First Team Squad
over 7 years

RR wrote:

Wilson sent off for the Wee Nix, anyone know how he picked up two yellow cards in the same incident?

2 incidents, seconds apart. 

First was a pull pack, shirt pull definite yellow card incident. 

Guy played the ball though so ref played advantage, then ball n back to a guy near Wilson and he did a lazy challenge from side/slightly behind. 

Ref blew and brandished YC twice, once for each foul.

Second was a bit harsh, especially as it was same play and wouldn't have happened if ref had blown for first foul.

Edit; kind of double (triple) punishment as a YC is really a warning you've crossed a line, and he never had a chance to "learn" from it and keep his nose clean after, and he also now is suspended for a game.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Both fouls probably qualify as SPA so yellow for each not exactly shocking. Just unusual that it happened in the same attacking move. Wilson must have known that advantage was being played and that he was in danger of a yellow so showed some naivety in fouling again immediately after.

over 16 years

Seems a bit harsh. Surely comkon sense would be just book for the second challenge and warn for the shirt pull. Cant remember someone getting 2 yellows back to back within 5 sec in the same passage of play.

about 13 years

Realised this was the best thread for this video, had forgotten I meant to get a copy of that, so did it this morning

Both incidents are yellow cards, the argument really is the advantage played. If he hadn't played the advantage, he wouldn't have made the tackle that resulted in the second yellow card. Its interesting as haven't seen it before

almost 17 years

interesting, I'd be interested to see what other refs think of that ruling......

about 13 years

Personally I think its harsh as the referee allowed the play to go. A smart player might have known that he could have been given a card for the shirt pull so not put in a tackle like that but we are talking about the Handa prem. As for each incident, I believe they are both SPA (Stopped a promising attack), though I have had discussion with some that maybe even the tackle wasn't worth the card. 

I believe it was because he had control of the ball, was heading towards goal and have men each side to pass to or oppotunaty to shoot. As for then giving both cards, you could go both ways, you could say they are both technacal correct and issue them as the referee has done, or you think about the spirt of the game. Was it really needed, where they kicking the shark out of each other or could you just go with the warning, let the player know they were both yellow card offense and then show the one yellow card with that warning.

I know which one I would have gone for, I don't think both was required.

almost 17 years

yeah, I mean I can see why both incidents are worthy of a card - the shirt pull for sure! The tackle could have been yellowed but I think its more just a foul. So for mine the ref stops play at the bad tackle, yellow card for the shirt pull, warns the player to pull his head in and lets the attacking team tack the free kick from the bad tackle spot.

Starting XI
over 16 years

A lot of refs would have bottled it and only given one yellow, I think it's great reffing to give two yellows if two yellow card offences have been made in the same play. You can argue if you like that one of them wasn't worthy of a yellow, but if the ref believes they are both yellow card offences they should dish them both out.

First Team Squad
over 15 years

Agree, I think it's great refereeing. If there's more time in between the two challenges, for instance the referee plays advantage and the attack dies but the ball doesn't go out before the next yellow card offence - then it's still two yellow card challenges and they should both be punished.

Great to see a referee with enough balls to do it. Could teach the A-league referees a thing or two.

The number 1 takeaway from this for coaches, players, and fans is that cynical / professional fouls should be stamped out of the game.

One in a million
over 17 years

20 Legend wrote:

Agree, I think it's great refereeing. If there's more time in between the two challenges, for instance the referee plays advantage and the attack dies but the ball doesn't go out before the next yellow card offence - then it's still two yellow card challenges and they should both be punished.

Great to see a referee with enough balls to do it. Could teach the A-league referees a thing or two.

The number 1 takeaway from this for coaches, players, and fans is that cynical / professional fouls should be stamped out of the game.

Should go for a record, allow enough advantage to be the first ref to give three yellow cards at the same time!
almost 13 years

theprof wrote:

interesting, I'd be interested to see what other refs think of that ruling......

As a fan - two different players committing the offences 2 yellows. 
over 17 years

it is the player who needs to be questioned - not the ref. I hope this lad ain't as stupid as this indicates

Starting XI
almost 9 years

One bizarre refereeing decision doesn't make the player an idiot - wait to see if brain explosions are a trend.

almost 17 years

Was the 2nd also for a 'professional' foul - not a reckless challenge.

Starting XI
about 17 years

I didn't think the second was yellow worthy, only the first. I also like the idea that a yellow is a warning so a player knows if he stuffs up again, he will get an early shower. If you don't know you're on a yellow, then it's a bit unfair. 

I reckon the referee could have easily given a yellow for the first one, given a free kick at the second one, and no one would have batted an eyelid. He overreacted in my opinion. 

Early retirement
over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

it is the player who needs to be questioned - not the ref. I hope this lad ain't as stupid as this indicates

My Irony detector just exploded.

