Liverpool Thread - Premier League Champions* 2019/20 (Part 1)

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Starting XI
over 14 years
The Degen sub was particularly baffling, and so was Pacheo for Yossi.
Even though N'gog is a gigantic big ballsack burger, he surely was a better option than Degen, especially given that we needed another goal...
That bench was pretty awful though, but then again our starting line up ain't much better.
Masch was f**king exhausted and Degen is a fullback? Maybe... Or maybe because he was already on a yellow card? Or maybe it was because he lost Forlan for the goal? Or maybe because he was giving the ball away a lot? Besides, Degen did fine. Not really ideal to have him coming off the bench, but think about it.
El-Ni�o2010-04-30 17:22:26
Starting XI
over 17 years
TheKop wrote:
Ripthajacka wrote:
you lads got much money to buy???

Rafa's comments after the game:

He said: "Someone said we needed four or five players. I would more or less agree with that. That is what we have to do. Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Liverpool is a massive club. There has been a change in the last two or three years. We have had to balance the books and manage in this way.

I do not know whether I will have any funds. We will find out in the summer. But the name is there and we have to do our best for it."

I don't think there'll be much money for anyone next season. The debts of most clubs is getting out of control, Portsmouth were the first to go but there will surely be others hovering above the same fate
You guys can't even get funding for a stadium such is your level of debt
I think Rafa will need to learn how to op shop for bargain buys like the rest of us mid table teams
Starting XI
over 14 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Yeah I read Alex McLeish  was mooted as a potential replacement

Question: should Jamie Carragher be a first team starter next season ?
Starting XI
almost 15 years
giddyup wrote:
Yeah I read Alex McLeish  was mooted as a potential replacement

Question: should Jamie Carragher be a first team starter next season ?
depends who for?
Starting XI
over 14 years
Yeah, I think so. Was awful at the start of the season, but picked up his form. Although I still like the idea of a Skrtel-Agger combination. And Carra just hoooooofs it every time.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I know he's liver-pool through and through, but I just wonder whether he's worthy of a starting spot. Of the games i've seen this season, i've felt he was playing very much below par,not so much being carried by the others ,but just not as sharp as he was a couple of seasons ago.

Starting XI
over 14 years
over 14 years
after that opening game of the season loss against spurs i updated my facebook status to something along the lines of

"not a whole lot should be read into the first game of the season"

im just glad my manc and gooner mates dont remember it
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
im still gutted over the defeat. realy gutted.
over 17 years
tomrewi wrote:
im still gutted over the defeat. realy gutted.

I thought you supported Sheffield Wednesday.
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
I never said I disliked Perennial strugglers Liverpool infact I said "I like Perennial strugglers Liverpool and I think oi always will"
over 14 years
i rekon cara's still got a season and a half or so of being first choice centre back in him.
hes recieved alot of criticism this season for his constant hoofing of the ball.
if the players in front of him continue to be as static as they have been this season then we may need another CB who can bring the ball out of defence better 
Starting XI
over 14 years
Orrrr, just hope Agger can stay fit?
over 14 years
thing is is that he has been fit when cara has been hoofing,
very confusing that cara is the one trying to bring the ball out of defence when agger has far greater techincal ability on the ball
tradition and history
over 17 years
Latest is that manager will be going to Juv.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Feels like a 'no win' situation today, especially after Spurs and City won yesterday.
over 14 years
horrible pass back by stevie jus them
que the calls gerrard was trying to throw the game.
i personally dont think hes like that at all
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
he may not be actively trying to throw it, but he's clearly not trying very hard to win it.

although this game has been awfully dreary, the only good thing in the first 20 mimutes was the commentators taking the piss out of drogba
over 14 years
GenericFan wrote:
he may not be actively trying to throw it, but he's clearly not trying very hard to win it.

although this game has been awfully dreary, the only good thing in the first 20 mimutes was the commentators taking the piss out of drogba

