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over 17 years

Starting to think that CM is a higher priority area than CB when it comes to transfers.

Xhaka/Torreira is working well, but outside of that we have very little. Guendouzi has had some good performances, but he is very young and struggles positionally at times, and Willock/Ceballos suit playing further forward.

Guendouzi also appears to be more of a Xhaka than a Torreira. I think we need another savage ball-winner to compete with Torreira.

over 17 years
paulm wrote:

If Arteta is not a good Manager then he's definitely very good at sounding like one, every single opportunity he gets. I cannot get enough of listening to this guy.
At this point he's either going to be awesome for us, or the spanish Anthony Hudson.

His actions already match his words, imo; has done very well. If only Mustafi didn't come on v Chelsea and Chambers didn't do his ACL; could've been a perfect start.

I actually agree that CM is almost the higher priority. Torriera/Xhaka works but I don't think Guendouzi is quite ready; there's a really good player in there but he needs to learn a lot of positional discipline. (and probably needs to bulk up a little)

On the Leeds game - I actually think that is the best possible thing that could've happened in this stage of development under Arteta. We were quickly brought down to earth post-United game by one of the best pressing teams in the world.  (yes, they're in the Championship, but I stand by that) We really needed to dig deep - every player needed to look within themselves at half time and ask 'am I really working my ass off? Can I do more?; the answer was clearly 'yes' for basically every one.

It wasn't a tactical tweak, there was simply more effort exerted in that 2nd half. Arteta now knowing he can get that lift from his players must be a huge boost to him and the team.

over 17 years

Enormous clapping emoji valeo.

Totally agree, and hadn't thought about the Leeds game that way until I read that. A huge shot in the arm for Arteta and the squad to win in that manner, against opposition like that, right after the high of the ManU game.

Also a massive tick in the Arteta box, shows that he looks at the opposition properly, no underestimating just because they are a championship side. It's clear from his post-match presser that he knew exactly what we were getting into, and what we needed to do to win.

over 17 years

I love watching his press conferences. It's great to have a manager who I'm actually interested to hear speak again - Emery was a nice guy and all, but very uninspiring. 

over 17 years

I love watching his press conferences. It's great to have a manager who I'm actually interested to hear speak again - Emery was a nice guy and all, but very uninspiring. 

over 17 years

Yea same. You mentioned in an earlier post about him having some gravitas, it really does feel that way. Reminds me a lot of Wenger sometimes. I used to really enjoy watching Wenger's press conferences, I missed that since Emery came in.

No disrespect to Emery of course, his grasp of English was way behind the likes of Wenger and Arteta, and understandably so, but it did mean that it was hard to really get interested in what he had to say. The way the media and fans started giving him sh*t at the end about it was pretty distasteful mind you. The guy was clearly trying his best to improve.

But Arteta now, I love it. Interestingly I don't necessarily get the same vibe from Guardiola. Clearly a brilliant Manager but his press conferences aren't as insightful to me. I know I'm clearly biased but there's just something about Arteta. I'm really excited about what the future holds right now.

I also think that it wasn't necessarily an error in not appointing him when we appointed Emery. A huge benefit of Arteta coming in now is that he doesn't have to deal with all the post-Wenger baggage. No questions about all the changes in the club etc, just pure focus on improving the football side. I think that really helps, particularly given Arteta's lack of experience in the head coach role.

over 17 years

Yeah, agree that Emery wasn't necessarily a mistake. He did get us within 1 point of the top 4, and to a EL final. He just stumbled at the final hurdle. I don't think he should've ever been given a 2nd season.

over 17 years

Read last night that we could've sold Riess Nelson for 20m in the off season, but Emery chose to sell Iwobi instead and keep Nelson at the club.

Good decision I reckon.

over 17 years

I still like Iwobi, but yeah - that's the right call.

almost 17 years
valeo wrote:

I still like Iwobi, but yeah - that's the right call.

