over 13 years
james dean wrote:

terminator_x wrote:
james dean wrote:

If you, tomorrow, cut the amount that ACFC and Waitakere spent by 25% how would that improve the league?  

But it would never be implemented in the simplistic way you’ve described. For starters, you would give every team the same expenditure budget, not arbitrarily cut a % from the top two. I also think it would work best married up with a mechanism to centralise the acquisition of grant funding for the entire league. And you’re dead right - another franchise or two in Auckland would do a lot to rebalance the talent in a way that doesn’t place unreasonable expectations on players to move. That’s a great example of where an expenditure cap would be valuable - by stopping an inflationary bidding war in Auckland using pokie money.

Sure, the implementation requires some thought but the principle remains very simple. Like every other salary-capped league in the world by giving everyone roughly the same amount to spend you level the playing field and create a more competitive, interesting and engaging competition. But yes, it would not work in isolation (although I don’t think I’ve ever argued for that).

If ACFC and Waitakere were actually generating any significant revenues of their own (gate receipts, commercial sponsorships etc) I might even have a different view. But the fact is they aren’t. Our national league is largely funded by pokie money, which creates all sorts of issues. One of the biggest ones is that it is grossly distorting the competitiveness of the league. The ability to attract pokie money simply should not be a factor in whether a team is successful or not in our national football league, and yet it is probably the single biggest factor. It’s ludicrous! If we have to have pokie money in the sport then we should at least make sure it is used equitably.

Quoting you from the other thread.

You say pokie machine grants are the major factor in competitiveness between the teams.  That's patently wrong.  The difference is that Auckland is a city of 1.3mn people and Dunedin is a city of 60,000 people, and when you look at the best 30 players in Auckland and the best 15 players in Dunedin, surprise surprise Auckland comes up with a lot better football teams.  This is not new!  You could remove all funding from the league tomorrow and that would be true.  The amount teams are spending on payroll is a factor in getting some imports and maybe one or two players.  It does not determine the quality of the bulk of the players who play for Auckland or Otago - that quality is based on the local players in those leagues.

If the league was more equal in spend, how would you improve Otago?  You can't give them money.  You can take away money from Waitak and that may affect their squad to some extent but it doesn't change the fact that the player base is just completely different.  Players are not going to move to Dunedin for 14 matches and some lunch money even if you could suddenly give Otago an extra 50k to spend on players, which is impossible anyway.

Seriously, you need to have a think about this because you're spending a lot of time writing and there's a major non sequitur at the heart of your argument

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.
about 15 years
james dean wrote:

terminator_x wrote:
james dean wrote:

I do question how you can say that there is no difference in the way different franchises are run unless you've been involved.  I think it is fair to ask, have you?

I didn't say that. I said it is not a major factor in the competitive differences between the franchises. Pokie money is. Which, in turn, may lead to some franchises being able to "run themselves better".

As stated above, do we think it is a good thing that in our national football league the single biggest variable in the competitiveness equation is the ability to attract pokie funding? That doesn't even sound like sport any more to me. And that's without even getting into the moral issues and the sustainability issues.

We seriously need to look at the role of pokie funding in all this.

Again - the part in bold is I think completely false.  You can just as easily say that the size and talent of the local player base is the the single biggest variable in the competitiveness of the different teams in the competition.

Auckland club football, Wellington club football and Chch club football are the best competitions and therefore it's no surprise that teams drawn from those leagues have dominated historically!

JD I get exactly what you are saying and ordinary you would be right if that were that case. With respect to your location in the world, how much do you follow what's going on in the ASBP in detail? That's not a dig at you at all by the way, just a quizzical question.


