Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
A cardinal rule for the Phoenix Communications  Manager is...
'Thou shall not talk about the Owners Liquidity and late payments....ever!
That sort of talk is chum for the media sharks and a frenzy is about to follow. re the Sunday Star Times front page.
topiary2009-12-27 09:32:27
over 16 years
it all seems pretty bad, but since when does anyone believe the sh*t that comes out in the sunday star times.
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
about 17 years 
John Mitchell wouldn't have a clue whether my club was having liquidity issues... He shouldn't be commenting on things like that; he's out of line," Serepisos said. "The reality is the club loses $1 million a year. I believe in what I've done and I believe in giving something back to the community. I've done it for the right reasons, which is to give something back to New Zealand."
How much money does he have?
Scottishbhoy2009-12-27 09:38:21
Starting XI
over 16 years

Story on stuff is the same as the Sunday Star Times one I'm guessing (I'll get one if rain stops!). What an idiot of a communications manager, making comments that the Chief Executive and owner have to come out and refute.

over 15 years
Looks like a bit of sh!t stirring going on by the media (front page for god's sake).

Still all does not look well in the club if the comms manager is coming out with such clangers.

I only get SST because it comes with my DomPost subscription as a freebie. I can see why over this year it has to be given away. Very little newsworthy pieces and pretty much all opinion (of which only two I find good and thoughtful).
Junior822009-12-27 09:45:22
Starting XI
over 16 years
Another article here, from the Sunday News (never read that). Mostly just Pignata comments:
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Not the first JM to get into trouble by flapping his gums unecessarily tho
First Team Squad
over 16 years
The Sunday News story hits the nail on the head towards the end...
"Confirmation of the Phoenix�s projected loss couldn�t have come at a worse time. The football club could be facing the chop in 2012 after the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) demanded they be axed from the A-League."
A bad time for this kind of cr*p to be floating around. The more Terry and Tony can keep on top of it, and do something to actively counter it, the better chance they have to squash it.
And the team can do its bit by winning more games and making the playoffs. The club needs  good publicity and that's one way to get it. Fast. 
scribbler2009-12-27 10:17:58
over 16 years
bloody hell, I don't know how he's still got a job if he's making those comments! Talk about revealing inside information! This guy must be a f*cking tool when it comes to understanding how to work the media, or is so pissed off about not getting paid on time he's about to leave and being a right c*nt about it. Grrrrrrrr you douche.
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Colvinator wrote:

Story on stuff is the same as the Sunday Star Times one I'm guessing (I'll get one if rain stops!). What an idiot of a communications manager, making comments that the Chief Executive and owner have to come out and refute.

Pull your head in Colvinator.

Nobody refuted what he said.

Pignata confirmed it, saying the delays were less than a month and hotel bills had not been paid.

Serepisos did not deny it either, just said it wasn't Mitchell's place to comment

John Mitchell is a terrific bloke and I'll take a dim view of anyone saying otherwise.
Starting XI
over 14 years
Maybe he needs to talk about this less, I'm sure hes very good at his job and one slip up shouldn't be the end of him.

Edited: said something angst and then changed my mind.
CboZ2009-12-27 10:30:37
Starting XI
over 16 years
Smithy wrote:
Colvinator wrote:

Story on stuff is the same as the Sunday Star Times one I'm guessing (I'll get one if rain stops!). What an idiot of a communications manager, making comments that the Chief Executive and owner have to come out and refute.

Pull your head in Colvinator.

Nobody refuted what he said.

Pignata confirmed it, saying the delays were less than a month and hotel bills had not been paid.

Serepisos did not deny it either, just said it wasn't Mitchell's place to comment

John Mitchell is a terrific bloke and I'll take a dim view of anyone saying otherwise.
John Mitchell said "There is a liquidity issue"
Pignata refuted that when he said ""If we had `liquidity issues' that would mean players aren't being paid for a month." (which isn't the case)
Serepisos also refuted the comment "John Mitchell wouldn't have a clue whether my club was having liquidity issues... He shouldn't be commenting on things like that; he's out of line,"
Maybe he's a terrific bloke... Maybe he has been doing really well in his roll. In this case though, he seems to have taken the wrong line. Now, the article makes it looks like Mitchell has come out and told the media these things. What I would guess has happened is that there were rumours of late payments (as mentioned in Sunday News article), then the Sunday Star Times has approached him. He probably has to comment on it in some way, but seems pretty bad if he is saying things that Pignata / Serepisos have to clarify / correct him on. To be fair, it's possible that it's not his fault, and it's a lack of communication from the others to him...
Edit: The most worrying thing though is us losing $1million a year. Hardly sustainable...
Colvinator2009-12-27 10:34:38
about 17 years
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Colvinator wrote:
Smithy wrote:
Colvinator wrote:

Story on stuff is the same as the Sunday Star Times one I'm guessing (I'll get one if rain stops!). What an idiot of a communications manager, making comments that the Chief Executive and owner have to come out and refute.

