Auckland FC - Once the Knights, Always the Knights

over 17 years
I understand where Ballane is coming from, but I'm also very curious about what Foley is going to bring to the Aleague via this Auckland franchise. Not only is he cash rich but he is a massive sports mad rich dude with a hisotry of building successful sports franchises.
As a die hard Wellington sports fan I have zero chance of ever supportiung any Aucland team in anyway EVER. But I'm excited about what this all means for the NZ footballing landscape.
Careful seems those sentiments arnt wanted by some.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
I don't think you need to support Auckland mate I just think you were protesting a bit too much claiming you'd be no more interested in the Auckland team than you are about any other A-League team. They'll be our local rival and have a lot of Kiwis who I'd expect most NZ football fans to be somewhat interested to see how they are doing, even if they don't want to see Auckland do better than the Nix 
over 17 years
I don't think you need to support Auckland mate I just think you were protesting a bit too much claiming you'd be no more interested in the Auckland team than you are about any other A-League team. They'll be our local rival and have a lot of Kiwis who I'd expect most NZ football fans to be somewhat interested to see how they are doing, even if they don't want to see Auckland do better than the Nix 

He has no interest despite posting in a thread specifically about them every five minutes.

Doesn't care though.
almost 17 years
I understand where Ballane is coming from, but I'm also very curious about what Foley is going to bring to the Aleague via this Auckland franchise. Not only is he cash rich but he is a massive sports mad rich dude with a hisotry of building successful sports franchises.
As a die hard Wellington sports fan I have zero chance of ever supportiung any Aucland team in anyway EVER. But I'm excited about what this all means for the NZ footballing landscape.
Careful seems those sentiments arnt wanted by some.

Rivalry is part of any league, we finally have an actual reason to have an actual rival, I've/we've been waiting for this for 17 years! Let the agnst build, then for 90+ minutes we can cheer for our boys on as we destroy them. Then we can all pop down to the pub for a bevy or two like we do with all away fans when they come over.

I'm all for on field rivalries, but at the end of the day we are all just footy fans.
and 2 others
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
I should point out that, even if you don't think the YF should be antagonistic towards AKL fans, the AKL fans are being antagonistic towards you. The people those Facebook groups are gloating about buying away Kosta and our other stars, going to Eden Park on the 16th to cheer on Sydney, etc. There is a bitter rivalry coming, at least from one side.
Starting XI
over 7 years
I should point out that, even if you don't think the YF should be antagonistic towards AKL fans, the AKL fans are being antagonistic towards you. The people those Facebook groups are gloating about buying away Kosta and our other stars, going to Eden Park on the 16th to cheer on Sydney, etc. There is a bitter rivalry coming, at least from one side.

Those Facebook groups are used exclusively by miserable old bastards with nothing better to do - don't take them into account. The majority of prospective Auckland A-League fans are currently Nix fans with no real need to feel conflicted, as it means two Kiwi teams to support and we don't feel the same towards the rest of the country as the rest of the country does towards us. As a result I, for one, am pretty alienated at some of the sentiment towards the new team here and I assume many others are too. I don't understand why some people are immediately forcing feigned disinterest out of some tribal allegiance, despite the magnitude of this achievement for New Zealand football. 

Having two teams to support against the Aussies is better than one. Claiming they're equivalent to an Australian side is petty and disingenuous, unless you truly have zero interest in the future of New Zealand football.

but, to be honest, i'm liking what theprof has to say - the rivalry will be fantastic! Absolutely no qualms against those feelings, which should be the basis of something great. Some people using it as an outlet for JAFA hate in general is strange though
and 4 others
over 9 years
I'm genuinely stunned how many Wellington-based die-hards have immediately latched onto the forced rivalry (leaning into spite) rather than be happy there are now two massive local professional pathways for New Zealand footballers. So 'us vs. them', and I just don't understand it

Only read Ballane as being a bit spiteful. His view that if you have been a Nix fan up to now, you can't jump ship or even support both teams is nonsensical. A huge number of Nix fans are not from Wellington, me included. Many live north of the Bombays. For 17 years they have had no other NZ team to support. But they love NZ & they love football, so the Nix it is. Any parallels to how fans choose their favourite team in the UK are pointless, because they have had 94 EFL club teams in four divisions or whatever for over 100 years. It's a dumb comparison.

