about 13 years

valeo wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:


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April 01, 2019 8:21am#25

I don't think anyone has posted this yet, but apologies if it's considered to be on wrong thread. It's a good example though of the current complexity of the situation that the Nix are having to work their way through before anything can be done about Rudan, Kurto and any others.

To move SLowy on this is the detail that could derail the Nix 

"Sunday’s report will inevitably spark further debate. Eventually the FFA board will need to put recommendations for the new look A-League management company to the sport’s Congress for a vote – but at that vote, unless the franchise is changed, neither the A-League clubs nor the players union, the PFA, will have a vote but the federations will."

This....doesn't seem great.

Yes the PFA and A-league clubs had to sell their souls to the Federation to move SLOWY on.

Also think how the Federations representing Canberra and Tasmania fell about not be included in the A-league Draft. Lets hope they are not blaming the Nix

about 13 years
Life and death
over 17 years
about 13 years

Stuff appear to have changed the headline for click bait

A-League clubs frustrated over opposition to league independence plans

The chances of an independent A-League kicking off by the start of next season appear to be lengthening as argument and major philosophical differences expose the cracks between the game's major stakeholders.

The state federations – the bodies representing soccer's grass roots and second tier competitions Australia wide – have thrown what one insider described as a ''hand grenade'' at the A-League clubs over their plans to take control of the game's elite competition, leading to frustration within the clubs, who want to begin the process as soon as possible

The New League Working Party group received submissions from all the groups involved in the game at the weekend, and there was far from unanimous agreement on how an independent A-League could look – even whether it should be independent at all.

''There are a lot of things that the state federations have questions about relating not just to the A-League but whether the way it might be separated off would be for the good of the whole game,'' said one source familiar with the discussions.

''There is the timeframe of the creation of a national second division, the fact that the state federations see promotion and relegation as part of that discussion, and the whole issue of expansion itself and who decides who gets into the league,'' the source said.

''Who is to say that the clubs, acting independently, will run the game any better than the FFA? There are a lot of issues to be resolved. We should also be asking if there are any other models for running the league that could be examined before we go down this direction.''

It is also understood that the state federations have reservations about Wellington Phoenix's continued presence in the league: the New Zealanders have the right to be in the A-League until the end of next season, but no longer.

The A-League clubs have responded positively to the Kiwis' interest in remaining as part of the top-tier Australian competition in the future.


But the state federations have asked why a New Zealand club, and the NZ game, is benefiting to the tune of several million dollars a year in dividends from the TV broadcast revenue when that money might be better spent underwriting another Australian franchise or underpinning further investment in the broader Australian game.

The issue of payment for the intellectual property of the club's brand names and logos is also a major sticking point. The clubs are reluctant to put a high value on the properties (now owned by the FFA) arguing that they are essentially already own them and that the hundreds of millions of dollars they have collectively spent on establishing their businesses is recompense enough.

There is broad agreement that the A-League would be better off moving away from the overall control of the FFA, but the arguments over how that might best be managed again illustrate the divides between the sectoral interests within the game.

All parties were able to unite behind the idea of an independent A-League over the past couple of years as the major battering ram they used to oust Steven Lowy, who opposed the idea, from the chairmanship of the FFA.


Having wiped away the old leadership, the groups are finding that the old arguments over how best to run the game remain.

almost 8 years

This doesn't do much to our chances of keeping Rudan. 

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Keeping Rudan is only important if the team has any future.

Will the other A-League clubs be prepared to throw us under the bus if they can get their way on other issues in return?

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

Will the other A-League clubs be prepared to throw us under the bus if they can get their way on other issues in return?

This is the big question. I don't really think that anyone knows what everyone else's bottom lines on all this are.

almost 8 years

Doloras wrote:

Keeping Rudan is only important if the team has any future.

Absolutely. I'm running off the assumption that we will have a future - but the longer that's left unconfirmed the less chance we keep Rudan.

about 13 years

Fox Joint the party: The clear message from Fox Sports is that unless things change, the broadcast rights fee will fall.   

In a submission to the group, Fox Sports is believed to have expressed concerns about falling ratings and suggested the A-League in current form is unsustainable.

over 17 years

This is our Brexit.

about 13 years

Sanday wrote:

This is our Brexit.

First Team Squad
almost 6 years

Not exactly great reading. I wish they'd hurry up with all this sharke.

about 13 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Sanday wrote:

This is our Brexit.

"It is believed by Qzzy Fans deadline extended to June 30 if its to be up and running for next season."