Starting XI
over 12 years


Expulsions (Players): Wellington Phoenix Reserves: 12 Brandon James WILSON (53 - Y9 Shows a lack of respect for the game and 53 - Y2 Unsporting Behaviour - Breaking up a promising opposition attack)

about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Feverish wrote:

it is the player who needs to be questioned - not the ref. I hope this lad ain't as stupid as this indicates

My Irony detector just exploded.

I was trying to find a clever way to respond to Greenie after versing him several times...

But I'll now stand down, don't think I can do better than that! :))

over 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

One bizarre refereeing decision doesn't make the player an idiot - wait to see if brain explosions are a trend.

at minimum a player committing two fouls in the space of three seconds indicates a temperament issue (his second foul wasn't 'strategic')

Starting XI
almost 6 years

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

One bizarre refereeing decision doesn't make the player an idiot - wait to see if brain explosions are a trend.

at minimum a player committing two fouls in the space of three seconds indicates a temperament issue (his second foul wasn't 'strategic')

Or frustration at a lack of game fitness.

A bit of both perhaps.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Feverish wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

One bizarre refereeing decision doesn't make the player an idiot - wait to see if brain explosions are a trend.

at minimum a player committing two fouls in the space of three seconds indicates a temperament issue (his second foul wasn't 'strategic')

Sure, but no player would reasonably expect a ref to pull 2 yellows for those 2 challenges.   

Its a one off instance and I can almost guarantee he'll never make that mistake again, personally not willing to read anything into it, beyond the fact that someone should have a word to the ref about not ruining football matches for sharks and gigs.

I've seen many, many football players make challenges like that second one and most of them don't have temperament issues. Far too small a sample size to make any calls like that.

First Team Squad
over 15 years

Whether they're both yellows card challenges, and whether they both should get yellows at the same time are two different questions. I can understand how people would think the second yellow is a bit harsh, but if they're both worthy of a yellow card then the referee has taken the correct action.

Questioning the player's temperament based on this issue alone is a bit silly. 99% of the time you get away with a single yellow card here, he just found the one referee in the country who decided to enforce them both properly.

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

Look, obviously the ref has a lady cousin who lives in Phnom Penh

Life and death
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

Look, obviously the ref has a lady cousin who lives in Phnom Penh

He should use his credit card and sign her up for Uber (or possibly Grab in Cambodia).
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Goals to Othman & Old.

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
almost 13 years

RR wrote:

A lot of first teamers in that list 
about 17 years

Pretty stacked line up... Who scored?

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

Pretty stacked line up... Who scored?

Jack Henry Sinclair penalty at 90+5
One in a million
over 17 years

Who hand balled it?

over 4 years

^^^Pretty sure it was Sam Sutton from where I was sat, but that was at the other end.

In fairness Team Wellington probably should have probably had two penalties prior to the one given. Not the flashest of games & the Weenix looked a lot less comfortable when Steinmann & Rufer were replaced on the hour.

Starting XI
about 9 years

^^^Pretty sure it was Sam Sutton from where I was sat, but that was at the other end.

In fairness Team Wellington probably should have probably had two penalties prior to the one given. Not the flashest of games & the Weenix looked a lot less comfortable when Steinmann & Rufer were replaced on the hour.

was defeinatly  Sam Sutton - didn't get exact moment but he'd raised his arms to protect his face

Starting XI
about 9 years

Oh and here is Jack-Henry Sinclair scoring the penalty (the only real highlight of the game!)

Starting XI
over 14 years

Sutton was injured at around 80 mins, left on as all subs used. Was hobbling around.

almost 11 years

After dropping so many players into the team I was expecting the game to be a little more one sided. Side looked very average against TW> Worried they left Sutton on, even after he was injured. I know they used their subs. 

Thought Marko, Schrivers and Gulley were excellent for TW,. Schrijvers nullified Waine. He actually out-paced the forwards and had them all covered well.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Mossimo wrote:

After dropping so many players into the team I was expecting the game to be a little more one sided. Side looked very average against TW> Worried they left Sutton on, even after he was injured. I know they used their subs. 

Thought Marko, Schrivers and Gulley were excellent for TW,. Schrijvers nullified Waine. He actually out-paced the forwards and had them all covered well.

Bevin was excellent too. Marko is developing nicely but still struggles with decision making, but I'm sure that that's something that they're working on improving.

about 10 years

el grapadura wrote:

Marko is developing nicely but still struggles with decision making....

I'm interested to know why you think that ElGrapadura.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

qwe123 wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Marko is developing nicely but still struggles with decision making....

I'm interested to know why you think that ElGrapadura.

Holds on to the ball too long. Puts teammates under pressure in dangerous areas by either passing too late or choosing the wrong player to pass to. Brings the ball forward without a clear idea of what he wants to achieve with the run, and often loses the ball which puts the team in a difficult position in defensive transition.

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