about 17 years
I'd read somewhere that Boro might be willing to take him (folan) off our hands permanently in January
(though the fact that 2 million  was also quoted made me think it might just be lazy journalism)
about 17 years
Ashbee out til at least March , following a recurrence of the injury that required having holes drilled in his thigh  bone in 2005
he came back after that one to lead us in the Prem
30 holes drilled this time - he's a tenacious little bugger - so i expect and hope he'll be back
tigers2009-09-19 17:52:27
about 17 years
really not  a good day, was hoping Nix would cheer me up - that looked like happening until the 4th of the 3 minutes of injury time
re the Tigers, losing at home to a fellow struggler is not my idea of promising
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Horror result for the tigers in the league cup. 0-4 loss at home to Everton.
Starting XI
over 17 years
To be fair, I never thought Hull would get up for a cup game. They/we are concerntrating on survival and not being in the cups is probably a good thing.
I can't see PB being around much longer, especially if/when we lose to the Redsh*te this weekend. Would love to see Starchan come in and shake things up.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
The trouble is with the player list. We have been unable to attract 'quality' players who can perform at this level. The wage budget is straining at the seams and there is nothing left anyway.
We need a 'high profile' Manager experienced at this level but what could they do with no money and a full wage budget.
It would need new owners and a surge of cash to attract a Manager with such a high profile and under the World Financial Crisis situation that appears to be out of the question.
We're doomed!
about 17 years
oh well at least the loss got a few of us back on here
agree Toffeman the carling cup is not the focus, nor (sadly) is this weekend - the next four games after are crucial - if we can't pick up points in those 4 Brownie will need to go
as OZT suggests, it might not be his fault - i blame whoever signed Turner out of the club
so either we grab a points in October say 6 or 7 minimum
or a new manager comes in and we hopee that a change in mind-set will produce a turn-around - not logical but i hang grimly to any thread of hope (where's the dour grim bloody-knuckled Northern emoticon when you need it?)
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
We're doomed I tell ye, DOOMED!
Phil is now being referred to as "Dead Man Walking"!
The "Messiah" couldn't save our team at the moment I'm sorry to say!
about 17 years

a sad case of "Dead's Army" then

please no, not Keegan   (h'es not so much 'dead man walking' as just plain 'man walking away again'
in other news - Geo has re-signed for 2 years - a bit disturbing that some sites have him as being 29 others 34! (the 29 coming from a news site not a blog)
pedant edit - for spelling, a little thing us oldies have fond regard for
tigers2009-09-26 08:51:26
Starting XI
over 17 years
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
It certainly is looking that way for your lot. The next few games will be a good test though, probably fairer for you to judge how close (or far away!) you are from the other teams closer to you.
Starting XI
over 17 years
about 17 years
I think he might get more chances to save his skin than that, but not too many can be afforded
If we can get 6 or 7 points from the next four games then our season will have a bit of hope injected back in it
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

With the form Wigan is in, and the form the Tigers are in, its a huge ask on saturday. Lets just hope PB sorts out the defence...

about 17 years
looks like PB did as you asked SebNZ
Kilbane might lack a yard of pace but he helped with our organisation and did well in the air, and moving Zayatte into mid paid big dividends
Giving Geo a central role and more responsibiilty also paid off
Great header by J VofH
very pleased with the points
(the w ham v fulham match overnight will see us back into bottom 3 but with more performances like today's we might  survive!!)
about 17 years
Bullard back for the reserves overnight
over 17 years
At what stage do you guys think Brown should be sacked?
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
Arsenal wrote:
At what stage do you guys think Brown should be sacked?
When Arsene Wenger decides to take the Managers job at  Hull City.
about 17 years
Jimmy Bullard - has a wee chat about his comeback and rehab
brought a smile to my face
almost 15 years
Can any Tigers fan please update me about how Michael Mancienne is going - haven't been keeping track. 
about 17 years
I think you've got the wrong four-legged, sharp toothed animal
if we had a Wolves thread, that's where you'd best ask
almost 15 years
Oh sorry, my bad got the two mixed up. ChelseaFCmhr2009-10-10 10:58:47
about 17 years
Bullard probabably to play some part v fulham on tues a.m.
teams around us losing
equals something good to distract from the weather
and the Villa - chels game also a bit of a bonus - played at a cracking pace with some good skill by both teams 
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Looking forward to seeing Bullard get some game time. Might not be able to watch the game, have to check my exam table... . Horray for mysky!
about 17 years

