Things that piss you off... (Part 1)

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about 15 years
I <3 Nix wrote:
People in the worksplace who have nothing better to do than gossip about me.

Yep, gossip mongers suck.  Ignore them and maybe feel a little bit better that you shone a light on their boring life.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I <3 Nix wrote:
People in the worksplace who have nothing better to do than gossip about me.
Yep, gossip mongers suck.� Ignore them and maybe feel a little bit better that you shone a light on their boring life.

A lot of this happens at my workplace, it really does piss me off.
over 13 years
Craig Platt and Doc Murdoch, total idiots. Was a f**ken weird skate comp and turned out a disaster. Link Don't understand why we have people like this in our society. Mycatiscold2012-03-26 23:47:37
about 17 years
The dog that attacked my cat and resulted in the old fella getting 5 broken ribs. I Bought him, the cat, over from the uk - possibly the only creature in the universe I actually get on with.
Very bright cat, can be completely evil but loves me to bits. He was always getting in to scraps as a kitten and usually would end up worst off as he's only small. He's an old man now.
Watching our female cat go over to him, scared and worried inching along on her tummy as to not frighten him so they could touch noses broke my heart. They say animals have no feelings like us - rubbish.
Get well soon you silly old sod.
almost 16 years
Life-work balance. When both are equally sh!te.
(Roll on April!)
almost 17 years
Cyclists - its been said before but you chumps on bikes piss me off.....5 out of 6 cyclists that I saw this mornging were breaking the law - and yet when I don't giove you room or come close to knocking you off your bike - usually cos your in the wrong place I get in the sh*t. Well here it is boys and girls, 5 out of 6 times I'm not gioving you room on the road, the other time I will.
over 17 years
theprof wrote:
Cyclists - its been said before but you chumps on bikes piss me off.....5 out of 6 cyclists that I saw this mornging were breaking the law - and yet when I don't giove you room or come close to knocking you off your bike - usually cos your in the wrong place I get in the sh*t. Well here it is boys and girls, 5 out of 6 times I'm not gioving you room on the road, the other time I will.
about 17 years
theprof wrote:
Cyclists - its been said before but you chumps on bikes piss me off.....5 out of 6 cyclists that I saw this mornging were breaking the law - and yet when I don't giove you room or come close to knocking you off your bike - usually cos your in the wrong place I get in the sh*t. Well here it is boys and girls, 5 out of 6 times I'm not gioving you room on the road, the other time I will.
Sounds like the crappy commute I had today. First off being almost being hooked by a car steaming through a junction just to get 25 meters up the road 5 seconds quicker. Followed by a transit van steaming through the same junction who did not bother with the give way rules - lucky we both braked - for me.
This is a usual occurance and other stuff includes abuse hurled my way or distracted drivers either chatting or even sometimes texting on their phones, p*ssed up drivers, drivers who try to intimidate me by using their transport as a weapon, (I won't mention the company that this driver so professionally represented). Getting buzzed or almost "doored".
There are dicks who drive there are dicks who ride bikes. Both car drivers, (the herd as I like to affectionately call them), and cyclists have the right to use the road safely.
I reckon the roads would all be a bit more safer if people got a grip and did not lose the plot over something that sounds like an inconvience to me. Mind you I always feel that driving brings out the worst in some people.
almost 17 years

just to add to my gripe 4 of the riders were riding on the wrong side of the road to get passed a queue at the lights, on avoided the oncoming traffic by jumping onto the footpath.....if I'd been doing the same in my car the cops would be involved. Number 5 was simply diging his bike on a crossing when he's supposed to be walking it accross - so not so much of a biggie.

almost 16 years
Personally I like busses where I can squash up against complete strangers and listen to conversations and try and not get sneezed or coughed on.
Edit: Some people pay really good money for this.  I only pay about $3:60 or whatever it is for 3 sections on Snapper.
Junior822012-04-02 10:03:09
over 13 years
When you're doing a titration internal and your burette breaks halfway through and you teacher tells you "Oh, that's the one that breaks all the time." and walks off. f**ked up my results because of it.
almost 16 years
Copy your results.  All the best* scientists do.
*until they get caught and are had up for plagiarism.  Then they have to clean out test tubes with a brush that doesn't quite reach the end for the next 3 years.
Junior822012-04-02 16:58:53
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
theprof wrote:
Cyclists - its been said before but you chumps on bikes piss me off.....5 out of 6 cyclists that I saw this mornging were breaking the law - and yet when I don't giove you room or come close to knocking you off your bike - usually cos your in the wrong place I get in the sh*t. Well here it is boys and girls, 5 out of 6 times I'm not gioving you room on the road, the other time I will.

It's as if they ride out wide to bait you into getting too close or hitting them.

Pedestrian crossings are for pedestrians not for cyclists riding their bikes across.

Starting XI
almost 15 years
Hearing my car start up, running outside just in time to see some c**t driving off in it.

Police found it the nest morning, they had taken the battery, radio, speakers and a whole host of stuff in the back seat and boot. Oh, and the c**ts also took my radiator cap, i mean what the f**k!!

Stupid c**ts.

Starting XI
about 15 years
Sorry to hear this Downey26.  Why are people so horrible, and go out of their way to be assholes?  No consideration for anyone else. 
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
Two issues:

1. Drivers entering a roundabout signalling right & going straight though.

2. Going through doors & holding it for the person behind me without so much as a "thanks". Usually they're younger women. I guess their parents never taught them common courtesy or they haven't developed any.

over 14 years
The Hot Springs Spas ad on TV at the moment.

