Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Stage Punch
almost 17 years
Has been made a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the New Year's Honours List for services to football.
almost 17 years
good for the sport, a bit of profile

and to be fair to the guy he's certainly been influential

Ricki and Terry's turn next year!!!
Starting XI
about 17 years
When I first saw that news I confess to going FFS.  Once I'd got on my more rational hat on I thought YEAH THAT'S A GOOD UN.
He has put in a huge effort over the years. ( 1982 is indelibly etched in my memory. )

Applause for Kevin!

over 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
When I first saw that news I confess to going FFS.  Once I'd got on my more rational hat on I thought YEAH THAT'S A GOOD UN.
He has put in a huge effort over the years. ( 1982 is indelibly etched in my memory. )

Applause for Kevin!

Ditto, the little I can remember of it...
almost 17 years
Love him or hate him, the guy's an absolute legend. One of those rare people able to silence a crowded room simply by walking in.
I can remember him with Brendan Telfer on Radio Sport back in 98 when Goran Ivansevic made that comment about wanting to kill himself (he'd lost the Wimbledon final and Croatia had lost the World Cup semi). Telfer made some comment about it being over the top, but Fallon defended Ivansevic on the basis that there's nothing wrong with displaying that kind of passion for your sport or your country. 
And that's the whole thing about Kevin Fallon - you can never question his passion for or his commitment to the game of football. 
Starting XI
about 17 years
smithy246 wrote:
Has been made a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the New Year's Honours List for services to football.

Yep, there wouldn't be a player he's worked with that he hasn't given a serve to. Oh, it said services to football, not serves to footballers ...Ronaldoknow2008-01-01 21:39:02
Not Elite enough
about 17 years
Yep, there wouldn't be a player he's worked with that he hasn't given a serve to. ...

..and a few referees and linesmen as well
Jag2008-01-01 22:11:01
Starting XI
about 17 years
Larger than life,  I remember as a school boy and being invited by Kev to train with Gisborne City back in the days of Grant Turner, John Hill etc.  He was a very hard man but fantastic coach and very encouraging to youngsters he certainly influenced me,  although never making it to pro or international level I did make it to NZ Army and combined services and I still believe that big Kev got me on my way
almost 15 years

Legend's Hour: Kevin Fallon

This week on the Legend's Hour it's former Al Whites manager Kevin Fallon. He joins Kent Johns in studio to reflect on a career which saw him be part of the All Whites' 1982 World Cup campaign and under his guidance the All Whites won 19, drew 11 and lost 22 in his 52 games in charge.
Starting XI
almost 16 years

Kevin Fallon has one of the best regular football blogs by any NZ player or coach. Well worth a look.

Kev's a complex man - while known & disliked by some for his occasional bad temper/ bad behaviour/ aggression/ foul language,

on the other hand he has completed a degree in English Literature as an adult student and has long had a love of the English Romantic poets and classic novels. Lover of Coleridge, Wordsworth, Byron, Keats etc.

Admirer of Jack Kerouac novel "On the Road" since he was a young footballer forty years ago...

Anyone who recommends Irish music documentary & CD "The Swell Season" (Glen Hansard) as he does on his blog, can't be all bad.

Irish Catholic background gives him a brooding spiritual intensity, a love of language and poetry.

A friend of mine from Nelson who was close to the Nelson United team coached by Kevin in the 1970's remembers Kevin attending an all-night party with his team and then suddenly leaving at 6 am to make the early mass at the local Nelson convent with the nuns!

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

I like the enigma of the man, although as a point of order one does not leave any party at 6am "suddenly".

After an all night bender nothing happens suddenly, not even mass.

over 13 years
Guess you don't score after 6am then Smithy?

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Guess you don't score after 6am then Smithy?

Very good.

about 17 years

Not a bad blog from Fallon there

almost 15 years

Fired from MAGS. Is anyone surprised?

Must try harder
about 17 years

Smithy wrote:

I like the enigma of the man, although as a point of order one does not leave any party at 6am "suddenly".

I disagree ....anything at 6am is going to happen VERY least thats how I remember it ....

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Fired from MAGS. Is anyone surprised?

The Herald doesn't state that he was sacked, although it's fairly obvious. Anyone know any (unpublished) detail?
Phoenix Academy
over 14 years

For me, one of the interesting points in the Herald article was this quote from a parent;

"Lots of these kids chose Mt Albert Grammar because they want to be coached by Kevin."

