about 13 years

Subscription locked article so posting the lot: Will FFA repeat the last minute back room DEALS to win.

Blocking sweeping governance reforms would leave the FFA open to being overthrown by FIFA

AUGUST 01, 2018

FOOTBALL Federation Australia could leave itself open to being overthrown by FIFA with revelations some state federations are set to block sweeping governance reforms.

The group tasked with solving Australian football’s civil waron Tuesday night submitted its recommendations to FIFA for likely approval, but those changes are set to be voted down once they return to Australia to be ratified.

It comes after a flurry of last-ditch lobbying of minor state federations in recent days, aimed at solidifying support for chairman Steven Lowy and the under-siege board.

Should that occur it would throw the decision back to FIFA, which would have to decide whether to go ahead with its long-held threats to remove Lowy and the board and implement the very normalisation committee it held back on early this year.

A 100-page document detailing expansive governance changes is back with FIFA after its congress review working group finished a proposal two months in the making.

Independent chairwoman Judith Griggs, who was mandated to oversee the process, was due to submit her universally accepted recommendations by Europe’s close of business on Tuesday.

It is due now to be accepted by FIFA before being put before its member associations committee for approval in August.

That then leaves the current 10-person Australian congress, made up of nine votes for each member federation and one for the 10 A-League clubs, with the choice of either adopting or blocking it at a special general meeting before September 7.

As was the case in November’s failed vote, an amendment to FFA’s constitution is required to pass the changes, with 75 per cent — or eight of the 10 votes — needed for an in-favour vote.

Following a number of back room conversations over the weekend, the ACT’s Capital Football and Football Federation Northern Territory are both in FFA’s corner.

Lowy is also believed to have the relative support of Tasmania and Northern NSW.

So intense was the lobbying it’s understood FIFA intervened, summoning all nine states to a conference call to reassure them of the virtues of the working-group’s process.

FFA is understood to hold a starkly different view — that Lowy has every right to communicate with the member federations as his constituents.

Australia’s peak body also does not believe the working group represents a fair and equal cross-section of the country’s football community.

Regardless, the turn of events foreshadows another two months of wrangling between the code’s factions and, ultimately, more speculation about FIFA’s next move.

Normalisation or suspension are options, though Lowy has previously indicated he would not rule out legal action if that path was taken.

The working group was tasked with proposing a new structure for the FFA congress that includes a “broader and more balanced” representation of stakeholders to bring the governing body in line with FIFA’s statutes.

The group has also taken into account other issues, including the governance model of the A-League, with clubs fixed on taking over the running of the stagnating competition from FFA, as well as the composition and independence of the FFA board.

about 13 years

Again Hidden behind subscription but Believed tor be a Grumpy Ray Gatt article

Football festers in state of flux.

Just when you think the game might be making some headway you have certain groups, allegedly with the help of FFA, trying to derail a proper, well meaning, well thought out process — agreed by all the parties — that has been put into place with the betterment of the sport in mind.

It is madness and smacks of self preservation.

In my 46 years in journalism, some 40 years of it covering this great sport of ours, I have seen many ups and downs, many moments and decisions that have defied logic and wanted me to bang my head against a brick wall in utter frustration.

This is one of those times.

over 17 years

They really are calling FIFA's bluff with this move.  They don't seem to believe that FIFA will go nuclear and establish a normalising committee if they continue to block/stall.  Ballsy move.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

aitkenmike wrote:

They really are calling FIFA's bluff with this move.  They don't seem to believe that FIFA will go nuclear and establish a normalising committee if they continue to block/stall.  Ballsy move.

Or they feel they have no other choice to stay in power
almost 11 years

Need a Donald Trump at FIFA or AFC to get shark moving, blacklist their national teams and clubs until they sort their shark out.

over 10 years

No thanks FIFA are trying to rid of corruption

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Sancho wrote:

Need a Donald Trump at FIFA or AFC to get shark moving, blacklist their national teams and clubs until they sort their shark out.

Trump? What good would tweeting about the problem do?

almost 14 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Again Hidden behind subscription but Believed tor be a Grumpy Ray Gatt article

Football festers in state of flux.

Just when you think the game might be making some headway you have certain groups, allegedly with the help of FFA, trying to derail a proper, well meaning, well thought out process — agreed by all the parties — that has been put into place with the betterment of the sport in mind.

It is madness and smacks of self preservation.

In my 46 years in journalism, some 40 years of it covering this great sport of ours, I have seen many ups and downs, many moments and decisions that have defied logic and wanted me to bang my head against a brick wall in utter frustration.

This is one of those times.

Did anyone ever think it would be any different? Surely not.

about 15 years

Sancho wrote:

Need a Donald Trump at FIFA or AFC to get shark moving, blacklist their national teams and clubs until they sort their shark out.

