Starting XI
over 17 years
See, most of you cyclists are syaing drivers should respect other road users. But why should we go down Lambton Quay at 10km/hr? Its like saying you should be allowed to drive a moped down the middle of a 100km/hr highway.

And with the two lane things, its disgusting. If cyclists are riding two abreast I make a point of not giving them extra room. Call it arrogant, bad mannered, dangerous, I don't care. If they want room they can help make it.

The same road rules that say we should give you extra room, be patient for you etc, are the same ones you disrespect. All under the belief that you are "saving the enviroment"

Of cause, it is unjust, and unfair to stereotype all of the cyclists.

But here's another example, down the Hutt Motor way their is a specific bike lane on the other side of the barrier. (For at least a reasonable section of it) Its wide enough to have three cyclists next to each other. They should f**king use it.Michael2009-09-29 16:02:10
about 17 years
HarryPeters wrote:
I think that cyclists need to stop thinking they own the road, and for motorists to be a bit more aware of them.
Sums it up quite nicely.
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Michael wrote:

But here's another example, down the Hutt Motor way their is a specific bike lane on the other side of the barrier. (For at least a reasonable section of it) Its wide enough to have three cyclists next to each other. They should f**king use it.
It is full of glass, stones, rocks, beer cans, old car tires ...
about 17 years
Michael wrote:
See, most of you cyclists are syaing drivers should respect other road users. But why should we go down Lambton Quay at 10km/hr? Its like saying you should be allowed to drive a moped down the middle of a 100km/hr highway.

And with the two lane things, its disgusting. If cyclists are riding two abreast I make a point of not giving them extra room. Call it arrogant, bad mannered, dangerous, I don't care. If they want room they can help make it.

The same road rules that say we should give you extra room, be patient for you etc, are the same ones you disrespect. All under the belief that you are "saving the enviroment"

Of cause, it is unjust, and unfair to stereotype all of the cyclists.

But here's another example, down the Hutt Motor way their is a specific bike lane on the other side of the barrier. (For at least a reasonable section of it) Its wide enough to have three cyclists next to each other. They should f**king use it.

If you are talking about the bike lane that leads from Petone to Wellington it is a mine field of broken glass and other crap thrown out by passing cars. The industrial firms that line the route lead straight onto the bike line too, so you have to keep major look out for cars and trucks pulling out on top of you. Like alot of bike lanes they have been designed by city planners who have no concept of what goes into cycling.

I ride mostly alone, but occasionally I have ridden with other cyclists and yes I've ridden two abreast. It is done to check in with the another rider, discuss safety and the route etc. Riding one or more abreast may also be used as part of a bike train/snake the front and rear cyclist may often move up and down the snake to protect less confident riders at junctions etc, this rear rider is known as the block or the marshall. It's not done to wind up car drivers. 

New Zealand has stupidly wide roads for a lot of the country, the whole country is designed around the car and yet car drivers still get so upset at the small number of cyclists,the same as they do towards mototcyclists and other car drivers. When you  talk about giving us extra room, it's not something new we are demanding, it's clearly written down in the New Zeland Road Code.

As I've said before I don't disrespect road rules I try to follow them. The vast majority of cyclists I've met also follow the road rules, I can't always say that about car drivers.

ForteanTimes2009-09-29 17:00:05
Starting XI
over 17 years
You're stereo typing car drivers and at the same time you're saying don't stereotype cyclists. :l

If the bike lane is a field of glass, you shall write to the council and get it cleaned. I would have to agree with you their.

2 abreast in some situations is fine, but most of the time its not. Especially when you have to sit behind two cock head riders doing it over some bridge. All they'd have to do is move in 1 so you can pass them safely.

about 17 years
Michael wrote:
You're stereo typing car drivers and at the same time you're saying don't stereotype cyclists. :l

If the bike lane is a field of glass, you shall write to the council and get it cleaned. I would have to agree with you their.

2 abreast in some situations is fine, but most of the time its not. Especially when you have to sit behind two cock head riders doing it over some bridge. All they'd have to do is move in 1 so you can pass them safely.

I guess it's because I've never experienced road rage with cyclists but have encountered a lot of abuse,actual physical attacks from car drivers. Agreed there are courteous car drivers out there thnough.
over 17 years
Looking at buying a new MTB. Anyone out there got a Giant Alias? Looks like what I 'm after, and is within my budget (if I squint really hard).

about 17 years
over 17 years
Despite numerous complaints over the last 5-10 years that Lower Hutt - Wellington cycle lane is unusable.

Having been hit once, and once having the choice between being mowed from behind by a speeding car (who nearly clipped the parked cars wing mirror he was that close) and going full speed into the back of a parked car (I chose the parked car - sorry to the owner) I gave up cycling as two bikes in 2 years were broken and I couldn't afford another.

Yes some cyclists can be inconsiderate but again, we're probably not going to kill anyone from this.
over 17 years
Cycling in Welly sounds nuts! I used to ride when I was a kid, but that was 20 years ago, and there was half the traffic there is now. Melbourne has plenty of bike lnes, including ones the are exclusively for bikes.

about 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Looking at buying a new MTB. Anyone out there got a Giant Alias? Looks like what I 'm after, and is within my budget (if I squint really hard).

