over 17 years

Murdock1973 wrote:

Having watched/coached for a number of years i have noticed, as a generalisation,  at about 10-11 years the boys stop passing the ball to the girls etc, girls playing against boys in the Saturday league ,in my  humble opinion, will prepare them better for the intensity of senior football later. 

It has been very interesting to see the reactions of a few of the all boys teams we have come up against so far. 

We are simply trying to build a good strong base of girls that not only enjoy playing the game but also have a strong club identity. 

I am fully aware that not every player will make it to the top 1%  but if we do not provide a clear and supportive pathway for the other 99% we have no real base to grow women's football from. 

If we continue with the attitude that  "perhaps playing with boys is better for their development as a player? and perhaps as a human being"  are we just going to keep doing what has always been done and therefore keep getting the same results?

I for one would love to see the ladies central league remain strong and for this to happen we need to make some changes at the lower levels so the girls have a clear pathways that shows them the clubs actually care about women's football in its own right and dont just see them as

1. Spare members of boys teams to be subs on the sideline

2. The ladies that run the kitchen after the men have played  

Or we could just bury our head in the sand and wait till there is no senior ladies football and we have nothing for the younger girls to aim for as a pathway to stronger leagues or higher honours.

Don't you get better play playing with better players eg if I was a talented girl I would get more from playing with boys where I may be considered average, rather than with girls who I was pretty much heads and shoulders better than.

To form such a girls team you speak of - girls would need to come from a number of clubs - what does that do to the source clubs wanting to develop girls football?

over 9 years

Forming our team we did not take from any other clubs, in fact we had a club trying to poach them to make up the numbers in their mixed teams- not really even with a strategy for girls football- they were just short of numbers.

Playing against better players also makes you stronger, playing in a team with better players will make you stronger dependent on the attitude of the team mates. As I have mentioned it has been my experience that at 11-12 years the boys will stop passing to the girls and they start to feel excluded- in an all girls team I have seen them grow as friends as well as footballers, keep in mind we are still undefeated this season.

 On the field they are at the very least just as competitive as any boy, although at times I wish they would stop apologising for tackling the boys. :-)

Girls and boys learn differently at these ages as well and this needs to also be taken into account if you want to get the best out of the players, either boys or girls and also if the players want to get the best out of you as a coach.

In my experience the girls learn in a much more social way and they are actually harder on themselves when they make mistakes. They are open to asking the questions to get it right.  

Boys walk out to training assuming they are already Messi like- they want to learn the tricks, back heels, turns, the fast feet etc, Before they even consider learning to pass, dribble and trap. They have to be shown and accept that  what they are doing is wrong before they will ask what to do to do it right. 

I have nothing against any player wanting to be a star, but at these ages it is also important that the basics are taught, and the environment that is conducive to learning for boys v girls is different. 

As a coach it is up to us to make sure the environment we provide ensures that as much learning "gets through" as possible in a limited timeframe and at times the quality of this learning may suffer. 

As a generalisation the teams made up of a mix of boys and girls are generally coached in a way that is more suitable for boys learning- because that is what we have always done and if we continue to do it we will continue to get what we have always got.

This article makes interesting reading regards the learning differences


over 17 years

which Stop Out team are you talking about as a whole lot of Feds transferred there? Or is that a different grade?

All our recent girls who went on to age group NZ team played mixed grades (mostly for an extra year). I remain unconvinced 

over 9 years

We are 12th Grade Bremner.

I believe you are referring to 13th Grade Ninjas? I am aware that they joined stopout as entire team but unsure of any background as to why, where etc.

We wanted to make a concerted effort to not take other clubs players if we could build from within. 

In saying that if any girls out there come to us to play we are certainly not going to turn them away.

Also just to make clear that I am not trying to convince any one person that any particular way is better just that the way it has been done in the past is clearly not working. If it was we would have a strong central league with youth teams clearly wanting to play their way to it.

As I have already said if we keep doing what we have always done then nothing will change.

