Starting XI
about 17 years

Sorry that I have no link to offer but today the Hutt News (page 80 for those lucky enough), by way of that sparkling writer Joseph Romanos, has critiqued football.


Some of his gems -
"every high-profile match is bedevilled by cheating"
"football administrators have been woefuly inept for decades"
"But then football has long been the lowest common denominator of sport."





over 15 years

Wish we were more crebral like rowing.


Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Wish we were more cerebral like rowing.



Shouldn't that just have had a full stop after cerebral?  

Early retirement
about 17 years

Romanos.  Yawn.  The Wellington Steven Jones (no Frankie, not you).


over 15 years

crerbral.  It's a word - used by people who wear Steven Fry dinner jackets.


Starting XI
about 17 years

The Hutt News , on Facebook, offered this reply "You're joking Mike. Countless games are marred by players throwing themselves on the ground 'writhing in agony' after fairly minor player contact. Trying to dupe the referee is cheating. Sets a bad example for younger players. What do other readers reckon?"


In response to me asking... "Loved the bit where he wrote "every high-profile match is bedevilled by cheating". Not generalising eh?"

Early retirement
about 17 years

It's Romanos.  Just ignore him. 

He's a lowest common denominator troll who has always found ways to poke sticks into football and ignore the clear spread of similar behaviour in the sports he champions.

Starting XI
about 17 years

I agree. Love it when he is on Nine to Noon. They announce him as a sports journalist. As long as it's tennis and rugby he's OK.  He was asked a football question recently and his floundering was spectacular.

about 17 years

ask him what NZ Tennis has done in the past 20 years

First Team Squad
over 13 years

dairyflat wrote:

The Hutt News , on Facebook, offered this reply "You're joking Mike. Countless games are marred by players throwing themselves on the ground 'writhing in agony' after fairly minor player contact. Trying to dupe the referee is cheating. Sets a 

In Rugby players try and dupe the referee, by infringing and hoping not to get caught, hundreds of times every game. It's freely accepted by pretty much everyone, commentators, coaches, players, fans, that the rules need to be pushed to the limit to compete. The referee is to be adapted to. Why is this willingful cheating, and it happens many more times a game, so much better?

over 16 years

Successful troll is successful.


Is it a paper about pizza? *ducks to avoid brick*

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Did he actually publically write that as the hutt news Facebook? Wow,that is actually really bad. 

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I contributed dairyflat. Their response is loltastic. It was edited too,so I wonder what the first one was. 


    Keegan Check Is this the official view of the hutt news,or just one journalist? Quite a shocking stance for an entire newspaper of the hutt valley region to take. This is the official page of the hutt news after all,so it is a fair assumption.
    53 minutes ago · Like
    Keegan Check Does the hutt news also not sponsor the Wellington Phoenix in some capacity? I'm sure they'll be shocked to hear what the hutt news view of the sport they play is. Wellington Phoenix FC
    52 minutes ago · Like
  • Hutt News We are indeed! We are passionate supporters and sponsors of the Phoenix. We give away double passes to each home game and have organised for two local junior teams (one from Lower Hutt and one from Petone) to be mascots for a day and walk out onto the field with the teams. We also do shirt/merchandise giveaways. WE LOVE THE NIX! Its all the other teams that cheat - especially the AUSSIE ONES! 'Same old aussies....'
    6 minutes ago · Edited · Like
Early retirement
about 17 years
Head Sleuth
about 17 years
Early retirement
about 17 years

Reversing quicker than an All Whites side with a 1-0 lead.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Woof Woof
almost 17 years

That's about as false as an analogy can get. Why not compare it with other team sports (rugby/league/basketball/American football/you name it).


Starting XI
about 17 years

Joseph Romanos replies: If you truly live and breathe football, Mike, you'll be very disappointed with the endless cheating that goes on in your game - players "diving", claiming the throw-in when they know it's not theirs and so on. It's a blight on the sport and you'd be honest if you acknowledged it. You never see a golfer or a snooker player cheating, but it's apparently acceptable in "The Beautiful Game"!



Head Sleuth
about 17 years

I see he learned his lesson not to post on behal of an entire paper haha

over 15 years


"Mike Greene How the heck can a pro golfer or snooker player attempt to cheat?

