Things that make you go hmmmm

Closed for new posts
almost 13 years

JonoNewton wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Wellington - a dead-horse town.

see latest. 'Horse dead on central Wellington road'.

Also a sharkhole

See the story about the Mt Vic tunnel

I understand this guy had recently moved north from Invergiggles.

Ah, was he heading for an early morning swim at the Kilbirnie pool but couldn't hold it in?
about 17 years

I like how they said it was in the interests of people and animals to clean it. As if normal people and animals want to go walking along the road in the middle of a tunnel that long. And yes, I appreciate the shark might have got squished into a tyre tread but then dog poos do all the time around the country. And cow and sheep.

almost 15 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I like how they said it was in the interests of people and animals to clean it. As if normal people and animals want to go walking along the road in the middle of a tunnel that long. And yes, I appreciate the shark might have got squished into a tyre tread but then dog poos do all the time around the country. And cow and sheep.

I suspect there were too many people with Hi Viz vests and Clipboards around to let common sense prevail

almost 16 years

What about the nuthatch or the gannet (as referenced in Olsen's Standard Book of British Birds - unexpurgated version)?

I actually think it the UK should have chosen the Bearded Tit as a national bird.  After all, there are a few of them over there.

over 11 years

"I can answer any question you want. Any in the world - I  haven't got a problem with it. I took cocaine. I got divorced. I've been in rehab. I fell down in the street drunk. I've had important famous people ringing me up. I've scored great goals. I've been in car crashes. I can't think of anything else. Well, I haven't banged Miss World."

"At 48 Gazza is apparently so terrified by the idea of his name being in the news that he claims to have a panic attack every time he sees a headline about the Gaza Strip."

P G interviewed in the Langham Hotel, Mayfair by the UK Daily Telegraph, promoting the film about his life "Gascoigne".

"I haven't seen it."- P G.  ... "I don't need to, because I did it."

about 17 years

Oh dear, Makes me ask the question...Who were the kids and who were the adults? I'm banking on the kids being more mature.

Horrific brawl at Australian play centre leaves children traumatised                               


Last updated 17:28, June 22 2015

A screengrab of the brawl inside Lollipop's Playland & Cafe in Wetherill Park, Western Sydney.

A group of men involved in a "horrific" brawl at a children's play centre in Western Sydney which hospitalised three men and traumatised children have been warned by police to turn themselves in.

Police are seeking an unspecified number of men over the melee, which plunged a Western Sydney indoor children's playground into chaos on the weekend.

"Now would be a good time to come to the police station, before we start chasing after you," said Fairfield police Inspector Raven Maharaj.

A screengrab of the brawl inside Lollipop's Playland & Cafe in Wetherill Park, Western Sydney.

"It's a disaster really, shocking. It's horrific. The violence was perpetrated in front of children, and some have been left with scars."

On Saturday afternoon, three fathers were taken to hospital with injuries after a fight broke out between parents attending separate birthday parties at Lollipop's Playland & Cafe in Wetherill Park.

The Lollipop's Playland franchise's managing director, Tim Newman-Morris, said the fracas was "deeply troubling" and urged the instigators to hand themselves in.

"Explain your actions," he said. "We want to make sure they're caught. This is urgent."

Inspector Maharaj said the fight started after children had bumped into each other, leading to a man yanking the ponytail of a six-year-old girl.

"That's how the whole thing commenced. You know what kids are like. They don't discriminate, they play and run into each other," he said.

The girl told her father, aged 48, that her hair had been pulled by a stranger. When the father confronted the man about the incident, he was knocked to the ground and attacked.

Footage captured on a mobile phone shows adults and children screaming as the father is slammed to the ground and repeatedly punched, kicked and attacked with a chair.

Children as young as two years of age hid in the jungle gym. Dozens more stood just metres away, watching the fracas, terrified.

Inspector Maharaj said they had obtained CCTV footage and other material from the playground operators and were still trying to identify the perpetrators.

"We don't know who they are at this stage. They left prior to us getting there. At this stage there is no suspicion they are known to police. It's too early in the game," he said.

"I know it seems like a slow process, but there were a substantial amount of people in this brawl, and we have to correlate their statements with what's on the CCTV."

