Politics - a place to rant

over 13 years
Watched the whole thing and yes it was as cringey and horrible as you'd expect. Trump just spouted and ranted on and on about immigrants being the downfall of the country and it's all Bidons fault. Even if what he was saying was true or accurate he offered no policy about how he'd stop it - half expected him to start the "build the wall" chant again. Harris didnt offer much in policy either, but she was composed and clam and didnt fall into the "angry female politician" storyline that Trumps team would have hoped for. If anything Trump was the angry old guy yelling at the kids to get out of his back yard, while Harris was more controlled.
I note that Trump has claimed he won and that the moderators were against him - felt he was corrected too many times.

Very good point about why Harris maybe didn't engage with him as much. You are right, people would have said she came across as a "hysterical women" if she did.
Moderators were great with the shutting down his lies straight away, more debates need to do that (not that I think there will be another one now) but clearly was annoying Trump. He was always going to claim he won, he always has the "best debates"
over 5 years
"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats, and they're eating the pets!"

...pretty much sums up the debate
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
over 13 years
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"In Springfield, they're eating the dogs! They're eating the cats, and they're eating the pets!"

...pretty much sums up the debate
over 13 years
Watched the whole thing and it was a relief after watching the Biden debate.

Surely the third time around any undecided voter must see trump for what he is. 

One question he was asked a specific question about climate change he ranted for a minute about jobs and manufacturing without talking about climate at all. 
about 17 years
Watched the whole thing and it was a relief after watching the Biden debate.

Surely the third time around any undecided voter must see trump for what he is. 

One question he was asked a specific question about climate change he ranted for a minute about jobs and manufacturing without talking about climate at all. 

I mean the dude had a whole presidency and the rest. After one more debate it’s not going to make that much difference in understanding his character. They gotta know by now.

The debate really is mostly a test if he can stay awake enough to read the teleprompter so they can trust him enough. 

And a way to find out who’s ride or die for his personality cult.
over 10 years
"In a few years time when we are living in a world of President Trump chaos we will reflect on today’s «  what if « moment"
Thankfully we have a previous presidential term with which to inform us what trump chaos might look like. 
I'm no fan of his, or any other politician at all for that matter, and I don't have a preference for left or right, but I can tell you that this is what happened last time he was president:
No new wars. 
De-escalation with Russia and North Korea. 
No war in Gaza. 
Trump is an idiot, but he certainly focussed on peace, which I would welcome in the current climate. 

No new wars? True, but he did his best to start a civil war!
about 2 years
Sounds like Rump's too afraid of being embarrassed even further by Harris in a second debate.
about 17 years
Apparently a bunch of the original punks are all Brexiteers now. It was just about wearing safety pins and starting (and ending) a party by drinking a full bottle of vodka at 7pm! 

Politics - a place to rant

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