18 minutes ago via mobile · 2"

By knowingly transgressing any of the following:

1. You are not to change the ball which you strike off the tee.

2. You are not to remove stones, bones or any break club for the sake of playing your ball, except upon the fair green, and that only within a club's length of the ball.

3. If your ball comes among watter, or any wattery filth, you are at liberty to take out your ball and bringing it behind the hazard and you may play it with any club and allow your adversary a stroke for so getting out your ball.

4. If your balls be found anywhere touching one another you are to lift the first ball till you play the last.

5. If you should lose your ball, by its being taken up, or any other way, you are to drop another ball from the lost position and allow your adversary a stroke for the misfortune.

6. If a ball be stopp'd by any person, horse, dog, or anything else, the ball so stopp'd must be played where it lyes.

7. If you draw your club in order to strike and proceed so far in the stroke as to be bringing down your club, if then your club should break in any way, it is to be accounted a stroke.

8. He whose ball lyes farthest from the hole is obliged to play first.

9. Neither trench, ditch, or dyke made for the preservation of the links, nor the Scholars' Holes or the soldiers' lines shall be accounted a hazard but the ball is to be taken out and play'd with any iron club.

10. No player shall attend the course without the wearing of jandals, and any who does fail to wear the jandals as part of his attire must allow his adversary a stroke.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years


  • Hutt News 
    We’re pretty sure the 22 9 -11 year old local kids who got to walk out onto the hallowed turf at the Stadium with the Nix and Gold Coast teams (and their parents, grandparents and extended whanau) are pretty pleased we used our sponsorship to organise the outing for them. As were the 200+ people who won tickets to a Nix game last season, many had not been before. We regularly got post game emails thanking us for the tickets, saying how great the atmosphere was and that they couldn’t wait to go back. 
    Hard core supporters, including Yellow Fever are the heart of the Club. However for the Nix to move to the next level they need to continually expand their support base. Our sponsorship helps to achieve that.
    We also sponsor Dura, Ifill and Greenies Pro-Elite programme which offers fantastic opportunities for local football kids. In return Dura organises a signed Nix Shirt which we auction to raise funds for the Child Cancer Foundation.
    On a personal note we have been season ticket holders since Day One. Even though we get tickets through our Hutt News sponsorship we still purchase our season tickets every year to support the cause.
    Joseph actually works in town (Doom Post maybe!). We pick up his columns because they are invariably thought provoking and interesting. It’s hard to argue there isn’t a least some truth in what he said this week.
    23 minutes ago · Like
    Keegan Check Can't argue with the sponsorship (though the nix give you those tickets,in return for advertising I suspect). But you've done a complete U turn and distanced yourself (quite cleverly) from earlier comments. Some cheating is frustrating,but it is true of any sport. 

    It's quite a shocking stance for a newspaper for a region with a lot of footballers to take. I was Definetly surprised reading these comments (not the article).
    16 minutes ago via mobile · Like
    Keegan Check You've also gone from defending the entire article (including rubbishing a readers opinion on it),which said football is the lowest denominator of sport. To saying there is "some truth" to it.
    11 minutes ago via mobile · Like
  • Hutt News Fair comment Keegan. Just to clarify. The intial response was from our editor who looks after the news side of the paper. The most recent one was mine, I manage the commercial side of the business - including sponsorships.


Head Sleuth
about 17 years

It's actually worse that it was the editor who wrote the initial comments..

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

Junior82 wrote:


"Mike Greene How the heck can a pro golfer or snooker player attempt to cheat?

18 minutes ago via mobile · 2"

By knowingly transgressing any of the following:

1. You are not to change the ball which you strike off the tee.

2. You are not to remove stones, bones or any break club for the sake of playing your ball, except upon the fair green, and that only within a club's length of the ball.

3. If your ball comes among watter, or any wattery filth, you are at liberty to take out your ball and bringing it behind the hazard and you may play it with any club and allow your adversary a stroke for so getting out your ball.

4. If your balls be found anywhere touching one another you are to lift the first ball till you play the last.

5. If you should lose your ball, by its being taken up, or any other way, you are to drop another ball from the lost position and allow your adversary a stroke for the misfortune.

