Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

It used to be fairly commonly used on here by regular fever posters. Even on the podcast

Phoenix Academy
over 10 years

Was more for humor than anything else nothing that wasn't in the public domain already

Phoenix Academy
almost 10 years

footballnut wrote:

Actually Buddy if you read the post i said not just football but all sports.  The two Cook Island boys were selected straight from the U17 WC qualifying tournament and both have dropped the 1st XI because they couldn't handle the pressure.  I'm not knocking MAGS recruiting and getting the best players etc good on them I'm just saying get real and admit it that its being done as it is by all Schools.  Don't hide saying we just attract players there is a systematic strategy around recruiting at high school sports they can't come out and say it as it's against the rules to "Recruit" but it is happening.  For example this season 2 boys that were playing for AGS XI in 2013 just happen to be playing at Sacred Heart XI in 2014 (who were very poor last year). In fact last time Fallon "Allegedly" got into strife (which led to a 1 year ban) he "Allegedly" had some not nice things to say to a boy who had just left his program and moved to another top Auckland school.  Recuiting happens just deal with it

The two cook island boys werent selected by MAGS. My point was that MAGS don't 'buy' players in, yes they certainly recruit but thats through Kevins determination to bring the best to the school. Can you name the two players? i am aware of Probert but not sure of the other. 

Also the sentence in bold is wrong. The player was not a former MAGS boy actually and the abuse was a result of a completely different issue which i am not willing to go into further details about.

almost 15 years

Was that the Fallon-Rory Turner 'episode'? Hilarious that story.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Can everyone please think carefully before naming children who are at a school where a coach no longer works.

I don't think it's particularly newsworthy who those kids are. 

Phoenix Academy
over 10 years

Smithy wrote:

Can everyone please think carefully before naming children who are at a school where a coach no longer works.

I don't think it's particularly newsworthy who those kids are. 

Agreed not their fault don't need to implicate them

almost 13 years

Not sure of the size of MAGS budget for football, but Auckland Schools spend ridiculous amounts of money on rugby.

"St Kent's 1st XV budget is alleged to be anything between $200,000 to in excess of $500,000, with the other leading schools spending about $50,000." from 

This was featured on Deakers' Radio show a year or so back and the main focus was how few graduated from school sport to the provincial and national team 

Phoenix Academy
about 12 years

Someoneis seriously understating St Kents budget, 

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

I got offered a Job at St Kents - a position created out of thin air because they wanted to have the best cricket pitches in Auckland (lol), in the hope that it would help the first XI cricket team become the best I  Auckland. They have money and the principle wants St Kents to be the best at EVERYTHING. 

over 15 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

I got offered a Job at St Kents - a position created out of thin air because they wanted to have the best cricket pitches in Auckland (lol), in the hope that it would help the first XI cricket team become the best I  Auckland. They have money and the principle wants St Kents to be the best at EVERYTHING. 

So it's your fault that the Nix aren't the best in the A-League then?


Phoenix Academy
about 12 years

St Kents is being driven from the Board of Trustees who collectively have a considerable portion of NZ's wealth, top 50 rich listers. They are very passionate about the school and are willing to either supply funds or source the funds. 

Im not sure if this success is self perpetuating but it sure is helping them at the moment, 

Brings me to the major consideration. The fundamental reason for a school is to provide quality education for all students. 

There are always going to be questions whether the Auckland Player Grabs are providing this. Its been happening for many years.. Mils Muliana went to three high schools - Cargill High School - Southland Boys High School - Kelston Boys.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Smithy wrote:

Can I just point out that putting the word "allegedly" in front of a thing that you say about someone does not stop it being actionable in defamation.

It's ok. As long as you have an avatar picture, it's just an opinion piece and therefore you don't need to prove anything you say is true. 

over 15 years

^ I want to this this twice.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Smithy wrote:

Can I just point out that putting the word "allegedly" in front of a thing that you say about someone does not stop it being actionable in defamation.

It's ok. As long as you have an avatar picture, it's just an opinion piece and therefore you don't need to prove anything you say is true. 


This is okay then?

Allegedly Tegal has genital warts and five illegitimate children.

almost 15 years

it was a pisstake at the Dom Post...

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

it was a pisstake at the Dom Post...


I know. I was also just joking...

Our comedy has passed by like ships in the night.

Life and death
about 17 years
almost 15 years

Smithy wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

it was a pisstake at the Dom Post...


I know. I was also just joking...