missed last 20 mins of first half

what i did see was a bit disappointing in terms of creativity
but some plusses - great to see Bullard back - he might be able to make a difference
ghilas still offers something and Geo looks keen
altidore showed some good strength on the ball
and if J Vof H gets support he's probably canny enough to create space for others
but it's going to be a long season - especially if Brum and Portsmouth spend up in January
about 17 years
hopefully Jimmy's home debut this weekend
I smiled every time he touched the ball against Fulham  - C'mon Jimmy, sort them out !!
Gardner rumoured for his 9th  appearance v Portsgob
and the Methuselah figure of Barmby in line for a trot around the park too
about 17 years
0-0  a point but not a great indication for the rest of the season
Bullard didn't play, either a cut shin or a pub fight (depending whether you believe the manager or gossip) I think it was just the injury
Altidore arrived late   and was dropped
desperate search for positives = a point and Gardner back
over 17 years
Phil Brown
His inflated sense of self needs a brush with reality but the thickness of his skin has to be admired on occasion. Subject to chants of "you don't know what you're doing" even before his side were booed off at half-time and full-time against Pompey, the Hull manager still achieved the seemingly impossible by spotting a positive angle. "It's a sign of how we've changed expectations that they're booing a clean sheet in the Premier League," he triumphed to reporters presumably too stunned by his chutzpah to mention that Pompey have scored in less than half their matches this season.

From F365 winners and losers.
about 17 years
I'm sure Phil would be flattered by your interest in him
over 17 years
Then there's this gem:

You wouldn't have guessed Phil Brown was nervous ahead of Saturday's bumper relegation clash with Pompey as he sashayed into his pre-match press conference with a towel draped round his neck as if he'd just been five rounds with Mike Tyson. I bet he even insisted his assistant manager Brian Horton bring a ghetto-blaster into the room and pump out the first bars of "Eye of the Tiger" as he strode in.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

As long as we keeping picking up the points - draw or win im happy

almost 15 years
Saturday was so poor my 12 year old has decided to join me here in nz and see the game v Newcastle on Weds.
Would love to meet up with more Tigers?
about 17 years

great to see the hero Ashbee's pic there Roger

I'm in aisle 21 row G, but won't have my Tigers kit on at a Nix game
I'm not sure where Toffeeman is to be found but it'll be somewhere in aisle 22
i'll flick you a dm with my mobile # closer to the Newc match
almost 15 years

Cheers - anywhere you can recommend for pre-game fish / chips and a beer? Is there a "home" pub?

Can I choose aisles / rows?
Drop any details in the pm -  thanks again.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
bad news regarding finances following a report by deloitte, especially if they get relegated with 23mil needed to be found. lets hope a mystery benefactor comes along!
Starting XI
over 17 years
tigers wrote:

great to see the hero Ashbee's pic there Roger

I'm in aisle 21 row G, but won't have my Tigers kit on at a Nix game
I'm not sure where Toffeeman is to be found but it'll be somewhere in aisle 22
i'll flick you a dm with my mobile # closer to the Newc match
I'm alive :-) Have had to miss a few games this season due to work and family travel. Hoping to make the next home game though. Look for the 6' 1" bald guy with a '09 Tigers shirt under his Retro Ricki top at the Back Bencher back bar. Or ask for Toffeeman. Most people know me :-)
On the Tigers. Not looking good on any front really. Heavily in debt, manager on the brink of insanity, team struggling for points. Can't say I'm too optimistic but am as hopeful as ever. My uncle was at the Portsmouth game and he wished he'd saved his money. Reports were that it was the worst game in Premier League history. Harsh call but I'm not going to argue it.
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
As painful as this may be I have to say that we are cactus!
Hull City have denied that Phil Brown has been sacked whilst other sources say that ex Chairman (and our saviour from administration a few years ago) Adam Pearson, has resigned as Chairman of Football at Derby County and is being touted as the next Hull City Chairman ousting current Chairman Paul Duffen.
Meanwhile, the accounts have been released and have been analysed by a fan (employed by an American based Investment Company) and her analysis has been released on the Hull City Vital message boards.
These show that there has been a 'rob Peter to pay Paul' system employed by the owners in such a way as to see the Club lend money to the Company so that they could buy Hull City. The monies lent are apparently 'interest fee' with no specific pay back date.
Consequently, should the Club be relegated this season (which we will be) they have to find 23 million quid (40 million dollars) to survive in the CCC. Should we remain in the EPL we will have to find 9 million quid (16 million dollars). These debts were incurred by mortgaging the estimated royalties etc from TV and sponsorship rights and then promising to pay them back by mortgaging the following years royalties - something that becomes impossible if you are relegated.
I have been one who has asked for years how much is the so called 'peppercorn rent' being charged by the Council to Hull City for the KC Stadium and the silence has been deafening - turns out that Hull City have been handing over a million quid per year - that is very expensive peppercorns folks!
The 'thick further plottens' folks when you ask what will Hull City council do with a 25,000 seater stadium if Hull City go under? Hull FC Rugby Club attract a few thousand only so will the council perhaps assist Adam Pearson and help bail the Club out?
We haven't heard the last of this yet! 
about 17 years
great , England's first City Council football league team
oh well, at least they'd have a few mowers to look after the pitch
and imagine the unprecedented  interest at City council meetings, item 1 your Worship the Mayor - What formation should we play on Saturday?
lucky Rodney - core business - Hide doesn't live in England
it certainly seems that we will be in a few more headlines until we drop back into obscurity
unless .... a miracle happens (maybe 06-07 and the first half of 07-08 was our share of miracles for this century)
over 17 years

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