If I give Otago $500k like ACFC, they will do what ACFC do and put out a team of imports to try and win the league because in theory import>local player and probably more so in Dunedin. Yes the talent pool in Auckland of Kiwi players is larger than anywhere else in the country (as a reasonable statement to make) but its not those Kiwi players that are playing for ACFC. Its the imports that are bought with that money. Take a large chunk of that money away, and you take away a fair chunk of those imports meaning they actually have to play Kiwi talent and putting them on the same footing as other teams. You then restore some balance to the competition but also the difference in local talent has a chance to come out. At the moment it does not because its 9 Otago guys and 2 imports vs 7 imports and 4 Auckland guys


The point that I do agree with is that you have to raise the others up and not lower the top dogs but again, the premise around that is evening out that pokie funding so that all teams compete on an equal footing. That's when the difference in talent stands out and not the difference on how many imports you can pay

about 15 years

Hello there. The proposition here is worthy of further debate.

What interests me is not so much what Auckland City and Waitakere have in common (healthy pokie funding), but their differences.

 Auckland's facility development over the past decade has been tremendous - Fred Taylor Park is not much different to what it was in the early 90s.

Auckland have a fantastic website and programme, Waitakere not so much.

Auckland have a settled coaching regime, Waitakere not so much.

Auckland have a fan base, Waitakere not so much.

Whatever their source, Auckland have invested well.

And yet, for all that, Waitakere have a great record of performance... perhaps pointing to further significant variables. 

One of these is the quality of administrative personnel to prime the pump and set the agenda on the other fronts.

In the case of WaiBOP (my home club) I would expect to see an improvement in many spheres simply because the operation is now handled by the federation, which has full-time employees who can do a lot of stuff. It no longer requires peope such as myself to do that same stuff on a volunteer basis. (The cost of this will inevitably be spread across the whole family of football in the federation if they can't pull sufficient pokie grants.)

JD, I see what you are doing. But perhaps we should agree REGIONAL leagues are the best competitions. eg, the top Waikato & BOP clubs compete in the same leagues as Auckland clubs, and draw their players from that competition... while the top two teams regularly recruit outside of their regional league.... eg the lad Lowdon is a real find for Waitakere this summer, Spaniards etc at Kiwitea. 

So recruitment made possible by impressive funding may be the key variable?

As a side issue, interesting that the entry fee has risen to $15 a head at Auckland and Waitakere this summer. What do we make of this?

Anyway, please continue your debate.

That's not far off what I was saying and you have a lot less bias than I do in this.

I also thought it was a bloody good article from Steven last week on the state of the ASBP.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Bruce, your summary is precise and nothing less than I would expect.   You make a good point regarding the funding - recruitment variable.   I have had a wander through the most recent financial statements posted by the teams and it is not a surprise to see that the teams with the most funding (and consequently the highest team costs) are at the top of the table.

Auckland City - $567,345 income from grants and sponsorships.   Personnel expenses are $419,552 (does not include administration as this is a separate line item), team costs $113,957.

Waitakere Utd - $384,537 from grants and sponsorships, less $250,000 team expenses

Canterbury - $182,506 from grants and sponsorships, less $110,000 teams costs.

And so we go on.   The advantage that the Auckland based teams has is the general population, which equates to more pokie machines, which equates to more money available, etc.   The argument that one organisation is "better" than another at producing grant applications does not hold water (I say that as some one who has had experience of grant applications for 15 years) - I have seen some absolutely stunning applications, not by me, that have been turned down for various reasons.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Totally off topic ol'sole but that is a striking resemblance you have as your avatar. You must've bought a new digital camera?

Still Believin'
over 17 years
james dean wrote:

Quoting you from the other thread.

You say pokie machine grants are the major factor in competitiveness between the teams.  That's patently wrong.  The difference is that Auckland is a city of 1.3mn people and Dunedin is a city of 60,000 people, and when you look at the best 30 players in Auckland and the best 15 players in Dunedin, surprise surprise Auckland comes up with a lot better football teams.  This is not new!  You could remove all funding from the league tomorrow and that would be true.  The amount teams are spending on payroll is a factor in getting some imports and maybe one or two players.  It does not determine the quality of the bulk of the players who play for Auckland or Otago - that quality is based on the local players in those leagues.

If the league was more equal in spend, how would you improve Otago?  You can't give them money.  You can take away money from Waitak and that may affect their squad to some extent but it doesn't change the fact that the player base is just completely different.  Players are not going to move to Dunedin for 14 matches and some lunch money even if you could suddenly give Otago an extra 50k to spend on players, which is impossible anyway.

