about 13 years

I thought a NZF release mentioned at least Wairarapa and Nelson were given youth league places to prove they could develop the back office/ infrastructure to support an ASB senior team. Transport to Masterton was always a worry for 1 day in and out for away teams. Not sure on Nelson flights for 1 day but must have worked.  Never heard any reference to AUFC.  Was Thier any?

about 15 years

Why would you have them in the ASB Youth League for three years if they haven't got a shot? If they never had a shot they shouldn't have been given that false hope and invited to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling around the country competing in what was supposed to be a stepping stone. You can debate whether or not they took their chance but they had every right to feel like they had one and they now have a legitimate grievance in my view, as does Heartland Wairarapa for that matter.

They did have a shot though didn't they? they were considered. Perhaps Tasman and Suburbs were a far more attractive prospect. I take your point about not providing them with any help, but if you were running the league, would you prefer  a well run and managed organisation as a new member or someone you've had to prop up and will probably need to continue to do so?

I was responding to JV who said they never had a shot. The E-Subs bid was clearly more attractive to the committee. They all brought different strengths to the table and the decision surely came down to trade-offs. On the last part of your comment, that would depend on what I am getting in return for my investment. If I thought that investment of time and resources could result in a whole lot of kids taking up football instead of rugby in a place like South Auckland I'd consider that effort well spent. Clearly the panel thought either that isn't good use of resources or that the likelihood of it succeeding didn't outweigh the investment.

Ah no not at all. I said they had a shot but are crying cause they missed out. 

"On the face of it, their bid was not good enough and that was their chance, which they legitimately got. The end."

As you were at pains to tell me, I illustrated opinion as to why they missed out. Funny how in amongst that opinion was a decent chunk of fact too which I listed.

Whom in your opinion should have missed out to Auckland United if its not fair?

about 15 years

That's your take on the Youth League's purpose in life. It has other uses too and some of the Youth League franchises were led to believe that it was a trial to see if they could/should take on a full ASB Premiership franchise in the future. I think you'll find Nelson fell into this category.

Your words not mine. I'm not arguing they should have a license because they should get a turn and it's a nice thing to do. I'm arguing it because there is a big catchment of undeveloped potential going to waste. UNDEVELOPED. This is about growing the game outside the areas where it is currently strong. Obviously I wouldn't be arguing this if there was a team of ASB Premiership ready players just sitting there waiting for a team. The trade-off is between capitalising on what we already have and investing in growth. 

How do you know they would have been coach and marquee (do ASB Premiership teams even have marquee players)? Speculation on your part.

Unless you are on the review panel this is all just your opinion. Why can't a bid be aspirational? I think there is room for a balance. Maybe Auckland United didn't strike that balance. I haven't seen their bid. But if it's all about money and winning then there will never be a South Auckland team at a higher level than there is now because you have to put resources in to get them out and all those clubs are operating in a poor part of town on next to no money. If that's the way it is then that's the way it is but I think we will end up poorer for it. Just my opinion!

In my opinion, the NYL is largely a waste of space however you need to have something for them so regardless, I think its always going to be flawed. Again, if you can produce something that NZF said would be a guarantee that they go to the next level then we can discuss something here. As you say, it was a trial so if we take your opinion as gospel, then they must have failed at the trial.

If they are undeveloped then they can go play in the youth league and be developed. Better yet, try get into the top regional level. Thats the level you develop them at, not at national competition level. If we again take your opinion as fact, then they should roar up the northern league tables right? To suggest that a team of undeveloped players should be developed at national level and skip a regional level step is just a massive 'what the fudge' statement right there. Thats not aspirational, thats loopy. Those that have the talent to do that, will have been found already and wont be in the catchment area. There will be those that throw up the Weenix argument but thats a completely different case.

When you read the noises coming from Auckland United, Hoane Edwards was to be coach and Hone Fowler captain. Thats not me making that up. By marquee I meant best player but Hone Fowler? If thats the best thats in the area...

Again, can you produce something from NZF that says NYL participation would be the basis of consideration for the next level. Can you? You have to back that statement up otherwise its you whom is running on opinion here. 

