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over 17 years

We need to sell players, and sell them quick. Still think we need to bite the bullet and sell one of Laca or Auba if we are ever going to have a chance of being a top club again. Short term pain, long term gain.

It's all well and good trying to sell your shark players but because they're shark, no one wants them.

over 16 years

Arseblog made a great point on sales yesterday. It’s ultimately a free market, and as much as we can see these players floors and ridiculous contracts so to can buying clubs. Reality is we do need to get better at selling (Ozil, Sanchez, and Ramsey in their final years of their contracts + Szezy, Gnabry etc) but when we have older guys like Koscielny & Monreal, or average players like Kolasinac or Mustafi, and Ozil + Mhkifaryan on inflated contracts we have f*ck all to work with to negotiate.

We don’t need to so much “capitalise” on these guys as we need to shift the wages. I’d be happy to see Ozil leave on a free if we got rid of his wages. 

about 17 years

Sounds like Tierney is all but done, 20m plus extras. Young scottish LB at Celtic. 

Kolasinac out the door?

Also a bunch of noise around Zaha, but surely we cannot afford him. 

Sounds like the Torreira thing has been shut down, hard no from Arsenal. That's good. 

over 17 years

Should go for Malcom - not as good as Zaha, but better than Fraser, and would be in-between in terms of price too. (around 30-35)

over 16 years

sky sports reporting we’ve dropped 40m in an offer for Zaha, doubt palace will accept that. Given Palace want double that I’m with you Valeo, other cheaper options out there we should be targeting. Given we don’t seem to be looking to spend 40m on a CB I Hope chatter  that Chambers and possibly Bielek sales are BS. I’d rather those two, Holding, and Papa were covering CB next season than more of Mustafi and dragging more seasons out of Monreal and Kosc. It’ll ruin their Arsenal legacy to expect them to keep their form given their age and the way they declined last year.

about 17 years

As embarrassing as the zaha affair seems to be for us (watch for the UK headlines tonight, "Zahahahaha" etc), it's actually the best thing we could hope for right now.

Zaha wants to come, extremely badly, he doesn't want to go anywhere else. That doesn't actually happen often in the football world, and when it does, it usually results in a fee lower than the market value. We've agreed personal terms, so now we just have to plug away at Palace until the season starts basically. We've obviously lowballed them, and will continue to do so, others will laugh at us, but I feel we actually might get there in the end based on the info at hand.

Ultimately Palace don't want an unhappy camper stinking up their pre-season, and by all accounts they made promises to him in the past about this, so I do think there's a huge chance here. And from watching him play against us, I'm keen. 

Would be good if we could make a sale or two to give us some coin mind you......

Also, if you're in any wonder as to why our finances are so bad, this thread is a beauty:

First Team Squad
over 15 years

In the most caring way possible - I think it's pathetic that Arsenal can't stump up £80m for Zaha.

Obviously United is no shining beacon of transfer policy, but if you can't afford Zaha, what's the plan?

If you're going to get angry about anything over the next 12 months (I'm sure there's a few DT rants incoming) - surely the time is now.

over 16 years
20 Legend wrote:

In the most caring way possible - I think it's pathetic that Arsenal can't stump up £80m for Zaha.

Obviously United is no shining beacon of transfer policy, but if you can't afford Zaha, what's the plan?

If you're going to get angry about anything over the next 12 months (I'm sure there's a few DT rants incoming) - surely the time is now.

1) how is he worth 80m? That’s a club record fee for someone who won’t do more than Laca or Auba do in a season, heck Ramsey’s had better output seasons than Zaha before.

2) read here:

Essentially our finances are a shambles. Commercial revenues aren’t where they need to be, the gap between ECL and Europa ££ is huge, and we’ve not made any decent coin from player sales recently (Ramsey, Gnabry, Szy, and Sanchez for example). It’s a collective fudge up that’s essentially Gazidis making. Knowing our owner won’t step in and help we’ve got to be more realistic in our spending. 

I still go back to point 1 though, that 80m could go a long way to helping us sign 2-3 players of good quality instead of 1 “high profile” over inflated sale.

Starting XI
over 11 years

While I agree with not signing yet another Man United reject, the question is more would he do more than Iwobi who occupies a place in the front three and offers 3 goals a season in the position he would actually play in. Anyway as per the Swiss Ramble info, we can't stump up the money required as we've been run into the ground by an owner who is only interested in taking money out and an incompetent leadership team so don't have it. The below being particularly damning.

