corona virus and work.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

should i expect my work to provide soap and or alcohol based hand cleaner and should they have a policy in place to help protect staff as much as possible at work.

at home and out in the community it is all on myself and my family to keep ourselves as safe as we possibly can, but at work do they have a responsibility to help in any way to keep us as safe as possible. ie should we be having meetings to discuss and get all staff on same page or is it up to each person at work to look out for themselves.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Employers have a whole raft of obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015:

about 17 years

Agree with Boxy.

Employers have a duty of care to their staff and to visitors. They are to take all reasonable steps to identify and then eliminate or minimise risks.

I think it's a two-way street though: if you or other staff feel unsafe in your role (for whatever reason) you should communicate with your employer and make your concerns known.

This is also a very good time to think about a plan for WFH and leave arrangements for staff, should the situation deteriorate here.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

that is a whole lot of reading right there.

pretty sure my work has pretty much none of that in place or if they do i have never seen or heard any mention of anything to do with health and safety.

not keen to rock the boat too much as i need my job and the last person who tried to get things changed was made redundant very swiftly. i just want them to even explain to all staff the need to stay away from work even when they have a cold or flu so as not to spread to the rest of us and to use proper hand cleaning procedures.

i am in the slightly paranoid group who want to do as much as possible to minimize the risk of catching the virus where others are in the group of we may as well not bother and just catch it as it is only a flu type virus which in my opinion is just wrong.sadly the boss is in this group.

over 13 years

I hope you are working for a very small company?

I know that should be no excuse and doesn't help you out but if many are working there for a guy who doesn't gives a fudge then mmmmm

about 17 years

Sadly AP  there are more Employers out there than you would think like holeinones boss. Fortunatly im retired now but my last boss treated his staff like shark and couldn't care less how they were treated.Not easy for many people to just walk out on a job and the bosses that no this treat there staff like shark. Often smaller companies and the unions don't give a toss either. We contacted them but they told us straight up they wernt interested in representing us as there wernt enough full time staff.

Like a shark load of other stuff always the little guy getting shafted. 

about 17 years

How many employees work at the company? Do you have a H&S manager or H&S committee? Is there a suggestions box? This is a conversation that needs to be had.
Antoher approach would be to casually drop the topic into a conversation with a manager or colleagues... 'I heard my friend who works at company XXX is doing this as his managers are worried about covid19'...

It is a hard situation as if management are difficult with staff who raise questions regarding H&S, it creates a negative culture which isn't good for anyone.
One thing the Act does however is that it clearly outlines responsibilities and defines accountability better than the old Act. In short, the directors, trustees or owners of the company may be liable, in court, if they don't do all they can to ensure your safety.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

only nine of us 5 factory workers 1 supervisor a secretary and the boss and his wife. we have no h&s manager or committee and no suggestion box.

i have brought it up with the factory boys and the supervisor and they are starting to get on board, the supervisor has talked to the boss but they have not really got on board with the rest of us and are still calling it just a flu. talked to the supervisor again yesterday before i left work and he says he will get some alcohol based hand cleaner over the weekend so that is a start i have been taking my own soap to work and suggested to the boys to do the same.

i admit i am being paranoid but if that is what i need to do to keep my family as safe as i can then so be it. i am not in panic mode just calm and keeping things real.have stopped going to the supermarket and getting shopping delivered instead online lotto and keeping away from as many people as possible, over reaction maybe but it is how i am dealing with things and i am happy with it and if things get worse with the virus i have already practiced my response and feel i am ready to cope with being isolated if it comes to that. tomorrow at the game will be a bit of a worry but hopefully people will stay away if they are feeling any symptoms at all.

about 17 years

Don't worry Colin I'll come and say hello cough splutter sniff.So your selling cheap loo paper when this is all over.

