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over 15 years

If Kwlap gossip is right and if Paul's analysis of Fab's contract is accurate then yes, bring him back.

The midfield can't be overstocked as Arsenal players get injured:(

almost 17 years
UberGunner wrote:

Can i get a show of hands for how many people would genuinely make a 4am kickoff at the BB for the FA cup final? Thinking i might be able to twist the bosses arm on this.

Would be tempted to come down from Palmy if there are large numbers and I don't have Sky or anywhere else to watch it.

about 17 years
foal30 wrote:

17 years straight

nothing but scorn for the bile of the anti-Wengers. 

pity we play before Chelsea tomorrow, might of been handy to know their result before naming our line-up. 

Why? Because we aren't happy to accept lies and the same mistakes being made?
Would jump at the opportunity to have Fabregas back, though not sure he would want to after getting used to success with Barcelona then coming back to a club that doesn't have the same winning mentality. 
A world-class striker is still top of my wish list in the summer. Closely followed by the return of Gary Lewin
over 15 years

What lies?

If it's a mistake to qualify 17 years straight I'm happy to be errornus. 

over 16 years

It's the hands in the air that I associate with a 14 year old girl seeing her BFF that makes that exceptional.

Easy result this morning, neither team seemed too bothered. Glad we rested some players, and Kallstrom/Rosicky/Vermy all got runs from the bench. Chelsea drawing means if they loose next weekend we could end up equal on points, but our goal difference is a little naff ;-)

Fingers cross City stuff up midweek and take it to the final day.

over 15 years

midweek City by 1 and Liverpool by 5

last round shoot out!

about 17 years
foal30 wrote:

What lies?

If it's a mistake to qualify 17 years straight I'm happy to be errornus. 

Our great mental spirit, the fact injuries are always to blame, there are no players out there to buy, 4th is like a trophy, next season will be ours, he would leave in. Arsenal were successful before he was here and will be again, once he leaves.
So would you rather qualify for 17 consecutive years and not win it, or miss out twice in the last 17 and win it twice in that period like Bayern?

about 17 years

I'd rather qualify and win it 17 consecutive times.

over 15 years

The team did show some resolve, numerous games they came from behind to win. Did the team show 'enough' resolve over the course of the season (mental strength) might be a fairer question.

Injuries are in part to blame. The obvious answer is to have a bigger squad. However this flies in the face of the economic position of the club and the philosophical ethics of the Manager. Wishing for a spendthrift approach to transfers/player roster is to (currently at least) be adrift from some of the beliefs that form the Club's Identification. It's quite one thing to denounce MUFC for ruining football with their outspending policy, quite another to then champion our own club to do the same. 

Is 4th like a trophy? Partially this can be answered by a generational level. For old people like me the FA Cup is and always be a big deal. This is because it is what we know, in fact all we had as far as NZ football watchers in the 70's/80's. But if I am 18-25 maybe the Champions League is the marker. Regardless one comp has a far higher playing level and economic incentive than the other. The ramifications for not qualifying for the CL are far higher than not winning the League Cup or FA Cup despite how I personally feel about the FA Cup. 

Next season will be ours. Maybe it will be:) I'd never discount a side with Wenger as manager. 

He would leave in. (?) I assume Wenger as first team manager? Maybe clarify this one eh before I go off on the wrong topic. 

Arsenal were successful and may well be again, yes. However there is the not to small fact that Wenger is the most successful manager and IMO deserves leeway for this. It's inconceivable to me to see a repeat of the 2003/4 EPL season. This campaign (which Wenger predicated I'll add), remains the single greatest English football achievement.

I don't and would not compare Arsenal to Bayern. The clubs are set up differently and operate under differing domestic conditions. On a facile level I suppose 2 in 17 would be better but an argument can be made the UCL success can now only come from the super-power clubs. And you need repeated UCL to get to that group. Maybe AtMadrid can make a change this year? FWIW I'd mark Arsenal as being more similar to ATMadrid than Bayern. 

over 16 years

Fascinating numbers in here about set pieces. When United won the league they scored 26 goals from set plays, a league best. We managed 17. This season we've managed 12 goals from set plays, while Liverpool have scored 33, and City 25. Set plays being corners, free kicks, and penalties.

We haven't been a threat for years in this space, yet we do win corners and free kicks often enough, we just fail to convert them. Ideally this is something we'll look to improve on because we all know Per, Kosc, and Giroud can do a job in the air.

It's going to be an interesting off-season for the keeper situation. Technically all we'll have left is Szcy, with Viviano's loan spell over and Fabianski off contract. From memory we have a purchase clause with Viviano, and I imagine that the boss will use it if he finds he's any good. Rumours abound that we might have a go for Smiechel as his contract up...doesn't seem a bad idea.

almost 11 years

Will Wenger play Szczesny or Fabianksi in the FA up final? I really hope it's the former. Assuming that Fabianksi leaves - and Szczesny is along term solution, he should be the one (hopefully) lifting the trophy right? 