#AFC were the only club in England’s Big Six to see revenue fall in 2018. In fact, their £38m growth since 2016 is miles lower than their main rivals, four of whom had revenue growth above £100m. Most painfully, in this time #THFC have closed the gap from £141m to just £10m
over 16 years

Gabriel Martinelli has been announced by the club. He’s only 18 but a very highly rated striker. Should get a full pre season and US tour so will be interesting to see how he goes and what he can contribute.

I’m guess Edu was involved behind the scenes on this one. Nice to be back in the market for quality young talent and getting their signature. Whether he’s more Anelka than Denilson remains to be seen.

over 17 years
20 Legend wrote:

In the most caring way possible - I think it's pathetic that Arsenal can't stump up £80m for Zaha.

Obviously United is no shining beacon of transfer policy, but if you can't afford Zaha, what's the plan?

If you're going to get angry about anything over the next 12 months (I'm sure there's a few DT rants incoming) - surely the time is now.

  1. 1. Zaha is not worth 80m. 
  2. 2. However, CP are well within their rights to value him as such considering he signed a new deal. 
  3. 3. Man Utd bid 20m under CP's asking price for Wan Bissaka. Why didn't you guys pay 70m? That's pathetic. ;)
over 16 years

Given Zaha’s price tag I’d rather we went back for Carrasco, or the 35m wunderkid from Ajax. Better & cheaper options.

Still concerned no talk of new CB yet, just a new LB even if Napoli are sniffing around.

Possibly loan deal for ace allows from RM, looks a Ramsey replacement.

Also yet to see Mustafi in the new arsenal shirt which warms the cockles.

over 16 years

Ospina officially gone to Napoli, another salary off the books and a small fee attached. May the clear out continue.

about 17 years

Apparently we've all but signed Saliba, 27m paid over a few years, stays on loan at his current club for this coming season.

We must really rate him as this is not a signing for this season. Especially surprising since it does look like both Mustafi and Koscielny might be off. Mustafi being linked with a loan to Turkey, Koscielny in talks with a french club, I forget who. 

The Tierney and Zaha deals appear to have stalled. Not surprising with Zaha, and looks like we may go for cheaper options instead of Tierney, rumours of a 14m bid for Rodriguez of Milan. 

And Ousmane Dembele rumours surfaced last night. Barca look like they're going to go for Neymar, and need to free up money, so I expect that Dembele and/or Malcom will be available. Again, I wouldn't expect us to have the cash to rival others, so seems as unlikely as Zaha.

over 17 years

I think it's a smart signing. Yes, it doesn't help us right now - but the payments will mostly be made next season anyway so it won't eat into our budget. If he's as good as we think he is, then he would've gone for double next season and we wouldn't have stood a chance.

Of course, it's a gamble - but all signings are. Let's hope he's the next VvD (same height, so they're basically the same person)

I'd like us to wrap up Tierney quickly; seems to be going at a glacial pace.

I don't think we'll see many more incomings. We still need a midfielder. We still need a winger.

In better news, looks like Nelson, Nketiah and Willock have been promoted to the first team. I thought Willock did really well last season when given the opportunity.

over 16 years

Yeah the promotion of those three is encouraging. There was talk of Cellabos? From RM in a loan to buy deal but now sounds like Liverpool and some other team from London are in for him which would blow us out of the water. Can’t believe teams like Everton & Leicester are signing players like Tielemens & Gomes - either of them would have been immense for us. 

over 16 years

Edu officially announced as Technical Director.

Also saw a Sky article doing the rounds that the budget isn’t 40m but 120m and it was all negative PR from us to try get clubs to accept lower offers. Sounds odd but it does line up with Sanllehi’s tactics from his time at Barca being a bit of a rat.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
brumbys wrote:

does line up with Sanllehi’s tactics from his time at Barca being a bit of a rat.

We need more of this. Much more.
over 16 years
Surge wrote:
brumbys wrote:

does line up with Sanllehi’s tactics from his time at Barca being a bit of a rat.

We need more of this. Much more.

We need more of signing and selling players. At this rate we won’t have anyone in time for our pre season tour which is a shame.

about 17 years

If that is true about Sanellhi and the cash, that would be pretty amazing. 

I'm sceptical though. The Swiss Ramble breakdown seemed to kind of back up the 40m figure didn't it?

Also the 27m for Saliba looks like it's almost all being paid after this season, so barely scratches our budget right now I think?