You rascal
about 13 years
about 13 years

AUGUST 1, 2018

The Member Federations of the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory, Northern New South Wales and Tasmania have presented to the Congress Review Working Group (CRWG) an independent submission that reflects their attempt to achieve a consensual agreement on all matters before the Congress Review Working Group.

This Submission (not referenced in the report of the CRWG) is an independent report influenced by consultations within these Member Federations and most notably without any influence or collaboration with the Football Federation of Australia.

The submission has had regard to the deliberations and submissions made to the CRWG in confidence as part of its process. The submission does not reject any specific proposal as the detail of the report has not yet been fully considered. The submission identifies a variety of issues and includes recommendations to enable further consultation and discussion.

Whilst four Member Federation Presidents were elected to the CRWG to represent the nine Member Federations it was very challenging for them to fully convey the diversity of views amongst the Member Federations. We like all stakeholders involved in the CRWG process have adopted a considered, respectful and judicious approach to the Congress Review Working Group tasks and objectives.

We are of the opinion that the working model suggested by the CRWG does not adequately address the interests of grass roots football in the absence of a new operating model for professional football in Australia. These issues present challenges for the proper allocation of resources that enables the proper development of football that enables both aspiration and the opportunity to participate in all forms of football.

The interests of grass roots football should always be a primary consideration as it is the lifeblood of our sport. It is our greatest point of difference from the other football codes. It does not sit in the margins.

It is our fervent hope that our submission will signal further consideration of the recommendations of the CRWG. We are actively engaged in dialogue with our Member Federation colleagues and have reached agreement on many Congress Review matters around inclusion and expansion.

We see the diversity of opinions within the Member Federations to be healthy and commendable and have always argued that to see the Member Federations as a single stakeholder group fails to recognize the diversity and demographic prioritisation of matters related to the administration of grassroots football.

Any commentary that is uninformed and judgemental of any submission to the CRWG is not in the best interests of football. We would commend a proper consideration of the issues as part of an ongoing debate to realise optimal outcomes for all involved in football.


Why make a statement - It was an independent submission prior to the CRWG starting - The FFA did not have influence in.

about 13 years

The Journo's are on the case.

about 13 years
about 13 years

The Daily Telegraph  Hidden behind subscription

FFA’s board would nearly triple in size under dramatic governance reforms designed to re-democratise the local game

AUGUST 02, 2018

The world governing body has long called on FFA to expand its narrow governance structure — the current congress is comprised of only 10 seats with nine allotted to the nine state member federations and one for the 10 A-League clubs.

After years of gridlock and grappling for power, recommendations submitted on Tuesday by the independently chaired congress review working group propose a vast increase to the number of voices that get a say in how Australian football is run.

Under the proposed model, 29 members from four stakeholder groups would share a total 100 votes.

The member federations and A-League clubs would be joined at the table by the players’ union and a women’s council.

Crucially, no one stakeholder group would be allocated enough votes to form a bloc and pass constitutional change on its own — a key complaint about the existing model.

It’s believed the proposal also sets down a pathway for the future inclusion of NPL clubs, represented by the Association of Australian Football Clubs (AAFC), new A-League clubs and other special interest groups.

The document, universally accepted by the eight-member panel and overseen by independent chairperson Judith Griggs, was positively acknowledged by FIFA on submission. Its contents is now due to be presented to the FIFA member associations committee for formal approval at its next meeting this month.

FIFA has ordered the changes to be adopted back in Australia at an FFA special general meeting by September 7, but opposition by a cohort of minor state federations mean they are almost certain to be blocked.

An amendment to FFA’s constitution is required to pass the changes, with 75 per cent — or eight of the 10 current congress votes — needed for an in-favour vote.The ACT’s Capital Football, Football Federation Northern Territory, Tasmania and Northern NSW say they presented the working group with an independent submission that better addresses the needs of grassroots football.

The quartet, which account for 18 per cent of Australia’s total registered players, say they did so “without any influence or collaboration with the Football Federation of Australia”, despite widespread accusations FFA chairman Steven Lowy had solidified the support through lobbying.Three votes against would see it fall. Given none of those federations sits on the working group it’s FFA’s understanding Lowy is well within his rights to communicate with his constituents, and in a statement Wednesday he said claims he’d “sought to unduly influence the work of the CRWG” were “completely false”.

“FFA has always encouraged all stakeholders to openly debate and carefully consider these important issues particularly given the inevitable difficulty of only having some member federations on the CRWG,” Lowy said.
Lowy also declared he’d supported the working-group process throughout but disagreed with key recommendations.“There are many elements of the report which are positive steps and wholly supported by the FFA Board,” Lowy said.
“However, there are also some crucial aspects of the report which the FFA board does not believe are in the best interests of the game and are inconsistent with its guiding principles.”