Like me some will be a NZ football fan first, and a Nix fan 2nd. So of course we will support the Auckland team as well. Their entry will only be massive plus for the NZ football scene. Some will even now choose them over the Nix, especially if they live in the north of NZ. As others have said it will just become a gut feel thing. Fair enough.

I think most Nix fans (certainly on here) are welcoming at last of a real NZ rival. A proper, non manufactured derby, with travelling fans. I'm sure the banter at the derbies will be 99% good natured, but some pantomine villians like Danny Hay or the first player to switch clubs won't hurt.

Still if you go onto the AKL Football 24 FC Facebook page (their early supporters group) there are few there, less than complimentary of the Phoenix as a club. They have their own Ballane(s). So it's a two way thing.
Care to point to the post were i said if you supported the Nix you cant jump to an Auckland team. So what im a Proud Wellingtonian and make no apology for it who wont support an Auckland A league team and its that i have voiced not your made up statements that were NEVER made by me.
I follow the Wellington Rugby team but not Auckland
I follow the Wellington Cricket team but not Auckland
I follow  the Breakers and the Warriors if Wellington were ever to get a team in those competitions i would then follow those teams. See the pattern.

If your going to use me as an example how about being truthful about it and post something i have said.

Someone definitely wrote that a few months ago, and my memory was it was you, as the person most hating on this new Auckland team, since last year's announcement. Though your constant butchering of the English language burns my retinas, I will endeavour to go back and search. I'll eat the humblest of pies if it was someone else.
And I see you are married to a Geordie. That explains your semi-literate scribblings. You are just writing by ear the phonetic form of English you hear in the family hacienda.
over 9 years
I should point out that, even if you don't think the YF should be antagonistic towards AKL fans, the AKL fans are being antagonistic towards you. The people those Facebook groups are gloating about buying away Kosta and our other stars, going to Eden Park on the 16th to cheer on Sydney, etc. There is a bitter rivalry coming, at least from one side.

Yeah but Dolaras you know those few on FB saying that, are a minority. A vocal minority maybe, but a minority all the same.

Hopefully a humourous, intelligent, well run Auckland supporter group will spring up to rival YF. With funny chants aimed at the Nix, excellent match day banter etc.

What the derby games and NZ football won't need, is nasty fan behaviour that could even escalate to violence. As the VUC game at the ROF showed there are idiots out there, with potential to make things ugly. When these derby games roll around the 2 clubs and the real fans, will need to be alert to stomping any of that dumb nasty shark out. The rugby media/fraternity for sure will gloat over anything like that. Like Melbourne's heavy AFL media did, when VUC & WSW fans ran amok in Melbs a  few years ago.

What I'm still trying to work out, if die hard Wellingtonians hating on the new Aucks side are just very worldy, well travelled folk seeking to bring a spicy touch of Boca verus River Plate or Partizan verus Red Star to little ole tranquil NZ. Or the opposite, those who think that going over the Rimutukas or Tararuas requires a passport that takes you to a post apocalyptic wasteland (eg Palmy), and Auckland well that might as well be Mars.

I'm edging toward the later scenario.

Starting XI
over 12 years
I should point out that, even if you don't think the YF should be antagonistic towards AKL fans, the AKL fans are being antagonistic towards you. The people those Facebook groups are gloating about buying away Kosta and our other stars, going to Eden Park on the 16th to cheer on Sydney, etc. There is a bitter rivalry coming, at least from one side.

