Closed for new posts
over 11 years
Tyler wrote:
keikojap wrote:

Why he play for NZ?  He play in J1, much better. If me, I no want to play for NZ. 

Japan high for NZ. We 37, you 57.

Would he make the Japanese team? Probably no, would he do well in the NZ team? Probably yes (if he has improved as suggested).

Of course he wouldn't make the Japanese team. Firstly he's not eligible and secondly he's not good enough. There is a big gulf in class between Japan and New Zealand. He would definitely have a chance with the All Whites given our lack of quality in that area now.

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

It would be a shame Rugbyfan if you did quit these a professional sportsman with overseas experiance and a passionate kiwi you have opinions that would add to the discussion.

Remember though that you are back in NZ and there are some rules that need to be applied.

1, Negativity.....this is the normal default setting

2, Slag off your own......this is the default setting. Any kiwi player is a target. It does not matter if they are young, busting their gut, trying to make it in a hard professional environment, you must slag them off. Does not matter if they have got better, learned from their mistakes and moved up to a higher level from their own hard work you must never forget an average performance when they were just starting out.

3, Kiwi players make great scapegoats. its OK to say youngsters like Tyler Boyd are shit. But its even better to pick a player and blame him for the teams woe's. Therefore Tim Brown is/was shit, Tony lockhead is shit.....and people are already looking for the next  candidate....probably Glen Moss

4, Never give a player the benefit of the doubt. If a player has an ordinary game then it is always their fault. Its never the coaches tactics or them being played out of position or other players not doing their job properly. One example Stein Huysegems....Former Dutch international with 100+ games in a good level in European club football......arrives at a disfunctional Phoenix and gets labeled shit

5, There are loads of what the American call "Monday morning quarterbacks" on these forums. But probably the best word on this subject came from one of the Phoenix owners ....."some of them don't know much about football at all"

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

Typo  Huysegems was a Belgian international.

over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Toffeeman66 wrote:

Crack up post Vader...4-4-3 haha.  But hey Vader there's some history here you might now know about, and it's conspiracy theory stuff I'm on about - worth considering though.  There's a bit of history with RH and WR over Michael, as there is with RH and Michael's old man about Michael too. Michael was played out of position when he did play for the AWs.  The fact that he did play at all was perhaps more to do with pressure from a certain WR than RH's choice.  What better way to shut WR up than to have his boy play badly?  But Michael deserves credit.  Hard working, talented footballer, went to Japan as a kid to try and make it - that's not easy. Sure, he's no superstar but a good team lad. And who's to say he can't kick on from here?  Ryan Nelsen was no spring chook when he finally made the grade was he?

. I have no idea around the politics of his section if I am honest. I just saw him play two games and he was not good enough. I did not realise Ricki and Wynton were not tight.

This statement alone is enough to make your entire argument ridiculous.  Writing one of our few overseas professional players off after 2 games is one of the silliest things you've said in a while.  Have you watched us play recently?  Have you seen our midfield?

Secondly, your attitude towards other people on this forum is appalling.  This is not about whether you are right or wrong on certain issues - I personally both agree and disagree with you at times, the hectoring and the bullying is just pathetic especially when it is directed at new forum members (new members should be encouraged not attacked), every thread you participate in descends into a slanging  match with you in the middle of it.  

You are literally one voice on here but you are having a far disproportionate effect on the overall tone.  You really need to wind it back in - this is not and has never been a democracy so there will be no issue with banning you permanently

Still Believin'
over 17 years

If Fitzgerald really is playing regular J1 then he's got to be worth another go in the AWs. Even if he just goes into camp and doesn't impress - worth another look surely.

And a few of you need to wind back the aggression a little bit. Just sayin'

Edit: and when me and JD are in agreement you know that's some dead set truth and facts yo.

over 13 years
The day JV admits that Stein is horrible in the air and can't head a ball, is the day we know he is reformed.

Life and death
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:
Toffeeman66 wrote:

Crack up post Vader...4-4-3 haha.  But hey Vader there's some history here you might now know about, and it's conspiracy theory stuff I'm on about - worth considering though.  There's a bit of history with RH and WR over Michael, as there is with RH and Michael's old man about Michael too. Michael was played out of position when he did play for the AWs.  The fact that he did play at all was perhaps more to do with pressure from a certain WR than RH's choice.  What better way to shut WR up than to have his boy play badly?  But Michael deserves credit.  Hard working, talented footballer, went to Japan as a kid to try and make it - that's not easy. Sure, he's no superstar but a good team lad. And who's to say he can't kick on from here?  Ryan Nelsen was no spring chook when he finally made the grade was he?

