in the ASB Premiership as Waitakere City (or for the sakes of the argument, they could still call themselves Waitakere United).

Conversely, if the bottom-placed National League team WON the play-off...everything would stay 'as normal'.

Anyhow. That escalated quickly. (or didn't at all, and achieved nothing whatsoever, in reality...)

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years

Argie96 wrote:

So Wanderers will be no longer in ASB Youth League? Or will be a 13-team tournament?

Leaping to a purely speculative and ultimately short-sighted (but potentially realistic, given who and what we're dealing with) conclusion would suggest that:

Nelson go up to ASB Premiership (to make a 10-team league, including Phoenix Reserves)
The Wanderers from the Youth League become the Wanderers in the ASB Premiership (with a bit of cross-over)


The next crop of Wanderers enter into the Youth League...

...assuming Nelson wouldn't have a 'fresh' Youth team (just yet)

But, none of the above will happen - and nobody (nobody) knows what will. Thanks for your time.

almost 14 years

Ren wrote:

Alas the Reserves will still be involved in ASB Prem.

They will also have a team in Youth League 


almost 14 years

Ren wrote:

Alas the Reserves will still be involved in ASB Prem.

They will also have a team in Youth League 

I stand corrected then, if true thats great news.

almost 17 years

Last I heard was the ASB Premiership season was starting on November 14-15, and finishing on March 20.

It was originally going to start on October 4, but with the pull-out of Wanderers SC the date was pushed back.

The ASB Youth season is starting on October 3-4 and finishing on December 19-20.

Some interested parties had quite reasonably asked why it was starting relatively late and then threatening an overlap with winter football - and the answer was that the scheduling was arranged to suit the best preparation for teams off to the O-League.

But then nothing is ever simple with the national league. :-)

Read more about the tortured history of the league at: THE NATIONAL LEAGUE DEBATES 

Starting XI
over 17 years

hi folks, some general thoughts of mine

1. high standards combined with well thought out player restrictions and many more games drive development

2. therefore, it's important to have a small number of teams at the top of the pyramid

3. and therefore promotion/relegation is essential to keep things fresh as well as maintaining standards

4. and therefore summer is difficult unless we get creative with start and end months

5. no league will ever sustain itself without interest outside of the football community.  the question is not who 'we' would support, but who those on the fringe will support.  

6. therefore the league needs to be watchable and competitive.  the teams need to mean something and be able to drive an association.  no reserve teams or development sides no shark teams regardless of geographic location

Starting XI
over 17 years

club vs franchise?

i would venture to suggest that if we just had a basic winter structure in place; 10 teams in a national league with 3 regional leagues underneath it and promo/releg. etc with only basic player regulations in place and very little governance, etc, the playing standard and general appeal of the league would eclipse that of the current national league almost immediately and it would continue to improve over the next 5 years as the rich dudes finance their teams into the national league.  

but the real question is can we do better and let's face it, we might need to if the phoenix get the archer from the a-league and i fear that this might be what the review is actually all about

Budgie lover
about 17 years

Have you read Bruce's book? I'm about 80 pages in. 

Not sure the tinkering is worth it is my general conclusion so far. I don't see a whole lot wrong with the current system. 

Starting XI
over 17 years

i frequently buy stuff from bruce and i really should get a hold of this

the constant tinkering has really set us back in the past and i'm guessing that bruce's book will really bring this home

Stage Punch
about 17 years

People like Bruce should be involved in this review and should be given the right of veto over any mental brain fart that Andy Eligibility Alignment Martin might concoct.

and 4 others
almost 14 years
According to Bruce in a post above (below in app) ASB Yoof kicks off in about 6 weeks. Which teams have entered? Nix status?
about 15 years

My understanding is that this will all be released this week.

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

Surprised they're not holding off until the appeal stuff is over.

Be good to know what the format is!

about 9 years

Hi My Name is Eduardo but use Eddie for short I'm looking to come to NZ to play in The ASB Prem. was wondering if you guys could watch my highlight video of a league game in Brasil back in 2011 and please let me know what you think and if I could stand a chance in NZ please. Honest opinion would be really appreciated. Thanks for your time. Here is the link:

about 15 years

Your clip shows that you can make a covering tackle and play a long ball. To be honest it's not much to assess on but you would expect all players to do that.

Can you play off both feet? What's your first touch like? How do you react to playing under covering pressure? How is your head? How often do you take gambles or make mistakes? Can you make the smart pass? Do you always play long balls? Can you distribute? Do you commit to tackles or jockey? Can you create time for yourself or others? Are you vocal? Those are the things I want to know.

