Starting XI
over 12 years

Wow, that's possibly the most poorly written article I've ever read. No exaggeration. Here's my favourite sentence - 

"Englishman Crook, Herbert and Scot Ferguson are the only non-Australian coaches in the league while Brazilian Fred (Melbourne Heart) and Englishman Terry Flynn (Sydney FC) are the only non-Australian captains on this year's roster although John Hutchinson, at Central Coast, is now, like the Phoenix's Manny Muscat, playing internationally for Malta."

Not only is that near incomprehensible, it has grammatical mistakes and is completely irrelevant. How bizzare.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Fitzy wrote:

Wow, that's possibly the most poorly written article I've ever read. No exaggeration. Here's my favourite sentence - 

"Englishman Crook, Herbert and Scot Ferguson are the only non-Australian coaches in the league while Brazilian Fred (Melbourne Heart) and Englishman Terry Flynn (Sydney FC) are the only non-Australian captains on this year's roster although John Hutchinson, at Central Coast, is now, like the Phoenix's Manny Muscat, playing internationally for Malta."

Not only is that near incomprehensible, it has grammatical mistakes and is completely irrelevant. How bizzare.

I think you are right. It is only since you mentioned it that I had another look. I guess that people that follow the A League would have known what he meant but anyone else would have been confused.
Woof Woof
about 17 years

Fitzy wrote:

Wow, that's possibly the most poorly written article I've ever read. No exaggeration. Here's my favourite sentence - 

"Englishman Crook, Herbert and Scot Ferguson are the only non-Australian coaches in the league while Brazilian Fred (Melbourne Heart) and Englishman Terry Flynn (Sydney FC) are the only non-Australian captains on this year's roster although John Hutchinson, at Central Coast, is now, like the Phoenix's Manny Muscat, playing internationally for Malta."

Not only is that near incomprehensible, it has grammatical mistakes and is completely irrelevant. How bizzare.

Not only that, but it's also factually incorrect as McFlynn's Northern Irish, and not English.
over 12 years

In a side decimated by international call-ups, the Phoenix promoted four youngsters for their first start at this level. Debutantes Luke Adams, Tom Biss, Michael Boxall and Jacob Spoonley played alongside another of the club's rising stars Louis Fenton and later Tyler Boyd.

Me to NZ Herald: Is Luke Adams....Luke Rowe?

NZ Herald to Me: No. Luke Rowe went to England last year and was badly
injured. He has been having on-going treatment and as I understand is back
there now. Luke Rowe has also been away somewhere before joining the Phoenix.
They can both play, mark my words. Cheers Terry.


I asked the question assuming a correction is forthcoming.....Am I going crazy?

Edit 1: Spelling.

Edit 2: PS. Bold font doesnt work.

Edit 3: Reconciling edits.


Early retirement
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I literally just put my palm to my face and kept it there for a good 10 seconds.

about 17 years

Scorpio30 wrote:

In a side decimated by international call-ups, the Phoenix promoted four youngsters for their first start at this level. Debutantes Luke Adams, Tom Biss, Michael Boxall and Jacob Spoonley played alongside another of the club's rising stars Louis Fenton and later Tyler Boyd.

Me to NZ Herald: Is Luke Adams....Luke Rowe?

NZ Herald to Me: No. Luke Rowe went to England last year and was badly
injured. He has been having on-going treatment and as I understand is back
there now. Luke Rowe has also been away somewhere before joining the Phoenix.
They can both play, mark my words. Cheers Terry.


I asked the question assuming a correction is forthcoming.....Am I going crazy?


Bullion wrote:

I followed up your line of questioning with some links, including the official match line up.

Terry Maddaford wrote:

Hi Bullion. Yes, you are right, I meant Luke Adams was injured when in England for trials after playing briefly at Waitakere United and it was Luke Rowe who played for Team Wellington and then the Phoenix. Sorry about that. The problem in trying to do things in a hurry. Cheers Terry

Quoting issues :S

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Scorpio30 wrote:

In a side decimated by international call-ups, the Phoenix promoted four youngsters for their first start at this level. Debutantes Luke Adams, Tom Biss, Michael Boxall and Jacob Spoonley played alongside another of the club's rising stars Louis Fenton and later Tyler Boyd.

Me to NZ Herald: Is Luke Adams....Luke Rowe?

