Things that piss you off...

about 17 years

I think I use this one because the Hmmmmmmm thread got closed down. Shame about that, I liked it.

over 13 years

That shootings at mosque (or anywhere) have reached New Zealand as a way of spreading hate and terror!

almost 14 years

I'm shocked. This has no place in our society at all. These people have not just attacked the Muslim community they've attacked New Zealand and every single one of us.

over 13 years

I'm so angry, I honestly believe it wouldn't happen here and am sad that it has. 

tradition and history
about 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

I'm so angry, I honestly believe it wouldn't happen here and am sad that it has. 

Quite  frankly does not surprise me. Shocking. Always nutters around. 

over 13 years

Leggy wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

I'm so angry, I honestly believe it wouldn't happen here and am sad that it has. 

Quite  frankly does not surprise me. Shocking. Always nutters around. 

Yeah I get there are nutters but I thought at worst it would be racial tagging not a mass shooting. Guess I was just hopeful 

over 17 years

What a sad day for our country.

about 17 years

This is so wrong. Come on New Zealand, we are meant to be better than this. RIP to those deceased. Condolences to the families and friends of the victims.

about 17 years

I'm devasted by this and I lived in the UK when there were various bombings back in the 70's and 80's. New Zeland will never be the same after this. 

over 13 years

Loss of innocence for our country

Can only imagine the trauma for the police and ambulance staff who were first on the scene.

One in a million
over 17 years

Eggs that think they represent white people by being evil to everyone else. Thanks for nothing. I am ashamed.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Australian Eggs that think they represent white people by being evil to everyone else. Thanks for nothing. I am very ashamed ?

over 17 years

Absolutely heartbroken for the Muslim and greater community and disgusted by those psychopaths who perpetrated this attack. Let's hope we can rally together as a country and show compassion and love to those affected. Never again!

over 13 years

Along with Australian MPs (Fraser Anning) using what happen today to push an anti Muslim message. 

Starting XI
over 7 years

Yakcall wrote:

Along with Australian MPs (Fraser Anning) using what happen today to push an anti Muslim message. 

That was absolutely unashamedly fudgeed

First Team Squad
over 8 years

Anyone reposting images, videos, or the manifesto of the terrorist attack need to fudge right off. Specifically News Channels. Give these scum no recognition or fame. Also, the people who are using the attack to push their own sick agenda need to fudge right off. This is the worst thing I've witnessed happen in this beautiful country we call home. My heart goes out to the NZ Muslim community, the first responders and civilians who transported victims to the hospital, and most of all, the victims of this horrific attack.

Never forget those who lost their lives

almost 14 years

Lachyloolaa wrote:

Anyone reposting images, videos, or the manifesto of the terrorist attack need to fudge right off. Specifically News Channels. Give these scum no recognition or fame. Also, the people who are using the attack to push their own sick agenda need to fudge right off. This is the worst thing I've witnessed happen in this beautiful country we call home. My heart goes out to the NZ Muslim community, the first responders and civilians who transported victims to the hospital, and most of all, the victims of this horrific attack.

Never forget those who lost their lives

I can't believe that people are gloating over it. Actually gloating. I know that they justify these acts by thinking of people of different races as different species and I kind of see how that works, I don't understand these people at all. Their views and callousness are utterly incomprehensible, it's like they're from another planet.

about 17 years

I appreciate the various families will want their loved ones buried in various places but I was thinking perhaps if you were all buried in the same area of the same cemetary then it could become a place of rememberance for all. Or am I being to sensitive about this? TBH, I'm gutted. This is just not the New Zealand thing to do. Another piece of our innocence has been taken away and lost. Mods, delete this if you wish. Just broken over it.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Just reading that one of the shooting victims was a 14 year old kid Sayyad Milne who had dreams of being an international footballer one day. Was a goalkeeper and an "all-round good guy". Was supposed to play in a futsal tournament in Wellington in a couple of weeks that he was looking forward to. Was last seen hurt on the floor of the mosque and family hasn't had any news yet (and aren't hopeful of good news).

about 17 years

I put this up on "Stuff". I hope you don't mind it here. It is how I feel.....

"A touch of our innocence has been stolen by some demented nutter. 49 people minding their own business paying homeage to the God they love, some were kids. How can any rational person justify driving a car over a child??

My sincerest condolances to the families and friends of those deceased and my thoughts and prayers for the survivors for a speedy recovery.

My heart sinks the more I think about events of yesterday.

I want to make sense of it. I want to reach out to the Muslim community's in NZ to let them know others are hurting because of what some sicko has done to their loved ones. I want them to know that it is not alright for people to behave like this. I want them to know that New Zealander's in general are a tolerant and unique group that actually to wish to get on with their neighbours despite race, creed or religious beliefs.

I want the Muslim community's throughout NZ to know that I am sorry that this has happened. I want the Muslim community to know that some people out there deeply care."

Phoenix Academy
about 16 years

From stuff

New Zealand goalkeeper killed

Stuff has learned Atta Elayyan, 33, the goalkeeper for the national and Canterbury men’s futsal teams, was shot by the gunman as he prayed at a mosque in the city on Friday.

Elayyan, who was born in Kuwait, recently became a father and was a popular member of the Christchurch tech industry. He was a director and shareholder of a company called LWA Solutions.