Regardless, a no vote at an FFA special general meeting would amount to a rejection of reforms proposed by a FIFA-mandated group.
Should that occur, FIFA faces a choice over whether to finally follow through on its threat to sack Lowy and his board and install a temporary normalisation committee to oversee the reform process.

about 13 years
about 13 years
about 13 years
about 13 years
about 13 years
Life and death
over 17 years

Mate, how about writing some commentary yourself, we can all go to Aussie websites and see the stuff you're linking. While some might be using this thread to link to those articles to keep up to date, personally I'd rather we had our own discussion if people are interested enough.

First Team Squad
over 7 years

Agreed. If you are going to post a link to "summary of position", at least also post a summary of what "summary of position" is to save us clicking through to something we already have seen.

about 13 years
Starting XI
almost 9 years

Blew, it is better to have the links than not and I'm glad you do collate them here. If other posters are so keen for a summary either they can do it or they can not whinge about it.

about 13 years

The out come of the FIFA/AFC CRWG report and how the FFA deal with it has bigger implication for the Wgtn Phoenix than the on/off field performance over the next 2 seasons.  

The smaller Australian Federations have form for changing (under FFA guidance) support as insiders know from the FFA EGM when the congress size vote had the support to be passed the day before the vote. (FFA meetings changed this overnight) To The Best Of My Knowledge.


"The next step in this topsy-turvy affair will occur on 20 August, when FIFA’s Member Associations Committee will meet to consider the CRWG’s report. A statement from the committee is then expected for release the next day either approving or rejecting the proposal – likely to be an approving one."


Starting XI
over 9 years

saw that has anyone done\got a summary of the main points for us that are too lazy to read the whole thing?

about 13 years

The CRWG recommendations appear to be in the last 4 pages but still reading

The Download is the full Report

about 13 years

Congress would therefore be increased in terms of number of Members from 10 Members

to 29 Members

As part of the above changes, it would also be agreed as follows:-

- Each new Member of FFA who completed the FFA New Member Pathway and was admitted as a

full member would receive 2 x votes;

- That a fresh FFA Congress governance review would be undertaken on the admission of a 3rd

Special Interest Group Member Stakeholder Group or 4 years whichever is the earlier whether

by way of a fresh ‘Congress Review Working Group’ or other means involving key stakeholders

and that possibly such a review takes place on a rolling basis thereafter for such period as the FFA

Congress may determine in time.

In this recommendation:

‘Member Stakeholder Group’ means a Special Interest Group or other category of

football discipline or interest which has become a full FFA Member in accordance with,

and by way of, the New Member Pathway.

‘New Member Pathway’ means the criteria and procedures referred to in Annexure 8 of

this report.

Also, if it were decided, on an annual basis, to hold an FFA Summit to co-incide with the same day

as the FFA Congress (and optimising time and costs in the process), the FFA Summit could be an

excellent forum and backdrop for a range of presentations and networking events attended by an

even wider number of people who would attend on the invitation of the FFA Members with an

allocated quota of guests/invitees.

FFA Congress - A broader and more balanced representation of stakeholders in line

with FIFA Statutes

The CRWG proposes a broader and more balanced representations of stakeholders in line with FIFA

Statutes so that the current position of 2 stakeholders groups with 90% and 10% of the voting

rights respectively is broadened to 4 stakeholder groups with the relevant voting percentages shown

below with effect upon being enacted in accordance with a special general meeting of the FFA and

further broadening potentially to 7 stakeholders under the FFA New Member Pathway detailed

Annexure 8. It is noted by the CRWG that the FFA Board is not in agreement with the CRWG’s

proposed congress model.

"Copy n Paste Summary"

over 13 years

saw that has anyone done\got a summary of the main points for us that are too lazy to read the whole thing?

Smithy posted this.

This is the most meaningful bit for the Phoenix...

Establishment of the ‘New Leagues Working Group’ [NLWG]: The CRWG recommends that a representation of the key football stakeholders in Australia, drawn from an appropriate representative balance from Member Federation, Member Federation Presidents, A-League Club owners, and the PFA Executive, together with directors representing the FFA Board and members of the FFA management with a knowledge and understanding of key issues, be comprised into the establishment of the ‘New Leagues Working Group’ (or such other name as the stakeholders may agree between themselves). As was the case with the CRWG when it was set up by FIFA and the FFA, additional stakeholders and interested parties would be invited to participate and make submissions.

The representation of each stakeholder shall be proportional to the corresponding stakeholder recommendations regarding new constituency and membership of the FFA Congress set out in the main body of the CRWG report. The representation of the FFA Board will be equal to that of the representation of the Clubs. An independent, non-voting chair shall be appointed to oversee and coordinate the affairs of the NLWG. 