You also need to know that the ASBP is amateur and you will need to find a job as well as play.

about 9 years

Thanks for your input Jeff really appreciate it. answer to your question is:

Yes I can play with both feet. First thing on the video was how I controlled a long ball. Well if you like to hear from the local newspaper read articles about me on My Facebook page there is about 12 of them  where I played as a Right-back in the last year. When I carry The ball you can see I always look for options up front. Mistakes are always made but I always try my best to make sure I don't make any in a game, last season I had no cards in 16 games. Last season I had 9 assists in the Season so I can have a smart pass in a game. Back in 2011 we didn't really have confident mid-fielders and we had strikers who enjoyed the long ball and running into space. Like I said 9 assists in 16 games isn't bad for a right-back as his distribution. In the Video it shows I only make tackles when I'm 110% sure I'm going to win it and there is one time in the video where the striker is in front of goal and I just jockeyed him and I mange to block his shot. as a right-back you always have space to run into and create space for others and by being out wide that creates time and space for others to use me as an option on the game. Well I use to be the captain of the under-15 and under-17 teams and I was vice-captain last year.

I understand and if the opportunity arrives I will take it with both hands. At the moment I work and play football so going to NZ would be a overwhelming chance where I can do The thing I love the most In a beautiful country and where there is no bias towards colour. 

Thanks for your time and questions.  

over 9 years

Saw 3 new posts and thought NZF had finally announced something about the ASBP, but no

almost 14 years
Every footballer with a video clip posting in multiple threads for a chance to live and play shamateur football in nz. Is Hudson behind this?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Hope he has a NZ passport.
almost 12 years

Eddie wrote:

Hi My Name is Eduardo but use Eddie for short I'm looking to come to NZ to play in The ASB Prem. was wondering if you guys could watch my highlight video of a league game in Brasil back in 2011 and please let me know what you think and if I could stand a chance in NZ please. Honest opinion would be really appreciated. Thanks for your time. Here is the link:

If you've got pace and can spot a pass you'll be fine mate. 90% f players in the ASB Prem are donkeys.

about 9 years

shark week, sorry to say but you'd be dreaming to get placed in a team bud

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Best bet is to join a winter club and go from there.

about 9 years

Thanks all for your input I really appreciate it. 

Global game: No Hudson is not behind this. I'm Just a Footballer looking to do the thing I love with a passion in a beautiful country like NZ and I hope it can be a start for me to go Beyond just playing In the ASB Premiership.

VimFuego: Sorry don't have NZ passport but I Have a Brasilian one, a South African one and a Portuguese one.

Jerzy Merino: I do have pace and a Pass specially since I had 9 assists in 16 games from My right-back position last season so hopefully I can continue like that in The ASB Premiership.

Snaps: Well everyone has a Dream and hopefully My dream can come true and I come play in NZ and show you that dreams can come true.

TopLeft07: Well I don't know anyone in NZ and hopefully one of the ASB Teams can give me a chance.

If you guys are interested check My Facebook page with Local Newspaper articles, would kindly appreciate it. Just want to know what people think about My football. Last season helped My team Win the league Undefeated and I played 16 games in My preferred position of right-back. No cards in 16 games, 8 Goals scored from Headers to individual runs on the right hand side to a free-kick and 2 penalties scored and this year I have scored 3 goals and have 2 assists in 10 games plus you can read about My goal from the half-way line in one post and another half-way line goal from last year. Thanks again for your time.

Just search Eduardo G.S. Mendes on Facebook.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

What level is that at? 8 goals and 9 assists from 16 games from right back is a good record. As others have said your best bet would probably be to join a winter club, shine with them and then I'm sure you would get picked up in the ASB Premiership.

about 9 years

Well here in South Africa its First Division Amateur level. Some former professional play this level after they retire from The PSL here in South Africa. Won Player of the Year and Players Player of the Year last season. If yo could kindly read the articles on My Facebook page it would tell you a little more from someone else's point of view. Thanks for the reply. 

A few players I have player against is John "Shoes" Moshoeu and Clement Mazibuko they were 2 former South African internationals.

about 9 years

Eddie wrote:

Hi My Name is Eduardo but use Eddie for short I'm looking to come to NZ to play in The ASB Prem. was wondering if you guys could watch my highlight video of a league game in Brasil back in 2011 and please let me know what you think and if I could stand a chance in NZ please. Honest opinion would be really appreciated. Thanks for your time. Here is the link:

Those tackles looked pretty good. Solid and well timed. And impressive that they were all in one game.

about 9 years

Good day Lionlegs

Thanks for the great comments really appreciate it. Hoping to impress someone, somewhere and hopefully live my dream. If you can check out My Facebook page you can read newspaper articles about me and it includes assists, how dangerous I am as a right-back and Great Goals including 2 from the half-way line. Take care and thanks again. Can also tell you that in 16 games last season I received no cards, scored 8 goals from headers, penalties, great runs from my right-back position and a free-kick and 9 assists to go with it all. 