Seriously, you need to have a think about this because you're spending a lot of time writing and there's a major non sequitur at the heart of your argument

Good morning JD.

First of all, in regard to the competiveness/location question you are very conveniently ignoring a couple of statements I've already made in previous posts:

"you’re dead right - another franchise or two in Auckland would do a lot to rebalance the talent in a way that doesn’t place unreasonable expectations on players to move"

"As mentioned above though you may be right that there simply isn't enough talent in somewhere like Dunedin to even consider having a franchise in the first place"

So yes, I do agree with you that location and the relative strengths/weaknesses of the surrounding player pool is a factor. You are relying very heavily on Dunedin as an example, however, and I don’t think the problem of having a sufficiently large catchment area is nearly as bad in other parts of the country, including pretty much the entire North Island (also, Dunedin’s population is more like 120,000 rather than the 60,000 you’ve stated). That said, I still think that Jeff, Bruce and ol’Sole are right. The competitiveness of ACFC and Waitakere has more to do with funding and recruitment than it does Auckland’s population size.

At the end of the day, however, I couldn't give two hoots about debating with you whether pokie machine funding is the major factor in competitiveness or not. The fact is, it is a very significant factor and it needs to be dealt with (for that and other reasons).

So if the concept of an “expenditure cap” is just too offensive to you how about we approach the issue in another way? After all, I’ve already said I don’t care if a franchise can generate (and spend) more money than others though more legitimate means than pokie grants. The real problem here is the pokie money so why not just look to fix that? In fact, I don’t even care about pokie grants for capital projects. If you want to improve your facilities that’s great. Let’s focus specifically on pokie money being used to pay operating expenses, including salaries, wages etc. Two suggestions:

1.  Centralise all pokie funding for operating costs for the league. NZF or another body make a single grant application on behalf of the league and distribute it evenly across the franchises. Franchises would not be allowed to apply for any other pokie funding. This would need the agreement of the DIA because this is technically outside the rules as currently written. Would also need the agreement of a willing trust.

2.  If that won’t work then leave franchises to apply for their own pokie funding but put a cap on the operating. Could be policed through reviewing accounts and maybe even making franchises submit copies of applications to NZF.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
alireggae wrote:

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.

Possibly the most sycophantic post in the history of the forum, and that's saying something.
And just to save you the time of looking it up here's a definition: sycophantic

about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.

Possibly the most sycophantic post in the history of the forum, and that's saying something.

And just to save you the time of looking it up here's a definition: sycophantic

Its probably best you leave the post for what it is and not give the troll the satisfaction (which I practice so often *rolls eyes*) That's pretty much the only reason he is here at the moment.
over 13 years
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.

Possibly the most sycophantic post in the history of the forum, and that's saying something.

And just to save you the time of looking it up here's a definition: sycophantic

Not really, I personally just don't have the time or ability to put my thoughts into typed word and JD put it perfectly. I liked your post regarding the 2018 WC campaign suggesting that it's not just up to NZF to make it a success but that the fans and players also have a responsibility - I feel the same way about the ASBP.

Incidently, I'm not at all like an elephant. http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/elephantic
over 13 years
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.

Possibly the most sycophantic post in the history of the forum, and that's saying something.

And just to save you the time of looking it up here's a definition: sycophantic

Bugger - I thought this was a psychophant.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.

Possibly the most sycophantic post in the history of the forum, and that's saying something.

And just to save you the time of looking it up here's a definition: sycophantic

Its probably best you leave the post for what it is and not give the troll the satisfaction (which I practice so often *rolls eyes*) That's pretty much the only reason he is here at the moment.

Pretty stupid and petty post JV, Ali just likes supporting ACFC and the ASBP and is an honest lad. This "troll" nonsense should be ditched. I just love the way all you posters who hide your real names are usually the first to mock others.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

You realise your name isn't visible either right? 

about 15 years
Tegal wrote:

You realise your name isn't visible either right? 