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a bid being aspirational. While we are at it, lets chuck in a team from Taupo. Undeveloped, geographic region not represented. Can you see how I arrived at that location based on nothing at all. Thats the same as the Auckland United concept. Its an opinion that because its not represented anywhere, then there has to be something there. Its nothing more than a concept with a merry-go- round of volunteers and a 'vast player base of undeveloped talent' thats done nothing at regional level. We could throw in Team Taranaki while we are at it as well. It akin to throwing darts at a target and hoping you hit the right one. There is no basis to it. Bruce will tell you about Waikato/WaiBOP and the stuff they have been through and they arguably have a larger player base that have more talent and have performed at regional level. Southern too live on a showstring budget and how are their performances? Why lower the standard of the competition to incorporate and aspirational bid when we should be raising the bar to be involved.

I think you run an awesome website and I sincerely enjoy reading your stuff but in this case, I think you have bought into the sob story too much to see what it really is - a 'not good enough' bid regardless what measurement you use.

almost 17 years

Hello there.

The underlying issue here is that missing out on the ASB Premiership now means missing out on the youth league as well.

To me that's the single biggest mistake/weakness of the revamp.

Why? Why?

It gives no further scope to see if anything can blossom in, say, South Auckland at this level.

I can't think of a reason why a national youth league MUST mirror a senior league. There are whole different dynamics and objectives at play.

Look for structures that serve, rather than bind.

This is the problem with the review panel - not the decisions they made but the terms of reference they worked under.

If they had stopped at the youth league tie-up and said: "hey, this is mince," that would have been better. But then maybe a member did, and we just don't know.

The youth league is an uncomplicated short-run competition. Please let's have youth league teams in places like Masterton, New Plymouth, Tauranga, Whangarei, Porirua etc... Let's go back to the days of the National Youth Cup in the 1980s if you like.

My advice to Auckland United would be to try and keep going.

Get together with Wairarapa and others and run an early summer series of unoffocial "friendlies" among interested parties.

Yes, it may be harder to get funding for unsanctioned stuff - but only until the merit and worth of the exercise was publicised and the national structure publicly shamed a wee bit.

I admire Hone Fowler for what he is trying to do. This is rolling your sleeves up with real community leadership. You don't see that from a lot of active players.

Good on Noel Robinson too. It would have been very easy for him to retire from football and play golf instead of trying to put somethign back in in a low-decile neighbourhood.

In fact good on everybody who is having a crack and trying to make a difference to football in their community. That's what we need more of.

and 5 others
Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Why would you have them in the ASB Youth League for three years if they haven't got a shot? If they never had a shot they shouldn't have been given that false hope and invited to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling around the country competing in what was supposed to be a stepping stone. You can debate whether or not they took their chance but they had every right to feel like they had one and they now have a legitimate grievance in my view, as does Heartland Wairarapa for that matter.

They did have a shot though didn't they? they were considered. Perhaps Tasman and Suburbs were a far more attractive prospect. I take your point about not providing them with any help, but if you were running the league, would you prefer  a well run and managed organisation as a new member or someone you've had to prop up and will probably need to continue to do so?

I was responding to JV who said they never had a shot. The E-Subs bid was clearly more attractive to the committee. They all brought different strengths to the table and the decision surely came down to trade-offs. On the last part of your comment, that would depend on what I am getting in return for my investment. If I thought that investment of time and resources could result in a whole lot of kids taking up football instead of rugby in a place like South Auckland I'd consider that effort well spent. Clearly the panel thought either that isn't good use of resources or that the likelihood of it succeeding didn't outweigh the investment.

Ah no not at all. I said they had a shot but are crying cause they missed out. 

"On the face of it, their bid was not good enough and that was their chance, which they legitimately got. The end."

As you were at pains to tell me, I illustrated opinion as to why they missed out. Funny how in amongst that opinion was a decent chunk of fact too which I listed.

Whom in your opinion should have missed out to Auckland United if its not fair?

Your exact words in a comment above "I don't think its harsh at all and actually am a bit surprised they even thought they had a shot."

I'm not sure there's much point in me trying to discuss this further here. I think I'll leave it there.

Life and death
over 17 years

I think your point is well made Enzo, the discussion certainly didn't warrant the depth of vitriol it received.

about 15 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Why would you have them in the ASB Youth League for three years if they haven't got a shot? If they never had a shot they shouldn't have been given that false hope and invited to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars traveling around the country competing in what was supposed to be a stepping stone. You can debate whether or not they took their chance but they had every right to feel like they had one and they now have a legitimate grievance in my view, as does Heartland Wairarapa for that matter.