Looks like we're attempting to structure all our deals like  this, which would allow us to get what we need despite not having much cash right now. 

That's a bit scary though, because if were to finish outside of the 4 again we might get ourselves into some serious financial trouble. 

One important thing to note at the moment is that the original arsenal transfer guru, David Ornstein, appears to have lost his contact. Since Gazidis left he no longer appears to have the inside word, and he is sensitive about it too - blocking people on social media who bring this up. He's not been up with the play at all on some of our recent activity e.g. had no idea about Martinelli, so I wouldn't take what he says as gospel any longer. 

over 17 years
brumbys wrote:

Edu officially announced as Technical Director.

Also saw a Sky article doing the rounds that the budget isn’t 40m but 120m and it was all negative PR from us to try get clubs to accept lower offers. Sounds odd but it does line up with Sanllehi’s tactics from his time at Barca being a bit of a rat.

That doesn't line up with the relaity of our financial situation, tohugh. I'd call bs.

over 16 years

The challenge is our finances are no longer public post KSE's takeover, which does make it harder to comprehend. Swiss Ramble has also previously highlighted the role of amortization of the cost of a signing & their wages over the life of the contract, so a 40m signing on 5m a year over 4 years actually only costs us 15m this year, with the remaining 15m per year spread over the next 3 years after that. 

All of this means in my opinion that the numbers are hyperbolic really.

We all know the club has some challenges financially by still being in Europa, a huge over inflated wage bill, and a lack of transfer revenue with key assets leaving on free's or costing us more money through trades (Sanchez). But equally are known to have healthy cash reserves, and a brand new kit deal which helps a lot - both in terms of revenue from Adidas but also given the volume of shirts we'll likely sell it'll probably lift a little too.

I think the Saliba signing indicates we'll likely keep Koscielny for another season, and he becomes the natural replacement in a years time when his contract is up. Still hoping we sell Mustafi and replace him.

Ultimately though the shopping list still has us needing a CB, LB, RB, CM, AM/Winger. I'd love to see us spend the money on Ziyech given he's only 35m.

We also need to sell/move on Mustafi, one of Mhiki or Ozil, Elneny, Jenkinson, Asano, and hopefully Kolasinac.

over 16 years

Also interesting is that players like Asano are back from their loans but no number but in the first team squad. While Bielek for all his chat of not going back to U23's is listed back on our reserve squad and hasn't officially been promoted to the first team squad. If the rumours are true that we're going to sell him I really hope we've got a strong sell on clause in there because I think the kids got a lot of talent.

over 17 years
brumbys wrote:

The challenge is our finances are no longer public post KSE's takeover, which does make it harder to comprehend. Swiss Ramble has also previously highlighted the role of amortization of the cost of a signing & their wages over the life of the contract, so a 40m signing on 5m a year over 4 years actually only costs us 15m this year, with the remaining 15m per year spread over the next 3 years after that. 

All of this means in my opinion that the numbers are hyperbolic really.

We all know the club has some challenges financially by still being in Europa, a huge over inflated wage bill, and a lack of transfer revenue with key assets leaving on free's or costing us more money through trades (Sanchez). But equally are known to have healthy cash reserves, and a brand new kit deal which helps a lot - both in terms of revenue from Adidas but also given the volume of shirts we'll likely sell it'll probably lift a little too.

I think the Saliba signing indicates we'll likely keep Koscielny for another season, and he becomes the natural replacement in a years time when his contract is up. Still hoping we sell Mustafi and replace him.

Ultimately though the shopping list still has us needing a CB, LB, RB, CM, AM/Winger. I'd love to see us spend the money on Ziyech given he's only 35m.

We also need to sell/move on Mustafi, one of Mhiki or Ozil, Elneny, Jenkinson, Asano, and hopefully Kolasinac.

I think youre a little delusional but I admire the optimism :) 

over 16 years
valeo wrote:

I think youre a little delusional but I admire the optimism :) 

I’m unemployed in London watching the Black Caps believing anything can happen ???♂️

Starting XI
over 11 years

Koscielny , the club captain has gone on strike and refused to go on the US tour. Lovely way to bow out and tarnish your legacy. What a fudgeing shambles this club is. Disarray.

over 17 years
ajc28 wrote:

Koscielny , the club captain has gone on strike and refused to go on the US tour. Lovely way to bow out and tarnish your legacy. What a fudgeing shambles this club is. Disarray.