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

Okay - apologies if there is another thread for this...

But when is the NZ Women's Knockout Cup Quarterfinals - given that Round 3 has just been played?

The Regs say the following:

Round 3 - Weekend of 11-12 July 2015 

Quarterfinals - Weekend of 1-2 August 2015 

Semifinals - Weekend of 22-23 August 2015

Final - 20 September 2015 

Would be good if everything was brought forward - the 20th of September is just too long after the regular season finishes to be a good final!  It would be nice if NZ Footy showed some common sense with this, rather than just having it in September because it suits better with the Chatham Cup.  

It should be an event in its own right...

over 17 years

Dunno but they wouldn't have further fixtures before the WC is over perhaps.

Good game to watch between UH and WU today

And I happened to watch the Stop Out all girls team play yest. Keeper and an outfield player were decent but they parked the bus and it wouldn't do any good for the decent players in the team

over 17 years

Okay - apologies if there is another thread for this...

But when is the NZ Women's Knockout Cup Quarterfinals - given that Round 3 has just been played?

The Regs say the following:

Round 3 - Weekend of 11-12 July 2015 

Quarterfinals - Weekend of 1-2 August 2015 

Semifinals - Weekend of 22-23 August 2015

Final - 20 September 2015 

Would be good if everything was brought forward - the 20th of September is just too long after the regular season finishes to be a good final!  It would be nice if NZ Footy showed some common sense with this, rather than just having it in September because it suits better with the Chatham Cup.  

It should be an event in its own right...

This was round two I think , but there doesn't seem a need for a round 3 as there will only be four games to play in the next round?

over 17 years

anyone catch the UH v 'toon game?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Yes. 0-0 at the half, Seatoun all over Upper Hutt but couldnt score. UH went up 2-0 in the second half, only for Seatoun to score 3 goals in the final 10 minutes to win 3-2. 

over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

Yes. 0-0 at the half, Seatoun all over Upper Hutt but couldnt score. UH went up 2-0 in the second half, only for Seatoun to score 3 goals in the final 10 minutes to win 3-2. 

Wow UH done at the death for a second week in a row

over 9 years


Can I ask which Stopout all girls team please? 

over 17 years

Murdock1973 wrote:


Can I ask which Stopout all girls team please? 

Oh the Fed one in 13g

over 9 years

Warning for Junior Girls Playing Hutt Valley Mixed Football:

Please be aware if you are a Girl playing Hutt valley 12th grade mixed football and you come against Stopout McCreadie 2015 team you will be abused as girls apparently 'shouldnt play football" and likely physically attacked.

We played them on 6/6 and our girls were called all sorts of names by one player on the team in particular while his father was reffing and he did nothing but encourage this. The names ranged fro C....nting B...ches to telling these girls to "Get Recked". (I found out later what the implications of this are.) After the game I approached the coach who is an outright cheat and we had a very heated argument as no one should be treating these girls like that, especially their own club mates. The fathers excuse is that his son has ADHD which I thinks stands for Adults Dont Handout Discipline.Even if he does have this behavioural issue  there is no excuse for the behaviour and the fact that his father condoned it. He then continued to Abuse the girls and spectators after the game without a single attempt made by his father to control him. On two occasions the same player attacked our goalkeeper with studs at head height and also studs up leg swinging as the keeper had the ball on the ground, well under the keepers control and nothing was done- the other coach and I were discussing stopping the game due to dangerous attacks on players from this one individual.

I am not claiming that I am an angel and yes things were heated after the a studs raised match between adults while this eleven year old boy continued to tell people they were arseholes and bi..ches etc without a word of correction from his father. 

The punishments handed down initially were a stand down from Coaching on Saturdays which we have obeyed every week since, McCreadie Coach has not (this reflects his attitude towards the rules immensely) whilst every Saturday I had to be standing away from a team that I have fought hard to put together and then we hear that he has been disregarding what was put in place with no recourse from the club. 

