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over 17 years

I don't think Emery is a bad manager; I just don't think we have any kind of defined style which is a huge concern. People point to Klopp, Pep as managers who struggled in their first season - and this is true; but you could always see where they were *trying* to go with it. You could always see a style they were trying to implement. With Emery? No idea.

over 16 years

Really? For me we have 2 set ups he's going for based on available players (average defence & no real wingers).

1) Play with a back 3, use our wing-backs to bomb forward on the counter. Use away from home/matches we'll either be under the cosh or the opposition will sit really deep and park the bus. Beat the latter at their own game.

2) Play a 4-4-2 and use our centre midfield to switch the play and our wingers/strikers to interact to create goals.

Do we get it right? No. Is it ugly? Yes. Can I see a style and direction? Yes.

Ultimately I think this could all change in the next season depending on whether or not we upgrade our defence, replace the likes of Ramsey and Ozil with someone more productive (Rabiot seems to be getting traction) and if we get another winger.

I also think what he's doing is showing a lot more willingness than Wenger to adapt our play to others. Wenger didn't have to with the invincibles, but he needed to with the Emirates years given the lack of funding but rarely did.

over 16 years

Two thoughts for today.

1) Ramsey's signed for Juventus officially on 400K a week (pounds) which is insane, especially when we withdraw an agreement for less than half that.

2) Our defence situation is very interesting. Even though we've conceded 37 goals so far, 11th place overall ranked by lowest to greatest we've had some areas of strength:

We've conceded the lowest number of goals from set pieces (4) and only 2 goals on the counter attack. This is off set by the fact that we've conceded the 7th equal highest number of goals from open play (24),  2nd highest number of penalties (5), and only 2 from own goals which is fairly normal.

It's 2 steps forward one step back knowing we're covering counter attacks and set pieces well, but collapsing under open play.

Stats all taken from here;

about 17 years
brumbys wrote:

Really? For me we have 2 set ups he's going for based on available players (average defence & no real wingers).

1) Play with a back 3, use our wing-backs to bomb forward on the counter. Use away from home/matches we'll either be under the cosh or the opposition will sit really deep and park the bus. Beat the latter at their own game.

2) Play a 4-4-2 and use our centre midfield to switch the play and our wingers/strikers to interact to create goals.

Do we get it right? No. Is it ugly? Yes. Can I see a style and direction? Yes.

Ultimately I think this could all change in the next season depending on whether or not we upgrade our defence, replace the likes of Ramsey and Ozil with someone more productive (Rabiot seems to be getting traction) and if we get another winger.

I also think what he's doing is showing a lot more willingness than Wenger to adapt our play to others. Wenger didn't have to with the invincibles, but he needed to with the Emirates years given the lack of funding but rarely did.

Good summary imo. And we've seen a couple of other variations so far this season as well. Emery seems very flexible, and plays a "horses for courses" game, for sure. 

about 17 years
brumbys wrote:

We've conceded the lowest number of goals from set pieces (4) and only 2 goals on the counter attack. 

This is very encouraging considering these were two of Wenger's traditionally weak points. Conceding at set pieces, and on the counter, is very frustrating

about 17 years
brumbys wrote:

We've conceded the lowest number of goals from set pieces (4) and only 2 goals on the counter attack. 

This is very encouraging considering these were two of Wenger's traditionally weak points. Conceding at set pieces, and on the counter, is very frustrating

Starting XI
over 11 years

Gutted to lose Ramsey but wish him well. Yet another added to the long list of star players the club has failed to hold onto. Winning goals in two FA Cup Finals ensure he leaves with club legend status. And I'll need a new avatar...

over 16 years

1-0 down to a headed goal from a free kick. Bate parking 11 behind the ball deep in their own half, while the pitch looks like the local Pony club had their open day last night. Lacazette's had the best chance but was off side from the 20 minutes I've seen.

Disappointed we've gone with 3 at the back again. Need to revert to 4-4-2 or something similar and really let PEA at them.

over 16 years

Auba on for AMN. Torreira on for Xhaka.

Guessing we'll be 4-4-2 now with Mustafi at RB and Kosc/Monreal through the middle.

In fairness to Mustafi he's actually put in a couple of decent crosses tonight overlapping AMN (such was our possession and territory!)

over 16 years

Balls to the wall from Emery, Suarez on for Kolasinac. Koscielny, Mustafi, Monreal only recognised defenders on the pitch. All 3 holding position on the edge of the final third given how deep Bate are. Credit to Bate, they've played this perfectly.

over 16 years

Lacazette red card. Being held in a tackle and threw his arms to get out of it and elbowed the player in the face. Referee was looking for any opportunity to be fair, he's not had a good night given the fouls he's given against us where players made no contact.

over 17 years
over 16 years

1-0 down and all to play for at home. Hopefully we'll be more aggressive but we'll have to do it without Lacazette.