Speaks volumes for what is wrong with youth football in this country...probably worthy of an entire discussion thread of its own.

almost 15 years

they just see a name.....

over 10 years

does anyone know what the incident was that has led to his sacking - seems that he has been fairly out spoken and controversial in recent years, so imagine it must have been something fairly bad (unless it was the final straw)

tradition and history
about 17 years

nzaddick wrote:

does anyone know what the incident was that has led to his sacking - seems that he has been fairly out spoken and controversial in recent years, so imagine it must have been something fairly bad (unless it was the final straw)

Swearing at an opposition coach as I understand.

Stage Punch
almost 17 years

TopLeft07 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

Fired from MAGS. Is anyone surprised?

The Herald doesn't state that he was sacked, although it's fairly obvious. Anyone know any (unpublished) detail?


If they do can they please exercise caution in publishing them here, or anywhere. Thanks.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Fair call. The Herald has since filled in some gaps and so has the man himself (to a point) on radio sport. I'm guessing it's a case of 'the final straw'
Must try harder
about 17 years

On Radio NZ National soon  ...could be worth a listen...

over 17 years

The guy is a dinosaur, times have passed him by.  ANyone who has seen him on the sideline will know that ultimately he shouldn't be working with kids.  He's just unprofessional, it's only school sport 

over 17 years

did he 'produce' any AWs. I noticed Trapper flash up on a group pic on the news and thought maybe all his kids gave up by age nineteen like him?

tradition and history
about 17 years

james dean wrote:

The guy is a dinosaur, times have passed him by.  ANyone who has seen him on the sideline will know that ultimately he shouldn't be working with kids.  He's just unprofessional, it's only school sport 

He is not my type of person, but you are wrong that he is not professional. In  fact he is too professional to be working with that age group.

over 17 years

Leggy wrote:

james dean wrote:

The guy is a dinosaur, times have passed him by.  ANyone who has seen him on the sideline will know that ultimately he shouldn't be working with kids.  He's just unprofessional, it's only school sport 

He is not my type of person, but you are wrong that he is not professional. In  fact he is too professional to be working with that age group.

Thing is, when you see him on the sideline, swearing at opposition players, swearing at players, calling out people from the crowd for fights (true story, my brother and I gave his players the slightest bit of lip at Dave Farrington when he was coaching Gisborne vs Miramar and he was calling us out to see him in the car park for a scrap and telling us he'd knock our heads off - completely ridiculous), how are you supposed to take him seriously?

Look at the incidents he has been involved in, almost all are swearing or man handling opposition players or coaches - that's just not acceptable although unsurprising when you see his background in lower league and British football.  That's just not the way the game is coached these days, and it's no surprises he hasn't had a proper job since the Kingz.  He's like the worst kind of over-the-top sideline Father

almost 15 years

Agreed. I don't think he produces players that kick on or if he does, I can't think or any or it would be an extremely small portion for what is basically a football academy. Can't think of many ASBP players either.

over 17 years

I mean even when he's been sacked he can't go with a bit of dignity.  He leaves threatening legal action, going on the radio, makes the front page of the paper.  I mean this is a high school football coach, let's get this in perspective!

about 17 years

A bit of a joke that he was a school coach anyway. How much would he be on?

As for the students threatening to leave next year, how petty. This is school football after all.

over 15 years

Feverish wrote:

did he 'produce' any AWs. 


Must try harder
about 17 years

18 years of service , probably deserved better

almost 15 years

When Fallon said that when he googles himself and up comes negative stuff first, and he felt a bit shit about that, how do you think he 'deserves better' there? He bought most of this upon himself and creatd this by acting like a tool so he is certainly not hard done by. Much like Todd Carney. Do you feel sorry for that guy when his crime is to just get drunk? (and that's not exactly illegal either - I think that's all he did)

He has been a great servant to the game in NZ of that there is no doubt. Back in his day, his techniques and ideals would have been first class in a country where football was about a fag and a pie before KO. Now days the game has moved and kicking shit out of anything that moves does not fit in the game anymore. Coombes, Quansah, Matthews brothers, Wylie. All footballers with tackling techniques all designed to hurt opponents. All coached by Fallon. The kids think he is the business but where do his kids kick onto? NRFL? Most kids would probably do that anyway if they have the natural talent without Fallons help. Someone threw up Rory's name. I have not seen many others and I would like to hear of some. The game has well and truly moved on and those kind of coaches are no longer needed in the game because those style of enforcers have been eliminated from the game.