Facebook page: Eduardo G.S. Mendes 

Starting XI
over 17 years

have nzf updated us on the status on their competitions yet?  there's nothing on their website.  who's in?  who's out? i guess who gives a fudge...

about 13 years

reg22 wrote:

have nzf updated us on the status on their competitions yet?  there's nothing on their website.  who's in?  who's out? i guess who gives a fudge...

Changes are a happening behind the vail of faulty FAX
Budgie lover
about 17 years
about 9 years

Eddie wrote:

Good day Lionlegs

Thanks for the great comments really appreciate it. Hoping to impress someone, somewhere and hopefully live my dream. If you can check out My Facebook page you can read newspaper articles about me and it includes assists, how dangerous I am as a right-back and Great Goals including 2 from the half-way line. Take care and thanks again. Can also tell you that in 16 games last season I received no cards, scored 8 goals from headers, penalties, great runs from my right-back position and a free-kick and 9 assists to go with it all. 

Facebook page: Eduardo G.S. Mendes 

It all looks good. But it is probably not enough for a club to pay for your airfare and sponsor your visa without seeing a whole lot more game footage or getting a personal recommendation from someone in their network. If you can make your own way out here I guess there is a *reasonable* chance you might get a trial somewhere. But I'm not sure how that works with getting sponsored for the visa. 

I don't have any connections myself. I'm just a football fan. Good luck!

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Eddie wrote:

Good day Lionlegs

Thanks for the great comments really appreciate it. Hoping to impress someone, somewhere and hopefully live my dream. If you can check out My Facebook page you can read newspaper articles about me and it includes assists, how dangerous I am as a right-back and Great Goals including 2 from the half-way line. Take care and thanks again. Can also tell you that in 16 games last season I received no cards, scored 8 goals from headers, penalties, great runs from my right-back position and a free-kick and 9 assists to go with it all. 

Facebook page: Eduardo G.S. Mendes 

To be honest, There are better options for winter league and ASBP clubs in way of players as far as visa's go. A video from 2011 and your say stats just don't cut it for viability. Not just that you're selling ya self short. Try getting a gig in Australia's lower leagues seems a better option then what New Zealand has to offer. Sorry if I sound harsh but its just what I see - good luck with your football adventures around the world. 

about 9 years

Hi Roys

Thank you so much for the comments I really appreciate it. The fact that you took time to watch my video already means a lot and the fact you were honest makes it even better. You gave me exactly what I wanted and I know the video isn't the best but when I came back to South Africa and went to Ajax Cape Town I thought that was my overwhelming opportunity but I was lied to and so I only played amateur football because I would still be doing the thing I love the most and its also very expensive to get someone to come make a video of me and so I have been doing well and by getting my name on local newspaper I thought I could still use that as someone else is writing things about me but I completely understand where you coming from and thanks for the advice hope you can hear from me on a bigger stage in the near future. Well take care and thanks again for the comments.

almost 17 years

Has it been discussed about a Federation based National League? Nix as the eighth side? Have It during the summer, only allowed players registered with the area's winter clubs as at Aug 1, with one or two 'guest' players from other areas. You'd get more buy in from the local footballing community.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Have no idea whether or not that has been discussed, BUT, we were told that the information about the new League would be out in July, which was later put out to August.

Note to NZF - one day to go to meet your self-imposed deadline.

about 15 years

ol'sole wrote:

Have no idea whether or not that has been discussed, BUT, we were told that the information about the new League would be out in July, which was later put out to August.

Note to NZF - one day to go to meet your self-imposed deadline.

Was told that we can expect a release by the end of the week. Any changes may take up to 4 seasons be rolled out / completed. 

almost 14 years
... If that's the case Martin will be long gone by then.
about 15 years

one_eyed_nik wrote:

Has it been discussed about a Federation based National League? Nix as the eighth side? Have It during the summer, only allowed players registered with the area's winter clubs as at Aug 1, with one or two 'guest' players from other areas. You'd get more buy in from the local footballing community.

When you think about it now, it currently is...
almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

one_eyed_nik wrote:

Has it been discussed about a Federation based National League? Nix as the eighth side? Have It during the summer, only allowed players registered with the area's winter clubs as at Aug 1, with one or two 'guest' players from other areas. You'd get more buy in from the local footballing community.

When you think about it now, it currently is...

Not really as seen by the amount of 'locals' in TW for instance.

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