about 17 years
did you watch the game?? I doubt it.
Your comments are embarrasing
So was your teams performance over two legs
I'd keep quiet if i where you
First Team Squad
over 17 years
shining path wrote:
I'm sure it was your club that got every English club banned from Europe for 5 years.

Wow, that is way out of line. And the comparison is no where near the same, not even remotely
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Yes we drew and that 93rd minute screamer really farked up my day.....but I'll take it on one of my chins....

Drogba, love the way he plays but HATE the way he behaves (or doesn't more like) and Mr Ballack can depart the Bridge this summer.....I am fed up with them.

I agree we were extremely unlucky not to have had a penalty or two (Malouda being manhandled IN the box) and the Pique handballing IN the box....but also agree the red card was completely the wrong call and that we were also very lucky to come away from Camp Nou with a 0-0 after Barca not being given a penalty there.....

We should have taken our chances this morning and killed off the game, we sat too deep at 1-0 and paid the price....the behaviour post match was embarrassing from my blue heart....

Essien's goal was a wonderstrike...and he reiterated to me why he is my favourite player (until he mish*t that clearance and gave the ball to Messi....who gave it to Iniesta who....aaarrrggghhh!!!)

Today I was emailed a picture of a violin, sent a pxt of the Barcelona crest and then Santy informed me that New World had tissues on special for $2.99......nice!!!

Tomorrow....can only be a better day.....

I was distraught as a loser.....but would have been unbearable as a winner....

Football huh.....more important than life or death....

Coxey2009-05-08 00:09:41
Early retirement
over 17 years
FFS Coxey, it's not like it's the Phoenix.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
News, you're popping up in all the wrong places today.....
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
I put chelski into my sat nav, came up that its 2 minutes from Rome.

Whats the difference between swine flu and chelsea? Swine flu is still in Europe.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Wolfben wrote:
I put chelski into my sat nav, came up that its 2 minutes from Rome.

First Team Squad
about 16 years
Any one got any predictions on what FIFA will do?(serious answers only please)
I had a mate at the game and he said that as well as Drogba going mental there were a few other players going off as well. Not seen on TV. Also the crowd started throwing flags and stuff at officials and onto the field.
UEFA and FIFA hate that sort of stuff. Expect Chelsea to get a big smack.....and Drogba and co as well. no use fining people....$$$ is no problem for Chelsea. Bans maybe?
Regardless of the causes that behave is really disappointing for seasoned pro's. sets a terible example for all the kids out there watching.
over 17 years
shining path wrote:
did you watch the game?? I doubt it.
Your comments are embarrasing
So was your teams performance over two legs
I'd keep quiet if i where you
Yes my comments are truly embarrassing. Cause it's alright to brand the ref 'a f**king disgrace' on live tv being beamed to hundreds of millions worldwide. And it's alright to harrass and man handle the ref after he didn't give your team a penalty. And it's alright to then go on record after the match labelling the ref 'a thief'.
Deary me....
Woof Woof
about 17 years
zinidane wrote:
Any one got any predictions on what FIFA will do?(serious answers only please)

I had a mate at the game and he said that as well as Drogba going mental there were a few other players going off as well. Not seen on TV. Also the crowd started throwing flags and stuff at officials and onto the field.


UEFA and FIFA hate that sort of stuff. Expect Chelsea to get a big smack.....and Drogba and co as well. no use fining people....$$$ is no problem for Chelsea. Bans maybe?


Regardless of the causes that behave is really disappointing for seasoned pro's. sets a terible example for all the kids out there watching.

Think the club will probably get fined for the throwing of stuff at officials and Barcelona staff. There may be fines for players as well (not really sure what UEFA disciplinary code says for situations like this), but unless there's clear evidence of violent behaviour, I don't think there'll be any bans.

By the way, I should also point out that John Terry went into the Barcelona changing room after the game and shook everyone's hand, and was applauded out of the room by Barca players and officials, and has been publicly lauded by Guardiola for this act.
over 17 years
I'm glad Barcelona are in the final. It would have been difficult to support Chelsea or Man Utd in the final. A bit like having to kiss either your sister or her twin sister.
Would have had more sympathy for Chelsea if they hadn't dropped their bundle at the end.

