Woof Woof
almost 17 years

AMac wrote:


So the Aussie government has banned gatherings of more than 500 people from next Monday, meaning A-League games will be played behind closed doors. It sounds like the A-League was keen to keep things open (based on their earlier tweet of this afternoon), but I guess this has already been effectively overruled by the state and federal governments' ban. 

The question is: since that only applies to Australia, what will that mean for the Nix's future home games (assuming the NZ government doesn't institute a similar ban at some point)? 

As it stands, there would be nothing to stop games being played in front of crowds at the Cake Tin, unless the FFA decides to ban crowds for us too in the interests of fairness or something. But I'm not even sure if the FFA would have the authority to do that without an NZ government ban on crowds.

I would think that there will be a blanket decision by the FFA. You can't have two different sets of rules.

The bigger question is whether the league will get suspended, especially with advice against all non-essential overseas travel coming into play in Australia on Monday. And our government has also signalled that they will likely tighten travel restrictions.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Won't be any games I shouldn't think, and the phoenix aint going to travel to Australia 

about 17 years

The FFA will do anything to disrupte our good season.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years

Fenix wrote:

Won't be any games I shouldn't think, and the phoenix aint going to travel to Australia 

hardly anyone at the Brisbane game right now
Starting XI
over 16 years

If they are banning gatherings of more than 500 people, they should let a few hundred fans still go to matches.

One in a million
about 17 years

If we have to keep  a 2m distance from other fans then the ROF could be a great venue.

First Team Squad
about 13 years

If ccm managed to get 500 for a game it would probably be their biggest crowd of the season. Let their games go ahead. 

over 8 years

"As of midnight Sunday ever person arriving will have to isolate themselves for 14 days, Ardern says."


I guess this means season is over as no team will be able to travel here anymore

over 13 years

yep preety much, unless we are going to sit and play in Ausi behind closed doors for the next two months

Can't see it happening

Crying shame

over 13 years

They said on fox that the phoenix are working with the FFA to play out of Australia

over 8 years

Which may only work until the first player gets sick me thinks, if the EPL is anything to go by

Starting XI
over 16 years

The whole coronavirus was created in labs by the FFA because they knew we were gonna win the league this year and they want to halt our progress.

They took one of the several refs who hate us over to China to plant a virus to halt world sport.

Typical FFA.

over 13 years

Ryan wrote:

They said on fox that the phoenix are working with the FFA to play out of Australia.

And Dome's denying it. No doubt they're assessing options with FFA but Fox was saying it's a done deal and the Nix are saying it's not.

about 9 years

Taken from the Melb Victory game Thread, as at risk of hijacking.

The amazing approach to this is the UK. It's the complete opposite of the majority.

They know it's out of control now but are deliberately allowing it to spread further.

They figure by allowing the majority of the population to get it, and develop herd immunity that is the best approach long term.

Schools stay open for the meantime as by and large children are not getting sick from this at all but are super spreaders.

While telling those most at risk to lay low.

They figure they can flatten the curve this way.

When their health system starts to creak they will turn the tap off. Closing schools briefly etc until their health system can cope again.

Meanwhile those who have had it, developed immunity and haven't died keep the economy going.

It sounds brutal but that's exactly what they are doing, playing the longer game

It does not come without risk and could end very badly

Luckily we are one stage behind them and potentially may be able to not go to the extremes of a lock down (China) or their approach

The NZ Govt has done the right thing. Fudge sport for a few weeks/months. As El Grap has pointed out, the situation in Northern Italy - the wealthiest and best resourced area in the country, but now almost like a 'war zone' - shows this is not like the common flu. Sounds an awful situation to be in day to day. Naive and plain stupid to say it couldn't happen elsewhere incl NZ.

Every health worker in NZ must be ecstatic, about these tough new travel restrictions. Think of them. They are still going to be at the stressful coalface of this for the next few months, but these new rules should help slow the spread and workload. 

Yes the UK response FOR THE MOMENT, very different and seemingly high risk.

My memories of the NHS (did one of those volunteer drug trials as a cash strapped youngun) from 20 years ago, were of an old health system creaking a bit at the seams then. Hope it works for them, really do - but going to be a potentially fascinating watch.


Johnson has been facing increasing questions about the government’s approach, which is markedly different to that of some other countries. The former health secretary Jeremy Hunt described the UK as an “outlier”.

On Thursday, Johnson played down the importance of banning mass gatherings, even suggesting Scotland’s decision to ban events with more than 500 people reflected the lack of resilience of its emergency services.

“The scientific advice, as we’ve said over the last couple of weeks, is that banning such events will have little effect on the spread,” he said.

The government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, defended the approach on Friday, saying it was aimed at creating a “herd immunity” against Covid-19. That means allowing 60% of the population to catch the virus, but not so quickly as to overwhelm the NHS.

“Our aim is to try and reduce the peak, broaden the peak, not suppress it completely. Also, because the vast majority of people get a mild illness, [our aim is] to build up some kind of herd immunity so more people are immune to this disease and we reduce the transmission, [while] at the same time we protect those who are most vulnerable to it. Those are the key things we need to do,” he said.

As an aside I wasn't around but my great grand mother died of the Spanish Flu in 1918. Me Nan dropped out of school as a 14 year old in Hokitika to basically be a domestic servant for her Dad and older brothers. Different times.

Apparently Trump's German born grand father died of the Spanish Flu as well, but he didn't even know the other day. 

One of the big differences between that pandemic and this one (which is pretty much solely killing the elderly), is that a large swathe of people in "middle age" ie 30-50 died.

almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Ryan wrote:

They said on fox that the phoenix are working with the FFA to play out of Australia.

And Dome's denying it. No doubt they're assessing options with FFA but Fox was saying it's a done deal and the Nix are saying it's not.

