over 17 years


Do people seriously think that things are not going to change?

Starting XI
over 14 years

paulm wrote:


Do people seriously think that things are not going to change?

Still my favourite comments are the ones, 

"I don't wanna watch on 15" screen" or "Ugh but the quality is soo crap when stretched to 50" screen" and similar ones, don't understand:

1) HDMI cable

2) What streaming in HD means :P

PS my quality issues is a case of my old PC being poo, when I used laptop to TV it was fine...might have to upgrade my PC :)

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Streaming in HD for some people does seem to mean perfect on the small laptop screen but not much good on the large screen TV though. My TV is a 2012 full HD model and still gets motion judder when watching PLP connected via HDMI. Although oddly not for any other service I've watched this way (including TVNZ On Demand, Sky Go/ISky, Arsenal Player, Quickflix, and even dodgy free streaming sites) so assume it has to be something to do with the way PLP is encoded. Unfortunately not everyone seems to get a great experience doing it this way. Seems to depend on brands, location, quality of internet etc. Much more random than Sky where the only issue may be rain interference.

As for rugby, I still can't see any way Sky are letting it go. They will come under pressure to provide an online service without having to subscribe to Sky so will be interesting to see if they offer anything. But as has been said, they also film and produce all the content so it's not quite as simple as buying the broadcast rights for someone like Coliseum.

over 17 years

This is the thing though - it's not up to Sky to not let it go, they just won't have a say in the matter. Ultimately the sporting body themselves will decide where they are going to get the best profit, and more and more we are seeing that that is going to be from going direct to the customer via an online platform.

Sky offered plenty for the golf and they didn't get it - it had nothing to do with the money. 

We're at the tipping point right now. It may not happen for this deal, but it will definitely happen for the next deal. 

If Sky don't come out with a decent online platform very soon, they will die. Basically they need to transform their entire business. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Can't see the NZRU ending their relationship with Sky either. Who is going to film and produce all the content? For that reason I feel that Sky have much more say in the matter than they do for overseas sports like EPL or PGA Golf where they are just buying the content. With increasing pressure I certainly think they will look at online offerings, or perhaps some sort of season pass where you can subscribe to just rugby. But Sky and the NZRU need each other too much.

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

If you are a watcher of PremierLeaguePass on an iOS device, the iOS8 update will torpedo your Premer League watching this weekend. For an uninterrupted viewing experience we would advise you hold off until you've updated the PremierLeaguePass app on your device.

Our new app version is sitting in the queue to be checked and released by Apple but as everyone has had to resubmit their apps at the same time, the queue is pretty long. You'll see the new version of the app sitting in your updates queue as soon as it is released.

Best wishes,

Starting XI
over 14 years

i think the best model would be for sky to have the TV rights but to sell internet rights seprately so those that want to watch a lot of different stuff still can but if they want to watch 1 or 2 sports  in particular then the internet way could be the way to go

Starting XI
almost 12 years

That sounds ideal.

over 17 years

Yea pretty much. Wouldn't be surprised if the NZRU sold the rights to sky, under the proviso that they can sell online packages themselves as well, for the live matches only, on Allblacks.com. 

If they charged single game fees on allblacks.com they could make a killing, whilst still dipping their toes in the sky pie for people who wanted the sky service for more than just the All Blacks. 

over 17 years

paulm wrote:

If Sky don't come out with a decent online platform very soon, they will die. Basically they need to transform their entire business. 

Aaaaaand here we go...


Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Starting XI
almost 12 years

Interesting and kind of what I said above about the pressure forcing them to do something like this. If it can be done right then it sounds ideal. On TV and in HD for those who still want Sky for the other offerings (and those who don't have access to or don't want high speed internet), but also available to those who may only want to watch a certain sport but won't pay $70-100 a month to get it. Be interesting to see how many Sky subscribers would drop Sky to just subscribe to the rugby.

Starting XI
over 14 years

ajc28 wrote:

Interesting and kind of what I said above about the pressure forcing them to do something like this. If it can be done right then it sounds ideal. On TV and in HD for those who still want Sky for the other offerings (and those who don't have access to or don't want high speed internet), but also available to those who may only want to watch a certain sport but won't pay $70-100 a month to get it. Be interesting to see how many Sky subscribers would drop Sky to just subscribe to the rugby.

a lot of single people maybe but for families it wouldn't change much . just maybe cancel the sports side of it.

