First Team Squad
over 12 years

I think it would be of worth to the club, to have a journalist who can setup a relationship with the owners, management, coach, players.

There are many questions.

Its just totally inadequate presently.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

I just noticed that Gareth has a nice little pop at the Dominion Post on his blog...

I agree completely and sometimes wonder if the Dom Post actually fully appreciate their role in this. Professional sport is part of the entertainment industry and, as such, sports reporting is not serious journalism. All this "reporting without fear or favour" crap we hear from the Dom Post sports desk is bollocks. They aren't reporting on Syria or the latest goings on at the Beehive, they are reporting on a local sports team and they have a vested interest in local sports teams doing well.

I'm not saying they should be "rah rah, go the Nix" all the time but they are far too negative as a rule. Who's interests does it serve if their reporting contributes to poor attendances at Nix games and, potentially, the Nix going under??

All this negativity, they need to try jumping on the Posi-Machine!

about 15 years


you can be objective & supportive, that's the point. Worthington is a low level knocker, Jason Pine is infinitely more astute


Still Believin'
over 17 years


Is that the real reason Gareth was at Phoenix training yesterday? To give Sam the Sham a kick in the nuts?

about 17 years


you can be objective & supportive, that's the point. Worthington is a low level knocker, Jason Pine is infinitely more astute


Ouch, thats cold.  Surprised that he actually named Sam, but I can't help but agree.  Once Fred left, the quality of the Phoenix coverage dropped dramatically.
First Team Squad
over 11 years

Totally agree on Morgan having a shot at the Doom Post. The negativity that the paper has towards the Nix has been going on from almost day one. There is a huge degree in difference in being objective and being negative for the sake of it. In many cases the DP will look for the worst slant to put on the story. "They  won but they didn't play like Barcelona" or after the fantastic come from behind win against Heart Worthlesston had to mention early in the piece that they won but Heart were seriously understrength. Sam needs to realise he is reporting on a local team playing in the A-League not ferkin Manchester United. You can almost guarantee that the DP will be negative...even in past years when we have been winning regularly the "Nix in crisis" angle is not far away.

There pursuit of Terry Seripisos sometimes went far beyond "looking for the truth" and descended into "witch hunt" IMO.  If I was a conspiracy theorist I would suspect that there are a bunch of anti football rugger heads in the sports department at the DP. I get much more enjoyment and football information out of the NZ Herald who have better and much more widespread coverage of football.

Why does this matter? because the media are the conduit through which public opinion is formed. If the vibe towards the Nix is constantly negative then that has a flow on impact on peoples decisions to go and watch. If you have headlines like "brave Nix go down fighting vs "Nix shit again" then that does make a difference to peoples perceptions.

As for Gareths comparisons with the Jets local newspaper. Sorry, but Australians do parochialism and positivety and support your own. We kiwis seem to relish angst and negativity...its part of our DNA. The Nix could win the A-League but there will still be people sniping at them.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I think trying to put a negative spin on Gareth being at the training session was completely out of line. If I were putting millions of dollars into something, I would like to see it in action as much as possible, even if I was just learning all about how it works. That's all Gareth is trying to do here.

The line of questioning was disgusting too, instead of asking 'if it was uncomfortable for the players' they should be asking 'what's it like having Gareth around?'. That way they aren't trying to put words in the player's mouths.

over 14 years

Henry Tait came to a Fever Friday breakfast before Christmas. Clearly Welnix are trying to infiltrate the group, to surpress all negative comment about any moves the owners make

A story line for you Mr Worthington.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Henry Tait came to a Fever Friday breakfast before Christmas. Clearly Welnix are trying to infiltrate the group, to surpress all negative comment about any moves the owners make

A story line for you Mr Worthington.

*thumbs up emoticon*
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

sthn.jeff wrote:

Henry Tait came to a Fever Friday breakfast before Christmas. Clearly Welnix are trying to infiltrate the group, to surpress all negative comment about any moves the owners make

A story line for you Mr Worthington.

Did he leave a tip? 'Phoenix owner stiffs low income workers'
over 14 years

He had the same jacket on that he did when at training yesterday..... Must be strapped for cash..... "Todd Corporation is doomed"

First Team Squad
over 11 years

patrick478 wrote:

I think trying to put a negative spin on Gareth being at the training session was completely out of line. If I were putting millions of dollars into something, I would like to see it in action as much as possible, even if I was just learning all about how it works. That's all Gareth is trying to do here.