NZ Herald to Me: No. Luke Rowe went to England last year and was badly
injured. He has been having on-going treatment and as I understand is back
there now. Luke Rowe has also been away somewhere before joining the Phoenix.
They can both play, mark my words. Cheers Terry.


I asked the question assuming a correction is forthcoming.....Am I going crazy?

Edit 1: Spelling.

Edit 2: PS. Bold font doesnt work.

Edit 3: Reconciling edits.


There's only two Luke Rowes, two Luke Roooowes....
On probation
over 13 years

el grapadura wrote:

Scorpio30 wrote:

In a side decimated by international call-ups, the Phoenix promoted four youngsters for their first start at this level. Debutantes Luke Adams, Tom Biss, Michael Boxall and Jacob Spoonley played alongside another of the club's rising stars Louis Fenton and later Tyler Boyd.

Me to NZ Herald: Is Luke Adams....Luke Rowe?

NZ Herald to Me: No. Luke Rowe went to England last year and was badly
injured. He has been having on-going treatment and as I understand is back
there now. Luke Rowe has also been away somewhere before joining the Phoenix.
They can both play, mark my words. Cheers Terry.


I asked the question assuming a correction is forthcoming.....Am I going crazy?

Edit 1: Spelling.

Edit 2: PS. Bold font doesnt work.

Edit 3: Reconciling edits.


There's only two Luke Rowes, two Luke Roooowes....

Maddaford has been sleep walking at the Herald for years. Furniture

Luke Rowe - Wellington Phoenix

Luke Adams - Derby County

almost 16 years
almost 16 years

And this one from Ivan,  Take note Billy Harris.

"By contrast, Vicelich says he can remember only positivity from his coaches and parents on the sidelines of his schoolboy matches. And because it was fun to play soccer, he kept doing it.."

about 15 years

Interesting articles J82. Have to giggle about the goal against Paraguay.

I'm not a Fallon fan at all so I hope that this 'journey' he is on of self improvement pays off. I have my doubts but I'm prepared to give him some leeway if he is genuine about it or just crapping on. As he said, when you google yourself and all you see is articles about you being a twat, regardless what you have done, that must be humbling.

As for Ivans article, I find humour in his comments about need to cut coaches and referees some slack. He is the first to put the boot into referees on field. Wonder if he will change too.

about 17 years

Rattue on the Warriors failings

Anything applicable to us? Hopefully we've appointed a coach with a bit of a better pedigree.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

"Here it is mate, no need to put my name on it though-" ???
On probation
over 13 years
Doloras wrote:

"Here it is mate, no need to put my name on it though-" ???

On probation
over 13 years

Burgess annoys me. i stop reading when he makes basic errors like ages of players. Ryan Thomas is 18 not 20...

Even suggesting the AW's were missing Tim Payne. He would've made zero difference to be fair.

over 11 years
TV wrote:

Burgess annoys me. i stop reading when he makes basic errors like ages of players. Ryan Thomas is 18 not 20...

Even suggesting the AW's were missing Tim Payne. He would've made zero difference to be fair.

I read that and thought exactly the same thing.
over 17 years

Where is the discussion on the whole Dave Burgess ripping of YF? I can't find a thread anywhere

over 17 years

Apologies, I had thought the burgess blog was on the herald website, just clicked that it was on stuff/dompost... found the thread now

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Sir John Kirwan is not only a hero for his fight against depression, but for taking over as guest editor of the Herald and getting their sports and politics columnists to swap place, for the lulz. So, here's the dull grey John Key-fellating John Armstrong on da Nix.

almost 16 years

Makes more sense than usual!

about 15 years

He's not far wrong you know.

almost 15 years

Odd how one of the better recent stories about the Nix has been written by a Political reporter

almost 16 years

It's as if he has been reading the all angst-ridden umbrage-filled posts here...

almost 16 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

Odd how one of the better recent stories about the Nix has been written by a Political reporter

He's got a degree in Journalism so he's the real McCoy.

almost 16 years

Quite looking forward to seeing Rattue/whoever on politics.

almost 15 years
Junior82 wrote:
sthn.jeff wrote:

Odd how one of the better recent stories about the Nix has been written by a Political reporter

He's got a degree in Journalism so he's the real McCoy.

And a sirtufekate to proov it

Life and death
over 17 years
Footpaul wrote:
The subs at the community paper I write for (Coromandel's finest - the Hauraki Herald)�keep changing�football to the "s" word whenever I write a football story.�I even put Football Fever in a photo caption kicker and they changed it Soccer Fever - getting rid of my clever alliteration.