NZP some bosses are just aholes,my old boss made it very clear that if i took him to arbitration he would deny everything and reckons the performance he gave would have them believing him. Successful business man Rotarian etc etc.

almost 17 years

We still have stocks of handcleanser that expired in Nov 2009.

over 13 years

what's it like when you use them?

almost 17 years

Not nice, I prefer the 70% ethol alcohol stuff. There is another rinse we can use but it is alcohol free. Normally ok but I see the recommended option  is with alcohol base for this virus.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

they reckon soap works just as well if you wash hands properly.

about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Not nice, I prefer the 70% ethol alcohol stuff. There is another rinse we can use but it is alcohol free. Normally ok but I see the recommended option  is with alcohol base for this virus.

Im using Vodka externally and internally.
One in a million
about 17 years

ballane wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Not nice, I prefer the 70% ethol alcohol stuff. There is another rinse we can use but it is alcohol free. Normally ok but I see the recommended option  is with alcohol base for this virus.

Im using Vodka externally and internally.

Beats eating soap
Chant Savant
about 17 years

ballane wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Not nice, I prefer the 70% ethol alcohol stuff. There is another rinse we can use but it is alcohol free. Normally ok but I see the recommended option  is with alcohol base for this virus.

Im using Vodka externally and internally.

I didnt realise you were moonlighting as a Russian whore?

about 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

ballane wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Not nice, I prefer the 70% ethol alcohol stuff. There is another rinse we can use but it is alcohol free. Normally ok but I see the recommended option  is with alcohol base for this virus.

Im using Vodka externally and internally.

I didnt realise you were moonlighting as a Russian whore?

Better than a Newcastle one
Chant Savant
about 17 years

Back on topic, has anyone's workplace experienced any major disruptions/changes yet due to CV19?

I know a few photographers who have had their entire booking lists scrubbed for the next few months as events have been cancelled/postponed. 

over 13 years

I'd imagine very few workplaces aren't affected, even if it's just rules around how many people are allowed to meet at a time.

almost 15 years

Work is Dire... like holysharkballs dire... Work in a Hotel in and our occupancy has bottomed out.... scary stuff

Chant Savant
about 17 years

Moose wrote:

Work is Dire... like holysharkballs dire... Work in a Hotel in and our occupancy has bottomed out.... scary stuff

I work for a wholesaler of outdoor persuit products and we are doing ok but it cant last forever. Expecting some involuntary holiday time soon!

about 17 years

We've been working on a plan for at least 2-3 weeks so we're doing OK so far back of house with business continuity planning well underway, options for remote working sorted etc.

A lot of our casual staff have had shifts cancelled unfortunately as business levels have plummeted in our hospitality division.

Our leadership team is however agreeing on a plan to support our large casual workforce in the event of closure. This is welcome news.

All in all, it could be worse, but there's still a lot of work to be done until we're given our orders to shut the doors.

almost 17 years

20,000 workers required for Kiwi Fruit picking. It's harvest time and they are looking for workers.

almost 17 years

Moose wrote:

Work is Dire... like holysharkballs dire... Work in a Hotel in and our occupancy has bottomed out.... scary stuff

Are the bulk of your bookings normally from overseas tourists?

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

i started this thread over a week ago and my work still has not put soap in all the bathrooms at work,have been taking my own soap but i need that shark at home and work should be providing it. i have brought it up with the supervisor on 4 occasions, last time he said he had approached the boss and there was not much more he could do. also asked on works policy and what they expect of us and pretty much told there is no policy.

some of the boys are meant to be going to auckland for a big job that we have started a month ago and now need to do the next stage,all of them do not want to go and i do not blame them. the problem is if work does not do the job they will be in breach of contract and we may lose the whole job which means we could lose our jobs, 

almost 13 years

All pokie rooms every 2nd machine turned off - Social Distancing .  Sign in and out of your local pub/restaurant, No more than 100 patrons at anyone time. Next like tomorrow all closed down

