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over 17 years
brumbys wrote:

Sorry sorry back to Poldi, do you think there's an argument for a him as a second striker? Surely a 4-4-2 with him and Giroud could work well, with Santi and Walcott wide and Rambo/Arteta through the middle?

Yep that would fully work, but it won't happen as it leaves Ozil out, but more so for the fact we hardly ever change formation, well only seem to if we are chasing the game....
almost 17 years
Arsenal wrote:

Everton lose, Champions League virtually nailed on for the seventeenth season in a row :-)

Its certainly in our hands. Win the next two home games and its done. Will go into the last weekend with at least a 4 point gap. Stranger things have happened though.

almost 16 years

Should be pushing for third. Temptation may be to rest players v Norwich with a mind to the Cup Final. 

about 17 years

If Liverpool beat Chelsea and we beat Newcastle we're within 2 points of that scummy lot. 

Third still unlikely but it is a chance given their focus on the champions league. 

Man City have got a tough ride to the end as well, you just never know. 

First things first - home wins against Newcastle and West Brom will guarantee us fourth regardless of the result against relegation-battling Norwich. That would be great to not have to worry so much about that last game. Our final fixtures in the last 2 seasons have been nerve-wracking to the extreme.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
about 17 years

Would we take him back?

We could do with a big strong defensive midfielder right now but if I'm brutally honest I'd prefer one with a bit better positional sense than Song. He was a good tackler and had a good pass, and a bit of skill, but we really need one with a bit more awareness of his positioning... A hybrid of him and Arteta would be ideal ;)

over 17 years
over 16 years

I haven't watched Song since he left, but he did add plenty of value in midfield. That said Rambo and Jack have stepped up massively and we have Coquellin still coming through.

about 17 years

Our midfield three are three distinct roles - the one 'sitting in', the 'box to box' player, and the advanced playmaker or second striker. 

Ozil, Rosicky and Cazorla play that advanced role, plenty of strength there. Ramsey and Wilshere compete for the box-to-box role as well as Diaby for a game or two a season. We also have the Ox who can play both the box-to-box and advanced roles. The one sitting in is Arteta or Flamini. The sitting-in position is the weakest link for me, and I feel it's time to upgrade on Arteta. I'm happy with Flamini as the second choice, he's great to bring on and also very solid if needed to start. But I'm thinking Wenger is wanting to strengthen there given the rumours in the past around Bender and others. Wouldn't be surprised to see him strengthen there with a big money signing this off-season.

Actually looking like we'll need a few players. Obviously that striker we've all been calling for, so that's two expensive signings we need, and then surely Sagna is now leaving by the looks, and probably Vermaelen too.

We were already a CB light and got lucky with injuries there this season, now with Sagna gone that is another CB option we'll be lacking. For me we need two new CBs, both young, but at least one of them should be up to regular starts, with the other not far off. If we add that right back then we're starting to look like we need 5 fairly major signings. We've also been rumoured a lot with another wide player so it seems Wenger wants one of them too. Surely 6 is too many, I can't see us signing that number of players. But I'd say we need at least four of them to keep this squad at this level at the very last. That's rather daunting considering our usual mucking about in the transfer window... aside from Poldi and Giroud I don't recall many early window signings in recent years. 

over 16 years

I'm hoping we'll see this tomorrow night for Newcastle:


Sagna   Per   Kosc   Monreal*

         Ramsey   Arteta

Cazorla     Ozil        Podolski/Ox**


*Gibbs might be back, late fitness test as I'm aware.

**I think I'd prefer a Poldi start and bring Ox on for impact in midfield if chasing the game.

over 14 years
Buffon II wrote:

Howdy Gooners

Anyone know of a place in Auckland that will show the FA Cup live and that will be chock-full of Arsenal fans?


Possibly Fox's.

Lemme know closer to the time if there's any updates on this - would love to watch it at a place with a great Gooner atmosphere ...  
about 17 years

I'd agree with that brumbys.

Sounds like we're managing the Ox through a groin problem at the moment so the bench role you suggest would be ideal. 

over 16 years

I think the Ox on the bench over Poldi provides more versatility, in that he can come on and play wide or drive through the middle as required.

over 17 years

Arsenal FC ‏@Arsenal  1mView translation

#Arsenal team to play Newcastle: Szczesny, Sagna, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal, Arteta, Ramsey, Ozil, Cazorla, Podolski, Giroud #AFCvNUFC

Arsenal FC ‏@Arsenal  25s

#Arsenal subs: Fabianski, Jenkinson, Vermaelen, Kallstrom, Flamini, Rosicky, Sanogo #AFCvNUFC

over 17 years

Very good attack, hoping the CBs can keep out Rémy,

about 17 years

2-0 at HT

commentators blind as bats claiming ozil was offside for the second - there's a newcastle player on the ground playing him on

almost 11 years

Yeah I didn't catch a replay of that, but where was the keeper at that point? If he was more advanced that Ozil, that leaves only one player and doesn't there have to be two? I'm not 100% on that.

over 16 years

Yeah I didn't catch a replay of that, but where was the keeper at that point? If he was more advanced that Ozil, that leaves only one player and doesn't there have to be two? I'm not 100% on that.

The keeper looked to be level with Ozil, but it's hard to say given the didn't really replay it looking for the offside if that makes sense..?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

1 more win and champions league is confirmed, win against brom and give santi and sagna the last game off i reckon :).....they both need it

almost 16 years

Happy St Totteringham's Day everyone!!!


