Early retirement
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
about 17 years
the Gman wrote:
" Nah, I reckon they should just play very loud music at any lull in the game. Also, get someone to match the music to the moment eg
when the players come on to pitch - back in black - ACDC....."

Yeah YEAH!!!! we should make it like the Sevens!!!!!  We should all dress up in fancy dress which has  absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the team or the game. We should spend half of our time during the game shreeching at each other and slapping each other on the back about how fabulous we all look and how WONDERFUL this phoney carnival atmosphere is.....! 

I'll dress up like a policeman from the 1970s, you dress up like the Flintstones and we'll chase each other until we get on TV. yeah!

Then,  for one game this season we should get that sexy Dan Carter to play at goalkeeper. Yeah!
If I have this whole religion thing wrong, and there really is a god, and because I kept saying he is a figment of a couple of kooks imagination it turns out that I have to go to hell, then I know what hell looks like.

There's no fire, no brimstone, there's no molten lava. Dante and Hieronymus Bosch have it totally wrong.

In hell, you have to sit for 2 days in the summer sun with 30,000 boorish, drunken, look-at-me, attention-seeking assholes and watch a dumbed-down bastardized version of rugby.

Someone offered me a free ticket to the Sevens, to his utter, utter surprise and amazement I turned him down cold.Imagine all the worst attention-seeking, stupid tart you've ever met, put her in a costume, get her drunk, mate her with the annoying drunk guy in the pub that you can't politely get rid of who tells you he loves you and his whole family history and then multiply that by 30,000. That's the Sevens.

Please let's not make our beloved game into the Sevens. This isn't a gimmick--football is life and we intend to stick around here for a long time.


Without doubt,  Post of the Season 
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Rise the Phoenix (Sung loosely to the tune from the Dirty Dozen...)

From the ashes
From the flames
Rise the Phoenix
Rise again

From the fire
From the flames
Rise the Phoenix
Rise again

Join the fever
It's rising high
Like the Phoenix
Can never die

From the fire
From the flames
Rise the Phoenix
Rise again

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