I have been stood down for 1 year, which I just have to live with as appealing to this "Boys Club" would obviously be pointless as our team is "just a bunch of girls" yet the player concerned is allowed to continue to carry out this behaviour despite a number of board members having had their own children on the receiving end of his behaviour. 

over 13 years

So was the all this reported to Capital Football and they issued the stand down for the coaches or just the local clubs involved?

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

Is this really the right forum to be posting this? Seems like an internal Club issue, and some dirty washing being hung out in public, rather than anything else? 

Not having a go at anyone, by the way, just an opinion.

over 17 years

womens CF officer Nat is leaving - off to Canada 

over 10 years

Murdock1973, can you clarify why you have been stood down for a year? Surely you must have done something really serious to incur that penalty.

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years

spot-betting. Surely.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Having too much to say is my guess.

over 17 years

could be an interesting finish in WCL.

Valeron's goal diff a horror show

over 16 years

Feverish wrote:

which Stop Out team are you talking about as a whole lot of Feds transferred there? Or is that a different grade?

All our recent girls who went on to age group NZ team played mixed grades (mostly for an extra year). I remain unconvinced 

As an administrator I've put together all girls teams to play in the lower levels of junior mixed grades and as a coach I've coached girls playing at the top levels of junior mixed grades.  My view is that playing in an all girls team in mixed grade can be a very positive experience for girls in terms of enjoying, and therefore staying in, the game, but that if a girl with potential wants to develop as a player and push on to representative honours she needs to play in the most challenging (technically, tactically and physically) environment she can handle.  And that means playing at the top level of junior football grades, which means with and against boys.

over 9 years

Murdock1973 wrote:

Warning for Junior Girls Playing Hutt Valley Mixed Football:

Please be aware if you are a Girl playing Hutt valley 12th grade mixed football and you come against Stopout McCreadie 2015 team you will be abused as girls apparently 'shouldnt play football" and likely physically attacked.

Interesting, Stop Out are usually pretty onto that kind of thing - they also have an all girls HV 12th grade team with Stop Out Bremner?

over 9 years

Murdock1973 just a bit of unsolicited advice for the future. Please dont take this as any sort of lecture or criticism, its offered in a well meaning manner.

With respect to arguing or "debating" with other coaches, supporters or adults around children and even young adults the best thing you can do is not argue. Take anything like these types of disputes via alternative channels. 

A couple of reasons. Firstly despite the fact your team may in fact support you often kids feel embarrassed when adults have heated arguments. Its their game, their playing time and when we get into (often well intentioned) defending of our players we end up showing them a side that may over time lessen your standing among the players. In numerous studies around the world over a number of sports its been found that kids find adults being too vocal, arguing or expressing annoyance loudly is embarrassing and off putting for players.  Your players wont ever tell you this. 

I have no doubt the other coach you had to deal with was an arse. The better approach to the whole issue would be to have a quiet discussion with your players at traing a few days later where you lead the discussion without expressing your own opinion and guide the players to conclusions with questions that help them find the best answers. You will end up earning a lot of respect from your players whilst helping them grow and mature. 

Its very difficult to walk away from jerk coaches because often we are trying to stand up for whats right.  But long term using channels away from the playing pitch and your players is the best approach. Easy to say but it is hard to do. All the best.

p.s I learned all of the above the hard way.

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

Agree... in response to Feverish...

Correct me if I am wrong - but could any of the top 4 teams mathematically take the title (with 2-3 games remaining for each of them)!
First up would be status quo - Seatoun beat either Upper Hutt or United and take the title.  Or...

Scenario 1:
United win with 35 points (win their last three games and Seatoun lose or draw to Upper Hutt)

Scenario 2:
Massey win by with 34 points (win their last three games and Seatoun lose to both Upper Hutt and United)

Scenario 3:
Upper Hutt win with 33 points on goal difference (win their last three games, Seatoun lose to United and United lose to Massey)

At the other end - although Valeron are toughing it out - they do have two chances to try and get a win (against Stop Out and Brooklyn).  If they can't get up over Stop Out - it'll come down to their last game of the season in a wooden spoon battle where a draw or a win for Valeron would be enough (assuming here that Brooklyn wont get up over Massey or Upper Hutt).  Maybe Valeron should continue to rest their injured players until this match and keep it exciting at both ends of the table!?

