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Woof Woof
about 17 years
monkeyboy wrote:
wow i make one remark and get branded as cocky? what i wrote was in a hypothetical situation - IF we make the CL finals then I think messi needs to be man marked out of the game.

Don't think you can man-mark Messi out of a game.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Well our home form has been brilliant all year so we have to back that next weekend. 16 wins and 1 draw in the league this season. A draw could well be enough - then a draw at Ewood Park and a home win against Blackpool will be enough to get over the line.
Would've preferred a draw this morning to take the pressure off, but we are still favourites. Glad I took some happiness insurance at the TAB yesterday.
Just need to hold our nerve.
tradition and history
over 17 years
The result was what I expected. Arsenal were by far the better side in the first half, but Utd did look dangerous in the last 20 min.The way they started it looked like they had come for a point.
Arsenal don't seem to learn that playing most thing up the middle is quire easy to defend and it was ironic that the goal came from out wide after Rio F gave the ball away(again)
The hand ball by Vidic was a joke, beacuse to me it was either a corner(at first I thought everyone had missed it) or it was a penalty.(which it was)If the officals thought it was a corner they should have seen it come off his hand.
If one classes that as cheating, then Whilshire holding Carricks ankle while on the ground is also cheating.
All in all it was a good game and on the day the best team won. At least AF did shake AW hand at the end.
We are still 3 points clear with two home games. It is still there for us to lose.
about 16 years
f**k. Makes that game against Chelsea pretty key now
over 17 years
that game is going to be SO massive this weekend
Starting XI
over 14 years
Of course you'll win, thats just how it happens! When you're in good form and think you can beat United- you lose! You have more chance when you're in bad form and people have written you off...
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
Can I just say that was a really crap article.
First Team Squad
over 16 years

So rubbish wasn't it?

Hickey just seems to come out with complete drivel week after week. How he manages it is beyond me.
about 17 years
Interestingly all UCL semi-finalists lost on the weekend.
almost 16 years
20 legend wrote:
Can I just say that was a really crap article.
At least SAF has the good grace to shake the hand of his opponent even when he loses.
tradition and history
over 17 years
He is entitled to his opinion, however he should get his facts right. Utd have already won the Community Sheild by beating ..... Chelsea 3-1.That a trophy in my book.
I agree with Junior - at least he shook AW's hand after the game.
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
Fletcher is suppose to return tonight - going to be a huge boost.

Hopefully he'll manage to play against Chelsea too.
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Never thought I'd say it, but that was a fantastic performance from Gibson. A masterclass even. Great passing, ran his socks off, and rewarded with a goal.
As Rio said on Twitter, if Iniesta had played that ball (like yesterday) the world would be crowing about it.
over 15 years
Another good performance. It will be interesting to see what the United team sheet will look like for Wembley. I'd go for this:


       Fabio Rio Vida Evra

Valencia Scholes Ando Nani or Park


Maybe a little tough on Hernandez. Right back should be interesting between Fabio, Rafael and O'Shea(hope not). Also will be interesting to see the CM pairing and who will get the start up front. Park may nudge out Nani as he is a big game player.
about 17 years
It will interesting to see the lineup.

I do worry about Vidic, especially against pace and also when strikers drop deep and he comes out of the defensive line - something Messi does a lot. Would imagine SAF would want a mobile high work rate team so could see:

Raf/Fab     Rio   Vid      Evra
        Fletch    Anderson
Valencia     Rooney        Park

I think Hernandez should be used. His pace and movement would hopefully push Barcelona a little deeper and give our midfield some more room, allow Rooney some more space and time.

Something different could see Evra replace Vidic and have Fab and Raf as full backs.
tradition and history
over 17 years
Far more interested in the Chelsea game on the weekend.The final is 3 weeks away.
The fact that we had a 'weaker' side out this morning and won as easily as we did was pleasing. First 15min I thought it was going to be a replay of the Arsenal game-lets go for a point.
It goes to show that even if you have more possession and play better football it does not guarantee you success.
Sundays game will be very interesting to watch as there are two teams going for the title.Pretty sure the winner will take the EPL.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
Leggy wrote:
Far more interested in the Chelsea game on the weekend.The final is 3 weeks away.
The fact that we had a 'weaker' side out this morning and won as easily as we did was pleasing. First 15min I thought it was going to be a replay of the Arsenal game-lets go for a point.
It goes to show that even if you have more possession and play better football it does not guarantee you success.
Sundays game will be very interesting to watch as there are two teams going for the title.Pretty sure the winner will take the EPL.
yes definatly, though a draw should do it for you chaps aswell. getting really nervous for this one. been thinking of it constantly since the arsenal result.
part of me wants to be confident, we have won 8 of the last 9 in the league and generally playing some ok looking football. on the other hand you guys won 16 and drawn 1 at home this year and looked alot better than us in the ucl games.
tough one to call
almost 16 years
I'm pretty sure the team with the most points after 38 games will take the EPL.

From a purely lilywhite perspective I'd prefer it isn't Chelski.