I'm really enjoying your posts of the last while.... oh I mean *ahem* Thank you for taking the time and patience to write down the words that capture exactly what I was thinking.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
alireggae wrote:

Wow! I am overwhelmed by how much sense you are speaking JD. Thank you for having the time and way with words of expressing my thoughts.

Possibly the most sycophantic post in the history of the forum, and that's saying something.

And just to save you the time of looking it up here's a definition: sycophantic

Its probably best you leave the post for what it is and not give the troll the satisfaction (which I practice so often *rolls eyes*) That's pretty much the only reason he is here at the moment.

Pretty stupid and petty post JV, Ali just likes supporting ACFC and the ASBP and is an honest lad. This "troll" nonsense should be ditched. I just love the way all you posters who hide your real names are usually the first to mock others.

i think you'll find that there is a bug on these forums which makes it difficult to add your real name to your profile

i've tried a few times, but it doesn't let me

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Tegal wrote:

You realise your name isn't visible either right? 

I'm really enjoying your posts of the last while.... oh I mean *ahem* Thank you for taking the time and patience to write down the words that capture exactly what I was thinking.

My name was on my profile in the past and I've put it back. Don't know why it came off. Your move JV and TX. Feeling lucky punk?

about 15 years

Uh...... You seriously need your eyes tested.

I'd also add, if you use that search function above, I use my name on more than a few occasions so.... I don't think it's the smartest post you have ever made.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Back to the topic please chaps. You were all doing so well...

about 15 years
Smithy wrote:

Back to the topic please chaps. You were all doing so well...

Still Believin'
over 17 years

This is a summary of how the ASP Prem is funded. These are figures taken from the latest published accounts of each franchise. They are not all from the same year, so they give an approximate picture only, but having looked through all the accounts I can tell you that overall this is pretty accurate. Youngheart Manawatu included for completeness.


- The ASB Prem has a total budget of around $3m per annum, which is a tidy sum. In fact, that represents 1/3 of NZF's own budget. Is the competition really that badly funded? Or is the problem how that money is distributed and/or prioritised?

- Nearly 2/3 of the total budget comes from pokie money and a further $0.5m from FIFA prize money. The 8 franchises only generate a total of $0.6m in other revenue themselves (an average of $75k each, with no-one able to generate more than $130k). The competition simply isn't able to sustain itself and the idea that it could ever be semi or fully professional seems ludicrous to me.

- ACFC have nearly twice the budget of any other franchise, and three times the average budget (although this is in a year in which they have CWC winnings). ACFC collect approx $250k more pokie money than the next closest franchise and 2.5 times the average. However, ACFC are only ranked 4th when it comes to revenue generated from sources other than pokies and FIFA.

- Redistributing the pokie funding and the FIFA prize money evenly would make the picture look like this:

There would be a difference of approx. $110k between the best and worst funded franchise compared to around $900k at present. All franchises would be operating within $60k of the average budget.

So my question is basically whether we have got the most efficient and effective funding model for our national league.


Stage Punch
about 17 years

Shit you're good. TermX for Chairman!

about 15 years

Now see the knitters will say 'but 300k in Otago would buy you two teams of players but in Auckland, it buys you two Spaniards, Ivan, a serving wench and a boiled chicken'

To that I say, ditch the imports (limit them) and no players should be 'full time'. The best that want to play, will take what they are offered or watch from the sideline. The difference that Auckland have in funds, pretty much goes into buying their 8 imports (exaggeration for effect) so it's an extremely inefficient use of money.

I believe then, we would actually see a national league whereby those that have tuned out, would at least tune back in because the competition would not be predictable anymore.

I do think though that the team that goes to the CWC should be allowed to keep the lion share of the money to offset the expenses getting there. Otherwise there is no incentive to compete in O League.

Imagine what we could actually do with a league that had that kind of money if no one got paid? We could actually get the game on TV and *gasp* generate exposure.

about 15 years

We could also get games on stadiums with lighting to have Friday night games. When you start getting exposure, you give yourself a chance of getting sponsors so the game starts to fund itself (albeit at a low level)

All it takes is for 2 years, remove the player payments and once the expectations have gone from the old hands and new breed coming through, you then have this pool of cash with which you can do something with the bloody league.