Even Podolski is on Facebook giving out the chur to all Gooners!



over 16 years

I'd be content giving most of the first team a rest for that match. Chance for youngsters to get a run and keep the key players fit for the final.

over 16 years

My thoughts from the game, what a difference a fit Ozil and Ramsey make. The two of them were exquisite combining for most of our attacking moves. Moving to the back Szy was confident as usual, while Per and Kos were solid, with Kos's determined run opening the scoring. The full backs tracked and worked hard all game, although Sagna's petulance for a clear free kick was an unneeded card, as was Kos's for booting the ball away in celebration.

Arteta positioned well to break down attacks, while Ramsey's drive was good, and Ozil's runs, passes, and crosses were fantastic. Giroud and Ozil were a little out of sync but got it together in time for the 3rd. Speaking of Giroud he was ruffled by some standard CB work tonight, and didn't seem himself in front of goal, missing 2 chances before a perplexed Ozil smashed Giroud's 2nd rebound home. Podolski and Cazorla on the wings were immense, good work rate and lots of involvement. Both could have scored had it been better finishing/worse keeping.

Didn't see the final 20 minutes to see how Flamini and Rosicky went, or if there was a 3rd sub. Hopefully a week of training at an eased pace will see a fresh squad ready for the final home game of the season against WBA, where 3 points remove the pressure from the final game, and provide a chance to rest ahead of the FA Cup final.

almost 16 years
Goofy666 wrote:

Happy St Totteringham's Day everyone!!!


Even Podolski is on Facebook giving out the chur to all Gooners!



might stretch to 119 given the shambles that club is
about 17 years

Straightforward against a very poor newcastle side, they were toothless

Giroud toiled but wasn't on his game today, although he made a few excellent runs where he wasn't found, and finally Ozil picked him out for that goal. He really should've buried that one that led to Ozil's rebound. 

Just need to knock over these baggies and we can concentrate on the FA Cup final. Going to be a huge day that, think I'll put in for leave.

almost 16 years

I reckon we need to see the mid-week results before running a second XI v Norwich. (Assuming MCFC beat Everton and we get at least a draw v WBA)

Huge difference in off-season prep between CL qualifiers and finishing 3rd. 

Only seen the goals this morning, love Ozil's cross. 

FA CUP leave Paul? you work Sunday mornings? 

over 17 years
Goofy666 wrote:

Happy St Totteringham's Day everyone!!!


Even Podolski is on Facebook giving out the chur to all Gooners!



And to you. 
Starting XI
almost 17 years
foal30 wrote:

I reckon we need to see the mid-week results before running a second XI v Norwich. (Assuming MCFC beat Everton and we get at least a draw v WBA)

Huge difference in off-season prep between CL qualifiers and finishing 3rd. 

Only seen the goals this morning, love Ozil's cross. 

FA CUP leave Paul? you work Sunday mornings? 

Not much hope of us finishing 3rd to be honest

about 17 years
foal30 wrote:

I reckon we need to see the mid-week results before running a second XI v Norwich. (Assuming MCFC beat Everton and we get at least a draw v WBA)

Huge difference in off-season prep between CL qualifiers and finishing 3rd. 

Only seen the goals this morning, love Ozil's cross. 

FA CUP leave Paul? you work Sunday mornings? 

Arf! For some reason I thought it would be on a Sunday night so was going to take the Monday off... 
Starting XI
almost 17 years

4 or 5am NZ time kick off sunday morning i think

almost 11 years
paulm wrote:
foal30 wrote:

I reckon we need to see the mid-week results before running a second XI v Norwich. (Assuming MCFC beat Everton and we get at least a draw v WBA)

Huge difference in off-season prep between CL qualifiers and finishing 3rd. 

Only seen the goals this morning, love Ozil's cross. 

FA CUP leave Paul? you work Sunday mornings? 

Arf! For some reason I thought it would be on a Sunday night so was going to take the Monday off... 

You scared me for a second Paul!
over 17 years

went to the game last night.  Arsenal toothless in the first 20 minutes - it was very flat both in terms of atmosphere and performance.  The first goal was a shambles from Newcastle's point of view, with Krul seemingly think that he could only move backwards and sideways. Once that went it, it was easy as Arsenal relaxed and Newcastle stayed being terrible. Seriously, I think that the Newcastle performance was one of the worst that I have ever seen live, and I use to have a season ticket at West Ham. If that was Remy's audition for a transfer to Arsenal, he will be plying his trade for Accrington Stanley next season - the service to him was terrible, but you expect very good players to be able to do.....something. I don't think it would be too outlandish to suggest that last night would have been Mertisacker's easiest game.....ever.

over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:

went to the game last night.... and I use to have a season ticket at West Ham. 

You a Gooner now Frankie? :P
over 17 years

no, just live very close to the stadium and have a few friends who are gooners, so tend to pop along and watch them more often.  It is a matter of convenience (and laziness).

over 16 years

That's a fantastic article Paulm, oh how I'd love to experience that first hand!

almost 17 years

Is it a done deal that sagna is gone?

about 17 years

^ not yet but sounds like it. He wants more, we won't give him more, that's that. 

Apparently we've offered him 2 years @75k per week (15k payrise). But he can get way more going elsewhere on a free so I'm guessing that's what he'll do. 

almost 16 years

crikey, give him 3 years

do not need to find a RB on top of 2 CB's and a #1 DM this summer

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