Secretarial services will also be provided to enhance the efficiency and timelines of the NLWG’s work. The Chair shall determine the appointment of those secretarial services.

The mandate of the NLWG shall be comprised of two key objectives/phases of work, being:

1. To consider, evaluate and make recommendations for consideration by the FFA Board and FFA Congress respectively in relation to a new governance model for the professional leagues in Australia (A-League, W-League and Y-League); and

2. To consider, evaluate and negotiate terms and make recommendations for consideration by the FFA Board and FFA Congress respectively in relation to legal and commercial aspects pertaining to the new A-League model.

Timings: NLWG to conclude its remit by 31 March 2019. Work of the NLWG to commence as soon as practicable and to conclude no later than 31 March 2019 to enable the new leagues entity to be in-place and operating as from the 2019/2020 A-League Season

The rest of it is about re-setting the FFA Congress to represent the entire game. So instead of 10 positions occupied by the state bodies, plus one (iirc) representing the A-League, it becomes a voting body like 50 members representing various stakeholders. I skimmed this bit. No major surprises stuck out. This is basically a report that says "do what FIFA says and here's how in an Aussie context" as far as I can tell

about 13 years

I took the NLWG for tier 2 and possible more expansion in A-League?

But  this say otherwise

"The mandate of the NLWG shall be comprised of two key objectives/phases of work, being:

1. To consider, evaluate and make recommendations for consideration by the FFA Board and FFA Congress respectively in relation to a new governance model for the professional leagues in Australia (A-League, W-League and Y-League); and"

about 13 years

Yakcall wrote:

saw that has anyone done\got a summary of the main points for us that are too lazy to read the whole thing?

Smithy posted this.

This is the most meaningful bit for the Phoenix...

Establishment of the ‘New Leagues Working Group’ [NLWG]: The CRWG recommends that a representation of the key football stakeholders in Australia, drawn from an appropriate representative balance from Member Federation, Member Federation Presidents, A-League Club owners, and the PFA Executive, together with directors representing the FFA Board and members of the FFA management with a knowledge and understanding of key issues, be comprised into the establishment of the ‘New Leagues Working Group’ (or such other name as the stakeholders may agree between themselves). As was the case with the CRWG when it was set up by FIFA and the FFA, additional stakeholders and interested parties would be invited to participate and make submissions.

The representation of each stakeholder shall be proportional to the corresponding stakeholder recommendations regarding new constituency and membership of the FFA Congress set out in the main body of the CRWG report. The representation of the FFA Board will be equal to that of the representation of the Clubs. An independent, non-voting chair shall be appointed to oversee and coordinate the affairs of the NLWG. 

Secretarial services will also be provided to enhance the efficiency and timelines of the NLWG’s work. The Chair shall determine the appointment of those secretarial services.

The mandate of the NLWG shall be comprised of two key objectives/phases of work, being:

1. To consider, evaluate and make recommendations for consideration by the FFA Board and FFA Congress respectively in relation to a new governance model for the professional leagues in Australia (A-League, W-League and Y-League); and

2. To consider, evaluate and negotiate terms and make recommendations for consideration by the FFA Board and FFA Congress respectively in relation to legal and commercial aspects pertaining to the new A-League model.

Timings: NLWG to conclude its remit by 31 March 2019. Work of the NLWG to commence as soon as practicable and to conclude no later than 31 March 2019 to enable the new leagues entity to be in-place and operating as from the 2019/2020 A-League Season

The rest of it is about re-setting the FFA Congress to represent the entire game. So instead of 10 positions occupied by the state bodies, plus one (iirc) representing the A-League, it becomes a voting body like 50 members representing various stakeholders. I skimmed this bit. No major surprises stuck out. This is basically a report that says "do what FIFA says and here's how in an Aussie context" as far as I can tell

So theoretically the Nix fate will be known by the end of the 18/19 season?
about 13 years

Ozzy sport media in a frenzy for those who want to research themselves.

But Smithy's excerpt covers off the Nix well. 

about 17 years

Surely there will be a lot of politics before this all shakes out?

over 13 years

Yakcall wrote:
Football Federation Australia has vowed to fight the key changes proposed in the blueprint for a new governance of Australian football.

Let the games begin!

over 17 years
about 13 years

How often does a Franchanice win over a Franchanor when procedure is followed and the ample time is given to sort house?

about 17 years

Why do members get 2 votes? It's not like they are going to split them. A vote is either for or against. 1 vote only needed.

about 13 years

FFA Letter to the CRWG Chair out lining disagreements

It appears most of what Lowy wants is total control of the A-League($$$$$$$$)

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