Things that piss you off... (Part 1)

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Starting XI
about 17 years
Gangsta! wrote:
Those TV Shows that just use random IT words incorrectly, NCIS and CSI for example, when hacking into things.

Like you did?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Feverish wrote:
Tegal wrote:
Its only very short.  Too rubbish to be put online too  i suspect. Was only in the SIDELINES section
so were the quotes you did for Burgess the ones in Sidelines? If so he's gonna get the hammer -he stitched us up during the Beckham game.
Yep those were my quotes. cut and paste together to get it to look like what they wanted.
Very poor form
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Tegal wrote:
Its only very short.  Too rubbish to be put online too  i suspect. Was only in the SIDELINES section
so were the quotes you did for Burgess the ones in Sidelines? If so he's gonna get the hammer -he stitched us up during the Beckham game.
Yep those were my quotes. cut and paste together to get it to look like what they wanted.
Very poor form
Bloody hell. Massive uppercut coming his way
over 17 years
back on topic
Kiwi's and aussies in London - always seem to be the loudest people around, have a f**king stupid accent and are always bitching.  Don't like it? f**k off home.
Greenie when he won't pass the ball.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
back on topic
 Greenie when he won't pass the ball.
In other words....Greenie.
Starting XI
about 16 years
Coaches who complain to me that I penalise there team to much. Teach your players the rules and I won't.

"Touch Judges" who think that there the authority on everything because they have a flag. I just want them to put the flag in the air when the ball goes out. Especially annoying when there bias to there own team.Gangsta!2008-08-30 19:32:00
Starting XI
about 16 years
almost 17 years
Starting XI
about 16 years
People who worry more about there fantasy then the performance of the Phoenix.
over 17 years
Gangsta! wrote:
People who worry more about there fantasy then the performance of the Phoenix.
my fantasy is to have Kylie sit on my face, while Pamela Anderson irons all of my shirts.  I care about that way more than the Phoenix
Starting XI
about 16 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Gangsta! wrote:
People who worry more about there fantasy then the performance of the Phoenix.


my fantasy is to have Kylie sit on my face, while Pamela Anderson irons all of my shirts.� I care about that way more than the Phoenix

Starting XI
about 16 years
How early the pizza places close! I WANT A PIZZA!
over 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
back on topic
Kiwi's and aussies in London - always seem to be the loudest people around, have a f**king stupid accent and are always bitching.  Don't like it? f**k off home.
Greenie when he won't pass the ball.

Kiwis in London who'll perform the haka in a crowded pub at the drop of a hat.

Please jump off something very, very tall, you sad bastards.
about 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
Gangsta! wrote:
People who worry more about there fantasy then the performance of the Phoenix.
my fantasy is to have Kylie sit on my face, while Pamela Anderson irons all of my shirts.  I care about that way more than the Phoenix
You'll have to come back then Frankie, she's appearing in Auckland later this year. Could be a good time to make your stalk, err, I meant move!
Starting XI
over 17 years
Nowhere in Wellington to buy a deep fried pizza and chips.
about 17 years
over 17 years
over 16 years
taxi drivers
school girls with whiny voices
students that continue to sit when full fare payers have to stand
old ladies that dress like their skanky teenage daughters
over 16 years
that drunk driving old bag that killed that chick and didn't get a prison sentence coz she was agrophobic.
if your agrophobic why the hell was she driving
and that judge that gave her home detention that really pisses me off
and on the topic of judges that aussie judge who let off those pedo rapist abo's after they raped that little girl last year
frustr8dstriker2008-09-02 16:53:32
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Even the ones who believe that Ben Williams hates the nix?
Starting XI
over 17 years
teenage kiwi girls that space their sentences when speaking with '' every 3rd word. Drives me bammy when I'm sitting on the bus, and as usual can't not hear them. ginger_eejit2008-09-02 21:50:34
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
Even the ones who believe that Ben Williams hates the nix?

Thats different 2B... thats a proven fact

over 17 years
ginger_eejit wrote:
teenage kiwi girls that space their sentences when speaking with '' every 3rd word. Drives me bammy when I'm sitting on the bus, and as usual can't not hear them.
plz post all relevant 'up-skirt' pics or stfu.
over 17 years

thought you'd be more of a milf man KP
Starting XI
over 17 years
The state of our roads.
The skills of our drivers.