They did have a shot though didn't they? they were considered. Perhaps Tasman and Suburbs were a far more attractive prospect. I take your point about not providing them with any help, but if you were running the league, would you prefer  a well run and managed organisation as a new member or someone you've had to prop up and will probably need to continue to do so?

I was responding to JV who said they never had a shot. The E-Subs bid was clearly more attractive to the committee. They all brought different strengths to the table and the decision surely came down to trade-offs. On the last part of your comment, that would depend on what I am getting in return for my investment. If I thought that investment of time and resources could result in a whole lot of kids taking up football instead of rugby in a place like South Auckland I'd consider that effort well spent. Clearly the panel thought either that isn't good use of resources or that the likelihood of it succeeding didn't outweigh the investment.

Ah no not at all. I said they had a shot but are crying cause they missed out. 

"On the face of it, their bid was not good enough and that was their chance, which they legitimately got. The end."

As you were at pains to tell me, I illustrated opinion as to why they missed out. Funny how in amongst that opinion was a decent chunk of fact too which I listed.

Whom in your opinion should have missed out to Auckland United if its not fair?

Your exact words in a comment above "I don't think its harsh at all and actually am a bit surprised they even thought they had a shot."

I'm not sure there's much point in me trying to discuss this further here. I think I'll leave it there.

2 completely different sentences with 2 different meanings.

Everyone has a shot. I could have legitimately entered a franchise but whether I actually I had a shot of getting a spot is a different story. They legitimately had their shot. I just don't think it was a very good shot.

about 15 years

I think your point is well made Enzo, the discussion certainly didn't warrant the depth of vitriol it received.

There is no vitiriol in it. Its debating the points list. Yes I am forceful in it but there is not much evidence the other way supporting their position of 'its not fair'
about 15 years

Hello there.

The underlying issue here is that missing out on the ASB Premiership now means missing out on the youth league as well.

To me that's the single biggest mistake/weakness of the revamp.

Why? Why?

It gives no further scope to see if anything can blossom in, say, South Auckland at this level.

I can't think of a reason why a national youth league MUST mirror a senior league. There are whole different dynamics and objectives at play.

Look for structures that serve, rather than bind.

This is the problem with the review panel - not the decisions they made but the terms of reference they worked under.

This is why I advocated for you to be involved.

The Youth league in its current format had no real purpose as far as I can see. For me, this is the vehicle that should be used to unearth talent that has not been found. Ifill mentioned in an article that a kid from his Nelson academy is to be signed by the Phoenix - would he have been found if there was no Youth league team in that area? Who knows.

How you structure a youth league competition is tricky because if you take the position that it should be used as a development vehicle and cover all areas of the country, you could have something quite massive and then unsustainable. Do you go to 4 regionalised leagues? Cut each island into 2, have 8-10 teams in each and play 1 or 2 rounds. Then the winners of each go to a top 4. Its a rehash of the old Super League but that format would allow for more teams in the areas that Enzo advocates to be have a chance at developing the talent that is potentially hidden of not found through these FTCs/NTCs or what ever format they use now. I think you could reasonably find 8 teams in each area and since these kids don't get paid like the seniors do, the cost structure would be different. You have no air travel and I think the costs come down to something that could be managed. 

I think this should be the angle for the NYL because if there are 17 yo kids that are too good for that level, chances are high they are going to wind up at the WeeNix playing ASBP or with another ASBP club in their area. Thats when you get back into the argument around training with a higher squad and not playing vs playing at a lower level which has been done to death many a time. You also get in danger of having quite a lot of games over a period of time when football is not a focus (look at ASBP crowds) and if no one is watching, how do these kids get discovered? 

It just shows that there is no simple answer.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I think your point is well made Enzo, the discussion certainly didn't warrant the depth of vitriol it received.

There is no vitiriol in it. Its debating the points list. Yes I am forceful in it but there is not much evidence the other way supporting their position of 'its not fair'

I think we'd be hard pressed to find anything that could be called "evidence" in your posts either. Debating opinions is totally fine but no need to act like a cod about it.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Slightly off topic and I know it's tongue in cheek but do we all agree with the thread title about the ASB Premiership not having a future, or are we positive about these changes going forward?

over 9 years

chopah wrote:

Slightly off topic and I know it's tongue in cheek but do we all agree with the thread title about the ASB Premiership not having a future, or are we positive about these changes going forward?