Those Facebook groups are used exclusively by miserable old bastards with nothing better to do - don't take them into account. The majority of prospective Auckland A-League fans are currently Nix fans with no real need to feel conflicted, as it means two Kiwi teams to support and we don't feel the same towards the rest of the country as the rest of the country does towards us. As a result I, for one, am pretty alienated at some of the sentiment towards the new team here and I assume many others are too. I don't understand why some people are immediately forcing feigned disinterest out of some tribal allegiance, despite the magnitude of this achievement for New Zealand football. 

Having two teams to support against the Aussies is better than one. Claiming they're equivalent to an Australian side is petty and disingenuous, unless you truly have zero interest in the future of New Zealand football.

but, to be honest, i'm liking what theprof has to say - the rivalry will be fantastic! Absolutely no qualms against those feelings, which should be the basis of something great. Some people using it as an outlet for JAFA hate in general is strange though
I should point out that, even if you don't think the YF should be antagonistic towards AKL fans, the AKL fans are being antagonistic towards you. The people those Facebook groups are gloating about buying away Kosta and our other stars, going to Eden Park on the 16th to cheer on Sydney, etc. There is a bitter rivalry coming, at least from one side.

Those Facebook groups are used exclusively by miserable old bastards with nothing better to do - don't take them into account. The majority of prospective Auckland A-League fans are currently Nix fans with no real need to feel conflicted, as it means two Kiwi teams to support and we don't feel the same towards the rest of the country as the rest of the country does towards us. As a result I, for one, am pretty alienated at some of the sentiment towards the new team here and I assume many others are too. I don't understand why some people are immediately forcing feigned disinterest out of some tribal allegiance, despite the magnitude of this achievement for New Zealand football. 

Having two teams to support against the Aussies is better than one. Claiming they're equivalent to an Australian side is petty and disingenuous, unless you truly have zero interest in the future of New Zealand football.

but, to be honest, i'm liking what theprof has to say - the rivalry will be fantastic! Absolutely no qualms against those feelings, which should be the basis of something great. Some people using it as an outlet for JAFA hate in general is strange though

Exclusively?  I think that is a massive overstatement.
almost 12 years
I'm genuinely stunned how many Wellington-based die-hards have immediately latched onto the forced rivalry (leaning into spite) rather than be happy there are now two massive local professional pathways for New Zealand footballers. So 'us vs. them', and I just don't understand it

Only read Ballane as being a bit spiteful. His view that if you have been a Nix fan up to now, you can't jump ship or even support both teams is nonsensical. A huge number of Nix fans are not from Wellington, me included. Many live north of the Bombays. For 17 years they have had no other NZ team to support. But they love NZ & they love football, so the Nix it is. Any parallels to how fans choose their favourite team in the UK are pointless, because they have had 94 EFL club teams in four divisions or whatever for over 100 years. It's a dumb comparison.

Like me some will be a NZ football fan first, and a Nix fan 2nd. So of course we will support the Auckland team as well. Their entry will only be massive plus for the NZ football scene. Some will even now choose them over the Nix, especially if they live in the north of NZ. As others have said it will just become a gut feel thing. Fair enough.

I think most Nix fans (certainly on here) are welcoming at last of a real NZ rival. A proper, non manufactured derby, with travelling fans. I'm sure the banter at the derbies will be 99% good natured, but some pantomine villians like Danny Hay or the first player to switch clubs won't hurt.

Still if you go onto the AKL Football 24 FC Facebook page (their early supporters group) there are few there, less than complimentary of the Phoenix as a club. They have their own Ballane(s). So it's a two way thing.
Care to point to the post were i said if you supported the Nix you cant jump to an Auckland team. So what im a Proud Wellingtonian and make no apology for it who wont support an Auckland A league team and its that i have voiced not your made up statements that were NEVER made by me.
I follow the Wellington Rugby team but not Auckland
I follow the Wellington Cricket team but not Auckland
I follow  the Breakers and the Warriors if Wellington were ever to get a team in those competitions i would then follow those teams. See the pattern.