Fairfield police will be compiling witness statements on Monday and Tuesday.

The father and his two friends, aged 27 and 32, who came to his aid, were taken to Fairfield Hospital with cuts and bruising to their faces, heads, backs and hands.

The rival group fled the play centre in vehicles just after 4.30pm, police said.

The father and his son spent Monday morning with Fairfield police and the afternoon with specialist doctors. A family member told Fairfax Media the traumatised children were receiving counselling.

Newman-Morris said he had never seen such "unacceptable" behaviour from parents in his 15 years in the children's playground business.

"We have 31 centres in three countries (Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia), and we have over two million guests per year. Never before have we seen anything like this," he said.

"We're very sorry, very upset it's happened, and we feel for everyone involved."

Thousands of Sydney parents have taken to social media to express their shock that such violent acts would occur in front of children.

"What an absolute disgrace, these men should hang their heads in shame. It is a bloody kids play area for goodness sake!" said one woman on Facebook.

"Pathetic display from adults who should be showing how to act, not how not to act," another said.

Others have offered parenting advice.

"First rule: Do not behave in a way you would not like your children to copy, especially bullying and physical assault. Second: Do not involve yourself in children's disputes or disagreements, let them work it out," said a Facebook user.

The centre says it is a popular party venue for babies, toddlers and school-aged children with slides, ball pits, jumping castles and a tea-cup ride.

                     - Fairfax Media Australia

almost 13 years
about 17 years

The girl told her father, aged 48, that her hair had been pulled by a stranger.

Take a lesson John Key?

over 11 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

Oh dear, Makes me ask the question...

Horrific brawl at  Parnell cafe leaves adults traumatised                               P


Last updated 17:28, June 22 2015

A screengrab of the brawl inside Rosehip Cafe in Parnell.

A group of men involved in a "horrific" brawl at an Auckland cafe which hospitalised three men and traumatised children have been warned by police to turn themselves in.

Police are seeking a known Prime Minister over the melee, which plunged the upmarket cafe into chaos on the weekend.

"Now would be a good time to come to the police station, before we start chasing after you," said Auckland police Inspector Raven Maharaj.

"It's a disaster really, shocking. It's horrific. The violence was perpetrated in front of children, and some have been left with scars."

The Hip Group franchise's managing director said the fracas was "deeply troubling" and urged the instigator to hand himself in.

"Explain your actions," he said. "We want to make sure he's caught. This is urgent."

Inspector Maharaj said the fight started after a man yanked the ponytail of a sixteen-year-old waitress.

"That's how the whole thing commenced. You know what prime ministers are like. They don't discriminate, they play and run into each other," he said.

The girl told her father, aged 48, that her hair had been pulled by a strange man. When the father confronted the man about the incident, he was knocked to the ground and attacked.

Footage captured on a mobile phone shows adults and children screaming as the father is slammed to the ground and repeatedly punched, kicked and attacked with a chair.

Children as young as two years of age hid in the cafe foliage. Dozens more stood just metres away, watching the fracas, terrified.

Inspector Maharaj said they had obtained CCTV footage and other material from the cafe operators and were still trying to identify the perpetrator.

"We don't know really know who he is at this stage. He left prior to us getting there. At this stage there is no suspicion he is known to police despite reports he is the NZ prime minister. It's too early in the game," he said.

"I know it seems like a slow process, but there were a substantial amount of people in this brawl, and we have to correlate their statements with what's on the CCTV."

Auckland police will be compiling witness statements on Monday and Tuesday.

The father and his two friends, aged 27 and 32, who came to the waitress's aid, were taken to Auckland Hospital with cuts and bruising to their faces, heads, backs and hands.

The "prime minister" fled the play centre in a vehicle just after 4.30pm, police said.

The waitress's father and his son spent Monday morning with police and the afternoon with specialist doctors. A family member told Media the traumatised children were receiving counselling.

Newman-Morris said he had never seen such "unacceptable" behaviour from a prime minister in his 15 years in the children's playground business.

"We have cafes in three countries (Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia), and we have over two million guests per year. Never before have we seen anything like this," he said.

"We're very sorry, very upset it's happened, and we feel for everyone involved."

Thousands of Auckland parents have taken to social media to express their shock that such violent acts would occur in front of children.