The frustrating thing about his read card is he's turned the man and is running away and the defender has his arms around his waist holding him. Doesn't justify striking his face, but I can understand his frustrating.

about 17 years
paulm wrote:
brumbys wrote:

We've conceded the lowest number of goals from set pieces (4) and only 2 goals on the counter attack. 

This is very encouraging considering these were two of Wenger's traditionally weak points. Conceding at set pieces, and on the counter, is very frustrating

HAHAHAHAHA this morn was obviously all our fault Brumbys...

almost 17 years

terrible or feeble. I cant decide which. 

about 17 years

FA Cup this weekend so no game for us. 

Next game is a week from today, home tie against BATE.

Then on that weekend we play Soton at home, while ManU play Liverpool, so despite everything feeling a bit gloomy right now we actually have a decent chance of getting back into the 4 next time out.

over 17 years

Still feeling like Emery is dragging us down rather than pulling us forward, honestly. 

Ozil, Ramsey - two of our best players, frozen out. Ozil eats teams like BATE for breakfast.

Playing 3 at the back? Why?

Only plan seems to be "play it to Kolasinac and get him to run straight and cross"

Diverting from the 4-2-3-1, why?

I just don't geti t.

over 16 years

yeah that game didn’t make sense. Rambo is carrying an injury so not exactly available, while Ozil hadn’t trained since recovering from the illness that kept him out of Huddersfield away. Not quite clear cut ‘drops’.

That said I don’t think he got any part of that game right. He seems to really not trust us with 4 at the back without Sokratis. He’ll need to come the return fixture. With lacazette Auba is guaranteed a start but I wonder if it’s worth starting one of the youths either along side him or out wide. He could even pair Auba with Ozil in a 4-4-2 with Mhiki and Iwobi wide, Guend and Torreira through the middle.

about 17 years

I am pretty sure Ozil is indeed in full training brumbys... correct me if I'm wrong... this is a real drama right now, a clear stand-off between our highest-paid player and our Manager. 

I pretty much back the Manager in all cases like this, bowing down to a player is usually a recipe for disaster, but it's never that simple of course. Ozil has not complained publicly one single bit, he has re-iterated that he loves this club, he wants to stay, and that he is trying to play his way into the team. He apparently turned down loan opportunities that Arsenal wanted to send him on in Jan. 

And yet Emery continues not to pick him. I assume Ozil is backing that up with good training performances but obviously we wouldn't know. 

It's really hard to pick a side in this without knowing what is going on but it does seem a lot of fans are siding with Ozil. 

Also on a different topic, there's talk that PSG want Guendouzi and will pay 60m for him. I guess Rabiot is leaving them, so they're out for a replacement, and they have mega bucks. That is quite an astonishing amount when you consider where he was 1 year ago. 

over 16 years

“The players we didn’t bring in the squad were because Aaron Ramsey did not train with us and Sokratis only started training yesterday and today – I don’t think it’s enough.

“Mesut is the same,” he added. “Aubameyang, after he was sick, trained on Monday, yesterday and today, and I think he’s OK for the match.”

I know he's not picking him and the situations stink, but it is very possible for a player to be ill and out for a few days and not train, then miss a game or two.

I'm still unsure if Ozil would have helped, they were so deep there was just no room available to play in.

over 17 years
about 17 years

I read some stat, he's only been available for 67% of the games since we signed him, or something like that, despite not having endured any serious injuries. 

over 16 years

Sure. I don't disagree with any of that. But for Bate away of the 4 players missing due to illness/injury the match before (Auba, Sokratis, Ramsey, Ozil) only 1 made the trip (Auba), and that's because he trained.

The more interesting questions for me are:

1) Is Emery straight up lying about this?

2) If he isn't, was Ozil genuinely ill?

3) If he wasn't genuinely ill how much sick leave can a bloke take before you can sack him?

4) If Ozil wasn't genuinely ill and he's missing trainings as well and games this situations even worse than Emery not picking him, but as a professional he's actively shirking his responsibilities per his massive contract.

I really can't imagine we'd be paying a guy 350K per week and letting him miss games and training through illness without us checking him out first to verify he's ill. That's a big asset to just accept a 'not coming in today boss, bit unwell' sms.

about 17 years

The thing is, Ozil has not been picked plenty of times when he has been fit and available, whether that's on the bench or left out altogether. This isn't about sickness by any stretch, even if it may have been for the last match (I'm not convinced of that either, just giving the benefit of the doubt).

over 17 years

My guess is; we know we fudgeed up paying up 350k, now we're trying to force him out of the club. Ozil has then basically said "fudge you, I'm staying".

about 17 years

^ i have been suspecting that too, and it's not a good feeling. 

Emery's comments from last night on Ozil, ahead of BATE:

“First, the key in his hands,” said Emery, who has blamed Özil’s absences on a mixture of minor injuries, poor performances and frequent bouts of unspecified illness. “He’s working very well this week and I asked him in our conversation to be consistent, to be available for training. I said that when you can train with us consistently you can help us with your best performance in the games.