If your going to use me as an example how about being truthful about it and post something i have said.

Someone definitely wrote that a few months ago, and my memory was it was you, as the person most hating on this new Auckland team, since last year's announcement. Though your constant butchering of the English language burns my retinas, I will endeavour to go back and search. I'll eat the humblest of pies if it was someone else.
And I see you are married to a Geordie. That explains your semi-literate scribblings. You are just writing by ear the phonetic form of English you hear in the family hacienda.
Bit harsh. Play the ball, not the man and all that.
about 10 years
image.gif 307.73 KB

This thread has been a great read so far today. Keep it up!

and 1 other
First Team Squad
about 17 years
pretty sure he is talking newcastle australia not england
I'm genuinely stunned how many Wellington-based die-hards have immediately latched onto the forced rivalry (leaning into spite) rather than be happy there are now two massive local professional pathways for New Zealand footballers. So 'us vs. them', and I just don't understand it

Only read Ballane as being a bit spiteful. His view that if you have been a Nix fan up to now, you can't jump ship or even support both teams is nonsensical. A huge number of Nix fans are not from Wellington, me included. Many live north of the Bombays. For 17 years they have had no other NZ team to support. But they love NZ & they love football, so the Nix it is. Any parallels to how fans choose their favourite team in the UK are pointless, because they have had 94 EFL club teams in four divisions or whatever for over 100 years. It's a dumb comparison.

Like me some will be a NZ football fan first, and a Nix fan 2nd. So of course we will support the Auckland team as well. Their entry will only be massive plus for the NZ football scene. Some will even now choose them over the Nix, especially if they live in the north of NZ. As others have said it will just become a gut feel thing. Fair enough.

I think most Nix fans (certainly on here) are welcoming at last of a real NZ rival. A proper, non manufactured derby, with travelling fans. I'm sure the banter at the derbies will be 99% good natured, but some pantomine villians like Danny Hay or the first player to switch clubs won't hurt.

Still if you go onto the AKL Football 24 FC Facebook page (their early supporters group) there are few there, less than complimentary of the Phoenix as a club. They have their own Ballane(s). So it's a two way thing.
Care to point to the post were i said if you supported the Nix you cant jump to an Auckland team. So what im a Proud Wellingtonian and make no apology for it who wont support an Auckland A league team and its that i have voiced not your made up statements that were NEVER made by me.
I follow the Wellington Rugby team but not Auckland
I follow the Wellington Cricket team but not Auckland
I follow  the Breakers and the Warriors if Wellington were ever to get a team in those competitions i would then follow those teams. See the pattern.

If your going to use me as an example how about being truthful about it and post something i have said.

Someone definitely wrote that a few months ago, and my memory was it was you, as the person most hating on this new Auckland team, since last year's announcement. Though your constant butchering of the English language burns my retinas, I will endeavour to go back and search. I'll eat the humblest of pies if it was someone else.
And I see you are married to a Geordie. That explains your semi-literate scribblings. You are just writing by ear the phonetic form of English you hear in the family hacienda.
I'm genuinely stunned how many Wellington-based die-hards have immediately latched onto the forced rivalry (leaning into spite) rather than be happy there are now two massive local professional pathways for New Zealand footballers. So 'us vs. them', and I just don't understand it

Only read Ballane as being a bit spiteful. His view that if you have been a Nix fan up to now, you can't jump ship or even support both teams is nonsensical. A huge number of Nix fans are not from Wellington, me included. Many live north of the Bombays. For 17 years they have had no other NZ team to support. But they love NZ & they love football, so the Nix it is. Any parallels to how fans choose their favourite team in the UK are pointless, because they have had 94 EFL club teams in four divisions or whatever for over 100 years. It's a dumb comparison.

Like me some will be a NZ football fan first, and a Nix fan 2nd. So of course we will support the Auckland team as well. Their entry will only be massive plus for the NZ football scene. Some will even now choose them over the Nix, especially if they live in the north of NZ. As others have said it will just become a gut feel thing. Fair enough.