Side notes of this morning - Sagna said his goodbyes and Diaby was on the bench. Haha!!

about 17 years

I think Martinez is rated highly enough to be our third keeper, so just need a decent enough second keeper.

Fabianski has been awesome when called upon and I feel he deserves the FA Cup Final, but HawkWasp makes a good point about looking to the future - would probably do Szczesny a world of good to give him this chance to lift a trophy. He's our long term number 1 so give him a taste, plus would also give him a chance to exorcise those league cup demons - Kosc too...

almost 11 years
paulm wrote:

I think Martinez is rated highly enough to be our third keeper, so just need a decent enough second keeper.

Fabianski has been awesome when called upon and I feel he deserves the FA Cup Final, but HawkWasp makes a good point about looking to the future - would probably do Szczesny a world of good to give him this chance to lift a trophy. He's our long term number 1 so give him a taste, plus would also give him a chance to exorcise those league cup demons - Kosc too...


I agree, think that having Szczesny in amongst the thick of it for a possible title win would be great for him long term. But reservations because it's harsh on Fabianksi given the form he has shown getting Arsenal to the final. Tough decision for Wenger to make.


Re. Martinez and possibly replacing Fabianksi - I wonder if it's better having Martinez and then an older and more experienced keeper to be the fill in for Szczesny. Someone who is going to know their place and be content coming in as a second / third choice keeper. Or do we add someone who really wants to challenge Szczesny for the #1?


I'm glad that it seems Fabianksi will be leaving, he'll do well for another team. Wouldn't mind him remaining as second choice, but seems wasteful.


The big question - anymore Wellingtonians out there keen to take up Ubergunner on his offer of watching the final at the Back Bencher?

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
about 17 years
foal30 wrote:

The team did show some resolve, numerous games they came from behind to win. Did the team show 'enough' resolve over the course of the season (mental strength) might be a fairer question.

Injuries are in part to blame. The obvious answer is to have a bigger squad. However this flies in the face of the economic position of the club and the philosophical ethics of the Manager. Wishing for a spendthrift approach to transfers/player roster is to (currently at least) be adrift from some of the beliefs that form the Club's Identification. It's quite one thing to denounce MUFC for ruining football with their outspending policy, quite another to then champion our own club to do the same. 

Is 4th like a trophy? Partially this can be answered by a generational level. For old people like me the FA Cup is and always be a big deal. This is because it is what we know, in fact all we had as far as NZ football watchers in the 70's/80's. But if I am 18-25 maybe the Champions League is the marker. Regardless one comp has a far higher playing level and economic incentive than the other. The ramifications for not qualifying for the CL are far higher than not winning the League Cup or FA Cup despite how I personally feel about the FA Cup. 

Next season will be ours. Maybe it will be:) I'd never discount a side with Wenger as manager. 

He would leave in. (?) I assume Wenger as first team manager? Maybe clarify this one eh before I go off on the wrong topic. 

Arsenal were successful and may well be again, yes. However there is the not to small fact that Wenger is the most successful manager and IMO deserves leeway for this. It's inconceivable to me to see a repeat of the 2003/4 EPL season. This campaign (which Wenger predicated I'll add), remains the single greatest English football achievement.

I don't and would not compare Arsenal to Bayern. The clubs are set up differently and operate under differing domestic conditions. On a facile level I suppose 2 in 17 would be better but an argument can be made the UCL success can now only come from the super-power clubs. And you need repeated UCL to get to that group. Maybe AtMadrid can make a change this year? FWIW I'd mark Arsenal as being more similar to ATMadrid than Bayern. 

This was an unfinished quote - ignore.

Don't you think we always get to this part of the season and blame injuries or bad luck though? Where is our mental strength against the top teams when we get hammered by them? If 4th is a trophy then I give up, it never has been and never will be though Wenger has managed to convince people that it is to hide the fact he is no longer on top of the game. Sure Wenger has the most trophies, though Chapman or Graham never went 9 years without a trophy and won plenty.

I used the comparison to Bayern in that I believe that is the potential we have if we were run properly rather than we how currently are by the likes of Kroenke, Gazidis and Wenger. We pay the highest wage to a coach, reward mediocre players with high wages and charge the highest season tickets in Europe yet we are constantly fighting for 4th. 