“I think this week was good for all the players because we are in a big, important moment for the season. I am looking at him doing the training like we want. I know he wants that but he needs consistency, to be available for training and the matches without injuries, without being sick. Like that, I think we can see the best Mesut.”

over 16 years

Went to 4 at the back, played Ozil, won 3-0. 

Hopefully this is a sign of things to come.

I've been reflecting more on this Ozil v Emery guff and I think Emery's comments about Ozil's training, sickness, and injuries is about him trying to clear the air.

If you're Ozil, and the clubs been covering your lack of appearances by blaming it on your illness and your injuries then you'd expect Ozil to call bullsh*t, why would you accept your reputation being tarnished like that?

Hopefully Ozil's able to put in some shifts and get back into the side, because creatively we need him. I'm still fizzing at the though of him playing with Auba and Laca in front of him in a 4-3-1-2 scenario.

over 16 years

Drew Rennes in UEL. Nice to not be travelling too far for the match. 

Rennes are 11th in Ligue 1 and beat Real Betis 6-4 to progress.

Assuming we don’t get his with an injury crisis we should be good.

over 16 years

Another good win. No one seemed to have an off day. Could have scored 4 if we'd been more ruthless, but thankfully it didn't haunt us. 

Says a lot when a team makes Lichsteiner look good.

Bournemouth Thursday morning, Sp*rs away Sunday morning, Rennes the following Friday, and United at home the Monday morning after that.

These 4 games should indicate the trajectory we're on for the rest of the season. I'd settle for draws in both the Sp*rs and United games, anything but a loss.

Starting XI
almost 17 years
brumbys wrote:

Another good win. No one seemed to have an off day. Could have scored 4 if we'd been more ruthless, but thankfully it didn't haunt us. 

Says a lot when a team makes Lichsteiner look good.

Bournemouth Thursday morning, Sp*rs away Sunday morning, Rennes the following Friday, and United at home the Monday morning after that.

These 4 games should indicate the trajectory we're on for the rest of the season. I'd settle for draws in both the Sp*rs and United games, anything but a loss.

Can we beat united sick of losing to them

over 17 years

If we couldn't beat them with Jose in charge..

about 17 years


Interesting lineup this morn. Looks like Emery is going to rotate through this heavy fixture period. 






over 17 years

Impressive this morning. Has Emery finally sorted his shark out with Ozil then? We do look better in attack with him out there.

Our last real test this weekend, get through that and i think we definitely target 4th.

over 16 years

Or has Ozil finally played how Emery needs him to play? He was pressing, helping out in defence, and was still able to score and create. It was one of Ozil's most well rounded performances. Sure, it's Bournemouth at home, but if he can build on this over the coming weeks we could be in for an enjoyable finish to the season.

With Chelsea getting it done against Sp*ds the weekend becomes even more important. Out of the next two games we really need 4 points, anything less than that gets very tight going into the final 8 games of the season.

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

You're welcome.

Trippier's goal was a thing of beauty.

about 17 years

I'm not sure we need 4 points.

We have no more big 6 matches after that, we have the kindest draw left out of our rivals, so if we don't get good results from these games it's not the end of the road. 

But man, if we could beat Spurs...... we'd pull within a point of them, and they would firmly be in the top 4 scrap. That would be fantastic. 

almost 17 years
Gullitesque wrote:

You're welcome.

Trippier's goal was a thing of beauty.

just saw it. What a play!

over 17 years
paulm wrote:

I'm not sure we need 4 points.

We have no more big 6 matches after that though, we have the kindest draw left out of our rivals, so if we don't get good results from these games it's not the end of the road. 

But man, if we could beat Spurs...... we'd pull within a point of them, and they would firmly be in the top 4 scrap. That would be fantastic. 

Chelsea and United will both drop more points, i have absolutely no doubt about that.

Starting XI
over 14 years
Buffon II wrote:
paulm wrote:

I'm not sure we need 4 points.

We have no more big 6 matches after that though, we have the kindest draw left out of our rivals, so if we don't get good results from these games it's not the end of the road. 

But man, if we could beat Spurs...... we'd pull within a point of them, and they would firmly be in the top 4 scrap. That would be fantastic. 

Chelsea and United will both drop more points, i have absolutely no doubt about that.

Well yea, obviously, I don't think anyone would expect us to win out our last 11 games or United their last 10. I dare say Arsenal will drop more points also.

over 17 years
Downey26 wrote:
Buffon II wrote:
paulm wrote:

I'm not sure we need 4 points.

We have no more big 6 matches after that though, we have the kindest draw left out of our rivals, so if we don't get good results from these games it's not the end of the road. 

But man, if we could beat Spurs...... we'd pull within a point of them, and they would firmly be in the top 4 scrap. That would be fantastic. 

Chelsea and United will both drop more points, i have absolutely no doubt about that.

Well yea, obviously, I don't think anyone would expect us to win out our last 11 games or United their last 10. I dare say Arsenal will drop more points also.

What i should have added is quite a number of points.

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