Especially when Iwobi was double the £££'s.

almost 17 years

Pawson does it again. While I don't disagree with his decision why the f*ck he saw fit to let Jorginho stay on the park is beyond me.

Given the circumstances a draw seems fair but the nature of their goal and Pepe's which hit the post leaves you thinking it's 2 points dropped than 1 salvaged. 

over 17 years

We've had really poor reffing performances over the last 3 games, I reckon - though you can't argue the red card at all. That's a red card every time. Terrible tackle, lucky he didn't break his leg.

Not sure how Ayew got away without a yellow considering he fouled 7-8 times. Again, not relevant to the red card call though.

I thought we were our own worst enemy - we dominated the opening stanza and didn't really do anything with the ball except our one shot on target/one goal. It was always going to bite us in the ass. It was really strange; it was almost as if it was *too* easy to keep posession and we didn't feel any pressure to go forward quickly.

That save from Pepe's shot was quite miraculous. I took some heart from the fact we even got into that position after going a man down, and we still looked pretty defensively solid.

I think we can safely say the top 4 is absolutely gone now; so the league is basically meaningless except to see if we can hobble into a Europa League spot. Our focus needs to be on the cups.

First Team Squad
almost 16 years
valeo wrote:

We've had really poor reffing performances over the last 3 games, I reckon - though you can't argue the red card at all. That's a red card every time. Terrible tackle, lucky he didn't break his leg.

Not sure how Ayew got away without a yellow considering he fouled 7-8 times. Again, not relevant to the red card call though.

Eh, against Leeds Xhaka could've had about 3 yellows in the opening 25 minutes.

almost 17 years
20 Legend wrote:
valeo wrote:

We've had really poor reffing performances over the last 3 games, I reckon - though you can't argue the red card at all. That's a red card every time. Terrible tackle, lucky he didn't break his leg.

Not sure how Ayew got away without a yellow considering he fouled 7-8 times. Again, not relevant to the red card call though.

Eh, against Leeds Xhaka could've had about 3 yellows in the opening 25 minutes.

You listening to the commentator again mate? Xhaka had Danny Murphy all fired up!

almost 17 years
valeo wrote:

I think we can safely say the top 4 is absolutely gone now; so the league is basically meaningless except to see if we can hobble into a Europa League spot. Our focus needs to be on the cups.

The Top 4 is more competitive than ever with United & Chelsea inconsistent, Sp*rs without Kane for a few months, and teams like Sheffield and Lecister getting into the thick of it. Should mean if we can string some results together we're in it.

over 17 years
20 Legend wrote:
valeo wrote:

We've had really poor reffing performances over the last 3 games, I reckon - though you can't argue the red card at all. That's a red card every time. Terrible tackle, lucky he didn't break his leg.

Not sure how Ayew got away without a yellow considering he fouled 7-8 times. Again, not relevant to the red card call though.

Eh, against Leeds Xhaka could've had about 3 yellows in the opening 25 minutes.

So that ref needs a rocket as well then.

Does something going for you in one game preclude you from pointing out errors when it goes against you in another? If yes, then no one can say anything against any bad decisions, ever.

First Team Squad
almost 16 years
paulm wrote:
20 Legend wrote:
valeo wrote:

We've had really poor reffing performances over the last 3 games, I reckon - though you can't argue the red card at all. That's a red card every time. Terrible tackle, lucky he didn't break his leg.

Not sure how Ayew got away without a yellow considering he fouled 7-8 times. Again, not relevant to the red card call though.

Eh, against Leeds Xhaka could've had about 3 yellows in the opening 25 minutes.

So that ref needs a rocket as well then.

Does something going for you in one game preclude you from pointing out errors when it goes against you in another? If yes, then no one can say anything against any bad decisions, ever.

Totally, I'm a big proponent for calling out shark refs even when you win. But the implication I took from the rest of the post is that other than Aybe red Arsenal have been wronged. Either way, just adding a necessary 2 cents ?

over 17 years

Fair call.