I think most Nix fans (certainly on here) are welcoming at last of a real NZ rival. A proper, non manufactured derby, with travelling fans. I'm sure the banter at the derbies will be 99% good natured, but some pantomine villians like Danny Hay or the first player to switch clubs won't hurt.

Still if you go onto the AKL Football 24 FC Facebook page (their early supporters group) there are few there, less than complimentary of the Phoenix as a club. They have their own Ballane(s). So it's a two way thing.
Care to point to the post were i said if you supported the Nix you cant jump to an Auckland team. So what im a Proud Wellingtonian and make no apology for it who wont support an Auckland A league team and its that i have voiced not your made up statements that were NEVER made by me.
I follow the Wellington Rugby team but not Auckland
I follow the Wellington Cricket team but not Auckland
I follow  the Breakers and the Warriors if Wellington were ever to get a team in those competitions i would then follow those teams. See the pattern.

If your going to use me as an example how about being truthful about it and post something i have said.

Someone definitely wrote that a few months ago, and my memory was it was you, as the person most hating on this new Auckland team, since last year's announcement. Though your constant butchering of the English language burns my retinas, I will endeavour to go back and search. I'll eat the humblest of pies if it was someone else.
And I see you are married to a Geordie. That explains your semi-literate scribblings. You are just writing by ear the phonetic form of English you hear in the family hacienda.
over 9 years
Same, same but different.

There is a great dark comedy series set in 1980s Newcastle (the Oztraylian one). 'Frayed'
over 17 years
Bill Foley, being a holistically and socially responsible duel US/NZ citizen, has in the light of recent outbreaks of "fan disagreement" pulled the plug on his anticipated A-League soccer venture "in the interests of mindfuless and his adopted country's "social cohesion".
Sauce : Andrew (call me Andy) Pragnell, NZ Football
about 14 years
Jessie Merino
Bill Foley, being a holistically and socially responsible duel US/NZ citizen, has in the light of recent outbreaks of "fan disagreement" pulled the plug on his anticipated A-League soccer venture "in the interests of mindfuless and his adopted country's "social cohesion".

"and this way everybody can be a winner"
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
I should point out that, even if you don't think the YF should be antagonistic towards AKL fans, the AKL fans are being antagonistic towards you. The people those Facebook groups are gloating about buying away Kosta and our other stars, going to Eden Park on the 16th to cheer on Sydney, etc. There is a bitter rivalry coming, at least from one side.

Are they? Care to share?

I'm in both Facebook groups and haven't seen 1/8th the things you claim to be there
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
image.gif 307.73 KB

This thread has been a great read so far today. Keep it up!

 I'm pretty sure this whole conversation started over whether the Auckland team should have a special thread on YF or not??? Apparently space on the internet must be quite limited because everyone's really upset about it!
about 14 years
Same, same but different.

There is a great dark comedy series set in 1980s Newcastle (the Oztraylian one). 'Frayed'

I did my postgrad in Newcastle and have fond memories.
But I like the Jets almost as much as C-Diddy does.
about 14 years
20 Legend
image.gif 307.73 KB

This thread has been a great read so far today. Keep it up!

 I'm pretty sure this whole conversation started over whether the Auckland team should have a special thread on YF or not??? Apparently space on the internet must be quite limited because everyone's really upset about it!

As theprof already said, having the Auckland team in the comp will be great for rivalry. Exhibit #1: we are already at each others' throats....
almost 14 years
Think everyone here has an interest in an Auckland team to the extent that it will affect the Phoenix commercially and also will share a player base. Hence why people who don't care about Auckland as a team but still post.
over 17 years
Mainland FC
20 Legend
image.gif 307.73 KB

This thread has been a great read so far today. Keep it up!

 I'm pretty sure this whole conversation started over whether the Auckland team should have a special thread on YF or not??? Apparently space on the internet must be quite limited because everyone's really upset about it!

