Fifa 12 ....already

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
EB Games has the Ultimate Edition, so I'm getting my copy from there. I don't know how much it is elsewhere.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
The biggest thing that is going to annoy me about this game is having Tim Cahill in his Socceroo's jersey stare at me everytime I put the game into the PS3...
over 14 years
Downey26 wrote:
so where is the cheapest place to get it?

Depends if you want a special edition or just regular edition.
EB has the ultimate edition that has 4 free gold packs for ultimate team each month for six months for 120. It also has a metal case and comes with a mini football.

JB Hifi has the premium which has 3 packs per month and nothing else. that was like 118 last time I was there.

and Price Spy says mightyape has the regular edition for the cheaps at $98.49.
Starting XI
almost 16 years
meta critic has it at rating of 91, thats pretty darn decent..
Starting XI
over 14 years
JarrodM wrote:
Downey26 wrote:
so where is the cheapest place to get it?

Depends if you want a special edition or just regular edition.
EB has the ultimate edition that has 4 free gold packs for ultimate team each month for six months for 120. It also has a metal case and comes with a mini football.

JB Hifi has the premium which has 3 packs per month and nothing else. that was like 118 last time I was there.

and Price Spy says mightyape has the regular edition for the cheaps at $98.49.

ok i should probably know this since ive owned every fifa since 99 but what exactly is this 'ultimate team'?

worth me getting since all i do is play manager mode?

almost 17 years
Getting this on PC since for the first time in like 10 years apparently the PC version isn't gimped to hell. Proof is in the pudding though, I had Fifa10 on 360 and guess that will be my point of reference.
over 14 years
Downey26 wrote:
ok i should probably know this since ive owned every fifa since 99 but what exactly is this 'ultimate team'?worth me getting since all i do is play manager mode?

They introduced it in Fifa 09 I believed as a downloadable extra but you had to pay for it. It was also a paid download in Fifa 10. It was free in Fifa 11 but came out a couple of months after the game. But this is the first year it comes on disc and is free.

Now about it. It's like trading cards. You get packs of cards and you assemble your team. you can trade and buy cards aswell as buy packs of cards. there is also inform players each week. I've never really played it before, I've only set up a team. But since it's on the disc from the start I might get into it a bit more.

Here's a bit more about it. Ultimate Team
Starting XI
over 14 years
Played it tonight. It's a decent upgrade, if only for the sheer awesomeness of the Adidas Stripey.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
zonknz wrote:
Played it tonight. It's a decent upgrade, if only for the sheer awesomeness of the Adidas Stripey.

How? Where? Why?

So jealous
Starting XI
over 14 years
I have mysterical powers. And stuff.

Initial thoughts are Passing requires much more precision to judge weight of kick. Shooting is not easier, but less frustrating - more precision possible in the final shot means it's not so difficult to get past the ai keepers?

I've found corners about 10x easier than in Fifa 11, actually picking out targets, and scoring via the header.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
zonknz wrote:
and stripey. It is AWESOME.

This. The original stripey was the reason I bought FIFA10, and the new one is the main reason I'm getting 12.
almost 17 years
Overhead kicks?

Mighty Ape, everything except the mini ea sports football that EB offer = $98.00
over 16 years
Rumour has it Dick Smiths is selling it as of today, bad ass.
Starting XI
over 14 years
brumbys wrote:
Rumour has it Dick Smiths is selling it as of today, bad ass.

right im gonna go check, best not be getting my hopes up
Starting XI
over 14 years
Just tried the dick smith down the road, sadly they are releasing it the 30th as well. i found a little sign that said it was to be released today but there was a disclaimer saying that this that was subject to change.

guess ill have to wait a whole other night
over 16 years
Downey26 wrote:
Just tried the dick smith down the road, sadly they are releasing it the 30th as well. i found a little sign that said it was to be released today but there was a disclaimer saying that this that was subject to change.guess ill have to wait a whole other night

Yeah I checked on in town and they did the same too. Their advertising mailer I looked at last night did say it was coming out today though.

Douche bags.
over 14 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Overhead kicks?

Mighty Ape, everything except the mini ea sports football that EB offer = $98.00

I've seen more overhead kicks in the demo than I saw in total of playing Fifa 11.