over 17 years
Cosimo wrote:

thought you'd be more of a milf man KP

Oats is oats imo.
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 17 years
People who say they support a trendy football clubs and yet have no affiliation to that particular club or even town. These posers are ruining the true art of football.
You know who you are!
almost 17 years
what clubs are you classing as trendy???
be brave name names!!!
First Team Squad
over 17 years
The marketing mans dream four,
 manchester utd - very big in China
 liverpool - always been supported in Thailand
 chelski - only arrived since the Russian turned up
 arsenal - popular in most afro-caribean countries
The main point worth mentioning is that all of these companies have OD'ed on foreign imports, thus contributing to the decline of all lower league clubs and the English national team.
Sorry Prof you are in an un-arguable position, mate.
about 17 years
Pretty much spot on there Skaman and for those reasons too.
almost 17 years
Skaman wrote:
The marketing mans dream four,
 manchester utd - very big in China
 liverpool - always been supported in Thailand
 chelski - only arrived since the Russian turned up
 arsenal - popular in most afro-caribean countries
The main point worth mentioning is that all of these companies have OD'ed on foreign imports, thus contributing to the decline of all lower league clubs and the English national team.
Sorry Prof you are in an un-arguable position, mate.
Not gonna argue the point that these clubs have marketed themselves really well gloabally, you comment earlier wa that the people wo support them withpout any basis annoy you? I ask again, what constitutes one of these people? All of the afro-carribean countries that watch the EPL because some of there players are in the Gunners, or Russions becaus ea russiona owns Chelski.....or the kiwis, aussies etc who support one of the "cool" teams cos they win loads????
Starting XI
over 17 years
theprof wrote:
Skaman wrote:
The marketing mans dream four,
 manchester utd - very big in China
 liverpool - always been supported in Thailand
 chelski - only arrived since the Russian turned up
 arsenal - popular in most afro-caribean countries
The main point worth mentioning is that all of these companies have OD'ed on foreign imports, thus contributing to the decline of all lower league clubs and the English national team.
Sorry Prof you are in an un-arguable position, mate.
Not gonna argue the point that these clubs have marketed themselves really well gloabally, you comment earlier wa that the people wo support them withpout any basis annoy you? I ask again, what constitutes one of these people? All of the afro-carribean countries that watch the EPL because some of there players are in the Gunners, or Russions becaus ea russiona owns Chelski.....or the kiwis, aussies etc who support one of the "cool" teams cos they win loads????
Im with theprof on this. What is wrong with someone new coming to the game and deciding to support one of the big four. If your a 15 year old in NZ with no ties to another team and you start following football why is it so bad that you start supporting a big four club?
No-one can ever answer that.
Starting XI
about 16 years
bopman wrote:
theprof wrote:
Skaman wrote:
The marketing mans dream four,

�manchester utd - very big in China

�liverpool - always been supported in Thailand

�chelski - only arrived since the Russian turned up

�arsenal - popular in most afro-caribean countries


The main point worth mentioning is that all of these companies have�OD'ed on foreign imports, thus contributing to the decline of all lower league clubs and the English national team.


Sorry Prof you are in an un-arguable position, mate.


Not gonna argue the point that these clubs have marketed themselves really well gloabally, you comment earlier wa that the people wo support them withpout any basis annoy you? I ask again, what constitutes one of these people? All of the afro-carribean countries that watch the EPL because some of there players are in the Gunners, or Russions becaus ea russiona owns Chelski.....or the kiwis, aussies etc who support one of the "cool" teams cos they win loads????

Im with theprof on this. What is wrong with someone new coming to the game and deciding to support one of the big four. If your a 15 year old in NZ with no ties to another team and you start following football why is it so bad that you start supporting a big four club?

No-one can ever answer that.

Agreed. I've decided to support Braintree cause I find Prem League boring, But I can fully understand why people want to support a team that wins - I mean why would you want the team you support to be mediocre.

What I have a problem with is people who "support" a top 4 team until they become mediocre and then move onto a new top 4 team.

You choose a team to support and you stick with them.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Cars that don't start!!

****!!!!  I'm ready to go the gym (It's not local) and turned that key...  nothing.

over 17 years
Skaman wrote:
The marketing mans dream four,
 manchester utd - very big in China
 liverpool - always been supported in Thailand
 chelski - only arrived since the Russian turned up
 arsenal - popular in most afro-caribean countries
The main point worth mentioning is that all of these companies have OD'ed on foreign imports, thus contributing to the decline of all lower league clubs and the English national team.
Sorry Prof you are in an un-arguable position, mate.

I do agree to an extent.  Although classing all fans of the aforementioned clubs as bandwagoners because they've never been to a game and have no affiliation with the city is narrow-minded (not saying you do that Skaman, but some people do). 

What I find equally bad, though, is how people support smaller teams to try and be different and unique.  It's something that has irked me for a while.  If you genuinely like that team then that's fine, but people who do it for the sake of it annoy me.  Not accusing anyone on here of that mind you.
loyalgunner2008-09-07 11:24:03
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
*cough* Gangsta! *cough*
Tegal2008-09-07 13:29:52
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Things that piss you off... (Part 1)