The line of questioning was disgusting too, instead of asking 'if it was uncomfortable for the players' they should be asking 'what's it like having Gareth around?'. That way they aren't trying to put words in the player's mouths.

Totally agree on that. I could not believe the negative spin on that article.....they were almost goading players to make a comment against Gareths appearance. They were fishing for a "players hate Gareth interfering" heading.
For me its great that the owners show up at training......maybe the Doompost were planning on a "Nix owners ignore club" heading and Gareth turning up ruined it. Either that or they now have an anti Gareth agenda after he took some pot shots at them.
about 15 years

For as much stick as I have given Gareth about his foot n mouth comments, good on him for getting down to the park and seeing it for himself. While its seems clear the Ricki reports to the owners and not the GM, if you wanna know how your cattle are going, you got to head out to the field to watch them feed and roam.

Regardless what the project is, if he is a smart man, he will ask the right questions about the game (he professes to have a lack of knowledge of) and what's going on and that can only make him smarter in making future decisions/commentary.

As much as Gareth appears to the be the mouth piece, I do ask where David Dome sits in all of this. He is like a lame duck GM (or not charged with football responsibilities) Oh how I long for the days of Tony P.

almost 16 years

^ This.

Honestly - if an owner or board director didn't come down and see the team in training or other team events, you'd have to question their reasons for being involved.

First Team Squad
over 11 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

For as much stick as I have given Gareth about his foot n mouth comments, good on him for getting down to the park and seeing it for himself. While its seems clear the Ricki reports to the owners and not the GM, if you wanna know how your cattle are going, you got to head out to the field to watch them feed and roam.

Regardless what the project is, if he is a smart man, he will ask the right questions about the game (he professes to have a lack of knowledge of) and what's going on and that can only make him smarter in making future decisions/commentary.

As much as Gareth appears to the be the mouth piece, I do ask where David Dome sits in all of this. He is like a lame duck GM (or not charged with football responsibilities) Oh how I long for the days of Tony P.

Dome strikes me as an office backroom guy who's background is PR, publicity, marketing and who got moved to CEO as he was the right man on the spot for the price. He does not strike me as a Tony P type football CEO guy. Tony P has a big imput in recruiting....can't see Dome doing that sort of stuff. He's been quiet for quite a while....his last statement was slagging fans for not turning up in numbers and threatening to take games out of wellington
Woof Woof
about 17 years

austin10 wrote:

 The Nix could win the A-League but there will still be people sniping at them.

This reminds me of a comment Berti Vogts once made about journalists when he was the German manager: "If I walked on water, these guys would write that it's because I can't swim".
over 17 years

austin10 wrote:

Totally agree on Morgan having a shot at the Doom Post. The negativity that the paper has towards the Nix has been going on from almost day one. There is a huge degree in difference in being objective and being negative for the sake of it. In many cases the DP will look for the worst slant to put on the story. "They  won but they didn't play like Barcelona" or after the fantastic come from behind win against Heart Worthlesston had to mention early in the piece that they won but Heart were seriously understrength. Sam needs to realise he is reporting on a local team playing in the A-League not ferkin Manchester United. You can almost guarantee that the DP will be negative...even in past years when we have been winning regularly the "Nix in crisis" angle is not far away.

There pursuit of Terry Seripisos sometimes went far beyond "looking for the truth" and descended into "witch hunt" IMO.  If I was a conspiracy theorist I would suspect that there are a bunch of anti football rugger heads in the sports department at the DP. I get much more enjoyment and football information out of the NZ Herald who have better and much more widespread coverage of football.

Why does this matter? because the media are the conduit through which public opinion is formed. If the vibe towards the Nix is constantly negative then that has a flow on impact on peoples decisions to go and watch. If you have headlines like "brave Nix go down fighting vs "Nix shit again" then that does make a difference to peoples perceptions.

As for Gareths comparisons with the Jets local newspaper. Sorry, but Australians do parochialism and positivety and support your own. We kiwis seem to relish angst and negativity...its part of our DNA. The Nix could win the A-League but there will still be people sniping at them.