As theprof already said, having the Auckland team in the comp will be great for rivalry. Exhibit #1: we are already at each others' throats....
i think i accidentally started this with a simple question 😄 🤣 

I agree it shows there is some actual passion out there. What's been missing with the a league in nz for years....
about 17 years
image.gif 307.73 KB

This thread has been a great read so far today. Keep it up!

This is the temperature we expect from the derby! 

Don’t forget lads Terry McFlynn! Midfield sharkstirrer extrodanaire. And Steve Corica…on the receiving end of the immortal Joel Griffiths return of fire ‘But all the fouls were coming from Sydney F.C.’ during his entitled whine after a loss. 

Foley seems like an A grade guy tbh and I’m going to follow them and support them against most Aussie teams. Unless they’re underdog teams like Perth and have a bunch of ex-Nix players with the class of Oli or David Williams. 

And while Patrick, HardNews Dave, Dave and Dale have been relatively mild mannered fan spokespeople, that might not be the case for Auckland! We’ll see how they go…

Please, please, please Black Knights- it’ll be weird as af.
over 9 years
Cant get my head around people thinking Greenacre is the guy to be 1st coach. Like the guy but come on he has done buggar all coaching wise and hasnt really had that much experience apart from  with us.
Is he really the guy your going to put in charge to attract players to a new team just dont see it myself.
Also cant get over how many people are saying they will be their second team. Never going to happen for me will be cheering on their relegation.

"Also cant get over how many people are saying they will be their second team. Never going to happen for me will be cheering on their relegation."

You are even wishing ill will on the Auckland franchise of the sort, that can't even happen yet. Voodoo. Sorcery
about 10 years
20 Legend
image.gif 307.73 KB

This thread has been a great read so far today. Keep it up!

 I'm pretty sure this whole conversation started over whether the Auckland team should have a special thread on YF or not??? Apparently space on the internet must be quite limited because everyone's really upset about it!

I was mostly just scrolling at work to pass the time before I could piss off home. Ended up going back further, re-reading a lot of the thread and subsequently managed to get almost a couple of hours in. My job is not demanding! 😂

Fwiw, I welcome the ABK's as a worthy rival to the Nix. 

The standpoint I take is very simple in that:
Nix > Everybody else.
Although I hope the ABK's at least give the Aussies a couple of hidings, because at the end of the day that's what we're all here for isn't it? - To laugh at Aussies?

Will also be keeping a keen eye on the Kiwi lads involved in the setup, but that's about as far as it goes for me.

Bring on the first derby!
over 17 years
Cant get my head around people thinking Greenacre is the guy to be 1st coach. Like the guy but come on he has done buggar all coaching wise and hasnt really had that much experience apart from  with us.
Is he really the guy your going to put in charge to attract players to a new team just dont see it myself.
Also cant get over how many people are saying they will be their second team. Never going to happen for me will be cheering on their relegation.

"Also cant get over how many people are saying they will be their second team. Never going to happen for me will be cheering on their relegation."

You are even wishing ill will on the Auckland franchise of the sort, that can't even happen yet. Voodoo. Sorcery
Not really the statement you posted though as me saying though is it. Guess its okay to post anything and say someone said it.
Pretty sure i havnt attacked anyone with personal insults you seem to think its okay to not only attack me but have crack at my wife who comes from Newcastle   New South Wales Australia. Sorry i dont speak the FKN Kings English to your standards but then again plenty of others on here post just as badly as i do but dont see you attacking them.
If your so stupid you dont understand good old fashioned NZ Provincial  rivalry you better hope Canterbury never get an A League team because they dislike Aucklanders more than Wellingtonians.

Also as for your unprovoked personal insults  go F U C K yourself.