I think that's the biggest thing you have picked up on. It's not poorly funded, it's just the money is used in a terribly inefficient manner.

over 11 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Now see the knitters will say 'but 300k in Otago would buy you two teams of players but in Auckland, it buys you two Spaniards, Ivan, a serving wench and a boiled chicken'

To that I say, ditch the imports (limit them) and no players should be 'full time'. The best that want to play, will take what they are offered or watch from the sideline. The difference that Auckland have in funds, pretty much goes into buying their 8 imports (exaggeration for effect) so it's an extremely inefficient use of money.

I believe then, we would actually see a national league whereby those that have tuned out, would at least tune back in because the competition would not be predictable anymore.

I do think though that the team that goes to the CWC should be allowed to keep the lion share of the money to offset the expenses getting there. Otherwise there is no incentive to compete in O League.

Imagine what we could actually do with a league that had that kind of money if no one got paid? We could actually get the game on TV and *gasp* generate exposure.

No-one except kids and social players would want to play in it.

about 15 years

For how long though? Sure you might have a year whereby that may happen but I don't think so.

Outside of the Phoenix, there is probably only a half dozen Kiwi footballers in NZ who deserve to make a living from the game cause they are good enough. The rest are club hacks that clubs feel they need to pay to have in their team. If you stop paying, the players will still play.

over 11 years

Melbourne's VPL is pretty much pro. The NSWPL same. Conference in UK same. They seem to manage OK.

about 15 years

Yes but what standard of footballer do they get and what standard of football do they produce? The NSWSL and VPL are better than ASBP. QSL...faster but not sure if better anymore.

Starting XI
over 17 years

those figures are really alarming

i always felt that good facilities attract the right sort of players, whereas big payments gets the dickheads in

imagine if this money went on facilities and tele, both of these factors would be attractive to any emerging talent that we have. 

anyone who's playing for the money is wasting our time.  if they were any good, they'd be elsewhere and if they are going to be any good they will need the league as much as it needs them.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

I do think though that the team that goes to the CWC should be allowed to keep the lion share of the money to offset the expenses getting there. Otherwise there is no incentive to compete in O League.

I agree. The beauty of centralising the pokie money and FIFA money is that you could create as many funds for specific purposes as you want and take them off the top before allocating what's left to franchises. A fund to support a tilt at the O-League would be one, a promotional fund might be another and a TV production fund another.

But what I like most about that second model is that it doesn't equalize funding completely and still gives teams an incentive to generate their own 'real' revenue. A competitive edge is gained because you are actually better at doing something than another franchise, not because of where you happen to be located and how good your relationship with a pokie trust is.

almost 14 years
reg22 wrote:

anyone who's playing for the money is wasting our time.  if they were any good, they'd be elsewhere and if they are going to be any good they will need the league as much as it needs them.

That. Right there. 

Funds could be so much better used than lining the pockets of expats on a summer holiday. 

It's got to be a 'feeder' league not an 'end of the line' league. 

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Jerzy Merino wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Now see the knitters will say 'but 300k in Otago would buy you two teams of players but in Auckland, it buys you two Spaniards, Ivan, a serving wench and a boiled chicken'

To that I say, ditch the imports (limit them) and no players should be 'full time'. The best that want to play, will take what they are offered or watch from the sideline. The difference that Auckland have in funds, pretty much goes into buying their 8 imports (exaggeration for effect) so it's an extremely inefficient use of money.

I believe then, we would actually see a national league whereby those that have tuned out, would at least tune back in because the competition would not be predictable anymore.

I do think though that the team that goes to the CWC should be allowed to keep the lion share of the money to offset the expenses getting there. Otherwise there is no incentive to compete in O League.

Imagine what we could actually do with a league that had that kind of money if no one got paid? We could actually get the game on TV and *gasp* generate exposure.

No-one except kids and social players would want to play in it.