Do you think that Worthington is generating negative views on the team or just reflecting what the public feels?

I was back for a couple of weeks over xmas and speaking to people there the Yellow Fever view seems to me has stopped reflecting the general view of people in Wellington who either no longer care and are not going, or are completely fed up.  I did not speak to one person who was at all convinced by this "exciting project" that we are "building towards" (Ricky Herbert TM)

about 15 years

These people, were they football people fed up, the casual observer...? 

This is a football football form with complete bias to everything football much like you go to a naturalist colony and find a community into that.

To me, I don't expect the casual observer to give a shit about the Phoenix because the majority are rugby boof heads whom only hide for about 6 weeks of the year such is the length of their season. We then get the complete failure of that team called the black caps that are arguably weaker at their sport than we are at football on a global level that dominate the press because they are a bunch of bumbling fuck ups that even Eddie the eagle Edwards would be considered a sporting god next to these lot. Hell people are even stupid enough to turn to darts and find that 'sport' entertaining enough to get talkback hours (don't get me started on that WOFTAM game).

Regardless what the Phoenix do, it's not really going to register in the minds of the sporting public unless they win. Only then, the fickle fans that could not even tell you what colours the Phoenix wear, will profess to be died in the wool hardcore supporters from day one tune in, such is the nature of the NZ sporting public. They only ever support on a sunny day..

Still Believin'
over 17 years

JD in da house!! Welcome back dude.

No, I don't think that Worthington is reflecting what the public feels. If he was doing that he wouldn't be writing about the Phoenix at all - which is a different problem.

Writing stories such as trying to put a negative spin on an owner turning up to training is just being a dick, and fits with an overall narrative at the Dom Post that has been there for years. The Phoenix aren't the only victims of this either, the Dom Post's descent into tabloid style journalism can be traced precisely to the appointment of Bernadette Courtney as Editor.

It sounds like most of the people you talked to don't read Yellow Fever, but they do read the Dom Post. So yes, the Dom Post (cause) is responsible for contributing to a more negative view of the Nix among the general public (effect).

Since when are the sports pages of a paper meant to be the place for hard-hitting investigative journalism anyway? It simply isn't necessary. If there's one place in a paper where unashamed parochial boosterism is OK, it's the sports section (unless we've all taken leave of our senses and actually think this shit's important now).

about 15 years
over 17 years

T-X, I hope you've managed to keep those rose tinted specs polished up while I've been away.  I agree with your observations on the dompost - I was reading it in about 10 minutes while I was home, what a joke of a rag it is!

Anyway, all of that is true but the people I'm talking about were my parents friends who have always watched or been season ticket holders and most if not all are no longer going. I'm from Miramar and we've always all watched games together at Centennial in the old national league, NZFC etc.  These are not football tragics but have had kids who have played so naturally they know a wee bit.

Whether or not Herbert has the wherewithal to turn things around there is a huge job to convince these types that the guy who has been at the helm when we've got into the position we are in is also the one to get us out.  There's a lot of ill feeling towards Ricky and while he's talking a lot about positive signs, moving forward, building for the future etc I don't think there are a lot of people who have seen anything like that when results and performances are demonstrably pretty terrible. 

Still Believin'
over 17 years

JD - so glad you're back, it's been soooo boring around here.

Had to throw the rose tinted specs away I'm afraid. This season requires blind faith so I've taken to wearing a blindfold instead.

Agree with most of your post actually. There's no doubt the Nix have shed 4-5k casual-ish fans who they need to get back. Not sure it's fair to lay all of that at Herbert's door though.

Anyway, the only question for us is do we want to contribute to making things better, or making things worse?

Me, I'm climbing aboard the Posi-Machine!

over 17 years

Yep, I have actually moved on a little from the Ricki hate, I think that record is pretty much worn out and we all know exactly what his strengths and weaknesses are.  

I have a new target - David Dome.  I think he'd do pretty well right in front of the Posi-Machine...

almost 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

I think trying to put a negative spin on Gareth being at the training session was completely out of line. If I were putting millions of dollars into something, I would like to see it in action as much as possible, even if I was just learning all about how it works. That's all Gareth is trying to do here

If I owned part of a pro football team I'd be going down to watch them train as much as I could! What would surprise me more is if the owner (or owners) never showed up to have a look see.
almost 17 years

james dean wrote:

Yep, I have actually moved on a little from the Ricki hate, I think that record is pretty much worn out and we all know exactly what his strengths and weaknesses are.  