About this I was wondering about the future of Southern United. I know the area they cover should always have a place in the national league but for how long can you forget about the on field performances? They've been occuping the last places for several seasons and in many they didn't finish in bottom because of YoungHeart Manawatu, who were even worse, or the Wanderers, a bunch of U-20s.

I'm not saying they should be kicked out but I do wonder if they are heading into the right direction. YoungHeart was kicked out because of the poor on field performances and in a season or two Southern could be in the same position (finish bottom in 3 straight seasons) Manawatu was in 2013.

I'm just curious if anyone else here has been wondering the same thing.

about 15 years

I think in Southern favour is that they are still financial from what I understand. That was not necessarily always the case with YHM

over 13 years

Putting aside Auckland United completely and not knowing anything about the merits or weaknesses of these bids, I can't see how St Helliers/Kohi could match the North Shore on any sort of metric

I would imagine Auckland deserves another side but out east? Why?

Starting XI
over 12 years

Putting aside Auckland United completely and not knowing anything about the merits or weaknesses of these bids, I can't see how St Helliers/Kohi could match the North Shore on any sort of metric

I would imagine Auckland deserves another side but out east? Why?


Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

Guys- some of the comments on here about Eastern Suburbs only getting in because of the dollar are misguided and pretty disrespectful. (And that's putting it nicely).

AP you sound like Gallop with his "metrics". 

Suburbs has history, numerous Chatham Cup wins (incl last year), a truly large and integrated club by NZ standards with over 2000 players with a strong emphasis on youth and women. Look the their website and the coaching they have for youth teams. And yes, because they are well administered they are financially stable. When I say integrated they have such a large junior base that they have a natural fan base. 

Thus if you look at the criteria (on field performance, governance, youth and women's teams etc) it was no surprise. 

But yes- given the shoe string budget clubs run in Eastern Suburbs present a low risk option for NZF. You can't have a team gold after one season....

If you want to talk the dollar then someone with a brain at NZF should be talking to Chris Ruffle at Eastern Suburbs about leveraging their membership base as bound to be some influentials in there that can help. To be fair though Suburbs do not do that well. 

My kids play at Fencibles and there is no engagement of the membership base. Sure they have Facebook and websites but they don't think commercially like how they can facilitate the linking of local business to their target market- the membership base and not just through push marketing. 

Anyway- that's another topic...

about 15 years

JasperNix wrote:

Guys- some of the comments on here about Eastern Suburbs only getting in because of the dollar are misguided and pretty disrespectful. (And that's putting it nicely).

AP you sound like Gallop with his "metrics". 

Suburbs has history, numerous Chatham Cup wins (incl last year), a truly large and integrated club by NZ standards with over 2000 players with a strong emphasis on youth and women. Look the their website and the coaching they have for youth teams. And yes, because they are well administered they are financially stable. When I say integrated they have such a large junior base that they have a natural fan base. 

Thus if you look at the criteria (on field performance, governance, youth and women's teams etc) it was no surprise. 

But yes- given the shoe string budget clubs run in Eastern Suburbs present a low risk option for NZF. You can't have a team gold after one season....

If you want to talk the dollar then someone with a brain at NZF should be talking to Chris Ruffle at Eastern Suburbs about leveraging their membership base as bound to be some influentials in there that can help. To be fair though Suburbs do not do that well. 

My kids play at Fencibles and there is no engagement of the membership base. Sure they have Facebook and websites but they don't think commercially like how they can facilitate the linking of local business to their target market- the membership base and not just through push marketing. 

Anyway- that's another topic...

I was wondering that as well. When you consider the area that they 'represent' with the old East Auckland clubs (Uni Mt, Ellerslie, Fencies and E Subs) there is a hell of a lot of history in that catchment area. 

I guess though, that as I said before, catchment area is only relevant if you are recruiting only from that area.

Starting XI
almost 15 years

I'm still struggling to understand what the ASBP is supposed to be. What's the point of it exactly?

A pathway to somewhere? Is it really supposed to produce better outcomes for the National Mens side? Wouldn't/Shouldn't the players in that side be playing in professional league?

I can accept that NZ Football will be measured on the success of the national teams; What i can not reconcile is how the ASBP will deliver better outcomes for the national team.