But to be honest we have been wronged a little bit this season, as evidenced by a piece doing the rounds where they identified all incorrect refereeing decisions and applied it to the table, and Arsenal had been affected the most, by 9 points. Apparently we should be equal 4th with Chelsea.

Other than that the changes were fairly minimal. Man City and Liverpool were both 2 points down on what they should be, I think ManU was either dead on or only a point more/less, from memory.

Obviously need to see the raw data that drives such a conclusion, I haven't whinged loudly about this for that reason, as these things can be very subjective, but it's worth noting I think.

over 17 years

Arteta's had a look at nketiah in training and decided to keep him with us for the rest of the season.
Interesting decision. Im keen to see him turn out for us but now were almost overloaded in the attacking roles.
I wonder if this means Saka will play LB for the rest of the season now? Perhaps, as Arteta has also said that Kola picked up a another knock in training yesterday, and tierney is still out (and has a bad iniury record too).

over 17 years
brumbys wrote:
valeo wrote:

I think we can safely say the top 4 is absolutely gone now; so the league is basically meaningless except to see if we can hobble into a Europa League spot. Our focus needs to be on the cups.

The Top 4 is more competitive than ever with United & Chelsea inconsistent, Sp*rs without Kane for a few months, and teams like Sheffield and Lecister getting into the thick of it. Should mean if we can string some results together we're in it.

Really don't agree, especially with Auba out for 3 games. We'd need a miracle.

We're going to see a bit of a regression now. Arteta got his quick wins - now the real weaknesses will begin to show until he can get the players he wants. It's going to be bumpy.

almost 17 years
valeo wrote:
brumbys wrote:
valeo wrote:

I think we can safely say the top 4 is absolutely gone now; so the league is basically meaningless except to see if we can hobble into a Europa League spot. Our focus needs to be on the cups.

The Top 4 is more competitive than ever with United & Chelsea inconsistent, Sp*rs without Kane for a few months, and teams like Sheffield and Lecister getting into the thick of it. Should mean if we can string some results together we're in it.

Really don't agree, especially with Auba out for 3 games. We'd need a miracle.

We're going to see a bit of a regression now. Arteta got his quick wins - now the real weaknesses will begin to show until he can get the players he wants. It's going to be bumpy.

I think we've both been proved right here - we drew but so did Sp*rs and City and Chelsea lost.

Edit: actually looking at the 9 teams ahead of us 7 of them dropped points. This was a fudgeing expensive draw.

almost 17 years

Another poor day for VAR, I felt City deserved that hand ball penalty given the hands away from his body, and Pepe definitely deserved his.

almost 17 years
paulm wrote:

But to be honest we have been wronged a little bit this season, as evidenced by a piece doing the rounds where they identified all incorrect refereeing decisions and applied it to the table, and Arsenal had been affected the most, by 9 points. Apparently we should be equal 4th with Chelsea.

And that doesn't include the bullshark that was Jorginho not being given a 2nd yellow when we're 1-0 up.

over 17 years

Bellerin's first start under Arteta and he's been made captain. Very interesting with Ozil, Xhaka etc on the pitch.

almost 17 years
almost 17 years

Holy shark, what a game in the end. I spent most of that final third thinking we'd win it. Captains strike and Martinelli magic. Bloody hell I can't sleep now!

over 17 years

Haven't seen that kind of fight all season, well overdue. Martinelli is the most exciting young player I've seen for us in a number of years - he's strong, quick, scores goals, has a great attitude and plenty of fight in him.