Disagree it tarnishes his legacy; it smacks of a club trying to get in front of a situation that they have manufactured themselves to paint him as the 'bad guy'.

I think it's quite obvious that he wanted to leave when Wenger left; and then agreed to stay another year as he was recovering from his injury. He pushed through a whole lot of pain last season because our CB options were so skint. 

I reckon the club have reneged on a gentleman's agreement to let him go at the end of last season. That's the only explanation. When someone does something so out of character - you should be asking why.

over 16 years

I’m waiting to see what his side of the story is, but striking to force a move like this never leaves anything but a sour taste - regardless of how justified they are.

Starting XI
over 11 years

Also this isn't a charity and he's under contract. I don't see other clubs giving us discounts because we have no money.

over 16 years
ajc28 wrote:

Also this isn't a charity and he's under contract. I don't see other clubs giving us discounts because we have no money.

100%. Still wanting to understand what he's been promised but given the way he's been critical of Deschamps I'm wondering if he's getting a bit too precious about things. You're a well played footballer and if you have clubs that want you then have them pony up. I'm sure we're not wanting crazy money but 5-10m wouldn't seem ridiculous albeit helpful.

Edit: what I'm worried about though is if he does go what happens with Mustafi. As much as I'm keen to see them both moved on I'm unsure the finances will enable it. Given the rumours around Chambers and Bielek it doesn't sound like we're going to see either of them promoted too.

about 17 years

Love Koscielny but come on, it's a professional game. The man signed a contract until the end of the coming season. If he wanted an out clause he should've negotiated one. Acting like he can leave on a free now???

I'm a little bit torn between dealing with these things in house, versus letting the fans know what is going on. I like the dignity of doing it in-house, but if Koscielny is actually the bad guy here then I'm all for outing him this way. 

Just saw a rumour before, take with a sack of salt, but claims that we've offered to take Sanchez back on loan for the season if ManU pay the majority of his wages. Boy that made me giggle. Surely unlikely but you never know, if ManU want him out and have no suitors... 

If I'm honest I would take that in a heartbeat. Yes he's been rubbish at ManU but probably a good chance he'd go better back here, where he knows the lay of the land, and Emery actually seems a better fit to someone like Sanchez than Wenger was. If we could get some output from him, it would save us some serious coin, and we could go for a longer term option next year. Certainly sounds like we're going to need any remaining money to be directed at our central defence. Kosc surely out, Mustafi seemingly unsellable, Saliba a year away... 

over 17 years

Sanchez is poison; no thanks, not even for free.

over 16 years
brumbys wrote:
valeo wrote:

I think youre a little delusional but I admire the optimism :) 

I’m unemployed in London watching the Black Caps believing anything can happen ???♂️

I've lost the plot and dump some serious quid on tickets for Sunday. Wish me luck.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Things are happening; copied info below - link to petition at the bottom...

Arsenal Football Club fans unite in warning to owner, Stan #Kroenke. #WeCareDoYou


As Arsenal fans we have watched with frustration as the team’s football performances have declined over the past decade. When Stan Kroenke began buying Arsenal shares the club had just competed in a first Champions League final. Twelve years on, Arsenal are about to play in the Europa League for the third year running.

Off the pitch, fans have never felt more marginalised, less listened to or valued. This was sadly illustrated when Stan Kroenke forcibly bought out the last remaining supporter-shareholders without even a word of appreciation for their custodianship role in the club.

It feels as though Arsenal is at a crossroads. Things need to change.

What all of us as signatories to this statement want to see is meaningful action by Stan Kroenke to reinvigorate our football club.

This requires work to strengthen the club’s board and football executive and to once again make Arsenal a place where fans have a real sense of belonging.

Change needs to start with better leadership. In his takeover document Stan Kroenke said:

‘KSE’s ambitions for the club are to see it competing consistently to win the Premier League and the Champions League.’
We see little evidence of how this is to be achieved. Instead our club feels like an investment vehicle, personified by the owner's statement that he didn't buy Arsenal to win trophies.

It is sad that an institution like Arsenal FC has such passive ownership. All of us want to see a clear sense of purpose and direction. KSE should start by being more open and accountable and explain how they intend to achieve the goal of winning the game’s major trophies.

If Stan Kroenke is going to be absent from London he needs to make sure the board he delegates to is fit for purpose. There is a desperate need for some new and dynamic appointments. The addition of independently-ˇminded directors can act as a genuine check and balance on the owner. Ideal candidates would have football and commercial expertise relevant to the needs of a football club in 2019, and ideally some ‘Arsenal DNA’.