Is it not strange that when Chelsea don't win there are 20 people ready to gloat, but when they do win, as in 3-1, after being 1-0 down, there is hardley a ripple.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Everyone dislikes the 'nouveau riche'.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Woof Woof
about 17 years
In GC case, it's a bit more than least for some of us.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
el grapadura wrote:
zinidane wrote:
Any one got any predictions on what FIFA will do?(serious answers only please)

I had a mate at the game and he said that as well as Drogba going mental there were a few other players going off as well. Not seen on TV. Also the crowd started throwing flags and stuff at officials and onto the field.


UEFA and FIFA hate that sort of stuff. Expect Chelsea to get a big smack.....and Drogba and co as well. no use fining people....$$$ is no problem for Chelsea. Bans maybe?


Regardless of the causes that behave is really disappointing for seasoned pro's. sets a terible example for all the kids out there watching.

Think the club will probably get fined for the throwing of stuff at officials and Barcelona staff. There may be fines for players as well (not really sure what UEFA disciplinary code says for situations like this), but unless there's clear evidence of violent behaviour, I don't think there'll be any bans.

By the way, I should also point out that John Terry went into the Barcelona changing room after the game and shook everyone's hand, and was applauded out of the room by Barca players and officials, and has been publicly lauded by Guardiola for this act.
That's because he's one of the only English gentlemen amongst them!
Skaman2009-05-08 16:14:29
over 17 years
First Team Squad
about 16 years

well done John Terry.

He must have been gutted.....especially after last years final. Its a measure of the stature of the man for him to go and shake the hand of every Barca player after the match
Top Bloke!
First Team Squad
over 17 years
over 17 years
el grapadura wrote:

By the way, I should also point out that John Terry went into the Barcelona changing room after the game and shook everyone's hand, and was applauded out of the room by Barca players and officials, and has been publicly lauded by Guardiola for this act.
I bet he just went into the changing room to try and nick some watches and wallets.
over 17 years
I've never seen so much action on the chelsea thread... 4 pages in a day??? Unheard of
tradition and history
over 17 years
zinidane wrote:
Any one got any predictions on what FIFA will do?(serious answers only please)

I had a mate at the game and he said that as well as Drogba going mental there were a few other players going off as well. Not seen on TV. Also the crowd started throwing flags and stuff at officials and onto the field.


UEFA and FIFA hate that sort of stuff. Expect Chelsea to get a big smack.....and Drogba and co as well. no use fining people....$$$ is no problem for Chelsea. Bans maybe?


Regardless of the causes that behave is really disappointing for seasoned pro's. sets a terible example for all the kids out there watching.

Interesting that Gus came out in the paper this morning saying that the ref was the worst he had seen in his career.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Speaking of which - spotted this on a different football forum:

Thursday 7 May, 2009

Blog: Remembering Korea

Chelsea boss Guus Hiddink said last night�s referee was the worst he�d ever seen. But, asks Giancarlo Rinaldi, what about Byron Moreno?

The summer of 2002 is one I don't recall with any pleasure. I had to get time off work to get out of the office to watch the Azzurri clash with South Korea in the World Cup. I remember wishing I hadn't bothered.

And yet all the memories have come flooding back to me following Chelsea's elimination from the Champions League. The same finger-pointing at the referee, the same conspiracy theories, the same bitter recriminations. Except it has all been turned upside down.

Let us recall what Italy fans were told after they lost out in the Far East. "Get over it," was the main message. "You didn't take your chances - so don't blame the referee. You are just making excuses."

Well, Blues of Stamford Bridge, how about taking that advice?

How many times have I seen an Italian team which based its game on stout defence and great organisation go out to a late goal? We are usually told it serves us right. So why does the same not hold true for an English club side?

The conspiracy theory about UEFA not wanting an all-English Final is laughable. Magnificent as the match referee was, how could he have foreseen Iniesta's late, late thunderbolt? Without that, remember, Chelsea were heading to Rome. And how does the ludicrous red card for a Barca player fit into the theory anyway?