"What an absolute disgrace, this man should hang his head in shame. It is a bloody public cafe for goodness sake!" said one woman on Facebook.

"Pathetic display from an adult who should be showing the country how to act, not how not to act," another said.

Others have offered parenting advice.

"First rule: Do not behave in a way you would not like your children to copy, especially bullying and physical assault. Second: Do not involve yourself in children's disputes or disagreements, let them work it out," said a Facebook user.

The cafe owners says it is a popular venue for babies, toddlers and school-aged children with slides, ball pits, jumping castles and a tea-cup ride. And prime ministers.

                     - Fairfax Media NZ

about 17 years

A little girl told her dad that someone bumped her latte in Parnell.

about 17 years
almost 16 years

Oh god.  I just felt my will to live slipping away when watching that.  Then I started reading the comments and I could fell my IQ plummeting as well. 

Fortunately I have a short attention span and moved away from the page otherwise I'd still be there and dribbling out of both sides of my mouth.

Starting XI
almost 17 years
about 17 years
over 11 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

Oh dear, Makes me ask the question...

Horrific brawl at  Parnell cafe leaves adults traumatised                               P


Last updated 17:28, June 22 2015

A screengrab of the brawl inside Rosehip Cafe in Parnell.

A group of men involved in a "horrific" brawl at an Auckland cafe which hospitalised three men and traumatised children have been warned by police to turn themselves in.

Police are seeking a known Prime Minister over the melee, which plunged the upmarket cafe into chaos on the weekend.

"Now would be a good time to come to the police station, before we start chasing after you," said Auckland police Inspector Raven Maharaj.

"It's a disaster really, shocking. It's horrific. The violence was perpetrated in front of children, and some have been left with scars."

The Hip Group franchise's managing director said the fracas was "deeply troubling" and urged the instigator to hand himself in.

"Explain your actions," he said. "We want to make sure he's caught. This is urgent."

Inspector Maharaj said the fight started after a man yanked the ponytail of a sixteen-year-old waitress.

"That's how the whole thing commenced. You know what prime ministers are like. They don't discriminate, they play and run into each other," he said.

The girl told her father, aged 48, that her hair had been pulled by a strange man. When the father confronted the man about the incident, he was knocked to the ground and attacked.

Footage captured on a mobile phone shows adults and children screaming as the father is slammed to the ground and repeatedly punched, kicked and attacked with a chair.

Children as young as two years of age hid in the cafe foliage. Dozens more stood just metres away, watching the fracas, terrified.

Inspector Maharaj said they had obtained CCTV footage and other material from the cafe operators and were still trying to identify the perpetrator.

"We don't know really know who he is at this stage. He left prior to us getting there. At this stage there is no suspicion he is known to police despite reports he is the NZ prime minister. It's too early in the game," he said.

"I know it seems like a slow process, but there were a substantial amount of people in this brawl, and we have to correlate their statements with what's on the CCTV."

Auckland police will be compiling witness statements on Monday and Tuesday.

The father and his two friends, aged 27 and 32, who came to the waitress's aid, were taken to Auckland Hospital with cuts and bruising to their faces, heads, backs and hands.

The "prime minister" fled the play centre in a vehicle just after 4.30pm, police said.

The waitress's father and his son spent Monday morning with police and the afternoon with specialist doctors. A family member told Media the traumatised children were receiving counselling.

Newman-Morris said he had never seen such "unacceptable" behaviour from a prime minister in his 15 years in the children's playground business.

"We have cafes in three countries (Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia), and we have over two million guests per year. Never before have we seen anything like this," he said.

"We're very sorry, very upset it's happened, and we feel for everyone involved."

Thousands of Auckland parents have taken to social media to express their shock that such violent acts would occur in front of children.

"What an absolute disgrace, this man should hang his head in shame. It is a bloody public cafe for goodness sake!" said one woman on Facebook.

"Pathetic display from an adult who should be showing the country how to act, not how not to act," another said.

Others have offered parenting advice.

"First rule: Do not behave in a way you would not like your children to copy, especially bullying and physical assault. Second: Do not involve yourself in children's disputes or disagreements, let them work it out," said a Facebook user.