Pull your head in Colvinator. Nobody refuted what he said. Pignata confirmed it, saying the delays were less than a month and hotel bills had not been paid. Serepisos did not deny it either, just said it wasn't Mitchell's place to comment John Mitchell is a terrific bloke and I'll take a dim view of anyone saying otherwise.


John Mitchell said "There is a liquidity issue"

Pignata refuted that when he said ""If we had `liquidity issues' that would mean players aren't being paid for a month." (which isn't the case)

Serepisos also refuted the comment "John Mitchell wouldn't have a clue whether my club was having liquidity issues... He shouldn't be commenting on things like that; he's out of line,"


Maybe he's a terrific bloke... Maybe he has been doing really well in his roll. In this case though, he seems to have taken the wrong line. Now, the article makes it looks like Mitchell has come out and told the media these things. What I would guess has happened is that there were rumours of late payments (as mentioned in Sunday News article), then the Sunday Star Times has approached him. He probably has to comment on it in some way, but seems pretty bad if he is saying things that Pignata / Serepisos have to clarify / correct him on. To be fair, it's possible that it's not his fault, and it's a lack of communication from the others to him...


Edit: The most worrying thing though is us losing $1million a year. Hardly sustainable...

Mate how naive are you?

Pignata didn't refute anything, he disputed the definition of "liquidity issue".

Serepisos didn't refute anything either.

Show me where either of them says: that's all lies, the players always get paid on time.

And as for the club making losses every year - that is old news. Virtually every club in the league loses money. The FFA are propping up at least two clubs with monthly payments.

I've got absolutely no doubt that the club is slack at paying his bills. Terry has a reputation for it all over town.

Maybe Mitchell shouldn't have commented, but my guess is that he's been stitched up by whoever the SST reporter was. He's the good guy. That's a fact.
Smithy2009-12-27 10:51:24
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
So your implying the reporter was told something "off the record" Smithy?
Whatever the facts (and I don't know, I wasn't there) are the point is that it doesn't present the club, or Terry, in a positive light.
Blaming people is pointless... unless the facts reported are incorrect (clearly they aren't). It's out there now and the fat lady is well into the second verse... it'll die down in a day or two as it really isn't "news" anyway.
Let it go away and it most likely will.
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
That I do agree with.

It's not great for anyone.
Starting XI
over 16 years
Smithy wrote:
Colvinator wrote:
Smithy wrote:
Colvinator wrote:

Story on stuff is the same as the Sunday Star Times one I'm guessing (I'll get one if rain stops!). What an idiot of a communications manager, making comments that the Chief Executive and owner have to come out and refute.

Pull your head in Colvinator. Nobody refuted what he said. Pignata confirmed it, saying the delays were less than a month and hotel bills had not been paid. Serepisos did not deny it either, just said it wasn't Mitchell's place to comment John Mitchell is a terrific bloke and I'll take a dim view of anyone saying otherwise.


John Mitchell said "There is a liquidity issue"

Pignata refuted that when he said ""If we had `liquidity issues' that would mean players aren't being paid for a month." (which isn't the case)

Serepisos also refuted the comment "John Mitchell wouldn't have a clue whether my club was having liquidity issues... He shouldn't be commenting on things like that; he's out of line,"


Maybe he's a terrific bloke... Maybe he has been doing really well in his roll. In this case though, he seems to have taken the wrong line. Now, the article makes it looks like Mitchell has come out and told the media these things. What I would guess has happened is that there were rumours of late payments (as mentioned in Sunday News article), then the Sunday Star Times has approached him. He probably has to comment on it in some way, but seems pretty bad if he is saying things that Pignata / Serepisos have to clarify / correct him on. To be fair, it's possible that it's not his fault, and it's a lack of communication from the others to him...


Edit: The most worrying thing though is us losing $1million a year. Hardly sustainable...

Mate how naive are you?

Pignata didn't refute anything, he disputed the definition of "liquidity issue".