haha that was class
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
fat frank may have just won chelsea the title... maybe we should start trying now
over 14 years
this is really really horrible
were losing a game and i dont feel gutted
i hate it
over 14 years
wow @ the look on nando's face just then
over 14 years
over 14 years
On the bright side, because Everton didn't win at least we can't bollocks the season up any more than this. 
Starting XI
over 14 years
Depressing. Reina deserves better than that. Lucas was good, too. We played okay up until Stevie did his traditional back pass. Then fatigue flew in and the heads dropped. And we barely managed a shot. I'm gutted, but I guess we have to look at the bigger picture regarding the Mancs. We were too tired from the Atleti match and they had so much to play for.
Can I have my club back please?
Starting XI
almost 15 years
El-Ni�o wrote:
Depressing. Reina deserves better than that. Lucas was good, too. We played okay up until Stevie did his traditional back pass. Then fatigue flew in and the heads dropped. And we barely managed a shot. I'm gutted, but I guess we have to look at the bigger picture regarding the Mancs. We were too tired from the Atleti match and they had so much to play for.
Can I have my club back please?
yes, he was very good and seemed genuinly gutted about the goals no1 else seemed to care, that was an extremely lackluster performance, yossi was good also but thats about it
nando did not look happy at all about the situation.
over 17 years
Reina > City

Torres > Valencia

Gerrard > Reserves
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Time for reflection on a horror season. We know the negatives so here's some positives for me:

1. Signings. We've often queried and blasted some of Rafa's signings but we got four quality players this season and the possibility of a fifth in Jonjo just arriving.
Johnson, Maxi, Soto and Aqua have all showed their worth through the season. Soto is a giant at the back, Maxi and Johnson have good vision and I can see them continuing to cement their places. Aqua when he's been able to play has showed glimpses of something special so no real complaints from me here.

2. Two players I've loved to hate over the years have proved me wrong this season. Babel and Lucas. Both have upped their work rate considerably especially in the second half of the season. Babel's still missing something but at least he's giving it everything he's got at the moment which is a far cry from previous season. Credit due here.

3. Kuyt and Masch. A couple of stalwarts who have given 110% in every match and probably played in most games this season.

4. Nando when he's playing. Can't deny an almost 1:1 goal to game ratio. It's a shame the world cup is in as far as Liv'pool are concerned. The kid needs to rest.

5. Pepe Reina. For me, by an far the best player we've had this season. Leading from the back without him we've almost be facing relegation this season. Given the support (or lack there of) around him at times he more than often kept us in the game. Only a red beach ball proved too much. Cheers Pepe, happy to have you aboard for another 6 and a player who's name I'd wear on my back.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Did you guys warm up with roll over and play dead ?
That was disgusting,I'm no Liver-pool fan but that performance was disgusting.
I realise even the players don't want United to get a 4th in a row and ruin your title record but paleese play with some fight at least.The players  looked like they didn't want to be there and where was the game being played at Anfield or the Emirates jesus christ there was no atmosphere just resignation from the fans. what a sad day for you lot
Ngog must be Rafa's last sub at Anfield now surely.

Oh and Maxi and Aqualini are the two reasons not to give Rafa access to the company credit cards
they're both frauds
giddyup2010-05-03 08:40:15
Not Boyd
over 16 years
TheKop wrote:
Time for reflection on a horror season. We know the negatives so here's some positives for me:

1. Signings. We've often queried and blasted some of Rafa's signings but we got four quality players this season and the possibility of a fifth in Jonjo just arriving.
Johnson, Maxi, Soto and Aqua have all showed their worth through the season. Soto is a giant at the back, Maxi and Johnson have good vision and I can see them continuing to cement their places. Aqua when he's been able to play has showed glimpses of something special so no real complaints from me here.

2. Two players I've loved to hate over the years have proved me wrong this season. Babel and Lucas. Both have upped their work rate considerably especially in the second half of the season. Babel's still missing something but at least he's giving it everything he's got at the moment which is a far cry from previous season. Credit due here.

3. Kuyt and Masch. A couple of stalwarts who have given 110% in every match and probably played in most games this season.

4. Nando when he's playing. Can't deny an almost 1:1 goal to game ratio. It's a shame the world cup is in as far as Liv'pool are concerned. The kid needs to rest.

5. Pepe Reina. For me, by an far the best player we've had this season. Leading from the back without him we've almost be facing relegation this season. Given the support (or lack there of) around him at times he more than often kept us in the game. Only a red beach ball proved too much. Cheers Pepe, happy to have you aboard for another 6 and a player who's name I'd wear on my back.
6. Have finally got rid of the yanks (hopefully)
Starting XI
over 15 years
Expectations for season too high - Rafael Benitez

Following the 2-0 home defeat to Chelsea, Perennial strugglers Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez says the problems the club suffered throughout the season were "difficult to manage" because "expectations were too high". strugglers Liverpool/8657284.stm
Didn't he guarantee 4th place?
over 17 years
over 17 years
Rumours circulating that Benitez is gone.
over 14 years
its funny everyone saying we rolled over and let them win.

at the end of the day all we had to play for the highly unlikely chance of getting fourth, why should we be the ones expected to go out playing like we are about to win the title.
up until that pass from steven "superman" gerrard, chelsea were playing with absolutly no intesnsity,
they let us dictate the tempo of the game, which is strange considering what they were playing for.