The TAB should run bets on the Women's Central League - would be very interesting the odds at this point in the competition! :)

over 13 years
See Wellington United will be sending two girls to Netherlands. http://i.stuff.co.nz/sport/football/domestic/70641157/dutch-dream-soon-to-be-reality-for-wellington-united-footballers
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

so the table gets closer!

United does the Welly teams a favour getting three points over Massey and ruling them out of contention to take the league.

So now it is (all but) a two horse race for the title... However mathematically Upper Hutt could still do it as below.

Scenario 1 - Seatoun wins league (needs one win from their final two games, or actually a draw will do it against United)

Scenario 2 - United wins league (needs to win their final two games - against Moturoa and Seatoun)

Scenario 3 - Upper Hutt wins league on goal diff (need to win their final two games, and need United to lose against Moturoa and win against Seatoun)

Scenario 1 or 2 seems more likely but football is a funny old game - United did draw with Moturoa in the first round - the only team they have yet to beat this season.  If nothing else Upper Hutt could help secure a 1-2-3 podium finish for the capital teams...

over 17 years

assuming these Dutch internationals are pretty shark hot (anyone seen them play?) I'd pick Utd to win their last two and Seatoun/UH to play out a draw.

over 13 years

So does anyone know anything about this Marist Womens team in Manawatu? They have 103 Goals For and only 2 against, they will be playing off against Petone for a place in the WCL.


over 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

So does anyone know anything about this Marist Womens team in Manawatu? They have 103 Goals For and only 2 against, they will be playing off against Petone for a place in the WCL.


a few ex Massey players which should see them hard to beat

over 13 years

Feverish wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

So does anyone know anything about this Marist Womens team in Manawatu? They have 103 Goals For and only 2 against, they will be playing off against Petone for a place in the WCL.


a few ex Massey players which should see them hard to beat

What I had heard, few of them had followed a coach or something?

almost 10 years

Yakcall wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

So does anyone know anything about this Marist Womens team in Manawatu? They have 103 Goals For and only 2 against, they will be playing off against Petone for a place in the WCL.


a few ex Massey players which should see them hard to beat

What I had heard, few of them had followed a coach or something?

I am a part of this club up in Palmy (still finishing up the season even though im down in welly), don't know the full team but what I know is Massey Coach from Last year went back to Marist (He played there), Some Massey girls came over as they didn't want to travel every weekend (just wanted a year off), and a couple for the coach, they also took at least one very talented Valeron player. The goals for isn't really reflective as there have been quite a few defaults so should be much much higher. It seems to be a really good mix of some experienced heads from Massey and Marist and some talented young ladies coming through from high school. On a side note they have actually set up a proper development reserves team this year (who are coming third) after not having one for the past 4 years.

I have played Summer soccer and ethkick in teams with 3 or 4 of the girls in the 1sts and a couple of them are just amazing (better than any guys I have played with)!!

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

So it comes down to the final match of the season after a win to United and a draw between the Toon and the Hutt.

United face Seatoun next week in a winner takes all affair.

If it's not played at Seatoun park (as scheduled currently) this should be a quality match to watch!

Seatoun have lost to United in each of their last three outings - including their final game of the 2014 season that cost them the title.  Will 2015 be a repeat?  One week and we will see!

almost 10 years

RoriM6 wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

So does anyone know anything about this Marist Womens team in Manawatu? They have 103 Goals For and only 2 against, they will be playing off against Petone for a place in the WCL.


a few ex Massey players which should see them hard to beat

What I had heard, few of them had followed a coach or something?