"Hot Springs Spas will provide you with years of worry-free maintenance".


Why do I want years of maintenance? Even if it is worry-free maintenance?

And you want me to PAY to get years of maintenace work?

Dick heads.
about 15 years
I'm sick to death of those state insurance ads.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
While we're talking ads...It doesn't piss me off but it's hilariously sh*t...anyone seen that glass ad on tv lately, think it might be smith and smith but not sure. Holy f**k you'd struggle to find a worse ad on tv atm
over 17 years
I'm sick to death of those state insurance ads.

Irritating as f**k.
Starting XI
about 17 years
While we're on the subject of ads, and as we close in on "Winter" (the whole summer was winter)
it means we're likely to see more of those highly expensive, beautifully shot ,beautifully produced, environmentally friendly, eco-sensitive power company ads which you know we'll all be paying for as the power bill inevitably increases.
Starting XI
over 17 years
the utterly fatuous article "stadium woes" in the Dominion Post in the week.

The comment #87 in the replies -
has the right idea! 
dairyflat2012-04-06 18:20:22
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
about 17 years
People that worship a Space Bloke, that's never been seen, but is, sometimes heard in people's heads, who lives in the sky, who's son came back from the dead, who was a right bastard, ( that's the dad), intially and then became quite nice because his son was the proto-hippie that control the country and has strange rules that stops me buying beer today. ForteanTimes2012-04-06 12:58:40
Starting XI
about 17 years
On the otherhand.....
I'm going to thank Jesus for the extra long weekend holiday and the foresight to buy my beer yesterday.;-)
Starting XI
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
That actually pisses you off?

I see what you mean ! I like that comment it was the article that 'frustrated' me... 
about 17 years
RedGed wrote:
On the otherhand.....
I'm going to thank Jesus for the extra long weekend holiday and the foresight to buy my beer yesterday.;-)
Yeah I'm sorted too. But it's still a mental thing to have to put up with in this day and age.
I'm happy if people think that basing your life around the teachings of some bloke talking to vegetation that caught fire 2000+ years ago  is a good thing. That and other various guys who probably never existed, but it should not in this day and age effect me in anyway shape or form.
I'd rather we had laws based on Star Wars, Doctor Who or Star Trek to be honest at least they are a little more up to date.
ForteanTimes2012-04-06 18:39:20
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

I'd rather we had laws based on Star Wars, Doctor Who or Star Trek to be honest at least they are a little more up to date.

This. Is. Brilliant.
almost 16 years
Blessed are the cheese makers.

The Greek shall inherit the earth.

Starting XI
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
RedGed wrote:
On the otherhand.....
I'm going to thank Jesus for the extra long weekend holiday and the foresight to buy my beer yesterday.;-)
Yeah I'm sorted too. But it's still a mental thing to have to put up with in this day and age.
I'm happy if people think that basing your life around the teachings of some bloke talking to vegetation that caught fire 2000+ years ago  is a good thing. That and other various guys who probably never existed, but it should not in this day and age effect me in anyway shape or form.
I'd rather we had laws based on Star Wars, Doctor Who or Star Trek to be honest at least they are a little more up to date.

Oh come on FT!
 Next thing you'll be saying the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus never existed! Is nothing sacred??
almost 16 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

I'd rather we had laws based on Star Wars, Doctor Who or Star Trek to be honest at least they are a little more up to date.

No - I feckin hate Chancellor Palpatine.

(Oh noes, meesa Ju-Junior82, meesa in big doo-doo dis time, meesa not a racial stereotype at all)
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

I'd rather we had laws based on Star Wars, Doctor Who or Star Trek to be honest at least they are a little more up to date.

No - I feckin hate Chancellor Palpatine.

(Oh noes, meesa Ju-Junior82, meesa in big doo-doo dis time, meesa not a racial stereotype at all)
Just one name Chewf*ckinbacca ok?
Id worship Chewwy anyday.
 Well o.k. I do it anyhow, grawwwwwrrrall
almost 16 years
I had a Wookie steak the other day, it was all right, a bit chewy.
about 15 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Junior82 wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

I'd rather we had laws based on Star Wars, Doctor Who or Star Trek to be honest at least they are a little more up to date.

No - I feckin hate Chancellor Palpatine.

(Oh noes, meesa Ju-Junior82, meesa in big doo-doo dis time, meesa not a racial stereotype at all)
Just one name Chewf*ckinbacca ok?
Id worship Chewwy anyday.
 Well o.k. I do it anyhow, grawwwwwrrrall

I always thought Star Wars was a religious civil war epic.

Jesuits Jedi  versus  Black Friars  Sith.
about 17 years
Chris Boardman leaving GB cycling team. We both used to commute along Quernmore Road near Lancaster, although I don't recall seeing him as we did it at different times.
He has done so much for the sport of cycling in Great Britian and has made GB the best in the world at the mo.
Good luck Chris, Quernmore Road is a beautiful ride in with all of it's foxes and Owls and great descent after a days work. I hope you still get the chance to do it now and then.
about 17 years
Grrrr just realised that I messed up the beer free day of today with tomorrow. F*CKING B*LLsh*t RELIGION!!!
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Was at a match two seasons back and two morons, both injured payers,  were drunk and yelling racist abuse at an offical. I called the club boss, I know him, and asked him to have a word. He did!

Last night I found out that the worse of the two has just joined the club I play for.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
over 13 years
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Things that piss you off... (Part 1)