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

had a bit of a scare last night ended up at ED with chest pains, had blood tests and lung xrays ended up being there for about 7 hours. i am all good though no virus and they say i have pluracy wrong spelling, from rubber dust at work getting into my lungs.they recommend getting better face masks than the cheap mitre ten variety which are not tight enough over my nose and mouth.

pretty scary being in ED listening to the doctors and nurses talking about things that have happened re the virus and listening to there coughs and sneezes as they work, i just wanted to get the fudge out of there as soon as i possibly could.

about 17 years

Man good to hear you're OK. I don't know much about PPE but I use some P95 when I do work around the house as they're quite good and block out a lot of the particles

Chant Savant
about 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Moose wrote:

Work is Dire... like holysharkballs dire... Work in a Hotel in and our occupancy has bottomed out.... scary stuff

I work for a wholesaler of outdoor persuit products and we are doing ok but it cant last forever. Expecting some involuntary holiday time soon!

I decided after working for the HB Today on sunday (my part time gig) and observing the behaviours of others that I could only control my own environment and decided to self-isolate from monday onwards from my full time job as my daughter suffers from asthma. A few colleagues questioned my reasoning when I told them thinking I was just taking the piss..

The same colleagues are now telling the world via Social Media to stay home.

almost 15 years

Moose wrote:

Work is Dire... like holysharkballs dire... Work in a Hotel in and our occupancy has bottomed out.... scary stuff

Are the bulk of your bookings normally from overseas tourists?

Mostly overseas... Work in a tourist town... what worse is that its in Aus and I have not been here enough to be entitles to any of the stimulus/bailout packages

Can I have some lungs please miss
over 16 years

Moose wrote:

what worse is that its in Aus and I have not been here enough to be entitles to any of the stimulus/bailout packages

If you're a Kiwi how long you've been there is irrelevant - all that matters is that you were there in February 2001.
almost 15 years

Surge wrote:

Moose wrote:

what worse is that its in Aus and I have not been here enough to be entitles to any of the stimulus/bailout packages

If you're a Kiwi how long you've been there is irrelevant - all that matters is that you were there in February 2001.

It is relevant.... you need to have been here long enough to apply for PR or be here since Feb 2001 and we qualify to apply for PR in September this year so as I was saying we have not been here long enough to be entitled to any stimulus/bailout pacakges.

As much as I hope, Scomo won't listen to Jacinda and extend theses to New Zealanders as she has to Australians

over 13 years

Moose wrote:

Surge wrote:

Moose wrote:

what worse is that its in Aus and I have not been here enough to be entitles to any of the stimulus/bailout packages

If you're a Kiwi how long you've been there is irrelevant - all that matters is that you were there in February 2001.

It is relevant.... you need to have been here long enough to apply for PR or be here since Feb 2001 and we qualify to apply for PR in September this year so as I was saying we have not been here long enough to be entitled to any stimulus/bailout pacakges.

As much as I hope, Scomo won't listen to Jacinda and extend theses to New Zealanders as she has to Australians

You've known what the situation was like for kiwis over there and risked it. Sucks for you but not surprising unfortunately, hopefully there's non government organisations supporting Kiwis over there as it's a inhumane situation.

over 13 years

Sucks that it's the end of radio sport 

An icon gone 

and 1 other
almost 13 years

Maybe the first of many sports admins 

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Maybe the first of many sports admins 

The Netball Mainland Zone has confirmed today that the organisation has recommended to members at its 2020 Annual General Meeting that it be placed in voluntary liquidation.

Read full details:

? @mbphotonz

— Netball New Zealand (@NetballNZ) April 4, 2020

Does this have any implications for the Netsal project in Chch?

One in a million
about 17 years

How many netball zones are there in nz?

almost 13 years

How many netball zones are there in nz?


Wai Bop




First Team Squad
almost 17 years

got a phone call from my boss this morning, back to work tuesday for me.

over 16 years

holeinone wrote:

got a phone call from my boss this morning, back to work tuesday for me.

what industry you in?

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