I still don't see how the staff at the club haven't been able to see for a number of years we still need 2 much better quality CBs. I understand we aren't the most attractive option going around at the moment but surely you pay overs given the importance of them.

about 17 years

10 points to go :)

I wonder what our record for most draws in a season is. Currently at 12. I know we drew 12 in our unbeaten season

over 17 years

mustafi did a mustafi

luiz did a luiz

martinelli did a martinelli

the team and bellerin did things i am unaccustomed to

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Was the kind of fight we hadn't seen in a while and what a talent Martinelli looks. Can't believe this young Brazilian hadn't already been snapped up by Real Madrid. Great moment from Bellerin. Hadn't celebrated a goal that much in a while, although was watching in bed with a concussion so could have done without going berserk!

Main positive being 3 games without Luiz. Probably offset by 3 more with Mustafi though.

over 17 years
about 17 years

Martinelli was in 4th div Brazilian football last year. Amazing.  

Starting XI
almost 12 years
paulm wrote:

Will luiz just be one game?

Aubameyang is 3 so assume it's the same. Or is there some different category of red card? I'm always confused by it.

over 17 years

i think its one. 3 is for violent conduct, 1 is for last man fouls, hand balls to stop goals, etc etc. 

Not 100% tho

Starting XI
about 17 years
paulm wrote:

i think its one. 3 is for violent conduct, 1 is for last man fouls, hand balls to stop goals, etc etc. 

Not 100% tho

Correct its just one game 

almost 17 years

SW some suggestion that we could get a lot out of Xhaka and Luiz together at CB & Torreira and Guendouzi in front of them. Would be perfect against a high intensity press as that would give us a lot of control at the back on the ball.

The insight form Wright at half time on Chelsea’s press letting Mustafi have the ball because he is a liability on it and cutting Luiz out of the game instead was spot on. If other teams try that whomever is at CB next to him has to be an excellent ball player - Something Mustafi is not, Sokratis struggles with, and Holding/Chambers can be when fit and firing.

Just the one ban, served in the FA cup match against Bournemouth. Should see Holding start that game.

Hopefully I have the away shirt arriving soon - very torn about who to get. Tossing up between Bellerin, Martinelli, and Auba.

over 17 years

Thing is, Mustafi is actually a good passer of the ball. When I saw Chelsea doing that yesterday, I thought hmmm Mustafi has an opportunity here to stamp his mark on the game.

Instead he gave it away many times, by attempting ambitious through-balls that weren't on. Poor decision making.

This is symptomatic of Mustafi in general.

He is fast, he can tackle, he is good in the air, his positioning is good, and he can play with it at his feet.

It's his mentality that is the problem. Despite being able to do all these things, he cannot do them consistently without error. When in the moment, he often makes poor decisions.

I can see why we signed the guy, and why Germany once picked him in their squads regularly. He has all the skills. But no one has been able to iron the errors out, and his career is fading as a result. He's a young player that hasn't matured.

almost 17 years
paulm wrote:

Thing is, Mustafi is actually a good passer of the ball. When I saw Chelsea doing that yesterday, I thought hmmm Mustafi has an opportunity here to stamp his mark on the game.

My only recent memories of him on the ball is giving it away - did it several times against Sheffield.

I've seen a variety of rumours recently, some Ukraineian CB, loaning Auba to Barca (are you f*cking kidding me?), and signing Kurzawa early, Lacazette to Atheltico.

I'll take any CB that is fit, can pass and has a bit of speed at this point. The Auba loan is fudgeing mental, although if they came in with serious £££'s we'd have to be tempted in what we could do with that money. Similar with Lacazette - given his form I'd happily do a player swap for someone like Saul, or some decent cash we can reinvest. 

Also of note is Ceballos possibly getting his loan cancelled and organising another move away from RM to ensure more playing time. It's odd given he's been out injured and will likely be in the thick of it soon enough but he's SO desperate to make these Euro's. At 23 years old and given the competition for places you think he'd be OK knowing he'll still get a crack at 27 and 31...

First Team Squad
almost 16 years

Ceballos is a weird situation. I watched him in what I think was your opening game and he looked absolutely top tier. Threw him in my fantasy team and he just hasn't seemed to be able to replicate anything like it. Looks like he's going to end his loan now as well.

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