Sorry mods will remove myself from the forums. Couldnt stand the level of stupid from some much longer anyway.
about 17 years
While we as YF are very english in the way we go about things, I suspect AKL's active could very well be taken over by teenagers and have a european style, which is both good and bad. (youth engagement, older folks likely won't like it)

--side note this is why I love how Perth have had it recently, the old fellas in the shed and the younger ones at the bottom, sometimes with different chants but the main ones in unison..)

I remember when I went to Sydney for unite round and got talking to a sydney fc fan next to me. Said that he used to go in the cove, but recently it had been swarmed by 15/16 year olds and wasn't at all a friendly environment for him being in his late 20s..
I didn't even realise before but I was relatively shocked when I saw The Cove cove into the ground and them all being 15/16 year olds.. then I found out how its changed..

Several years ago when the Nix went to play Sydney at Campbelltown (Was our home game too) I travelled over to it. The irony was the 2 biggest dickheads there, were both overly intoxicated Nix fans that ended up getting thrown out. I went down to the Cove area at half time and there was a fair cross section of ages. Older ones around my age through to families and youngsters. They were so welcoming and friendly, one could not help but appreciate them and their efforts. It saddens me to what "The Aucklandphoenixfan" has written in his last paragraph. How times have changed. You can see it on TV too. all the young ones gobbing off then looking up to the slightly older ones for recognition. 

The Cove, The Fever Zone. Areas I am really respectful of. Travelling fans always made welcome, especially from overseas. I might sound old fashioned, but it is that passion and friendliness I enjoy at games. Sure, a bit of rivalry & banter is all good. But when you sit down and have a Beer with them and talk football etc, it can be a very nice rewarding experience.
over 13 years
Geez, this thread is more feral and rabid then the Facebook page.

Keep it classy Nix and other fans 

First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Lol, I feel bad about driving Ballane away. Had no issue with the guy, just didn't buy his "couldn't care less about the Auckland team" story. Love or hate them, I'm very confident that all Nix fans past and present will pay more attention to the Auckland team than the vast majority of other A-League sides.

To get back to the question at hand, I understand why people wouldn't want this forum to become a hangout for the Auckland team's fans. This is a great forum and who knows what a massive influx of JAFAs would do to it. Forget who it was who said it but the idea of just broadening the scope of the Kiwi Players Overseas area to be able to include threads on Kiwis in Auckland is probably enough. Those people who are going to be fans of Auckland and are motivated to have countless threads on the Auckland team should use that motivation to help build something equivalent for them. 
almost 14 years
Interestingly I think I've spent more time in the big Australian cities than Auckland. I have no reason to go there apart from the odd concert or just passing through as I fly somewhere else, but I used to travel a lot to Australia for work. 

I know a lot of people who are pretty similar, and that's because Wellington companies often have Auckland offices to serve the local market, but fly people out to work with Australian clients.

So it's not even animosity to Auckland, it's just not a place that I think about. The last time I went there was for a funeral probably three years ago (I stopped regularly going when they stopped having the big day out) I'll be heading up shortly to see Mr Bungle and that will be the first time since then. We call it a Derby but the reality is it's a long way away.

The interest that I have in the team is primarily what it will do for Wellington Phoenix and NZ football as a side effect. So, I can perfectly see where people are coming from. Auckland isn't as loved or as hated as Doloras would have you believe, a lot of people are just indifferent.

Just because you can't understand other peoples views, doesn't mean those views aren't valid.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Sure mate, bet you don't care if the Blues beat the Canes either. Of course, cue you saying you don't care about rugby union. 

I'm quite confident you're in the minority. And even if you are as truly ambivalent about Auckland as you say, you'll still surely be paying more attention to them because they'll have far more familiar faces from the All Whites, so my point stands. 
almost 14 years
Sure mate, bet you don't care if the Blues beat the Canes either. Of course, cue you saying you don't care about rugby union. 

I'm quite confident you're in the minority. And even if you are as truly ambivalent about Auckland as you say, you'll still surely be paying more attention to them because they'll have far more familiar faces from the All Whites, so my point stands. 
I said I'll be interested in them because they have NZ players, that's exactly what I wrote multiple times so I have no idea why you think that that isn't the case.