Arsenal have invested money in recent years, but their approach to both buying players and paying wages looks uncoordinated and appears to lack strategy. There has also been a lot of turnover in the senior football personnel. A strong board would be proactively managing this.

On a matchday the Emirates Stadium can be a soulless place. The atmosphere is poor and there are thousands of empty seats blighting almost every game. If Arsenal really cared they would make sure seats weren’t left empty by investing in an improved ticketing system and actively supporting initiatives like safe standing. The club uses the strapline ‘Always ahead of the game’. It would be good to see action to demonstrate this.
Finally, the very fabric of football in England and across Europe is at threat from proposals for a European Super League.

These moves are driven by the greed of a few so-ˇcalled elite clubs who want guaranteed entry into top-ˇlevel European competition every year. Why care if you finish fifth or lower if automatic qualification is guaranteed? Arsenal and the other clubs involved should understand that fans do not want more meaningless group stage fixtures designed only to rake in more broadcast and ticketing revenue. You could call it the ‘franchisation’ of European Football. Arsenal should immediately clarify they will have no part in this.

As Arsenal Supporters, we care deeply. We would like to hear from our club and see actions that demonstrate that they do too. The first opportunity comes when the Managing Director and Head of Football speak to invited supporters on July 25th. We urge them to address the issues raised here. We will watch with interest.

Arseblog • Arsenal Armed Forces Supporters Club • Arsenal Supporters’ Trust (AST) • Black Scarf Movement (BSM) • TheHighbury Library • Highbury Squad • Hugh Wizzy • Gooner Fanzine • Goonerholic • Gunners Town • Gunnerblog • Le Grove • REDACTION • She Wore A Yellow Ribbon • You Are My Arsenal Blog • 7am Kick Off

.... and YOU?

Starting XI
over 11 years

Signed the petition and am not spending another cent on merchandise etc. It's a well written letter and goes further than just "Kroenke out' or "spend some money" but ultimately won't make any difference to an owner who doesn't care. They might use it as PR to say the fan event provoked "engaging discussion." Ultimately the only thing the fans can really do is boycott and not spend money on the club.

Starting XI
over 16 years

Upped their bid for Tierney to £25m, still rejected obviously, wonder how high they'll go?

over 16 years

So the transfer market is heating up for us. Ceballos loan sounds almost done. Tierney bid has been rejected again, hopefully next one goes through but the Napoli interest has seemed to die down. While the Pepe rumours were shot down immediately by Ornstein there's another one doing the rounds that wasn't so quick to be shut down that is we've got doctors en route to Brazil to complete a medical with Everton, which would be a great signing.

Further Overmars is pushing Zyech to us still - and given his price tag I'd be on board with it.

The major concern for me though is that we're very rarely getting linked with significant moves to a decent CB. Given a lack of faith in Mustafi and the Koscielny situation surely we need to get another 25 year old + CB who can be an instant starter?

Starting XI
over 11 years

And as expected the Kroenke's have immediately shut down the letter with another "thanks for your interest in our affairs." 

about 17 years

J.Kroenke responded within 24 hours with a letter to the fans and an interview on, which is more than I expected to be fair.

Realistically, that was about the best response that could've been hoped for. They have never, and will never, throw cash at our transfer budget from outside the club's finances.

We have a champions league wage bill on a europa league budget. This is a rebuild and it will take time. 

about 17 years

Sounds like Tierney, Saliba (loan back for a season), Ceballos (on loan), and perhaps Everton are realistic signings at this point. 

I agree with others though, where are the CBs who can come in and start? That is the biggest problem area for us. 

At this stage, our (realistic) CB stocks for the new season are:







We have numbers, and some quality in that I believe Sokratis, Holding and Monreal are good enough to be starting. 

An argument can be made for Chambers as well in that regard, however, it does seem like Mustafi and Chambers are dead men walking. I don't think Emery and his staff are keen on either, and will probably sell both if they can. It seems Mavropanos is not up to it at this point, and he seems to struggle with constant niggles. 

If we cannot make a decent purchase then my preference would be for Monreal to play CB all season (provided Tierney is signed) and Mustafi to be sold. It wouldn't be ideal but I think we could at least get to the Jan window on the back of Sokratis, Holding, Monreal and Chambers as our main four.

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