. I have no idea around the politics of his section if I am honest. I just saw him play two games and he was not good enough. I did not realise Ricki and Wynton were not tight.

This statement alone is enough to make your entire argument ridiculous.  Writing one of our few overseas professional players off after 2 games is one of the silliest things you've said in a while.  Have you watched us play recently?  Have you seen our midfield?

Secondly, your attitude towards other people on this forum is appalling.  This is not about whether you are right or wrong on certain issues - I personally both agree and disagree with you at times, the hectoring and the bullying is just pathetic especially when it is directed at new forum members (new members should be encouraged not attacked), every thread you participate in descends into a slanging  match with you in the middle of it.  

You are literally one voice on here but you are having a far disproportionate effect on the overall tone.  You really need to wind it back in - this is not and has never been a democracy so there will be no issue with banning you permanently

I have to agree with this. I used to enjoy your insight Vader but recently you have become a real cunt towards anyone that disagrees with your opinion (and its only your opinion). start taking those happy pills again please, its doing my head in as I'm enjoying NUFC's posts more than yours at the moment.
First Team Squad
almost 14 years

I think its great he is getting games in J1. He is good on the ball, he was good in the China game. I even thought he looked OK in the Mexico game but kept slipping over. He clearly had the wrong boots for that surface (which was terrible), which seems a very rookie mistake but also very easily fixed.What is his normal position? He didn't really look like a center back to me (and we have plenty) but we are criminally short of central midfielders so if he can play there he would definitely be worth a look.

about 12 years

Surprised by Vaders negativity... not that he can't be normally but he seemed to do it with such passion this time.

Players develop at different rates and perhaps its taken Fitzgeral a little longer to find his footing. 

The simple fact is NZ football is not strong enough that it can reasonably ignore a player playing at the level he is whilst at the same time have a coach saying he will continue to pick a player currently without a club and having not played a competative game in months.

Deserves a decent chance (more than one game and 10 mins of the bench)

First Team Squad
over 13 years

If he can play defensive midfield he should be involved. Can't be worse than putting our strikers in the middle of the park.

about 15 years
MetalLegNZ wrote:

Surprised by Vaders negativity... not that he can't be normally but he seemed to do it with such passion this time.

My opinion is that he is not good enough. That was a simple opinion I stated from the get go and that was it. Basically it started when the guy put words in my mouth. To me, I don't care if he is professional or plays for Man U - it's not a consideration I make when I say he is not good enough. I think the league he plays in to a degree has no relevance because if it did, the likes of Feneridis, McGeorge, Ivan, Clapham would not have worn/be wearing the white shirt because they play at a lower level. By the same token, whether he is professional or not makes no difference to me for those same players I just listed. Then all I read after that was 'This is what Michael thinks' so not really his opinion, but just a repeater and to me, it reeked of sour grapes, especially when I called him on the altitude thing. I never stated at any point in time that he was not good enough because of the league he played in yet I get attributed of saying that. Now to totally destroy my argument, I thought Aaron Clapham had a standout Nations Cup in Honiara and yet he looked like out of his depth again Jordan so I accept that if he gets another go and turns in something infinitely better, it's subject to change. You are only ever as good as the last match you played and for me = not good enough (and he had two goes)

I have no doubt that the Japanese leagues are a good standard of football and good on him for establishing himself over there. For me, I assess what he did in a white shirt and all I saw was 'not good enough'. I think if we were picking players on what league they play in and what their status is, we are in danger of looking foolish because by that very definition alone, Totori > Ivan. Now that's a simplistic statement to make but we all know its a load of bollocks. I'd also like to point out that John Barnes was a wizard in a Liverpool shirt yet he was utter shyte for England... Logically, it should not have worked that way but it did.

As for the history between WR and RH about this kid, someone fill me in a bit more because what I read is that WR has influence in picking of players in the team.

And JD, if you want to ban me, it does not bother me. You'll do it, or you won't however if people are going to attribute stuff to me I did not say or talk bollocks when you get called on it, yeah I'll tell you what I think, just like you and Term frequently do to each other. The point is, I back my opinion strongly so if people disagree with it, put up a strong argument that shows me I am wrong. I do change my mind when shown a point of view that has reason but saying 'you are wrong JV and are bully' is hardly a point of view where I am going to go 'well he has a point'

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

Vader I'm a fan of yours.  But some of what you say makes no sense tonight. You don't care if he plays for ManU?  So you back yourself ahead of the ManU management and staff?  There's a wee problem there JV and it's called your own opinion of yourself.  I know a little of the WR/RH relationship so let me embellish you.  They are no mates, but there's obvious respect.  And WR is not short of a word or two from time to time and he's smart enough to pick his platform.  He says Fitzgerald is good enough and the spotlight is on RH immediately - that's life.  RH can ignore him or tell him to foook off.  But RH is a diplomat and so...he picks the boy.  But RH is not happy. So he plays him at full back.  I've known Michael since he was 11 years old.  He's a DM.  Always was always will be.  I hope the boy comes good for what it's worth.