And I couldn't care less about the blues. The chiefs are another story because I'm from the Waikato and have family and friends there.

I also don't care if I'm in a minority. For some people there's interest in Auckland because of the impact it has in the Phoenix, the rivalry it will create, and the NZ players.

As I said above, there are multiple points of view, but for some reason you can't accept that.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
The rivalry it will create but that you will be a detached observer of because you don't care about Auckland?

As I said at the start of all this, get a grip. 
over 17 years
Some very interesting points in here..

Even dome is looking forward to the new team and "piggybacking " off their publicity. 
about 17 years
Some very interesting points in here..

Even dome is looking forward to the new team and "piggybacking " off their publicity. 

Talked about this in another thread. It’s a complete hit job full of BS. But that’s for another thread…
almost 14 years
The rivalry it will create but that you will be a detached observer of because you don't care about Auckland?

As I said at the start of all this, get a grip. 
when did I say I'll be a detached observer? I'm not a detached obsever in any game the Phoenix play in. I clearly stated why I'm interested.

I suggest you stop putting words in peoples mouths.


Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
Imanixsupporter is a double agent from the new Auckland side in here to piss off all the yellow fever. Clearly whoever made that account name was trying just a little bit too hard to be a Nix supporter. The battle lines have already been drawn...

Seriously though, hope Ballane isn't actually gone because he is clearly one of the original users around here with an account that old. Everyone who is a Nix supporter is a good bloke despite their differing views.

Imanixsupporter you shouldn't attack people personally, kinda a sharkty thing to do. Also, with your grammar bullshark, who honestly cares - you ain't no spelling referee so go get another job.
First Team Squad
almost 2 years
I don't think I've been attacking people personally. It was somebody else who got personal with Ballane. I'd say I'm always talking opinions. And again, wasn't me with the grammar stuff either.

I'm sorry, I'll let people pretend they don't care about the Auckland team. They might as well be Brisbane, what's the difference? Western United will always be our true rivals.
Imanixsupporter is a double agent from the new Auckland side in here to piss off all the yellow fever. Clearly whoever made that account name was trying just a little bit too hard to be a Nix supporter. The battle lines have already been drawn...

Seriously though, hope Ballane isn't actually gone because he is clearly one of the original users around here with an account that old. Everyone who is a Nix supporter is a good bloke despite their differing views.

Imanixsupporter you shouldn't attack people personally, kinda a sharkty thing to do. Also, with your grammar bullshark, who honestly cares - you ain't no spelling referee so go get another job.
over 9 years
Imanixsupporter is a double agent from the new Auckland side in here to piss off all the yellow fever. Clearly whoever made that account name was trying just a little bit too hard to be a Nix supporter. The battle lines have already been drawn...

Seriously though, hope Ballane isn't actually gone because he is clearly one of the original users around here with an account that old. Everyone who is a Nix supporter is a good bloke despite their differing views.

Imanixsupporter you shouldn't attack people personally, kinda a sharkty thing to do. Also, with your grammar bullshark, who honestly cares - you ain't no spelling referee so go get another job.
Was me. Likely went too far. Apologise for that, but still disagree fervently with what Ballane was saying. I'm sure he'll hop back on at some point, his heart bleeds black & yellow no disputing that. He's spent many more many dollars more than me, supporting his favourite football club.

And it's his role once a year, like Santa to pop up and remind Nix HQ to get their shark together, re the annual memberships. This time that last comment is without malice or sacarasm, it seems like every year his complaining actually seems to move things along. 
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
This thread has attracted more heat than any other I can remember (except whichever one it was that drove Showtime Nixie away), and it seems opinions can be boiled down to two camps:

1) I am so antipathetic to Auckland that Foley FC will be our greatest RRRIVAL.
2) I am so antipathetic to Auckland that I just don't care at all about Foley FC

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