Starting XI
over 14 years

detoxin wrote:

a lot of single people maybe but for families it wouldn't change much . just maybe cancel the sports side of it.

For us it is the main thing holding us at the moment.

Disney Junior is on youtube, plenty of kids shows on online services.

Most of my wife's shows are available as well, and if not using HOLA or similar gets us what we need.

If they are priced correctly then we'll be gone...

Of course the article did say they want to price it so they don't cannibalise their current subscribers.

about 17 years

If Disney Junior was on freeview, we'd be long gone from Sky.

over 13 years
I dont know if you are being sarcastic but geez man if cartoons are keeping you with Sky, I would have to question your intelligence or parenting skills!!
about 15 years

If Sky go to an online model where you buy the games you want to watch, you can watch all the old fucks like me cue up to whinge about how no one watches Super 15 or ITM Cup. Seriously, I think that more than a few will just get the ABs matches leaving no one watching those two comps (less than there is now). From a Sky persepctive, it leaves them open to people cancelling their Sports subscriptions and just booking the ABs games meaning less revenue streams. Less cost for the punter for sure but the death knell for Sky Sport/Rugby bearing in mind the less money Sky have, the less money NZRFU get for rights especially if no one is watching the comp. Soon it will come down to 'well no one watches those two so we are not paying for it'. NZRFU have not thought this one through very well at all.

about 15 years

I dont know if you are being sarcastic but geez man if cartoons are keeping you with Sky, I would have to question your intelligence or parenting skills!!

Do you have grandkids????? I do. I know the LG has guardianship of younger ones (although my recollection is shady).

You need to think before you speak sometimes AP.

over 17 years

Understatement of the century. 

He and others who told Tegal he was wrong have been notably absent from the thread since Tegal was basically proven correct, and now he comes in to attack someone else's intelligence and parenting skills. 


and 1 other
over 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

If Sky go to an online model where you buy the games you want to watch, you can watch all the old fucks like me cue up to whinge about how no one watches Super 15 or ITM Cup. Seriously, I think that more than a few will just get the ABs matches leaving no one watching those two comps (less than there is now). From a Sky persepctive, it leaves them open to people cancelling their Sports subscriptions and just booking the ABs games meaning less revenue streams. Less cost for the punter for sure but the death knell for Sky Sport/Rugby bearing in mind the less money Sky have, the less money NZRFU get for rights especially if no one is watching the comp. Soon it will come down to 'well no one watches those two so we are not paying for it'. NZRFU have not thought this one through very well at all.

And rugby being put to death is a bad thing?? I can't wait to see the back of this 'sport'.

about 17 years

I dont know if you are being sarcastic but geez man if cartoons are keeping you with Sky, I would have to question your intelligence or parenting skills!!

So you too have a 3 and a 1/2 year old and a 2 year old huh? So expert parent tell me how do you keep them happy and jot fighting? You could start a parenting thread in the off topics if you wish. For us whilst we are organising things Disney Jnr is a life saver.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Happy with PLP today for the Arsenal game. Best it's worked for me so far with minimal stutter. Did watch it a bit later than usual due to doing other things in the morning (about 1pm) so wonder if it could have been to do with less people watching the same game at that time.

about 17 years

The QPR v Stoke game was good up until the 80th minute, thrn it dropped me off twice in 5 mins and had to restart. Just in time to see Nico score an awesome equalizer.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Awesome, avoided the Liverpool score all day, now I just open up PLP and the fixtures screen flashes up all the scores for half a second before disappearing again.... f*^%ing c&%*

about 17 years

You can turn the scores off if you choose.

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

That;s the thing, they are off.  I always have them set to off.  But when I logged on they flashed up for half a second then disappeared....

Starting XI
over 14 years

I have found that if I have logged in eleswhere that they are now on, because I am not logged in...caught me out last weekend, now I know.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

I have them set to off but haven't been trusting enough to rely on it yet so tend to cover the screen when I log in and try and reveal one game to make sure. To avoid this happening they should probably have the scores on another page you have to click to.

over 17 years

They put this in after complaints but it looks like it's not quite working as intended if it flashes the scores up for a second!