Ages since I last bought a MTB, Giant are well known for making reliable, no nonsense bikes, (I have an old ATX 860). I like the old skool paint job, although I see it comes in Matt black now. It looks a good bike for it's price.

When buying a bike the things I look for is firstly what am I going to use it for? This looks like a nice bike for hitting trails but I wouldn't be doing major downhilling with it obviously. The forks have got a fairly decent review.

Secondly which Bikeshop? Which shop do you intend to get it from? I've had good and bad advice from bike shops around the Wellington Area. What is their after care like? Do they seem interested in selling you a bike? Do they seem to know what they are talking about?

Thirdly fit, make sure you test ride it, and not just for a quick 5 minutes either, take it out jump off a few curbs, mash it up for a good 20 minutes. I usually take the wife along so she can be a hostage to stop the LBS thinking I've stolen the bike.

over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
sanday wrote:
clark007e wrote:
I do agree cyclist piss me off, but i know some people on here wont agree with that. I swear they should get a ticket if they are two abreast.


Wear your helmet.

Do not ride more than two abreast.

Ride in single file when passing other vehicles, including parked vehicles.

Use a clear arm signal if you intend to turn, reduce your speed or stop.

At intersections follow the same rules as drivers, otherwise walk across.

Stick to the cycle path where there is one. Where there is no cycle path, use the road, staying as far left as possible.

Only ride on the footpath if delivering newspapers, mail or leaflets.

You may use a bus lane to cycle in as long as there is no sign prohibiting this.

Sorry but as a New Zealand Cycling trainer one of these rules is wrong and the others poorly thought out. I suggest you don't go instructing people in  safe cycling techniques unless you been on a trainers course recognized by the NZ transport agency.
Which rule? This came from the NZ Herald. I don't instruct anyone.
about 17 years
Basically the Herald then has re-written some of the code and thus have actually changed the rules somewhat. Apologies for thinking it was you Sanday.

This Rule for example:"Staying as far left as possible" means you are in the gutter, not the place to be. It is recommended that you cycle at least 1m away from the curb. It does not mention this rule in the road code to my knowledge.

Do not ride more than two abreast - again this isn't actually in the road code. there are times when moving groups of people it is necessary to ride next to other people when acting as the block or marshall. The road code only states you can "only ride alongside another cyclist or moped".

Use a clear arm signal if you intend to turn, reduce your speed or stop - Not very clear and sends out the wrong message, obviously there will times when you have signaled but have to stop, however generally it is recommended to follow the signal with the right maneuver as to be predictable to other road users. Predictabilty is the key to safe cycling. Also obviously you need to reduce your speed on signally as a) you should have just performed a shoulder check and b) you have one arm off of the handlebar, difficult to go fast one-handed. The road code states:
Hand signals for cyclists

You must give a hand signal at least three seconds before stopping or turning.

Always check to make sure your hand signals have been seen and understood.

Look well behind you to make sure there is room for you to turn, pull out or pass safely.

Only ride on the footpath if delivering newspapers, mail or leaflets - I love this one as of course cyclists are either only newspaper boys or postmen. Actually though it is in the road code.

It is hoped that soon cycling advocacy groups and instructors will be meeting with NZTA to update the road code. I can see the hand signal for stopping being removed at some point in the future as not many people understand it.
ForteanTimes2009-09-30 03:00:44
Starting XI
about 15 years

We're getting better though.  It used to cost money to take your bikes on the train, now it's free.  Though you can only take 2 on which is a bit lame.  Wish our buses had bike racks on them like they do overseas.

"Only ride on the footpath if delivering newspapers, mail or leaflets"  surely they don't expect young children to learn riding on the roads or ones who can ride to do this. 
Starting XI
about 15 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Looking at buying a new MTB. Anyone out there got a Giant Alias? Looks like what I 'm after, and is within my budget (if I squint really hard).

cool bike, this is the one I want, retro!
Starting XI
over 17 years

I spent my first 18 years on bikes in Invercargill. Used to love the splash back from high speed sheep trucks passing through town. At least our roads were ridiculously wide and had plenty of room even during peak times. I wouldn't ride in wellington if you payed me. Ill stick to the bus.

about 17 years
Oceanic6 wrote:
kiwi pie wrote:
Looking at buying a new MTB. Anyone out there got a Giant Alias? Looks like what I 'm after, and is within my budget (if I squint really hard).

cool bike, this is the one I want, retro!

Sort of like the types of bikes ridden in Copenhagen?

Link to Cycle-friendly cities:
A little long but great once you get pass the annoying intro music.

Pics for Michael, can you imagine he'd last 5 mins before going Postal!

over 17 years
Called my LBS, and got them to order the 2010 Alias for me. Matte black ftw!
about 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Called my LBS, and got them to order the 2010 Alias for me. Matte black ftw!