I am a part of this club up in Palmy (still finishing up the season even though im down in welly), don't know the full team but what I know is Massey Coach from Last year went back to Marist (He played there), Some Massey girls came over as they didn't want to travel every weekend (just wanted a year off), and a couple for the coach, they also took at least one very talented Valeron player. The goals for isn't really reflective as there have been quite a few defaults so should be much much higher. It seems to be a really good mix of some experienced heads from Massey and Marist and some talented young ladies coming through from high school. On a side note they have actually set up a proper development reserves team this year (who are coming third) after not having one for the past 4 years.

I have played Summer soccer and ethkick in teams with 3 or 4 of the girls in the 1sts and a couple of them are just amazing (better than any guys I have played with)!!

In short should you be worried about this team. A solid maybe. This last weekend they played massey reserves for the first time.  Massey coach had postponed their games twice as they didn't have a full strength squad. The massey coach went on record at the start of the season tooting his horn about having a ridiculous streak without losing (like 3 seasons) if you look at 1st div the past few years they have been destroying most teams. A rusty marist who has been defaulted to at least twice in the past month beat them 5-1 if they can build on the team again next year they should be pretty solid in central league
Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

it is pretty difficult to compare leagues to Central league.  Moturoa has done the best (as a new team) for a long time ... But mainly because they inherited Valeron girls and they commenced the season along with two other CL promotees with Karori and the Lower Hutt teams out.  In the same breath - these three new teams occupy 3/4 of the bottom half spots.

New teams historically have struggled because of the vast gap between the leagues.

And last season we saw this happen to Wanganui.

Not saying they will do poorly by no means, just saying they should be realistic... Happy to be proven wrong though :)

Phoenix Academy
over 13 years

if they do go up (and Valeron hold on) it will be very interesting to see the makeup of the teams - with 4 Central based teams.

Could also further boost the ranks of Unted if Brooklyn are the ones that drop (being located so close and coming second in the Capital Premier League and either champs or second in the Central League this year)

over 17 years

must have missed a seatoun goal that came very early. 2-1 to Toun in the end. Utd had better of first half and should have had a few. Seatoun keeper needs to be be more comfortable sweeping behind their high line. Surprised seatoun didn't call ofside on the utd goal as they were calling for everything else. Second half was more Toun with Utd commiting a lot of fouls. O'Callaghan came on at half time I think - if it was because she had been away and not fair on a player to be dropped for her - then congrats to the coach for having high morals in a big game. Masseys recent monopoly on the title ended.

over 10 years

is the date for the ASB Final still as above?

over 10 years

From what I have heard a lot of the players at Marist like to toot their own horn as well so not just the massey reserves coach. I am lead to believe that this is the reason they play Manawatu level as it is a piece of piss compared to Central league. A lot of the current Marist squad have attempted central league in the past and haven't succeeded so if you are saying they will have a solid season in central league, they must have had a huge growth in their mental strength to be able to handle the level.

In saying that, Marist would first have to win the play offs against Petone.

almost 10 years

Swinger wrote:

From what I have heard a lot of the players at Marist like to toot their own horn as well so not just the massey reserves coach. I am lead to believe that this is the reason they play Manawatu level as it is a piece of piss compared to Central league. A lot of the current Marist squad have attempted central league in the past and haven't succeeded so if you are saying they will have a solid season in central league, they must have had a huge growth in their mental strength to be able to handle the level.

In saying that, Marist would first have to win the play offs against Petone.

Completely agree that the level is vastly different. Yes they have attempted central league before (some players) with some of them being very successful in the Massey team that won the league last year (and I'm sure maybe some were not as successful), added to the fact they have the Massey 1st's coach (although not sure what his  plans for next year are) from last year they are a strong team, I'm not saying they would win the league or come top 4 but I am picking they would come above the bottom 2 this year (and they did beat Stop out 6-0 earlier in the asb knock out (They also got smashed by Upper Hutt the next game). The players I know at Marist are all pretty chill but I am sure some of them do like to toot their own horn its only natural when your reasonably young and moderately talented at something.

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