Starting XI
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
MetalLegNZ wrote:

Surprised by Vaders negativity... not that he can't be normally but he seemed to do it with such passion this time.

My opinion is that he is not good enough. That was a simple opinion I stated from the get go and that was it. Basically it started when the guy put words in my mouth. To me, I don't care if he is professional or plays for Man U - it's not a consideration I make when I say he is not good enough. I think the league he plays in to a degree has no relevance because if it did, the likes of Feneridis, McGeorge, Ivan, Clapham would not have worn/be wearing the white shirt because they play at a lower level. By the same token, whether he is professional or not makes no difference to me for those same players I just listed. Then all I read after that was 'This is what Michael thinks' so not really his opinion, but just a repeater and to me, it reeked of sour grapes, especially when I called him on the altitude thing. I never stated at any point in time that he was not good enough because of the league he played in yet I get attributed of saying that. Now to totally destroy my argument, I thought Aaron Clapham had a standout Nations Cup in Honiara and yet he looked like out of his depth again Jordan so I accept that if he gets another go and turns in something infinitely better, it's subject to change. You are only ever as good as the last match you played and for me = not good enough (and he had two goes) your big argument here is that people were picked from an amateur league but at that time we didn't have many pros playing around the world hence why some amateurs were picked. also when was the last time he played for the all whites? do you remember?? he is also only 24 and he was younger then. newsflash but people improve as they get older... if you put messi in barca at the age of a 15 would he have carved up (i know Micheal wasn't 15 but messi is also the bet player in the world)? probably not and look now. players will improve with age as ave many of our players. if someone improves league dramatically dont you think they deserve to be looked at again? J3 to J1 is a big jump. noone has also said he shold be put straight into the team he just deserves another look.

I have no doubt that the Japanese leagues are a good standard of football and good on him for establishing himself over there. For me, I assess what he did in a white shirt and all I saw was 'not good enough'. I think if we were picking players on what league they play in and what their status is, we are in danger of looking foolish because by that very definition alone, Totori > Ivan. Now that's a simplistic statement to make but we all know its a load of bollocks. I'd also like to point out that John Barnes was a wizard in a Liverpool shirt yet he was utter shyte for England... Logically, it should not have worked that way but it did. Totori was a big mistake based on one game, everybody knows that. Ivan had a great career. also completely different position. if you base everyone on their last game you are going to have to drop some good players. take winstin reid... remember his first game/season? he was crap and now look at him now... players improve..  

As for the history between WR and RH about this kid, someone fill me in a bit more because what I read is that WR has influence in picking of players in the team.

And JD, if you want to ban me, it does not bother me. You'll do it, or you won't however if people are going to attribute stuff to me I did not say or talk bollocks when you get called on it, yeah I'll tell you what I think, just like you and Term frequently do to each other. The point is, I back my opinion strongly so if people disagree with it, put up a strong argument that shows me I am wrong. I do change my mind when shown a point of view that has reason but saying 'you are wrong JV and are bully' is hardly a point of view where I am going to go 'well he has a point'

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

And Vader....I support EFC but Jonny Barnes was not utter shite for England...WTF? Did you even see the way he destroyed Brazil in  84?  His impact in 86 is legendary.  Sure he had his bad games for England, but utter shite??? 

about 15 years
Toffeeman66 wrote:

Vader I'm a fan of yours.  But some of what you say makes no sense tonight. You don't care if he plays for ManU?  So you back yourself ahead of the ManU management and staff?  There's a wee problem there JV and it's called your own opinion of yourself.  I know a little of the WR/RH relationship so let me embellish you.  They are no mates, but there's obvious respect.  And WR is not short of a word or two from time to time and he's smart enough to pick his platform.  He says Fitzgerald is good enough and the spotlight is on RH immediately - that's life.  RH can ignore him or tell him to foook off.  But RH is a diplomat and so...he picks the boy.  But RH is not happy. So he plays him at full back.  I've known Michael since he was 11 years old.  He's a DM.  Always was always will be.  I hope the boy comes good for what it's worth.