6. If a ball be stopp'd by any person, horse, dog, or anything else, the ball so stopp'd must be played where it lyes.

7. If you draw your club in order to strike and proceed so far in the stroke as to be bringing down your club, if then your club should break in any way, it is to be accounted a stroke.

8. He whose ball lyes farthest from the hole is obliged to play first.

9. Neither trench, ditch, or dyke made for the preservation of the links, nor the Scholars' Holes or the soldiers' lines shall be accounted a hazard but the ball is to be taken out and play'd with any iron club.

10. No player shall attend the course without the wearing of jandals, and any who does fail to wear the jandals as part of his attire must allow his adversary a stroke.


Well played sir.

over 15 years

Thank you Joseph. You are doing your best to liven up an excruciatingly long off-season.

You're completely hat stand, but good on you for trying.


Next training session:

"Kids, today we are going to learn how to fall on the ground like a sack of spuds when the opposition is close enough so that the ref (i.e. me most likely) can't see clearly what is really happening.  If you do this often enough, you will soon be halting civil wars and building hospitals and schools, plus there will lots of youtube clips of you doing amusing zany dances." 

Early retirement
about 17 years

I had fun last night pulling apart his assertion that there is no cheating in Golf and Snooker, then watched him back-pedal from that.

Tempted to wade in again this evening.

over 16 years

Ball tampering? Standing off side? Lying on the ball? Wasn't cheating Tiger's problem? 

Time for a media team v. 'Nix with Siggie and Lia ready to go...

Starting XI
about 17 years

By way of Twitter he accused me of stalking him. His words -  "Yep, stalking. Letters to editor, twitter, Facebook...have you posted mail to me, too?"


Tad sensitive I reckon....

Starting XI
about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:


Next training session:

"Kids, today we are going to learn how to fall on the ground like a sack of spuds when the opposition is close enough so that the ref (i.e. me most likely) can't see clearly what is really happening.  If you do this often enough, you will soon be halting civil wars and building hospitals and schools, plus there will lots of youtube clips of you doing amusing zany dances." 


over 15 years

Might as well pour some more petrol on this dying flame that Joe has tried to spread.

The opinion piece uses the Terry case to slag off how the system allows cheats to prosper.

Firstly - read about it in the Guardian Joe - there's  a lot of good journalism there about the pros, cons and farce associated with the case (plus Rubik's #5 comments on stuff is nice and succinct).

Second - football is the highest participation sport in the country and probably in most places in the world.  You would expect it to attract more (absolute numbers) of LCDs and also university professors and brain surgeons (exhibit a: Prof Herr Wolfgang Schnell form Fulchester Rovers).

Third - as an opinion piece you come off looking like a bit of a bellend.

Still, at least you're not Danny Hay.


Starting XI
over 15 years

Didn`t he write Danny Hay`s autobiography.....or..or was it the other way round ??

over 16 years

Ehh- he wrote Rythymn and Swing, so I'll give him a bit of leniency-

He's kind of making the points that some of us make about swearing at the ref, or remonstrating with/ holding the ref by the shoulder that goes on a lot in the A-league (and only Durante seems to have been carded for disagreeing with a linesman)

the LCD and every high profile match comment are BS. Probably wrote it the night before cos he didn't know what to write and the old soccer players are diving whining pansies is something the audience understands.

Does seem like he was rather phoning it in from 20 years or 30 years ago. Anyway. He's not a football fan and not going to change. So....

Starting XI
about 17 years

Re the LCD comment. Today he tweeted "Never thought I'd get so excited about NZ beating Cameroon! Go the Football Ferns"


A first class fair weather fan!

Not Elite enough
about 17 years

You see plenty of rugby and league players cheating though! Golf and snooker? Surprised he didn't bring in darts and dominoes as well

Starting XI
about 17 years

Joseph Romanos has another Phoenix piece in today's Hutt News. Third from bottom para in middle column. You know lies, damned lies and statistics. 3,898 turned up...   in an EVIL southerly.   The best crowd that season was 20,078....     ;-)


Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

England international Paul Ifill? This was said in the Waikato Times version yesterday. Looks to be changed.

And Troy Hearfield?

Early retirement
about 17 years

Romanos in ill-informed opinion piece shocker.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

25 goals in 21 games is lots?

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