From a neutral perspective having 12 players on the field should help Man U.

over 15 years
We've got a trip to Blackburn coming up as well which lest we forget was another game we lost in that season defining week last season.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
nzmanu wrote:
We've got a trip to Blackburn coming up as well which lest we forget was another game we lost in that season defining week last season.
yes true, ive thought of this myself but theyre jsut not quite as good this season. but who knows really, this season has been fairly unpredictable
over 15 years
I'm a little nervous truth be told, but I'll keep the faith. Rooney to score for one nil.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
what a start to the game absolutely fantastic chelsea don't know what to do
First Team Squad
over 17 years
almost 17 years
Congrats on the result, if you manage to not lift it from here that's an epic choke.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Brilliant stuff.
First half Chelsea were awful - and we took advantage.
Bit nervy when you score so early but we really dominated the match, and proved we are worthy champions.
One more point - at Blackburn would be just lovely, to kick the evening off on Saturday - then Stoke to win the Cup of course (big ups to the Arse for playing them into form).
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years
Hernandez + Rooney > Sliced Bread

Lol @ Arsenal20 legend2011-05-09 10:28:14
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
Well done!  Zonal Marking awards the credit to Ferguson's superior tactics, as you'd expect from a tactics blog, but also noted the importance of his rotation.  The main point is: he's a living legend and fully deserves another title.
tradition and history
over 17 years
There will be a few fans from some other clubs that are as sick as a parrot today. After all the bull and hype over the last 3/4 months it looks like the title has been decided.(well almost)There are one or two who still think Utd will choke, but it is more wishful thinking than anything.For all their blustering one only has to look at the league table to see that Man Utd are worthy champions.We have lost only 4 games compared to the next three teams which have lost 8,7,and 9 respectively.
That is not to say that these other teams are not very good, but perhaps the combination of good players,team selection, good tactics and a smart manager were the key ingredients to a winning team.
Chelsea were worthy opponents and I admit to being less confident than I should have been prior to the game.
I think by their standards they were not up to it this morning. If fact I think that we should/could have scored a couple more. The ref was his usual-poor for both sides.Could have easily been a red card for Ivanovic.
Am really pleased that he stayed on as I'm sure that some would have said how lucky is that.
Utd were not superb, but they deserved this win and the two standouts for me were Park and Valencia.
almost 15 years
Starting XI
over 14 years
Well, there it is. 19-18. You aren't getting a congratulations from me (I know, I know, I can hear your hearts breaking). But you do deserve it, I'll at least give you that.
Gentlemen, the race for 20 begins.
over 15 years
Cue the influx of new United fans once we win the league.
almost 16 years
uiron wrote:
Avoid the so called top four Everyone goes for them and they are so predictable. Win, win, win. Look further down the table for a nice little boost to the blood pressure every Sunday morning.
To avoid any confusion given the current league table (which will soon change probably anyway):
Tottenham are NOT a "top four" team.  The "topfour" are:
Man U -  if you were born or started watching footy after 1988, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN Manchester or your mum/dad supports them
Arsenal - if you were born or started watching footy after 1996, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN north london or your mum/dad supports them
Chelsea - if you were born or started watching footy after 2000, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN west london or your mum/dad supports them
Perennial strugglers Liverpool - You might be able to get away with supporting them actually.....
bascially, don't support the teams that win all the time. It makes the rest of us angry.
tradition and history
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
uiron wrote:
Avoid the so called top four Everyone goes for them and they are so predictable. Win, win, win. Look further down the table for a nice little boost to the blood pressure every Sunday morning.



To avoid any confusion given the current league table (which will soon change probably anyway):

Tottenham are NOT a "top four" team.� The "topfour" are:


Man U -� if you were born or started watching footy after 1988, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN Manchester or your mum/dad supports them

Arsenal - if you were born or started watching footy after 1996, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN north london or your mum/dad supports them

Chelsea - if you were born or started watching footy after 2000, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN west london or your mum/dad supports them

Perennial strugglers Liverpool - You might be able to get away with supporting them actually.....


bascially, don't support the teams that win all the time. It makes the rest of us angry.

There is a slight error in one of the reasons for supporting one of these clubs.
Arsenal are actually from south of the Thames and are not originally a North London club.They are from Woolwich, which is near Millwall
almost 16 years
Phil_Style is lilywhite and knows his history.  It's good to see that others know there is only one NL club (for how much longer I don't know).
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
uiron wrote:
Avoid the so called top four Everyone goes for them and they are so predictable. Win, win, win. Look further down the table for a nice little boost to the blood pressure every Sunday morning.



To avoid any confusion given the current league table (which will soon change probably anyway):

Tottenham are NOT a "top four" team.� The "topfour" are:


Man U -� if you were born or started watching footy after 1988, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN Manchester or your mum/dad supports them

Arsenal - if you were born or started watching footy after 1996, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN north london or your mum/dad supports them

Chelsea - if you were born or started watching footy after 2000, you are not permitted to support them, unless you were born IN west london or your mum/dad supports them

Perennial strugglers Liverpool - You might be able to get away with supporting them actually.....


bascially, don't support the teams that win all the time. It makes the rest of us angry.

Lets say you started supporting Man Utd in 1988, you would have been supporting a team that hadn't won the league in 21 years with 2 FA Cup wins in the past 10 years and were in the 2nd div in the mid 70's. Glory chasing! (Heck Liverpool have probably been more successful in the past 21 years than Man Utd had been in the the previous 21 years leading up to 1988)

Not sure what the 2000 reference is to Chelsea, takeover was in 2003 and prior to that hadn't won the league in almost 50 years and a few cup wins.

And with Liverpool, if you started watching football in the 70's you shouldn't be allowed to support them either.

By this logic if you were born or started watching footy after 1888 you shouldn't support preston, or if you were born or started watching footy after 1893 you shouldn't support aston villa.

To be fair, if you have a professional team in your home town you should support them first and show mild forms of interest to teams from distant lands.
over 17 years
nzmanu wrote:
Cue the influx of new United fans once we win the league.

I imagine Simon Hampton will be one.
Woof Woof
about 17 years
brumbys wrote:
Congrats on the result, if you manage to not lift it from here that's an epic choke.

Even the Dutch couldn't choke from this position.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Buffon II wrote:
nzmanu wrote:
Cue the influx of new United fans once we win the league.

I imagine Simon Hampton will be one.
That made me chuckle.
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