Ok I see what you are saying (on all points)
So if WR is saying he is good enough, then why does Ricki not play him as a DM if are glaringly short on them? There is an element of cutting your nose off to spite your face in not doing so.
about 15 years
Toffeeman66 wrote:

And Vader....I support EFC but Jonny Barnes was not utter shite for England...WTF? Did you even see the way he destroyed Brazil in  84?  His impact in 86 is legendary.  Sure he had his bad games for England, but utter shite??? 

Ok utter shyte is harsh but he was an underachiever for his talent level on the international scene.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Toffeeman66 wrote:

And Vader....I support EFC but Jonny Barnes was not utter shite for England...WTF? Did you even see the way he destroyed Brazil in  84?  His impact in 86 is legendary.  Sure he had his bad games for England, but utter shite??? 

Ok utter shyte is harsh but he was an underachiever for his talent level on the international scene.
And Vader that's my point.  With you utter shite = bloody fantastic on  a good day and world-class but under-performing on a bad day. I get that but others on this forum might not.  I saw your WAIBOP post on Nikolic also, you slag him but your comparison makes him sound like Gerd Muller (He's rubbish but he scores goals).  JV if you sort out your adjectives people will understand you a lot better.  For example - Rory Turner is fooking crap and isn't a NL player = Rory Turner isn't half bad for a 20 yr kid - one day he might be the NL top scorer and even play for the AWs.
Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Toffeeman66 wrote:

Vader I'm a fan of yours.  But some of what you say makes no sense tonight. You don't care if he plays for ManU?  So you back yourself ahead of the ManU management and staff?  There's a wee problem there JV and it's called your own opinion of yourself.  I know a little of the WR/RH relationship so let me embellish you.  They are no mates, but there's obvious respect.  And WR is not short of a word or two from time to time and he's smart enough to pick his platform.  He says Fitzgerald is good enough and the spotlight is on RH immediately - that's life.  RH can ignore him or tell him to foook off.  But RH is a diplomat and so...he picks the boy.  But RH is not happy. So he plays him at full back.  I've known Michael since he was 11 years old.  He's a DM.  Always was always will be.  I hope the boy comes good for what it's worth.

Ok I see what you are saying (on all points)
So if WR is saying he is good enough, then why does Ricki not play him as a DM if are glaringly short on them? There is an element of cutting your nose off to spite your face in not doing so.
Vader that was my point re Wynton and Ricki.  There's egos involved here.  Cutting off your nose?  We are talking cutting off Mr Pimpy to protect ones ego here!
about 15 years
detoxin wrote:

your big argument here is that people were picked from an amateur league but at that time we didn't have many pros playing around the world hence why some amateurs were picked. also when was the last time he played for the all whites? do you remember?? he is also only 24 and he was younger then. newsflash but people improve as they get older... if you put messi in barca at the age of a 15 would he have carved up (i know Micheal wasn't 15 but messi is also the bet player in the world)? probably not and look now. players will improve with age as ave many of our players. if someone improves league dramatically dont you think they deserve to be looked at again? J3 to J1 is a big jump. noone has also said he shold be put straight into the team he just deserves another look.

Totori was a big mistake based on one game, everybody knows that. Ivan had a great career. also completely different position. if you base everyone on their last game you are going to have to drop some good players. take winstin reid... remember his first game/season? he was crap and now look at him now... players improve..  


The Totori example I picked to prove a point and it is a bit of a stupid one but the point remains. I guess what I am saying is that you can't judge the success of footballers by whether they are professional or not because there are anomalies - the Totori example is one of them. Right now the Phoenix are carrying Cameron Lindsay and I personally don't rate him. There are examples out there.

If the argument presented to me is 'well he is a professional, you can't write him off' well there are examples of those that are not professional and do better. Simply, I don't think its an argument because that statement alone throws up the anomalies like I described above. From my point of view saying to me 'well he professional' matters no difference. I just want to see what he can do on the field in an AW shirt whether he is a street sweeper or whatever. I'm not really fussed on his history, his age, what colour his shoe laces are. I just want the players we pick in an AW shirt to do the job. Ivan Vicelich has had a good career. He is aging, slow and at nearly 37, breaks the conventional thought process on whom should play international football. Yet he still goes out and does the job. If we were to judge him on anything but performance, conventional thought says he should not play.

Again the statement I made re you are only as good as your last game was being simplistic and players do have form and fluctuations and do improve. I would be interested in how much more development he has now he is 24. If we are saying at 18, the FSE kids are too old, then what does that say for him? Again, thats conventional thought and not everyone conforms to the norm (and again, a stupid point to prove mine). Just not like all professional footballers are always going to be a success.