I have relied on it a couple of times and haven't been caught out - guess I'm just a little slow to look down the page and hadn't noticed! Thank god. Will definitely make a point of not looking for a few seconds next time to be safe.

I got caught out seeing a score before they introduced this functionality last season and was blimmin wild about it. There's a crazy rant earlier in this thread from me somewhere!

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Given the advice that the iOS App wasn't working, i decided to try HDMI from laptop to TV using Firefox. Hopeless, and massively frustrating, so went to the other room and used the new Samsung TV and the app on there - hands down THE BEST PLP experience I've tried so far. (and i've tried them all i think, laptop, HDMI to TV, iPad, IPhone, Apple TV etc)

Perfect picture, excellent on screen controls etc.

Starting XI
over 10 years

Dougie Rydal wrote:

Given the advice that the iOS App wasn't working, i decided to try HDMI from laptop to TV using Firefox. Hopeless, and massively frustrating, so went to the other room and used the new Samsung TV and the app on there - hands down THE BEST PLP experience I've tried so far. (and i've tried them all i think, laptop, HDMI to TV, iPad, IPhone, Apple TV etc)

Perfect picture, excellent on screen controls etc.

Yeah, I missed the iOS email - updated and when I tried to watch the game, no go. A pain in the backside but ultimately I was better off with the sleep given I was planning to watch LFC.

Moar stars
over 12 years

Any word on the TV being won yet ?

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Oh yeah, that was announced on Facebook a couple of weeks ago and a picture of the winner with it setup at her home.

over 14 years
I wonder if they have even submitted the app update to apple. Most the apps on my phone have been updated for iOS 8 including all the ones that broke with iOS 8 with the plp app being the only exception. I don't buy the whole heaps of apps that apple have to work through to accept either as a few of my apps have had multiple updates since iOS 8 came out.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
about 15 years

As much as I am against this, this is a smart move by Coliseum because it pretty much means they will be around for a while. Thats two decent sports and shows they aren't going anywhere. I'm just thankful I don't watch golf. They can take motorsport and give Sky back the EPL and I would be well happy.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

JarrodM wrote:
I wonder if they have even submitted the app update to apple. Most the apps on my phone have been updated for iOS 8 including all the ones that broke with iOS 8 with the plp app being the only exception. I don't buy the whole heaps of apps that apple have to work through to accept either as a few of my apps have had multiple updates since iOS 8 came out.

They could have submitted an update to Apple 2 weeks before the launch of iOS 8, but they didn't. I'm guessing that nobody bothered to test the app out on the iOS 8 developer beta.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Regarding the golf, I posted this in the Sky Coverage thread elsewhere but I don't really understand what Coliseum's role is if it's going to be provided directly by the PGA. I thought the point was that they can make more money by providing it direct and Sky said they didn't believe they had been outbid so what will Coliseum actually be doing if not delivering the content? Why do the PGA need a rights holder if they are delivering it themselves?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

yeah I can't work it out either. Can only imagine its some sort of brand leverage relationship. Or maybe someone is required to hold the rights to protect against sky picking up rights some other way? That seems unlikely though. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Yeah bit different to the football as Sky could get the club's own delayed coverage but I can't imagine there being a similar product in the PGA tour, unless individual tournaments have some delayed screening rights. Could it be something to do with Coliseum's partnership with Neulion? Wouldn't have thought it would be difficult for the PGA to sort that out themselves but maybe Coliseum are an exclusive NZ partner?

Be interesting to see what happens. The number of people who want to watch every tournament enough to pay out for the extra service is possibly quite low in NZ. Probably a fair few golf fans who don't have Sky and would be interested, but Sky still have 3 of the majors and the WGC events (although they have not responded as to when those deals run out, so may only be 2015) so can't see many cancelling Sky altogether and getting this. I love watching golf but tend to only really watch the majors and Ryder Cup and bits of the occasional other big tournament so I wouldn't watch enough of the weekly events to make it worth it.

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