Our comedy has passed by like ships in the night.

Yeah it was not until I looked at your post against that I realised the avatar and 'avatar'. I'll take the facepalm award for complete numptiness.
Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I think the joke would've worked better if you had said something that wasn't true. 

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

Two articles in the hearld. Groan. Thought this was telling....

don't think Fallon ever punched anyone at training again"

almost 15 years

I saw those articles and came away dumber for it. The Herald come across as real sympathisers when he has so much track record of being a complete cock as a coach.

Must try harder
about 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

Two articles in the hearld. Groan. Thought this was telling....

don't think Fallon ever punched anyone at training again"

Horrid caught short for things too print gang members funerals today ...

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

Translation: "The Herald lacked the funerals of gang members to cover to fill space in this issue, so instead they gave a journalistic-handjob to Kevin Fallon."

over 15 years

This was a very good piece from the Herald last week:

Life and death
about 17 years
Seems the player punching incident involved Ken Dugdale and Fallon - both were known to have the mist come down more than a few times. I know Fallon to talk to and have watched him coach a few times. no doubting his passion for the game and i never saw any unsavory incidents - but there have been enough seen by others [and reported] to suggest he gets too carried away at times. A pity really but I think he does more good than bad. In saying that, I don't think I could of played for him.
tradition and history
about 17 years

Seems the player punching incident involved Ken Dugdale and Fallon - both were known to have the mist come down more than a few times. I know Fallon to talk to and have watched him coach a few times. no doubting his passion for the game and i never saw any unsavory incidents - but there have been enough seen by others [and reported] to suggest he gets too carried away at times. A pity really but I think he does more good than bad. In saying that, I don't think I could of played for him.

I agree that he does more good than bad. I saw a couple of things but all in all he has done a lot for football in NZ.

over 11 years
Dugdale & Fallon. Now that's almost comical.
over 17 years

Seems the player punching incident involved Ken Dugdale and Fallon - both were known to have the mist come down more than a few times. I know Fallon to talk to and have watched him coach a few times. no doubting his passion for the game and i never saw any unsavory incidents - but there have been enough seen by others [and reported] to suggest he gets too carried away at times. A pity really but I think he does more good than bad. In saying that, I don't think I could of played for him.

Dugdale was banned for life for headbutting a ref wasn't he?

over 11 years
Yes. I saw it. Stop Out v Mt Wngtn at te Whiti.
Life and death
about 17 years

I missed it but do remember Ken turning up every now and then and quietly watching SO in defiance of the ban. Was a pretty lonely figure back then. Not sure how his road of redemption went or what/where he is now.

One in a million
over 17 years

What's big Kev up to now I wonder

over 11 years

I missed it but do remember Ken turning up every now and then and quietly watching SO in defiance of the ban. Was a pretty lonely figure back then. Not sure how his road of redemption went or what/where he is now.

It went OK for someone who was banned for life. I seem to remember he tried to make a comeback in New Plymouth, but wasn't allowed to. However he then became the All Whites coach for a period - late 90's? Pretty much foregiven by then.

over 11 years

What's big Kev up to now I wonder

Probably preparing his swing for the next time he bumps into Paul Marshall, the new coach of MAGS.

over 17 years

Apparently an article in Metro this month on Mr Fallon

Had the author contact me on twitter but never followed up, must have been checking in here

over 11 years

james dean wrote:

Apparently an article in Metro this month on Mr Fallon

Had the author contact me on twitter but never followed up, must have been checking in here

It's in. 5 pages. Mucho foul language. Fine photography. Quotes from Billy Harris, Chris James, etc.

"I've always felt it was me against the world ... I've always had that mentality." - Big Kev.

Early retirement
over 17 years
over 11 years
Hard News wrote:

Who wrote it?

Didn't notice. Well I did but his name means nothing to me. But I do recall reading that Fallon is not only a published NZ poet and short story writer but possibly NZ's leading authority on Bukowski.
over 15 years

You'd think that any of his stories would be short. ;)

over 11 years
Junior82 wrote:

You'd think that any of his stories would be short. ;)

"The kid's good. Eh, you, kid, get t' fukn ball in net! Fukn hek! ! Miss'd again. Hey, Dez ,kid ... fuk'n see me t'morra, right. We'll sort'out. Eh, kid, you're in t'Under-17's. T'morra, right. Fuk'n right. Des.. heh, tiny lad ... Destiny-is-yr-name. Yo, you go bro'..." copyright@TVNZ etc.

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