Congrats!!! I did not find a duff review of it anywhere mate.
over 17 years
Now comes the tricky part of telling them I'll need to layby it till 2020!
about 17 years
Not quite as good as the Raleight 20 pic on that other thread but almost as impressive KP.
over 17 years
LOL at the Raleigh. When I was a kid I begged my mum for a BMX...I got a Healing Cruiser, much like this one -
I thrased it within an inch of it's life.
about 17 years
Oceanic6 wrote:

We're getting better though.  It used to cost money to take your bikes on the train, now it's free.  Though you can only take 2 on which is a bit lame.  Wish our buses had bike racks on them like they do overseas.

"Only ride on the footpath if delivering newspapers, mail or leaflets"  surely they don't expect young children to learn riding on the roads or ones who can ride to do this. 

They are looking at bike racks on buses or will be as part of sustainable transport. If you are going to teach kids to ride a bike you have to teach them on the road at some point. Safe cycling is about confidence and experience. I'm not talking about downtown rushhour cycling straightaway though.

Ubergunner spoke of riding in Wellington and I've done this in rush hour traffic a couple of times, (I don't live and work in Wellington), and it's not as bad as it looks tbh. As long as you are shoulder checking regularly, riding confidently and predictably and interacting with drivers, (signals, eye contact, thank-yous), it's pretty cool.

People's views on safe city cycling vary, you have the old skool, Vehicular cycling zealots who think you need to act like a car You have the other extreme types like the infamous JoeyBike who state survival is about doing what is necessary to survive on the streets even if it means the occasional use of breaking road rules.

In the middle you have the hardcore commuters, (bike all year round in all weathers), myself included and ex-messenger/bicyle commentator Robert Hurst, who believe in a balanced approach which is choose your routes carefully and treat cars with extreme caution but still ride confidently. Hurst has a new book out on commuting which I've not got around to reading yet.

Cycle training in this country is based mostly on vehicular cyclings sounder principles.
Starting XI
about 15 years

When I lived overseas on the odd occassion I would cycle in snow.  Recommend it when it first falls, but not after a few days when they haven't plowed the cycle lanes and it's slushy.

Would love it if Wellington could be added to the list - Auckland is on it
Oceanic62009-10-01 16:01:52
about 17 years
Oceanic6 wrote:

When I lived overseas on the odd occassion I would cycle in snow.  Recommend it when it first falls, but not after a few days when they haven't plowed the cycle lanes and it's slushy.

Would love it if Wellington could be added to the list - Auckland is on it

cool stuff thanks for the link
Chant Savant
over 17 years

Cyclists, or Psycholists as I like to call them, should be made to pass a Road Rules test before they are allowed to ride on the roads!!!

about 17 years
C-Diddy wrote:

Cyclists, or Psycholists as I like to call them, should be made to pass a Road Rules test before they are allowed to ride on the roads!!!


Car drivers should get on a bike before they are allowed on the roads!
Chant Savant
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
C-Diddy wrote:

Cyclists, or Psycholists as I like to call them, should be made to pass a Road Rules test before they are allowed to ride on the roads!!!


Car drivers should get on a bike before they are allowed on the roads!
Everyone should just f**king walk!!!
Starting XI
over 17 years
almost 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
C-Diddy wrote:

Cyclists, or Psycholists as I like to call them, should be made to pass a Road Rules test before they are allowed to ride on the roads!!!


Car drivers should get on a bike before they are allowed on the roads!

why? - so we can learn how to dive in and out of traffic,  or ride across pedestrian crossings when we are supposed to walk!
theprof2009-10-01 22:42:58
over 17 years
about 17 years
theprof wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:
C-Diddy wrote:

Cyclists, or Psycholists as I like to call them, should be made to pass a Road Rules test before they are allowed to ride on the roads!!!


Car drivers should get on a bike before they are allowed on the roads!

why? - so we can learn how to dive in and out of traffic,  or ride across pedestrian crossings when we are supposed to walk!

No just so you get an appreciation that there is more than just cars on the road. I actually think it would make car drivers a little more careful on the roads.
over 17 years
Some drivers are bastards, some cyclists are idiots. All in all, people tend to suck. 
Woof Woof
about 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
All in all, people tend to suck.�

about 17 years

Interesting article on people doing office work whilst driving
ForteanTimes2009-10-02 21:33:59
over 17 years
about 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
That kind of stuff leads to this...


Yeah I've seen that video, the guy killed was Alejandro Alvarez. Just so we don't get "well cyclists are morons too" folk again here is an article on a really stupid thing to do when cycling. This really bugs me more than running reds, or Bike Ninjas

try again:
ForteanTimes2009-10-02 22:18:49
Starting XI
about 15 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
kiwi pie wrote:
That kind of stuff leads to this...


Yeah I've seen that video, the guy killed was Alejandro Alvarez. Just so we don't get "well cyclists are morons too" folk again here is an article on a really stupid thing to do when cycling. This really bugs me more than running reds, or Bike Ninjas

try again:
omg, that is awful.   I'm surprised more people weren't killed.  Maybe some were left unable to walk ever again.
Oceanic62009-10-03 12:18:11

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