Hope thats a bit clearer.
about 15 years
Toffeeman66 wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:
Toffeeman66 wrote:

And Vader....I support EFC but Jonny Barnes was not utter shite for England...WTF? Did you even see the way he destroyed Brazil in  84?  His impact in 86 is legendary.  Sure he had his bad games for England, but utter shite??? 

Ok utter shyte is harsh but he was an underachiever for his talent level on the international scene.

And Vader that's my point.  With you utter shite = bloody fantastic on  a good day and world-class but under-performing on a bad day. I get that but others on this forum might not.  I saw your WAIBOP post on Nikolic also, you slag him but your comparison makes him sound like Gerd Muller (He's rubbish but he scores goals).  JV if you sort out your adjectives people will understand you a lot better.  For example - Rory Turner is fooking crap and isn't a NL player = Rory Turner isn't half bad for a 20 yr kid - one day he might be the NL top scorer and even play for the AWs.

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

The old Vader is back.  And Vader how much did Ryan Nelsen improve from 24?  Now go and have a beer...and dare to dream.

about 15 years

Well you presented a good argument and I listened.

Thank you

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

Thank you Vader - you are a legend here.  Stay that way.

Life and death
over 17 years

OK you two - get a room

Phoenix Academy
almost 14 years

A room with Vader?  Well you sure as hell wouldn't get any sleep with old blabbermouth would ya?

Starting XI
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
detoxin wrote:

your big argument here is that people were picked from an amateur league but at that time we didn't have many pros playing around the world hence why some amateurs were picked. also when was the last time he played for the all whites? do you remember?? he is also only 24 and he was younger then. newsflash but people improve as they get older... if you put messi in barca at the age of a 15 would he have carved up (i know Micheal wasn't 15 but messi is also the bet player in the world)? probably not and look now. players will improve with age as ave many of our players. if someone improves league dramatically dont you think they deserve to be looked at again? J3 to J1 is a big jump. noone has also said he shold be put straight into the team he just deserves another look.

Totori was a big mistake based on one game, everybody knows that. Ivan had a great career. also completely different position. if you base everyone on their last game you are going to have to drop some good players. take winstin reid... remember his first game/season? he was crap and now look at him now... players improve..  


The Totori example I picked to prove a point and it is a bit of a stupid one but the point remains. I guess what I am saying is that you can't judge the success of footballers by whether they are professional or not because there are anomalies - the Totori example is one of them. Right now the Phoenix are carrying Cameron Lindsay and I personally don't rate him. There are examples out there.

If the argument presented to me is 'well he is a professional, you can't write him off' well there are examples of those that are not professional and do better. Simply, I don't think its an argument because that statement alone throws up the anomalies like I described above. From my point of view saying to me 'well he professional' matters no difference. I just want to see what he can do on the field in an AW shirt whether he is a street sweeper or whatever. I'm not really fussed on his history, his age, what colour his shoe laces are. I just want the players we pick in an AW shirt to do the job. Ivan Vicelich has had a good career. He is aging, slow and at nearly 37, breaks the conventional thought process on whom should play international football. Yet he still goes out and does the job. If we were to judge him on anything but performance, conventional thought says he should not play.

Again the statement I made re you are only as good as your last game was being simplistic and players do have form and fluctuations and do improve. I would be interested in how much more development he has now he is 24. If we are saying at 18, the FSE kids are too old, then what does that say for him? Again, thats conventional thought and not everyone conforms to the norm (and again, a stupid point to prove mine). Just not like all professional footballers are always going to be a success.

Hope thats a bit clearer.

okay i get more what your saying now and i agree. its not which team you play for that is most important, as sometimes you do have flops and there is great players yet to be discovered. but if someone (especially from a league you cant watch easily on tv in NZ) makes a big jump they do deserve another look. im not saying he is J1 he should be in the team but even send someone to scout him again or bring  him into a training camp or the likes.  

im just saying you cant judge a young guy playing out of position on a couple games he played nearly 2 years ago for the rest of his life.. he has obviously improved so dont you think that is atleast worth another look?
about 15 years

I guess on the balance of anomalies I talked about I guess he would be worth a 3rd look but register me as a sceptic.

I guess to get another look, it would need a new coach? Why did he not get a look on the Olympic squad if this is a personal thing from Rickis part?

Early retirement
over 17 years

Too much stupid.  Locked.

Closed for new posts