Wouldn't investment a more robust youth development policy with the goal of placing/moving those players offshore as soon as possible be a better vehicle for delivering a better national team?

almost 17 years

Hi Zonk,

Player development and a supply line of talent for the All Whites has never been the SOLE objective of the national league.

It is also predicated upon a desire to have a flagship domestic competition relevant to the communities we live in, something that can promote the code at domestic level, to prime the pump for development of facilities, to allow the best players to play the best players, to allow our referees to develop, to provide a representative capable of being competitive at the World Club Champs etc. 

The recent league review touched on about 13 specific objectives.

The game is always about more than developing the national team. 

If I had the time I could go into more detail, but hopefully this helps.

First Team Squad
over 14 years

Hi Zonk,

Player development and a supply line of talent for the All Whites has never been the SOLE objective of the national league.

It is also predicated upon a desire to have a flagship domestic competition relevant to the communities we live in, something that can promote the code at domestic level, to prime the pump for development of facilities, to allow the best players to play the best players, to allow our referees to develop, to provide a representative capable of being competitive at the World Club Champs etc. 

The recent league review touched on about 13 specific objectives.

The game is always about more than developing the national team. 

If I had the time I could go into more detail, but hopefully this helps.

You Quote -allow our referees to develop. You having a laugh here right? It's getting worse by the week not better.

Just getting the D.H. of an lino [call them what you like] at the SU v Canterbury game to understand the mechanics of players actions would be a good start.  This highlight or lowlight for the lino was not in the review show. Sky having a problem with showing bad reffing eh. 

Another point  is If Sky TV got rid of the clowns fronting the highlight show and gave us the decent highlights package from each game it would be a much improved 25 mins of watching.

over 9 years

Scottie Rd wrote:

Hi Zonk,

Player development and a supply line of talent for the All Whites has never been the SOLE objective of the national league.

It is also predicated upon a desire to have a flagship domestic competition relevant to the communities we live in, something that can promote the code at domestic level, to prime the pump for development of facilities, to allow the best players to play the best players, to allow our referees to develop, to provide a representative capable of being competitive at the World Club Champs etc. 

The recent league review touched on about 13 specific objectives.

The game is always about more than developing the national team. 

If I had the time I could go into more detail, but hopefully this helps.

You Quote -allow our referees to develop. You having a laugh here right? It's getting worse by the week not better.

Just getting the D.H. of an lino [call them what you like] at the SU v Canterbury game to understand the mechanics of players actions would be a good start.  This highlight or lowlight for the lino was not in the review show. Sky having a problem with showing bad reffing eh. 

Another point  is If Sky TV got rid of the clowns fronting the highlight show and gave us the decent highlights package from each game it would be a much improved 25 mins of watching.

I have been really enjoying the highlights show, there is always a challenge in what to show in the short highlights and stuff will always get missed but I think that is getting better every week and the presenters are adding some personality to the asbp something that it desperately needs.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Scottie Rd wrote:

Hi Zonk,

Player development and a supply line of talent for the All Whites has never been the SOLE objective of the national league.

It is also predicated upon a desire to have a flagship domestic competition relevant to the communities we live in, something that can promote the code at domestic level, to prime the pump for development of facilities, to allow the best players to play the best players, to allow our referees to develop, to provide a representative capable of being competitive at the World Club Champs etc. 

The recent league review touched on about 13 specific objectives.

The game is always about more than developing the national team. 

If I had the time I could go into more detail, but hopefully this helps.

You Quote -allow our referees to develop. You having a laugh here right? It's getting worse by the week not better.

Just getting the D.H. of an lino [call them what you like] at the SU v Canterbury game to understand the mechanics of players actions would be a good start.  This highlight or lowlight for the lino was not in the review show. Sky having a problem with showing bad reffing eh. 

Another point  is If Sky TV got rid of the clowns fronting the highlight show and gave us the decent highlights package from each game it would be a much improved 25 mins of watching.

translation = winge

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Scottie Rd wrote:

Hi Zonk,

Player development and a supply line of talent for the All Whites has never been the SOLE objective of the national league.

It is also predicated upon a desire to have a flagship domestic competition relevant to the communities we live in, something that can promote the code at domestic level, to prime the pump for development of facilities, to allow the best players to play the best players, to allow our referees to develop, to provide a representative capable of being competitive at the World Club Champs etc. 