Money and TV will hopefully not drive sensible outcome which is suspend the league.  What is our players and mgt think its safer to just stay in NZ?

almost 17 years
about 17 years

Given the spike in cases  Australia the Phoenix really only have one option,really don't get how people can expect the players to base themselves there with all this going down.

Starting XI
almost 16 years

ballane wrote:

Given the spike in cases  Australia the Phoenix really only have one option,really don't get how people can expect the players to base themselves there with all this going down.

The Warriors have announced that the side won't return to NZ after this weekend's game in Oz but instead will base themselves on the Gold Coast indefinitely.


"So that the NRL can continue"

The Phoenix basing themselves in Oz is the only way the A-League can continue too...

about 17 years

Aussie sport codes, for some reason, feel like they can 'tough this out'. Look at the rest of the fudgeing world.

Starting XI
almost 12 years

valeo wrote:

Aussie sport codes, for some reason, feel like they can 'tough this out'. Look at the rest of the fudgeing world.

First player of the team needs to get tested, what's be the next step? There are all in close contact all the time.

Chant Savant
about 17 years

Big Pete 65 wrote:

ballane wrote:

Given the spike in cases  Australia the Phoenix really only have one option,really don't get how people can expect the players to base themselves there with all this going down.

The Warriors have announced that the side won't return to NZ after this weekend's game in Oz but instead will base themselves on the Gold Coast indefinitely.


"So that the NRL can continue"

The Phoenix basing themselves in Oz is the only way the A-League can continue too...

So Covid Gallop finally gets his way ..

tradition and history
about 17 years

C-Diddy wrote:

Big Pete 65 wrote:

ballane wrote:

Given the spike in cases  Australia the Phoenix really only have one option,really don't get how people can expect the players to base themselves there with all this going down.

The Warriors have announced that the side won't return to NZ after this weekend's game in Oz but instead will base themselves on the Gold Coast indefinitely.


"So that the NRL can continue"

The Phoenix basing themselves in Oz is the only way the A-League can continue too...

So Covid Gallop finally gets his way ..

I doubt he got his way as the league will be shut down after the Adelaide/Jets game.

almost 17 years

With a 5 month layoff after the season, the FFA have ample time to play the season out. Call it suspended till end of April for a reassessment. The only thing it will do is shorten our 5 month wait for next season. Doing it this way protects the players, clubs and fans and gives this virus time to run its course. Having Nix players stay in a country where it is snowballing is akin to putting them in a high risk area whereas at home, they might be a lot safer. A case of money before common sense??

about 17 years

Do we have the ability to push the season out by a month or so though? Aren't stadiums going to be booked by other sports? And what about the olympics/euros etc?
I don't know what the calendar looks like but I'd be surprised if we had the luxury of hitting the pause button for several weeks and then pick it up all up from where we left

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

Safety of players and staff above everything else no matter what that means for us fans.

Starting XI
over 16 years

The risk of a young fit athlete becoming really sick from this virus is basically zero. Would still make sense for them to 'group-isolate' as much as possible.

over 13 years

I read on Twitter that Fox is pushing for the league to stay on track because they won't have a lot of content over the next few weeks.

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Colvinator wrote:

The risk of a young fit athlete becoming really sick from this virus is basically zero. Would still make sense for them to 'group-isolate' as much as possible.

But they can still pass it on, so I don't see your point? 

Starting XI
over 16 years

siac wrote:

Colvinator wrote:

The risk of a young fit athlete becoming really sick from this virus is basically zero. Would still make sense for them to 'group-isolate' as much as possible.

But they can still pass it on, so I don't see your point? 

Two people above had just mentioned the health of the players is a concern, my point was that isn't really a big worry.

Your point that they could pass it on and end up further spreading the virus is a better point. They should follow advice from the health authorities in regard to that. 

Starting XI
about 17 years

The benefit the A-League seemingly has is the stupidly long off season. Aside from the Olympics (which seem unlikely at the moment anyway) there won't be other competitions for A-League players during the off season. So you could suspend the season now for two months, which is probably the minimum it would go down for, then come back and finish the season in May/June. 

over 13 years

Contracts have an end date in May, right? 

almost 13 years

Call the season and base placing on average points or table to date IE

              Played    Points       Average
SFC          19          47              2.474
MC            21          37              1.762
WP            20          36              1.8
BR             21          32              1.524
PG             20          31              1.55
WU            20           27             1.35
AD              21          27              1.286
WS             20           25              1.25
NJ               20           21              1.05
MV              21           20              1.05
CC              21           13               .619
I not Bias LOL    But Fox may not want to pay up/Want refund  

over 7 years

League will go ahead behind closed doors.

Nix and Victory in quarantine for 2 weeks. League looking to get the rest of the games done in 3 - 4 weeks.

No training while in quarantine.

First Team Squad
about 13 years

League will go ahead behind closed doors.

Nix and Victory in quarantine for 2 weeks. League looking to get the rest of the games done in 3 - 4 weeks.

No training while in quarantine.

This is insane - that will as good as tank our season.

almost 17 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years
Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Absolute madness. This is all FOX's making, and the league has to take it because they're so dependent on their money.

about 17 years

Colvinator wrote:

The risk of a young fit athlete becoming really sick from this virus is basically zero. Would still make sense for them to 'group-isolate' as much as possible.

That's not necessarily correct.  No-one can be definitive yet that the effects on younger people are not going to be serious

about 17 years

Bullion wrote:

Peak #A-League

Starting XI
about 17 years

This is clearly a decision driven by Fox who are desperate for content. But then they've agreed for the season to be condensed, which means the same amount of content but for a shorter time period. Not a huge amount of this makes much sense.

But my word, how good would it be if we went and won the thing now?