First Team Squad
over 15 years
giddyup wrote:

Did you guys warm up with roll over and play dead ?That was disgusting,I'm no Liver-pool fan but that performance was disgusting. I realise even the players don't want United to get a 4th in a row and ruin your title record but paleese play with some fight at least.The players� looked like they didn't want to be there and where was the game being played at Anfield or the Emirates jesus christ there was no atmosphere just resignation from the fans. what a sad day for you lot Ngog must be Rafa's last sub at Anfield now surely.Oh and Maxi and Aqualini are the two reasons not to give Rafa access to the company credit cards they're both frauds

Not sure if you watched it or not but we were there until Gerrard's blunder. Given the season we've had and the pressure over the last couple of weeks I'm not surprised the guys were deflated after that. What was left to play for? We certainly aren't under fire by Everton climbing above us on the table.

Positive No.7 We finished higher than Everton.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Buffon II wrote:
Rumours circulating that Benitez is gone.

Fair to say he's been gone for a while now... Unless a miracle take over of the club happens in the next couple of weeks with a sizable transfer purse Rafa will have his Juve contract in his top draw and his pen waiting to sign.
Not Boyd
over 16 years
[QUOTE=Everton FC]Expectations for season too high - Rafael Benitez

Following the 2-0 home defeat to Chelsea, Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez says the problems the club suffered throughout the season were "difficult to manage" because "expectations were too high".

This is a shocker Rafa. I feel like he is starting to make lame excuses, expectations too high, goalposts changed, owners backed out on there promises blah blah. Sorry Kop was trying to stay positive but can't do it today.
How about Roy Hodgson as the new manager?
over 14 years
Everton FC wrote:
Expectations for season too high - Rafael Benitez

Following the 2-0 home defeat to Chelsea, Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Liverpool boss Rafael Benitez says the problems the club suffered throughout the season were "difficult to manage" because "expectations were too high". strugglers Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Liverpool/8657284.stm
Didn't he guarantee 4th place?

If you watch the video:

"Because we encourage you to say these things don't we? Because every week we say, can you still finish fourth, Rafa?"

What's he going to say? No, we're aiming for sixth?

Really, Rafa isn't out there on the pitch - he just holds ultimate responsibility. Rafa's not wholly responsible for the way Gerrard's played this season - final responsibility for the way Gerard's played this whole season lies with him. Nor can you really lay the blame for the brace of injuries of late, or the in-fighting at management level, or the strutural changes forced on the club by Hicks and Gillett.

When you get down to brass tacks, this is a poor season for the Reds. Any other team - for example, another Merseyside team dressed in blue - they'd be dancing in the aisles with 7th in the league and the semis of Europa. ;) Not to take the piss any, but yeah, some of the criticism is a bit rich when some teams don't have managers that would even dare to set the bar in the first place.

I love to hear transfer rumours, too - largely because they don't often tell a real story. What they often do is project hopes of what would make an opposing team weaker. It's nice to hear people's insecurities about certain players, though, because then at least we know we have some players who're doing the right thing.

The only things that are true right now is that we have a new chairman, these dark years of Hicks and Gillett leveraging the club into non-existence will soon be over.
dontsurf2010-05-03 13:24:25
Starting XI
over 17 years
TheKop wrote:
giddyup wrote:

Did you guys warm up with roll over and play dead ?That was disgusting,I'm no Liver-pool fan but that performance was disgusting. I realise even the players don't want United to get a 4th in a row and ruin your title record but paleese play with some fight at least.The players  looked like they didn't want to be there and where was the game being played at Anfield or the Emirates jesus christ there was no atmosphere just resignation from the fans. what a sad day for you lot Ngog must be Rafa's last sub at Anfield now surely.Oh and Maxi and Aqualini are the two reasons not to give Rafa access to the company credit cards they're both frauds

Not sure if you watched it or not but we were there until Gerrard's blunder. Given the season we've had and the pressure over the last couple of weeks I'm not surprised the guys were deflated after that. What was left to play for? We certainly aren't under fire by Everton climbing above us on the table.

Positive No.7 We finished higher than Everton.
Yip got up and watched the whole game 
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