Fallon has been tried at club level recently at Fencibles and Suburbs and he did not work - to the point where a lot of old school Suburbs guys left - John Davidson is a hell of a guy but even he had enough of him. I'm not trying to completely say he is useless because I have no doubt he would have gotten some players to overachieve but using JDs perspective line, he coaches school boy football. Why is this front page news?

For all the kids that rave about him, I can find an equal amount of people that would never let him near their kid mostly because those that know football, don't touch Fallon and those that have no fucking clue, see a 'name'. Again, its school boy football, this has been coming for a while for his stupid antics and the game will be better off for it. It might also stop a bit of the bullshit that is floating around the schoolboy 1st XI scene the last 15 years.

His use by date came years ago and Kevin should actually slip out the door quietly while he has some reputation left.

almost 15 years

Luis Garcia wrote:

A bit of a joke that he was a school coach anyway. How much would he be on?

As for the students threatening to leave next year, how petty. This is school football after all.

Exactly. I bet you if they had a week of being coached by Ramon or Emblen they would go 'holy shit' this is completely different to what Big Kev has been telling us.
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Most of the players that have been under Fallon have their best footballing years there and then. Most seem to peak at age 17 and don't kick on at all, lots have got youth contracts overseas and then been released.

It's almost like they are burnt out by that age.

Craig Wylie is an excellent example of a Fallon player. I saw him play for MAGS and he looked fantastic, a real talent, but I wasn't surprised at all when his "career" came to nothing. Someone on here asked "who has really gone on to big things?" Short answer; very, very few.

I'm involved in Intermediate football in West Auckland and we have quite a few decent players coming through here. Less and less are ending up at MAGS, more and more under Steve Cain and Kelston, Neil Sykes at Avondale or Gary Moore at Rutherford. 

Fallon's time has been and gone I feel. Go gracefully Kevin.

tradition and history
about 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

When Fallon said that when he googles himself and up comes negative stuff first, and he felt a bit shit about that, how do you think he 'deserves better' there? He bought most of this upon himself and creatd this by acting like a tool so he is certainly not hard done by. Much like Todd Carney. Do you feel sorry for that guy when his crime is to just get drunk? (and that's not exactly illegal either - I think that's all he did)

He has been a great servant to the game in NZ of that there is no doubt. Back in his day, his techniques and ideals would have been first class in a country where football was about a fag and a pie before KO. Now days the game has moved and kicking shit out of anything that moves does not fit in the game anymore. Coombes, Quansah, Matthews brothers, Wylie. All footballers with tackling techniques all designed to hurt opponents. All coached by Fallon. The kids think he is the business but where do his kids kick onto? NRFL? Most kids would probably do that anyway if they have the natural talent without Fallons help. Someone threw up Rory's name. I have not seen many others and I would like to hear of some. The game has well and truly moved on and those kind of coaches are no longer needed in the game because those style of enforcers have been eliminated from the game.

Fallon has been tried at club level recently at Fencibles and Suburbs and he did not work - to the point where a lot of old school Suburbs guys left - John Davidson is a hell of a guy but even he had enough of him. I'm not trying to completely say he is useless because I have no doubt he would have gotten some players to overachieve but using JDs perspective line, he coaches school boy football. Why is this front page news?

For all the kids that rave about him, I can find an equal amount of people that would never let him near their kid mostly because those that know football, don't touch Fallon and those that have no fucking clue, see a 'name'. Again, its school boy football, this has been coming for a while for his stupid antics and the game will be better off for it. It might also stop a bit of the bullshit that is floating around the schoolboy 1st XI scene the last 15 years.

His use by date came years ago and Kevin should actually slip out the door quietly while he has some reputation left.

I think that sums it up JV. He has done well since he arrived in NZ and Gisborne and Nelson are proof of it. I have played against him on a few occasions and he coaches like he plays. He is just a bully. I have seen more than one incident on the sideline and quite frankly he is one nasty person. That is of course my opinion but I bet there are a lot who know Kevin that will agree,

almost 15 years

Jeremy Christie, Rory Fallon, David Mulligan, Allan Pearce, Chris James, Emma Kete all Internationals that played for Mags.

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