Surely those who want to use the ASBP as a stepping stone would. Which should be an objective of the league.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

You'd also think that any decent player would want to play at the highest level possible. 

If not, then their attitude is probably not something you'd want anyway. 

over 17 years
Tegal wrote:

You'd also think that any decent player would want to play at the highest level possible. 

If not, then their attitude is probably not something you'd want anyway. 

Many players are happy playing winter league and don't have the time to commit to both.
about 15 years

Yup and more than a few don't play winter unless they are being trotted out

Starting XI
over 17 years
Global Game wrote:
reg22 wrote:

anyone who's playing for the money is wasting our time.  if they were any good, they'd be elsewhere and if they are going to be any good they will need the league as much as it needs them.

That. Right there. 

Funds could be so much better used than lining the pockets of expats on a summer holiday. 

It's got to be a 'feeder' league not an 'end of the line' league. 

that's a good way of putting it
Starting XI
over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Yup and more than a few don't play winter unless they are being trotted out

quite right.  and if they are happy to prioritize the cash over the chance to better themselves, then they are playing at the appropriate level
Starting XI
over 17 years

those figures that terminator posted have really got my shackles up.  the use of funding is all wrong and not sustainable.  that money should be used to build the league.  there are so many problems with the league right now and most of them would be solved if that money was applied to the right areas. 

right now, we could have a fully-funded 10 team league with 3 rounds plus playoffs.  but instead we have a bunch of journeymen lining their pockets.


about 15 years
reg22 wrote:

those figures that terminator posted have really got my shackles up.  the use of funding is all wrong and not sustainable.  that money should be used to build the league.  there are so many problems with the league right now and most of them would be solved if that money was applied to the right areas. 

right now, we could have a fully-funded 10 team league with 3 rounds plus playoffs.  but instead we have a bunch of journeymen lining their pockets.


NOOOO because then ACFC would not be the 5th best team in the world.

I'm awaiting the outcry from them telling us all how they keep the league alive with the CWC cash and how it's not fair to "punish" them.

about 15 years
Global Game wrote:

It's got to be a 'feeder' league not an 'end of the line' league. 

The best line of it all.
over 11 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Global Game wrote:

It's got to be a 'feeder' league not an 'end of the line' league. 

The best line of it all.


And that's what it will remain until kingdom come - a half-arsed shamateur league where the best players can't wait to move, not only to the Phoenix but away from NZ to Green Gully, APIA Leichardt, Sunshine Outofmy Arse, Moreton Bay Figs, whoever, ie.those clubs in Oz which aren't afraid to admit to paying players. NZ National League: feeder league, i.e. not able to get beyond the nursery. 

over 11 years
2ndBest wrote:
Jerzy Merino wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Now see the knitters will say 'but 300k in Otago would buy you two teams of players but in Auckland, it buys you two Spaniards, Ivan, a serving wench and a boiled chicken'

To that I say, ditch the imports (limit them) and no players should be 'full time'. The best that want to play, will take what they are offered or watch from the sideline. The difference that Auckland have in funds, pretty much goes into buying their 8 imports (exaggeration for effect) so it's an extremely inefficient use of money.

I believe then, we would actually see a national league whereby those that have tuned out, would at least tune back in because the competition would not be predictable anymore.

I do think though that the team that goes to the CWC should be allowed to keep the lion share of the money to offset the expenses getting there. Otherwise there is no incentive to compete in O League.

Imagine what we could actually do with a league that had that kind of money if no one got paid? We could actually get the game on TV and *gasp* generate exposure.

No-one except kids and social players would want to play in it.

Surely those who want to use the ASBP as a stepping stone would. Which should be an objective of the league.


I doubt it. The Northern & Central Leagues are "stepping stones". Why have another? Why play for nothing in the ASB as yet another stepping stone when you can just cross the Ditch - like Brent Fisher, Jason Hayne, Eager, Fleming, Lucas, Clapham have already done and are still doing - and get paid to play? Guys like Butler, Mulligan, Lovemore, David Browne, Tade, Stu Kelly, etc. etc. not to mention recent arrivals like Irving would just pack bags and wave goodbye.

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