Of course, those of us long enough in the tooth to remember South Korea will recall who was sitting on the opposition bench that day. Yes, it was Mr Hiddink. So when he says the referee on Wednesday night was the worst he has ever seen it is hard not to think he might have a slightly selective memory.

Byron Moreno was streets ahead of Tommy Ovrebo in the controversial decision department. He managed to send a man off when he should have got a penalty. Now imagine if that had happened to Didier Drogba...
Starting XI
about 17 years
if this has been posted my bad but thought it was funny how this came out
Starting XI
over 17 years
I'm going to get shot for this, but when do we stop protecting the refs for missing 4 penalties, and say, "That performance was just not good enough"

Of cause they shouldn't be abused etc, and their job obviously isn't easy, but do they receive any form of blame or "punishment"? (thats a genuine question) If you made four major stuff ups in one week at your job you'd probably find yourself half way out the door...Michael2009-05-08 23:54:51
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years
yes they do get punishments. a lot of refs leave football after taking this sort of abuse. I have heard of referees being banned or unallowed to officiate certain matches.

First of all, there were bad calls in both games by two different referees. Chelsea labeled Barca as 'moaners' after the first leg but the referee should have definitely given way more fouls. The 2nd leg was obviously a poorer referee but its not like he leant towards giving barca the win. He gave them an unnecessary Red.

I dont think this 4 penalty thing is right - i kow if 2 or three of them had been given they would have been considered weak penalties and then barca would be moaning about the ref. But of course they would be told to shut it.. And whose to say that even if a penalty was given, that it would of been scored.

I just think the whole legitimate argument any Chelsea player had has been negated by the spectical they caused. They are going to pay the price for this one with fines, match bans and maybe points deductions
Starting XI
over 17 years
Its over now. no amount of analysis or complaining will change the results and refs decisions... Unless you are Sir Alex Ferguson.
quoted from Eurosport
"In a final stab at getting Darren Fletcher's red card overturned, Manchester United have found a novel way of interpreting UEFA rules - circumventing them completely.

Fletcher is currently suspended for the Champions League final after his commendable but largely irrelevant efforts to make a last-ditch tackle on Cesc Fabregas on Tuesday night which prompted referee Roberto Rossetti to send him off and award Arsenal a penalty.

The point that the decision was unjust has already been made on this here page, and all were left to muse that the denial of appeal was an unfortunate wrinkle in the rules that would hopefully be ironed out, so others would not suffer the same fate in the future.

However, after a chance meeting between Alex Ferguson and UEFA general secretary David Taylor, a fellow Scot, United have submitted an appeal on 'compassionate grounds'.

Taylor said loudly to cover the sound of a loophole being hastily burrowed: "I've spoken with Alex Ferguson personally on this - as fate would have it we shared a car after the match. We had an interesting discussion.

"Strictly speaking there is no appeal process but representation can be made. If the club want to write to us with information - such as video evidence - explaining why they think this is a harsh punishment, then they can do that.

"The likelihood is we'd refer it to our disciplinary body. They would then look to see if there were any special circumstances to justify any departure from established procedures."

Ignoring the fact that the United boss has the ear of one of his industries' top brass, morally United may have a point. ED fully believes Fletcher deserves his place on the Stadio Olimpico bench, but instigating a non-existent appeal process on 'compassionate grounds' - ie doing them a favour - makes a mockery of the system for every other side.

By the same logic, perhaps we can expect Chelsea to launch an appeal on similar grounds over the penalties they weren't awarded against Barca in the near future."

Starting XI
over 17 years
They are at completely opposite ends of the spectrum. United are simply appealing the suspension, not what actually happened in the game. Infact if you cick here, he actually admits the ref was right to send him off.Michael2009-05-09 12:17:11
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Michael wrote:
I'm going to get shot for this, but when do we stop protecting the refs for missing 4 penalties, and say, "That performance was just not good enough"

Who said in the eyes of the law they were penalties in the first place?