I have a new target - David Dome.  I think he'd do pretty well right in front of the Posi-Machine...

yeah I think Mr Dome needs to show himself worthy and make some positive noise about the team and club. He's been the GM four 4 years now and I think a lot the lack of awareness and general support form the public comes down to his leadership.
Early retirement
over 17 years

 He was appointed as GM on March 28th 2012.  That's not four years.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

 He was appointed as GM on March 28th 2012.  That's not four years.

Could be in dog years.
Starting XI
over 17 years


Interesting article from Bidwell. Don't think its unfair either. The Dom Post and the Phoenix had this battle a couple of years ago. Now, just like then, there is only one winner. The Dom. They have a much bigger microphone.

almost 17 years

Hard News wrote:

 He was appointed as GM on March 28th 2012.  That's not four years.

not according to his facebook/linkedin profile - he claims he's been CEO since 2008

about 15 years

bopman wrote:


Interesting article from Bidwell. Don't think its unfair either. The Dom Post and the Phoenix had this battle a couple of years ago. Now, just like then, there is only one winner. The Dom. They have a much bigger microphone.

It's actually one of the better articles from The Doom since Fred left.
over 14 years

theprof wrote:

Hard News wrote:

 He was appointed as GM on March 28th 2012.  That's not four years.

not according to his facebook/linkedin profile - he claims he's been CEO since 2008

Well his Linked in profile is wrong. He won the job after Nathan Greenham finished in January last year. Was announced towards the end of last season. Fact.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

theprof wrote:

Hard News wrote:

 He was appointed as GM on March 28th 2012.  That's not four years.

not according to his facebook/linkedin profile - he claims he's been CEO since 2008

I think the confusion is that he has worked at the Phoenix since 2008, but changed roles within the organisation (which I don't think is seperated into a new job by LinkedIn).
almost 16 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

bopman wrote:


Interesting article from Bidwell. Don't think its unfair either. The Dom Post and the Phoenix had this battle a couple of years ago. Now, just like then, there is only one winner. The Dom. They have a much bigger microphone.

It's actually one of the better articles from The Doom since Fred left.

100% Disagree:

Which brings us back to the infallible Phoenix. You're either with them or against them and they'll be quick to tell you which camp you belong in.

Critical comment is not welcomed by the club, with part-owner Gareth Morgan penning a blog in which he implored The Dominion Post to become unabashed Phoenix supporters. He has resorted to name calling since that request was not met.

Morgan is an economist, so he can count. And if he adds up the numbers for this season he'll find that his team is currently the worst in the A-League.

They're too good to finish last but, for now, that's where they sit. People, rightly, want answers as to how a team deemed to have title-winning potential are now propping up the table.

Taking the NZC approach, and hearing and seeing no evil, does everyone a disservice.

A totally snide and petty approach to Gareth and the management.  

About to break rule 7:  Bidwell is a twunt.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I disagree with Bidwell too. I think Gareth was 100% correct to have a go at the Dom Post, and Gareth wasn't calling for them to become Phoenix supporters, he was imploring them to stop being Phoenix-bashers. 

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

bopman wrote:


Interesting article from Bidwell. Don't think its unfair either. The Dom Post and the Phoenix had this battle a couple of years ago. Now, just like then, there is only one winner. The Dom. They have a much bigger microphone.

It's actually one of the better articles from The Doom since Fred left.

Yeah, it's still interesting the liberties they will take though. For example, the Phoenix are now a "franchise in crisis" while the Pulse are a shining example of where we should be heading? Gimme a break. Let's not forget The Phoenix have qualified for the play-offs three years in a row, which is something the Pulse have still never done. The Phoenix could still end up doing that 4 years in a row, setting an A-League record.

The Phoenix are having one bad season, while also experiencing some minors growing pains under a new ownership group, that's all.

The trouble with these sports journos is they think they are reporting on the global financial crisis, not the local sports team.

about 15 years

Junior82 wrote:

100% Disagree:

Which brings us back to the infallible Phoenix. You're either with them or against them and they'll be quick to tell you which camp you belong in.