NZ Football declined to comment on Saturday night as they had not had confirmation from police about Elayyan’s death

tradition and history
about 17 years

If ever there was a time to reintroduce the death penalty, it is for crimes like this.

about 17 years

Leggy, this is an act of terrorism. Isn't that cobweb covered law still in existance for Treason? And could this be seen as an act of treason against the people of New Zealand? Just asking.

Budgie lover
about 17 years

No and No

(to be slightly clear, 'no' to the death penalty and 'no' to this being treason)

over 13 years

What pisses me off beyond belief is that on at least three occasions attempts have been made to toughen the gunlaws - the last two years ago.

After the mourning, the politicians whom prevented this should be named in the coming days.

This nutcase simply could not have killed the numbers he did if he had committed this act of terror in his home country as they have banned semi automatic weapons.

I have no doubt the gun laws here were a factor in his decision making in doing this here.

tradition and history
about 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Leggy, this is an act of terrorism. Isn't that cobweb covered law still in existance for Treason? And could this be seen as an act of treason against the people of New Zealand? Just asking.

Treason is committing a crime against ones country. He is an Australian. 

almost 14 years

What pisses me off beyond belief is that on at least three occasions attempts have been made to toughen the gunlaws - the last two years ago.

After the mourning, the politicians whom prevented this should be named in the coming days.

This nutcase simply could not have killed the numbers he did if he had committed this act of terror in his home country as they have banned semi automatic weapons.

I have no doubt the gun laws here were a factor in his decision making in doing this here.

The nats identified gun law as a way to mobilise their base. Chris Bishop of lower Hutt was at the forefront for stopping change last time around.

over 13 years

It does not surprise me

googling him he appears to be in the headlines in the last day for telling that Australian senator off

If what you say is correct it sounds like he should be the last person in our country to preach to anyone and he should shut his own mouth or if he talks explain his actions

Now is not the time for naming but there will come a time 

when each and everyone of those politicians will be asked to explain their actions and agenda

 They did not keep our country safe

over 17 years

I agree. Don't want to make this a political issue or use it to a party's advantage, but with 1.3M guns in a country of 4.5M people, tough gun regulations are needed. Luckily we don't need to deal with that second amendment crap and can change our laws if only the political goodwill is there.
Those who jeopardised this process in the pass should be held to account.

almost 14 years

What pisses me off is people sweeping this under the carpet and saying "this isn't us." particularly the Australian media as this is contradicted by a number of Australian senators who were elected. You don't solve problems without confronting them.

It is us and it is Australians. Anytime we do anything to dehumanise others, even if it's a joke or talking about stereotypes, we're complicit in the thinking which made this terrorist.

We're herding animals, we stick to our herd and we talk think less of others. Our herds have grown from families, to villages, to towns, to cities, to religions. The challenge for us is to utilise the technology that we have to grow our tribe to the world.

We stop this by stopping stereotypes. By stopping casual racism. By thinking of others as humans, not by looking down on others.

I heard on the radio that the debate about video games has restarted - that they are the cause, to me video games are the easy targets but they don't stop the fundamental issues in society. They are the symptom not the cause. 

We don't stop this by ignoring it, calling it a one off, and not using the opportunity to fix our society. Because terrorism comes from disillusionment and alienation as much as by stereotyping and dehumanising. The only way to fix this is simply to treat each other with respect and be nice to each other. That's it. As easy as that. The way not to fix this is to say "this isn't us." and move on.

almost 14 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

They should have been safe. Should have been protected. I am so ashamed as an Australian of the carnage this nutter has created across the Muslim community, the Christchurch community and the nation of New Zealand. I'm equally angered by the response of our gutless and racist Australian politicians. I can't say enough good things about how Jacinda has responded and provided real leadership at this time. The comparison is a stark.

Changing tack, and not wanting to demean any of the above comments, I left the game last night frustrated. A beautiful evening, a fantastic game of football, a winning side who are making serious headway towards a home final and yet only 7000+ odd turned up. I know there was the vigil at the Basin and I'm glad that people took the opportunity to go to that.

I also accept that 7pm on a Sunday night is a very family unfriendly time (I left my wife at home with our two babies).

What do we have to do to get decent crowds at the Ring of Fire? I really think the club has tried everything. Surely it's time for us fans to do our bit...? 

almost 17 years

I think there would have been more at the stadium last night had the events of Friday not taken place, like you I thought 7500 was light given we were sitting 4th and had just smashed CCM 8-2.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Yesterday is not the game to be judging crowd figures on. Anything that you try to read into yesterday's attendance is immediately invalidated by the events of the two days proceeding the game. 

One in a million
over 17 years

theprof wrote:

I think there would have been more at the stadium last night had the events of Friday not taken place, like you I thought 7500 was light given we were sitting 4th and had just smashed CCM 8-2.

Yes a shame for the club and the players, but for once I think it was understandable.

over 17 years

Central library now closing due to earthquake concerns. I love books and read a lot...this really sucks!

about 17 years

Upper Hutt Library has been closed for a couple of years, although I believe there is a temp facility in Astral Towers somewhere. 

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Upper Hutt Library has been closed for a couple of years, although I believe there is a temp facility in Astral Towers somewhere. 

It re-opened earlier this month.
First Team Squad
over 8 years

The ? "ok" symbol being associated with white power. Extremely idiotic

over 17 years

I must I have notice that one and it's being grinding my gears!

Things that piss you off...

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