Serepisos didn't refute anything either.

Show me where either of them says: that's all lies, the players always get paid on time.

And as for the club making losses every year - that is old news. Virtually every club in the league loses money. The FFA are propping up at least two clubs with monthly payments.

I've got absolutely no doubt that the club is slack at paying his bills. Terry has a reputation for it all over town.

Maybe Mitchell shouldn't have commented, but my guess is that he's been stitched up by whoever the SST reporter was. He's the good guy. That's a fact.
I may have been overboard calling him an idiot - I don't know F all about the guy. Quite possibly just a pretty bad error. I agree with Serepisos though that in this case he is "out of line". He shouldn't be telling the media there is a liquidity issue, when it seems clear the CE and owner don't want everyone to have the impression that there is a liquidity issue. They did refute the fact that there is a liquidity issue. Ok, it's a wording thing to an extent, but that's important when talking about a large club / business. You don't see communications people in most businesses coming out talking about their liquidity issues when there maybe isn't one. What the heck are other players going to think if they are thinking about coming here and read that? I'd be surprised if Mitchell himself doesn't realise the wording he used was an error.
Yea, it is old news about us and others losing money. I didn't realise we were still losing so much actually (I might have missed that previously). It's not new news, but it's still a worry. Can't keep running a club forever losing that much money.
Edit: I think the story is legitimate enough for a newspaper to run - it's a shame it's come out at the moment - there's never much other news around this time of year, so things like this get blown out bigger than they are. Terry being 'the apprentice' obviously makes this into a bigger grab for the media than it would otherwise.
Colvinator2009-12-27 11:15:16
about 17 years
Whether the guy is your favourite lover or not, it seems pretty "naive" to report the financial situation of the club to the media.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Of the many concerns these reports raise my immediate concern is players not being paid on time - aside from players having bills of their own to pay the demotivating impact on morale and consequent effect on on-field performance is of real concern.
Imagine what you would think if you were paid late - even if it was just a couple / few days.
P.S. I really hope Terry's cash flow challenges are shorter term - recruiting will be severely impacted if the club is perceived to be a late payer / wobbly.
Whitby boy2009-12-27 11:31:14
over 17 years
Mitchell handed in his notice a while back and is just working through the next couple of months as far as I know. I'd say this story would have come out as part of casual conversation with the journo -who then sought further comment from TS and TP. Hopefully the journo gets a bollocking, but I'd also say JM is off Terry's xmas card list.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Thing is still, it is not good at all that these bills are unpaid and that players aint paid on time either though.....
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Early retirement
about 17 years
Feverish wrote:
Mitchell handed in his notice a while back and is just working through the next couple of months as far as I know. I'd say this story would have come out as part of casual conversation with the journo -who then sought further comment from TS and TP. Hopefully the journo gets a bollocking, but I'd also say JM is off Terry's xmas card list.

He was meant to finish two months ago, but they can't find anyone willing to replace him so he keeps agreeing to stay on and help the club out.

Hardly someone looking to stitch the club up.
almost 17 years
Cheeps wrote:
Thing is still, it is not good at all that these bills are unpaid and that players aint paid on time either though.....
But are they. You are assuming this is true. Whether it is or is not, I do not know. But when a rag like the Sunday news gets involved, I tend to take it with a grain of salt.
Yes, i know of terry's reputation for paying the bills as late as possible, what rich type person doesn't? he wouldn't be the first and certainly not the last nor the only one.
Who cares? Only those directly affected and they haven't said anything.
Left the football be played and enjoyed .
about 17 years

the thing is: we've all known that the Nix were losing money, around $1M a year. But we also knew that no other A-League club is making any dough anyway. Isn't that right?

So what is all this hype about it now? Sure, Mitchell could have chosen not to comment, but in the end he didn't lie, did he?

I just wonder whether it pleases someone (maybe in OZ/Asia) that the Nix are losing money/ aren't assured of a future in the league?
Chant Savant
about 17 years
Maybe the reporter should have sought an interview with Andy Harper on this one. He has loads of experience in cases like these...

Newcastle Breakers FC 4 Life!!!
C-Diddy2009-12-27 13:24:44
about 17 years
Losing $1m per year, is that the greatest loss of all the A-League clubs or are several of them sitting around about that mark?