I listened to some idiot on on Radio Sport the other day on what he thought, after playing Football for 30 years, on what handball was. This caller made Tommy Shyte look like an expert on the laws of our great game.
about 17 years
Michael wrote:
I'm going to get shot for this, but when do we stop protecting the refs for missing 4 penalties, and say, "That performance was just not good enough"

Of cause they shouldn't be abused etc, and their job obviously isn't easy, but do they receive any form of blame or "punishment"? (thats a genuine question) If you made four major stuff ups in one week at your job you'd probably find yourself half way out the door...
As I said before, it would be a big step up from the virtually part-timers of Norway to a Champions League semi-final.  You need the best referees for the biggest games who can make the hard decisions in a calm way and are used to the skill and pace.  That bald Italian ref who had to retire a couple of years ago was superb at that.  Collina?  He always had the respect of the players.
For me, that means a ref who is working at this level week in and week out i.e a German or Italian in this case.  It's not rocket science.  Too many top level games seem to get spoiled by third rate refereeing.   
Conspiracy theory?  Don't make me laugh.  We played Russian roulette and lost.  I'm over it and looking forward to the last few games.  There's still plenty to play for!    
over 16 years
TV3 are crap.

Did any of you see the plays of the week? Ronaldos goal was number one. Iniesta's goal was in there. No Essien. Ive also heard them refer to someone called Robert van Persie about 5 times
Starting XI
about 17 years
DidierDrogba wrote:
TV3 are crap.Did any of you see the plays of the week? Ronaldos goal was number one. Iniesta's goal was in there. No Essien. Ive also heard them refer to someone called Robert van Persie about 5 times
Got to be kidding me. Essiens was one of - if not the - best goal of the year.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Jose's Dog wrote:

For me, that means a ref who is working at this level week in and week out i.e a German or Italian in this case.� It's not rocket science.� Too many top level games seem to get spoiled by third�rate refereeing.� �


It's not that straightforward - the first leg was refereed by a guy from Germany, and he was absolutely terrible too.
about 17 years
Flawed Concept 1 Anti Football 4 followed by the usual whinge from Wenger about diving cheats.  At the risk of upsetting our Arsenal friends, Wenger really is a sour old prick.  I respect him but I don't like him. 
And in a week of mega tantrums, Ronaldo's hissy fit at Old Trafford proves yet again that one person thinks he's bigger than the team.  Go on Fergie, drop him next week.  I dare you!
about 17 years
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Jose's Dog wrote:
Flawed Concept 1 Anti Football 4 followed by the usual whinge from Wenger about diving cheats.  At the risk of upsetting our Arsenal friends, Wenger really is a sour old prick.  I respect him but I don't like him. 

No upset here JD... I'm getting sick of hearing it - want to see him do something about it. Amongst one or three other things

about 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:
Jose's Dog wrote:
Flawed Concept 1 Anti Football 4 followed by the usual whinge from Wenger about diving cheats.  At the risk of upsetting our Arsenal friends, Wenger really is a sour old prick.  I respect him but I don't like him. 

No upset here JD... I'm getting sick of hearing it - want to see him do something about it. Amongst one or three other things

Actually I think Wenger, Benitez and Ferguson are as bad as each other.  You would think guys of their age would be able to respect and admire each others and acknowledge the strengths of others.  It was probably Mourinho who took that bad sportsmanship to another level I know, I just wish these guys could chill out and act like grown men.  It will be a loss to the EPL if Hiddink moves on as he seems to be a gentleman liked by all.  Very refreshing to see him and the Barcelona coach sharing a laugh on the touchline in the heat of battle last week and the calm, dignified way he coped with defeat.
Will be an interesting off season for Wenger.  You get the feeling the pressure is mounting for him to deliver a few more big name, big game experenced players to realise the potential.  He's been re-building for 3-4 years now and still just coming up a bit short.  He's also probably unlucky that United, Chelsea and Liverpool have been consistently outstanding and really raised the bar over the last five years.  That isn't going to change so he's going to need to do something a little bit more than he has been to get Arsenal back up there.  

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