The recent league review touched on about 13 specific objectives.

The game is always about more than developing the national team. 

If I had the time I could go into more detail, but hopefully this helps.

You Quote -allow our referees to develop. You having a laugh here right? It's getting worse by the week not better.

Just getting the D.H. of an lino [call them what you like] at the SU v Canterbury game to understand the mechanics of players actions would be a good start.  This highlight or lowlight for the lino was not in the review show. Sky having a problem with showing bad reffing eh. 

Another point  is If Sky TV got rid of the clowns fronting the highlight show and gave us the decent highlights package from each game it would be a much improved 25 mins of watching.

They're from your neck of the woods Scottie? the bird goes alright but the other guy is an idiot

almost 17 years


No I'm not having a laugh. Anyone who knows me will know I have absolutely no sense of humour.

Referee performances will vary in much the same manner that player performances will. That's all part of the subjective factor in sport. 

But it hardly changes the overall objective, based on the premise that having an elite domestic league will assist development opportunities for referees to familiarise themselves with what is generally accepted as being a higher standard than the winter leagues.

And it would be too silly for words - or even for a forum - to take one or two anecdotal incidents and write a cause and effect relationship into it, don't you think?

To have, or state an objective is not synonymous with achieving an objective in any given season.

Dunno why, but I have a teeny weeny suspicion you're not really into grappling with big-picture stuff, but hope this helps.


Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

How many of the teams from that area are in NRFL Premier? Most teams from that catchment area tend to be of Indian ethnicity and from what I have seen, do not have the skills level or wherewithall to play at that level.

How are the bolded words at all relevant to your statement? I'm used to people jumping down my throat on the grounds that "if you point out racism YOU are the racist", but you seem to have gotten away with that one.

Disclosure: I'm mates with Hone Fowler's dad.

almost 17 years

Hey Doloras, I used to know Roger in a previous life. Top bloke, man of the people.

about 15 years

Doloras wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

How many of the teams from that area are in NRFL Premier? Most teams from that catchment area tend to be of Indian ethnicity and from what I have seen, do not have the skills level or wherewithall to play at that level.

How are the bolded words at all relevant to your statement? I'm used to people jumping down my throat on the grounds that "if you point out racism YOU are the racist", but you seem to have gotten away with that one.

Disclosure: I'm mates with Hone Fowler's dad.

If I could be bothered to dignify another of your silly posts with any logic then I would but if you are too stupid to figure out the above then I'd be wasting bandwidth.

Q: what's the majority ethnicity of people living in China?

A: what ever answer you give, you are racist.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Doloras wrote:

[quote=Jeff Vader]

How many of the teams from that area are in NRFL Premier? Most teams from that catchment area tend to be of Indian ethnicity and from what I have seen, do not have the skills level or wherewithall to play at that level.

If I could be bothered to dignify another of your silly posts with any logic then I would but if you are too stupid to figure out the above then I'd be wasting bandwidth.

Q: what's the majority ethnicity of people living in China?

A: what ever answer you give, you are racist.

Okay, meaningless abuse. So let me make it clear. What has the players' ethnicity got to do with 'skill levels or wherewithal'?

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

I'm disappointed not to get an answer. But no-one who supports a team whose star is Roy Krishna should go starting aspersions on players of Indian or Indo-Fijian heritage.

Starting XI
over 12 years

Interesting piece on TV3 news at 6pm about the new ASB Premiership, heavily focused on Eastern Suburbs. 

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

              Wrong thread.         For me that is - will put it in ASB 2016.                          

Starting XI
over 12 years

GK wrote:

ASB All Stars (to date) vs Auckland City (give City a run, plus no City policy)

1. Zac Speedy GK,  WaiBot

16. Scott Basalaj RGK, TW

2. T. Dimario LB, Weenix

3. Bill Robertson, CB, Capt, TW

4. James Musa, CB, TW

5. Kohei Matsumoto, RB, HB

15. Khair Jones, Back, HB

6. Aaron Clapham, Holding Mid, Cant

7. Jake Butler, Attacking Mid, Waitak

8. Joel Stevens, Right wing, Weenix

9. Andre De Jong, Left wing, Cant

14. Mark Jones, Mid, Waibot

13. Cole Peverley, Mid, TW

10. Max Mata, FW, TW

11. Hamish Watson, FW, HB

12. Bowen, FW, Waitak


                Matsumoto                          Robertson                                          Musa                           Dimario


Joel Stevens                                                                        Butler                                                           De Jong

                                                     Hamish Watson                                         Mata                                                   

interesting - i think i would have Mark Jones start on the wing ahead of Andre, as Andre isn't that pacey, but i would also have Andre in there ahead of Mata, but playing behind Watson. 