Critical comment is not welcomed by the club, with part-owner Gareth Morgan penning a blog in which he implored The Dominion Post to become unabashed Phoenix supporters. He has resorted to name calling since that request was not met.

Morgan is an economist, so he can count. And if he adds up the numbers for this season he'll find that his team is currently the worst in the A-League.

They're too good to finish last but, for now, that's where they sit. People, rightly, want answers as to how a team deemed to have title-winning potential are now propping up the table.

Taking the NZC approach, and hearing and seeing no evil, does everyone a disservice.

A totally snide and petty approach to Gareth and the management.  

About to break rule 7:  Bidwell is a twunt.


Ok. Is critical comment welcomed by the club? Not really. Its hardly welcomed by the media in this forum! Having said that, most of the commentary on the Phoenix (outside of game day) is very much full of shit but then Morgan et al can ignore that if they choose and cut the Post out of the loop (not always the best move but may make the point). The game reviews that I have read seem to be accurate, but critical. I don't think the club really likes that.

Football in this country is never going to have any supporters in the media unless we are winning so its a bit naive of Gareth (and I would actually expect him to know better) to say 'you have to support us'. Media in this country support rugby only. Fullstop. The end. Look at the amount of bollocks that was spouted by Joe Public around the Halbergs... 'but they never won anything...' Ignorance, and football coverage has been full of it in this country for aons.

The problem would be infinitely solved if Welnix actually came out and said in a more detailed manner 'this is our blue print to success' and let every one see it. I think they have thrown bait in the water about what they would like to do but nothing with meat. 'We want to play total football, Ricki is our guy' and thats about it.

I go back again to the 'What is David Dome doing?' question because he seems to be getting an armchair ride if Gareth is doing it all.

I don't think the article is too far from the mark to be honest.

about 15 years

terminator_x wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

bopman wrote:


Interesting article from Bidwell. Don't think its unfair either. The Dom Post and the Phoenix had this battle a couple of years ago. Now, just like then, there is only one winner. The Dom. They have a much bigger microphone.

It's actually one of the better articles from The Doom since Fred left.

Yeah, it's still interesting the liberties they will take though. For example, the Phoenix are now a "franchise in crisis" while the Pulse are a shining example of where we should be heading? Gimme a break. Let's not forget The Phoenix have qualified for the play-offs three years in a row, which is something the Pulse have still never done. The Phoenix could still end up doing that 4 years in a row, setting an A-League record.

The Phoenix are having one bad season, while also experiencing some minors growing pains under a new ownership group, that's all.

The trouble with these sports journos is they think they are reporting on the global financial crisis, not the local sports team.

Netball never does any wrong in the media's eyes.

Sack Doom Post
Early retirement
over 17 years

I think the thing we need to remember about David Dome is that he's GM.  He's not the CEO frontman that Tony was and that was intentional from the ownership group. 

I think they have the intention that they are generally the front men and the GMs resposibility is to let them make statements and get on with the day to day running.  That's certainly how it would appear to a neutral observer.

First Team Squad
over 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Welnix actually came out and said in a more detailed manner 'this is our blue print to success' and let every one see it.

I think it's fair to have an expectation for this.

about 17 years

terminator_x wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

bopman wrote:


Interesting article from Bidwell. Don't think its unfair either. The Dom Post and the Phoenix had this battle a couple of years ago. Now, just like then, there is only one winner. The Dom. They have a much bigger microphone.

It's actually one of the better articles from The Doom since Fred left.

Yeah, it's still interesting the liberties they will take though. For example, the Phoenix are now a "franchise in crisis" while the Pulse are a shining example of where we should be heading? Gimme a break. Let's not forget The Phoenix have qualified for the play-offs three years in a row, which is something the Pulse have still never done. The Phoenix could still end up doing that 4 years in a row, setting an A-League record.

The Phoenix are having one bad season, while also experiencing some minors growing pains under a new ownership group, that's all.

The trouble with these sports journos is they think they are reporting on the global financial crisis, not the local sports team.

Agreed, similarly the Hurricanes now (having missed the playoffs 2 years in a row) is the model, rather than the team that made the playoffs 5 out of 6 years.  Sometimes (all the time?) the media tends to wrap the facts around whatever narrative they wish to tell.

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