Waikato Times uses the "s" word too. It's shoddy journalism if you ask me. Perhaps I should go on strike.

Write a story about the difference between football and rugby and see if they can change that. Mention why soccer is an abbreviated slang word for association football but not used by fans and that Rugger is an abbreviated slang word for rugby union but is not used by rugby fans. Explain why football is the first sport invented and by birthright it has first dibs on the word football and rugby is a spin off of that football game and only has the name "football" by proxy and not by usage. Rugby people hardly called Rugby as football and there is no real reason for confusion. Also that old incident over a rugby cup with a round ball on it should show that rugby people don't ask for cups made for football because makers assumed it was for football and not rugby. etc etc [plenty of examples out there.]

It would be hard for them to change anything because it is quite clear the intention of the article and if they change it, the article reads nonsense. Also it provoke a bit of public interest for the paper which they should like.

I think that there at least one person in that paper is an old rugbyhead who does not want football to take the name because it threats his dumb ego.

Give a shot, because as long as you stick to your guns, they would have to relent.
Actually football is a generic name for these types of games; Association Football, American Football, Rugby Union Football, Rugby League Football, Australian Rules Football. In the US, the football they refer to is American Football, in The southern Australia states it is Rules, Britain - it is 'soccer'.  You're getting your tits in a tangle over nothing, if someone refers to the game as soccer, I know exactly what game they are talking about, not so with the use of the name football or footie.
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
about 17 years

I tho the article was a pro Nix's article and backed the owners ... if anything bagged out the owners for poor communication... 


Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Yeah, Armstrong's article is surprisingly good.

But to respond to AllWhiteBelievr, football (the kind we like) was not first. There were all manner of different local variations of playing with an inflated pig's bladder in pre-19th century England, out of which all the modern forms of football evolved at different times. The first club to play by what we know as "the Laws of the Game" was Cambridge University in 1848 - five years after the oldest known club which played by Rugby rules (Guy's Hospital, 1843). Amazing as it seems, not being allowed to handle the ball was quite a late variation.

about 17 years

the scariest thing is that Armstrong must go to the ROF and possibly even have a psydeunom here....are you there John??

almost 16 years
martinb wrote:

the scariest thing is that Armstrong must go to the ROF and possibly even have a psydeunom here....are you there John??

I'm John and so is my wife!
about 17 years

If I hadn't met Doloras a couple of times I'd suspect her...

over 13 years

•Calling all backpackers ... Albert Riera is the sports story of the moment. The midfielder from Spain is the star turn in a rejuvenated Phoenix, whose possession-based soccer under new coach Ernie Merrick is finally turning into A-league points. The Phoenix are without Paul Ifill and the other key playmaker Carlos Hernandez is fending off injury. But Riera has stepped up. A semi-professional player in his homeland, Riera was travelling with friends having decided to take a break as a paramedic. He ended up with Auckland City, and was signed by Merrick after a pre-season match at Kiwitea St where Auckland beat the A-league club. It's a fillip for those who believe or hope that the national league is a legitimate stepping stone. Merrick deserves big raps for spotting a gem from the domestic scene.

Oh look - recognition of Albert from Chris Rattue - and recognition of the ASBP... I'm impressed.

I would have been even more impressed if that recognition had occurred whilst Albert was still at City, however, impressed all the same. 

almost 12 years

^ ffs! Wonder if it's the same Fairfax sub that couldn't add up Nix losses coupla weeks ago?

Still Believin'
over 17 years

The Herald are finally having a public poll on whether to use "soccer" or "football"

Make sure you vote and send "soccer" to the grave.

Starting XI
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
sthn.jeff wrote:

Odd how one of the better recent stories about the Nix has been written by a Political reporter

He's got a degree in Journalism so he's the real McCoy.

Attracted to this thread because of recent soccer v football post.  

However, noticed earlier discussion regarding NZH political reporter John Armstrong.  I was at University at same time as John.  He's an Ipswich Town tragic from way back (I think originally from Ipswich). 

Football (soccer?) man through and through.

almost 16 years

FWIW I enjoy reading his political columns as well.

Who says sport and politics don't mix?

Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years
terminator_x wrote:

The Herald are finally having a public poll on whether to use "soccer" or "football"

Make sure you vote and send "soccer" to the grave.

I'm running a parallel poll on whether Herald Editor Tim Murphy should be named Tim or Errol. Make sure you have your say!

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