I also don't think Robertson has been all that great this season, but have been impressed by Adam Mitchell at WaiBop.

I'm also not sure about Butler, if i was to bring him out i think i would go for someone like James McGarry, that kid is impressive.

Also got to have Wade Maloney in on his form in the first half of the season - so him in for Joel Steven's who has also been good.

Be interesting to see others point of views

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Yes - after reviewing the weekly highlight packages - I would swap Joel Stevens to the left ahead of De Jong and put Mark Jones in on the right wing.

Bowen would probably get the nod ahead of Mata, and Khia Jones in ahead of Dimardo at Left back - still good subs to come on.

I think Auckland City would still win - but it would be a high scoring match.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

chopah wrote:

GK wrote:

ASB All Stars (to date) vs Auckland City (give City a run, plus no City policy)

1. Zac Speedy GK,  WaiBot

16. Scott Basalaj RGK, TW

2. T. Dimario LB, Weenix

3. Bill Robertson, CB, Capt, TW

4. James Musa, CB, TW

5. Kohei Matsumoto, RB, HB

15. Khair Jones, Back, HB

6. Aaron Clapham, Holding Mid, Cant

7. Jake Butler, Attacking Mid, Waitak

8. Joel Stevens, Right wing, Weenix

9. Andre De Jong, Left wing, Cant

14. Mark Jones, Mid, Waibot

13. Cole Peverley, Mid, TW

10. Max Mata, FW, TW

11. Hamish Watson, FW, HB

12. Bowen, FW, Waitak


                Matsumoto                          Robertson                                          Musa                           Dimario


Joel Stevens                                                                        Butler                                                           De Jong

                                                     Hamish Watson                                         Mata                                                   

interesting - i think i would have Mark Jones start on the wing ahead of Andre, as Andre isn't that pacey, but i would also have Andre in there ahead of Mata, but playing behind Watson. 

I also don't think Robertson has been all that great this season, but have been impressed by Adam Mitchell at WaiBop.

I'm also not sure about Butler, if i was to bring him out i think i would go for someone like James McGarry, that kid is impressive.

Also got to have Wade Maloney in on his form in the first half of the season - so him in for Joel Steven's who has also been good.

Be interesting to see others point of views

Round 8 Movement.

Cole Peverley in for Jake Butler

Robertson has stepped up in Musa's overseas absence - more go forward.

Ben Harris in for Mata who is young and off the boil (dropped to Reserves) - Bowen as the impact/bench forward.

Steven Hoyle into the mix with his hot run of goals.

Mark Jones still playing well, Maloney quiet and on bench for WaiBop.

WaiBop are making an interesting run at the play off spots - semi finals.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Round 12 movement.

McGarry into the mix. Harris still doing well. Can anyone stop de vries? Taye still my son at HB. Ifill adding another footballing chapter to his life hopefully the next one includes Tasman assistant coach? The combo of pirate Clapham and the organised and working version of De Jong is paying dividends. I now think the ASB all stars could beat City on a good day. Hopefully TW have got the O league spot but who knows?

about 13 years

The ASB teams are playing this season for the 2 x 2017 O-League spots.

about 9 years

chopah wrote:

Interesting piece on TV3 news at 6pm about the new ASB Premiership, heavily focused on Eastern Suburbs. 

I remember Andy Martin saying in the interview that the ASB Premiership teams will be eligible for the Chatham Cup, and that they just need to work out the details. I'm not sure if that means this year? I think there's a clip online. 

It will be really intriguing to compare some of the winter clubs with the premiership clubs. There could be some upsets. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

there could also be a lot of player crossover. 

about 9 years

They are transitioning the ASB premiership to a format that runs from July to March (starting in 2018?) so I guess that in the future players will just have to choose one or the other. Maybe they should wait to start the cup expansion until then. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

To fill July to March they'll need another 10 teams as well.

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