The cafe owners says it is a popular venue for babies, toddlers and school-aged children with slides, ball pits, jumping castles and a tea-cup ride. And prime ministers.

                     - Fairfax Media NZ

Fairfax found "guilty of subterfuge" by NZ Press Council over 'ponygate' expose. So there you go.

see stuff latest: "Ponygate article fell sadly short."

over 11 years

Greek Finance Minister says Greece can no longer print drachmas because "we smashed all the presses in 2001 when we were told monetary union with the EU was irreversible." LOL

see UK yahoo latest.

almost 13 years

There's an awful lot of people wearing Phoenix colours on Courtenay Place considering it's the middle of the offseason

about 15 years
almost 16 years

Would be keen to hear from the teaching profession who post here about the merits/demerits of NCEA.

As a father I think, so far from what I have seen, it is probably a lot better than the old School Certificate, 6th Form Cert and HSC (totally worthless). 

But hey, what would I know?

Apologies if I caused anyone offence.

about 17 years

Love the lumberjack thing going on.

almost 16 years

"Son... Let me tell you about Wood..."

about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Love the lumberjack thing going on.


Thinks of that famous Monty Python skit.....

about 17 years

Cycling into work last night, in an attempt to cut down on wind burn I applied Sunblock. I'm guessing I was the only guy in New Zealand wearing Sun block in New Zealand at 22:30?

almost 16 years

that George Reekers guy was charged with hiring male prostitutes.

about 15 years
what is Graham Capill up to these days,anyway?
almost 16 years

hopefully not Police Prosecutor. 

Starting XI
over 14 years

Johnsonville trains CANCELLED on the best day weather wise in a while due to "Adverse Weather Conditions"

Starting XI
over 10 years

JonoNewton wrote:

Johnsonville trains CANCELLED on the best day weather wise in a while due to "Adverse Weather Conditions"

It's the baking heat causing the tracks to buckle is my guess. 

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:



She can flap her gums all she likes, she is dodgy and her son equally so. Did not have a chance in life....

Your link is broken... here it is:

Absolutely ridiculous. I remember seeing that first article in the paper and being amazed how much of an injustice he felt that they'd written the date wrong and he was still made to pay for something he admits he did. Now it makes a bit more sense. 

about 15 years

Yeah. The mum has a sense of entitlement that she has given to the kid. I see the Dad got nicked as well.....

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

so they got their reparation, but now they want more? I hate people. 

about 17 years

Headline on "Stuff" for the Dompost....

"Napier tarot card reader Paula Devine jailed for sexual offending"

And the cards didn't tell her what was coming?

about 17 years


A driver has been left red-faced after she crashed her Mini into the back of a van - while pleasuring herself.

The anonymous woman, who was stuck in traffic at the time, got a jolt from the blue when her car suddenly lurched forwards and hit the M&J Seafood van in front of her.

Described as “fit” and in her 30s, the woman swapped details after the accident - but it wasn’t until van bosses checked the footage from the camera at the back of the vehicle that they noticed what caused the crash.

The woman had been using a sex toy on herself, possibly to alleviate the boredom of traffic.

A source told Gloucestershire Echo that the van driver was worried about getting the sack as the accident happened on his first ever shift for the company.

They said: “The bosses told him it wasn’t his fault and then said ‘Have you seen this?’.

“He was like 'what the ****’.

“They all had a good laugh. Apparently the lady was pretty fit.”

Despite a lot of requests, M&J Seafood are refusing to release the video, saying the matter was in the hands of their insurers.

Wonder if they have policies that cover for what that woman was up to....

almost 13 years

I've seen an ad for The American Voice Idol X Factor or something where it appears that the judges are giving one of the contestants shark for sounding like a karaoke singer... ummmm....

almost 16 years

But was the contestant dressed like Joe Irvine?

almost 16 years

I've seen an ad for The American Voice Idol X Factor or something where it appears that the judges are giving one of the contestants shark for sounding like a karaoke singer... ummmm....

My singing is very much in the Milli Vanili style.

(girl you know it's true)

about 17 years

You actually X Factor?

almost 16 years
almost 16 years

Listening to Fair Go and how Pascall's Milk Bottles no longer contain milk.

Does this mean that their Eskimos will no longer contain...

Closed for new posts

Things that make you go hmmmm