And how much money does Terry Seripisos have?  A lot of his wealth would be tied up in assets wouldn't it?  He can't keep going like this for too long.  Eventually he'll want to sell it off if things don't start to change financially.
loyalgunner2009-12-27 13:54:34
over 15 years
Media beat up. (slow news week) Move along now, nothing to see.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Appears that most poeple here are against anyone who dares to say anything about the underperforming WP on and off the field. Now, they turn their blindness towards J Mitchell. Smithy is one of the guys who is standing up for J Mitchell and good on you for doing that.
Fact is that WP has been losing money soon after day 1. Great that Terry has dug deep to keep it going since then. For crowds to return and pay to watch, WP MUST play an entertaining football and wow the spectators. Are the missing 6,000 people coming back next year? Unlikely!! Future of WP is indeed quite bleak.
about 17 years
When Tony P was saying a while ago that if we could average crowds of 10 000 over the whole season we'd scrape even, was that scrape even financially for the stadium costs?  Or for everything over the whole season? loyalgunner2009-12-27 15:00:14
First Team Squad
over 14 years
"The reality is the club loses $1 million a year. I believe in what I've done and I believe in giving something back to the community. I've done it for the right reasons, which is to give something back to New Zealand."

Translation:  $1 million a year is about right for tax write-off purposes.  I could shuffle the money elsewhere, but I like football.

You could also read the story - which was created by WPFC - as the club sticking its hand out for some money from New Zealand Football.
Starting XI
over 16 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Mitchell handed in his notice a while back and is just working through the next couple of months as far as I know. I'd say this story would have come out as part of casual conversation with the journo -who then sought further comment from TS and TP. Hopefully the journo gets a bollocking, but I'd also say JM is off Terry's xmas card list.

He was meant to finish two months ago, but they can't find anyone willing to replace him so he keeps agreeing to stay on and help the club out.

Hardly someone looking to stitch the club up.

Maybe the Tee Dubs Media Manager could step in then....he's got a great face for radio....

Starting XI
over 14 years
Stripes wrote:
"The reality is the club loses $1 million a year. I believe in what
I've done and I believe in giving something back to the community. I've
done it for the right reasons, which is to give something back to New
Translation:� $1 million a year is about right for tax write-off purposes.� I could shuffle the money elsewhere, but I like football.You could also read the story - which was created by WPFC - as the club sticking its hand out for some money from New Zealand Football.

I've always thought that. Doesn't bother me one bit at all either if it is what he does.CboZ2009-12-27 16:50:02
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Hard News wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Mitchell handed in his notice a while back and is just working through the next couple of months as far as I know. I'd say this story would have come out as part of casual conversation with the journo -who then sought further comment from TS and TP. Hopefully the journo gets a bollocking, but I'd also say JM is off Terry's xmas card list.

He was meant to finish two months ago, but they can't find anyone willing to replace him so he keeps agreeing to stay on and help the club out.

Hardly someone looking to stitch the club up.

Really? Why on earth not? Surely there is a communications professional somewhere in NZ that would jump at it! I saw the role was posted on FFA employment a while back but since closed so I assumed they found someone.
First Team Squad
over 14 years
CboZ wrote:
Stripes wrote:
"The reality is the club loses $1 million a year. I believe in what
I've done and I believe in giving something back to the community. I've
done it for the right reasons, which is to give something back to New
Translation:  $1 million a year is about right for tax write-off purposes.  I could shuffle the money elsewhere, but I like football.You could also read the story - which was created by WPFC - as the club sticking its hand out for some money from New Zealand Football.

I've always thought that. Doesn't bother me one bit at all either if it is what he does.

Yeah.  I'm not digging out my torch and pitchfork, either.  Just trying to sedate the Chicken Littles.
Starting XI
over 16 years
Coxey wrote:
Hard News wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Mitchell handed in his notice a while back and is just working through the next couple of months as far as I know. I'd say this story would have come out as part of casual conversation with the journo -who then sought further comment from TS and TP. Hopefully the journo gets a bollocking, but I'd also say JM is off Terry's xmas card list.

He was meant to finish two months ago, but they can't find anyone willing to replace him so he keeps agreeing to stay on and help the club out.

Hardly someone looking to stitch the club up.

Maybe the Tee Dubs Media Manager could step in then....he's got a great face for radio....

At least three quality people I know applied and could have done a better job that JM, no disrespect, they were simply way more qualified and experienced. Why none were employed is a mystery, but I bet they are relieved. Getting paid and on time is part and parcel of any job.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
Because the Sunday Star Times is an Auckland paper. They are jelous wellington are doing so well compared to them.

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