BTW Eb games has more ultimate team packs per month (2 more) plus the steelbook case thing.
about 13 years
Looking at some videos today and noticed that Cameron Lindsay's in the Blackburn squad with a rating of 64, which means he must be the 3rd or 4th highest rated defender from New Zealand, obviously EA think he has high potential.

Amped for this game tomorrow
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Just cracked it... not bad - though the Ultimate pack seems a con
Starting XI
over 14 years
Right Ive got fifa 12 now, just gotta figure out a way to finish work early
Starting XI
over 14 years
The new collision engine is a bit weird. Was playing Lille v PSG last night, and two players were standing about ~1m apart awaiting a thrown in, and the defender did a back flip when the ball was thrown in.

Some patching required, EA.
Starting XI
over 14 years
zonknz wrote:
The new collision engine is a bit weird. Was playing Lille v PSG last night, and two players were standing about ~1m apart awaiting a thrown in, and the defender did a back flip when the ball was thrown in.

Some patching required, EA.

is that not normal? best defensive technique i can think of, distracts the attacker if anything.

over 16 years
Downey26 wrote:
Right Ive got fifa 12 now, just gotta figure out a way to finish work early

Sucker! I'm finishing at 12pm, flat mate is finishing at 1pm, 1.30pm-1.30am is all FIFA!
Starting XI
over 14 years
brumbys wrote:
Downey26 wrote:
Right Ive got fifa 12 now, just gotta figure out a way to finish work early

Sucker! I'm finishing at 12pm, flat mate is finishing at 1pm, 1.30pm-1.30am is all FIFA!

I pretty much spend all day on yellow fever and browsing the net so i dont think they will notice if i shoot off a little earlier today, like maybe 6 hours earlier

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Off to JB hifi today to pick up my copy, I don't finish work until 8.30 tonight though, so will crank this game then. patrick4782011-09-30 10:15:35
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
just finished work and courier just dropped off my copy of fifa 12, i guess that is the rest of my day till everyone else gets home and want the tv back.
Starting XI
over 14 years
almost 13 years
Dick Smith has FIFA 12 for $99. Also got the localised cover with Tim Cahill on the cover, I would prefer the international one but whatever. Game on tonight!! Evergreen2011-09-30 12:49:58
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Birthday pressie to self 'from the Kids'.

Cool seeing the new Newcastle strip, hadn't realised they'd launched this already. Bye bye Gold shirt.
almost 14 years
got get this before the shops close tonight!
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Is it any different/better to previous versions of the game?
Starting XI
over 14 years
over 14 years
Just went and picked mine up from eb. Glad I got the ultimate edition with the steelbook case, means I can chuck the one with cahill on it on the bookshelf and never look at it again!

Put it in and it's already got a patch.
over 14 years
I was going to go For Manchester United for support your club but I think they've already been relegated so i'm going to go for Wellington.
over 14 years
SurgeQld wrote:
Just cracked it... not bad - though the Ultimate pack seems a con

Meaning it won't redeem? if your on ps3 there is like 2 options redeem code which you press triangle and redeem voucher where you press square. use the square option. it worked for me.
'The Scoop'
over 15 years
maynardf wrote:
Do we only have 17 players?

Pretty much

Sanchez missing,
but toto, ward, crowther and mulligan?? are still there.

Time to make Sanchez I think
Starting XI
over 14 years
gameplay has gotten rid of alot of the stupid little mistakes from the last one but f**king geez its hard to tackle. i dont know if its just me but on world class its so hard to get close to the opposition when they have the ball and even harder to tackle them. i average about 35% possesion a game which makes for pretty annoying and boring games.
the career mode is alot better though imo. way cooler so far anyway
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
I have been impressed with the new Fifa every yearand this one is no exception. The graphics for 360 are amazing, it almost looks real. The likeness of the players to their real life counterparts is vitually identical. The gameplay additions such as the tackling alterations and quick throw ins have made it more realistic and enjoyable to play (despite the tackling being a bit harder to use).
The ratings are always subjective though. I dont see how a team like Fulham can be 4.5 stars being the 6th best team and players such as Aguero can be rated less than Tevez. I was pleased to see Spurs rated highly though - they are almost one of the best teams in the game.
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
JarrodM wrote:
SurgeQld wrote:
Just cracked it... not bad - though the Ultimate pack seems a con

Meaning it won't redeem? if your on ps3 there is like 2 options redeem code which you press triangle and redeem voucher where you press square. use the square option. it worked for me.

Meaning it's just fluff.

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