Though you would never be able to tell, my frustrations at another season of the same sales pitch and results coupled with a lack of ambition. Seeing Ozil again this morning shows how much we are screaming out for a world-class centre forward.

about 17 years

we're emerging from a rebuilding process which was necessary to building our new stadium

we've just achieved our highest points total since 07/08 and we've got a huge chance to take our first trophy since 2005, we are heading in the right direction, moreso than any season since 03/04

this is a time for optimism

And I wouldn't worry, next season wenger will be judged on his results alone now that the financial shackles have been cut from him

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Alves is off to PSG i think, Sanchez would be really really handy. Will be interesting to see how the Cesc thing plays out

over 16 years
Ripthajacka wrote:

Alves is off to PSG i think, Sanchez would be really really handy. Will be interesting to see how the Cesc thing plays out

Not if they get Sagna ;-)
about 10 years

any news on where the cup final will be shown in wellington?

i'll be there 100%.

about 10 years

i'll be there 100%!!

desperate to see it as have no sky.

asked just about everyone in wellington, no one seems to have it on.

what's the update on BB showing it?

almost 11 years

Only option thus far is Ubergunner is asking the bosses at the Back Bencher if he can show it there, but that was dependent on interest from this forum, which there hasn't been much of. So other than that, I'm not sure. Keen to watch somewhere live vs at home by myself.

about 10 years

yeah watching live with fellow gooners is the way forward. beats watching it alone at 4am on a dodgy stream with my headphones in.

let's try and make it happen.

to say i'm desperate is an understatement.

about 17 years

Sorry uber I won't be making an appearance, gunna be in my lounge living every painful minute of it by myself I've decided. 

I feel like I want to watch it the same way I've watched the last few hundred games. 

Whatever the result, when it ends I'll be a mess on the floor of my lounge. 

over 15 years


stress free here, it'll be a comfortable win and Wenger will walk out , moon the camera and stands and say there's your f***ing trophy

almost 16 years
paulm wrote:

Sorry uber I won't be making an appearance, gunna be in my lounge living every painful minute of it by myself I've decided. 

I feel like I want to watch it the same way I've watched the last few hundred games. 

Whatever the result, when it ends I'll be a mess on the floor of my lounge. 

Come stay at my place, I'll set the alarm and we'll drive down to the BB before kick off.   Do it. 

I'm keen to meet fellow Gooners. 
almost 17 years
joexshark wrote:

yeah watching live with fellow gooners is the way forward. beats watching it alone at 4am on a dodgy stream with my headphones in.

let's try and make it happen.

to say i'm desperate is an understatement.

Come on guys. We should be making this happen. The Liverpool lads have been packing out The Pub for their EPL games and they may end up not even winning anything. We're actually in a cup final with a good chance of winning it and breaking our trophy drought. This is the most frequented club thread on here. Ubergunner has offered to put the game on at the BB which we are all familiar with. Would certainly beat watching it on your own and a good chance for a lot of us to meet for the first time. If I'm prepared to drive down from Palmerston North at some crazy hour, you guys in Wellington should be able to make it.

about 17 years

alright alright alright, consider my arm twisted

I'm in


I came to the BB once for an Arsenal game. 0-4 FA Cup quarter final loss at old trafford, it was absolutely horrible. Highlight was seeing gallas kick lumps out of nani for showboating. 

I'm saying it now: if we lose this it's because I left my lounge.

about 10 years

that's the spirit!

so is BB def going put it on?

over 11 years

Im in...but if this doesnt go ahead does anyone know if the games being shown anywhere in the hutt/petone?

almost 11 years

Yeah, we'll need a second option I think. Ubergunner was going to float the idea, so nothing concrete just yet on it happening. 

I guess Paul's lounge is the only other option if not the BB?  ;)

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

I'm in... 4am BBQ at the BB?... if BB is out perhaps we/I can see if Matt will open Te Pub?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Would been keen as to come along but i'm a dirty aucklander LOL, anyone know if there is anything happening in Auckland?

over 11 years
Ripthajacka wrote:

Would been keen as to come along but i'm a dirty aucklander LOL, anyone know if there is anything happening in Auckland?

Probably show it at The Paddington. Give 'em a call.

almost 16 years
Ripthajacka wrote:

Would been keen as to come along but i'm a dirty aucklander LOL, anyone know if there is anything happening in Auckland?

Probably some terrible traffic and lotsa rain.

about 17 years

Alright so quickly trawled back and we've got the following confirmed for the BB;

HawkWasp +1







and obviously UberG...

So that's 9.

Foal is in chch, RTJ auckland, Arsenal is London, so they're all out - Brumbys what say you? Are you a wellingtonian? I seem to remember you're in Auckland for some reason though

Buffon II? Where you at?

Pride of London... I'm scared to ask... if we lose I may not be able to handle your rantings ;) just kidding

Uber what sort of numbers do you need to make this feasible with your boss?

about 17 years

Haha that's why I'm now over the other side of the Tasman, to save everyone from that. Well worth heading down the BB for the Cup Final, went there for a few Arsenal games in the past and a great place to watch the Arsenal

over 16 years

I am indeed in Auckland. Currently I've got the mrs and a mate and his mrs coming over to help me piss off the flatties for the game. Although if I could have been in Wellington I would have been at BB!

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