"If that's the case, I think it will be done. The Feds aren't in a hurry and have raised a few points they want fixed before an independent league. I think you will see the clubs give in on at least 2 of the following 3 points."

No New Zealand
Bigger say (and % for FFA)
Higher IP price for the Feds

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

Could just be that the "hoorah, we're all safe and sound now there's going to be an independent league" conversations were a tad premature.

almost 14 years

Wouldn't it be ironic if we won the league and riding off the back of that success hit all our metrics only to be booted out because the metrics were no longer relevant and the states had us as a non negotiable.

First Team Squad
almost 6 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

Sanday wrote:

This is our Brexit.

"It is believed by Qzzy Fans deadline extended to June 30 if its to be up and running for next season."

"If that's the case, I think it will be done. The Feds aren't in a hurry and have raised a few points they want fixed before an independent league. I think you will see the clubs give in on at least 2 of the following 3 points."

No New Zealand
Bigger say (and % for FFA)
Higher IP price for the Feds

So what will everyone on here do in that doomsday instance?  All support local Handa clubs?

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Blew.2 wrote:

"It is believed by Qzzy Fans deadline extended to June 30 if its to be up and running for next season."

"If that's the case, I think it will be done. The Feds aren't in a hurry and have raised a few points they want fixed before an independent league. I think you will see the clubs give in on at least 2 of the following 3 points."

No New Zealand
Bigger say (and % for FFA)
Higher IP price for the Feds

Source for the above?

And given that Domey is part of the negotiating team, even if true, you think the other A-League clubs would throw us under the bus for more money, which is the implication of the other two?


If there is no longer a Nix, I will give up on franchise leagues altogether and become an Onehunga Sports FC fanatic.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

And given that Domey is part of the negotiating team, even if true, you think the other A-League clubs would throw us under the bus for more money, which is the implication of the other two?

Rob is in the group, not Domey. But remember that A-league club representation is in the minority on the NLWG, there's the state federations there, PFA, women's rep, the FFA, and the independent Chair. It's not an easy negotiating table.

If the choice was as simplistic as you've outlined (and I don't think it is) - i.e.:

Nix in, less money for the clubs

Nix out, more money for the clubs

then we're not getting out of that, especially with the possibility that the next TV deal could be worse than the current one. But like I said, I'm not sure that the situation is that simplistic. 

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Jag wrote:

Could just be that the "hoorah, we're all safe and sound now there's going to be an independent league" conversations were a tad premature.

It was easy to make friends and allies when everyone basically shared the same goal of bringing down the FFA a peg or two.

Once the attention turns to where to from there, there was always going to be a mess of competing agendas to implement, and interests to protect, and sorting the way through that was never going to be easy. Quite frankly, you'd have to have been naive as fudge to not see this coming.

about 13 years

"The biggest roadblock is, of course, Australian football's great anachronism - the state member federations, who now consider themselves the custodians of the game and who - true to form - are in no rush to come to an agreement."

"In effect that means, for example, that it only takes one of the state member federations which doesn't currently have an existing A-League club (Tasmania, the ACT and the NT) can hold the development of the professional game to ransom."

over 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

The biggest roadblock is, of course, Australian football's great anachronism - the state member federations, who now consider themselves the custodians of the game and who - true to form - are in no rush to come to an agreement.

Running the clock down to a "Phoenix No Deal".

Not Elite enough
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Jag wrote:

Could just be that the "hoorah, we're all safe and sound now there's going to be an independent league" conversations were a tad premature.

It was easy to make friends and allies when everyone basically shared the same goal of bringing down the FFA a peg or two.

Once the attention turns to where to from there, there was always going to be a mess of competing agendas to implement, and interests to protect, and sorting the way through that was never going to be easy. Quite frankly, you'd have to have been naive as fudge to not see this coming.

Couldn't agree more. I've always thought that there's a helluva lot of politicking and horse trading to be done before we're safe and that it wasn't quite the foregone conclusion that some people seemed to think. I'll believe we've got a long term future when I hear an official announcement to that effect

over 17 years

Why have the state federations been given so much power?

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Starting XI
over 9 years

Why have the state federations been given so much power?

they represent the majority of football players in Australia

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Why have the state federations been given so much power?

they represent the majority of football players in Australia

Also, I wouldn't say that they have been given 'so much power', more that the new governance model for the A-league needs agreement and support from all key stakeholders in the game, of which state federations are obviously a key part. Otherwise you're running the risk of simply transferring too much power from one organisation to another.

Starting XI
about 7 years

Got to say, this is far more grim than I thought it would have been two weeks ago

almost 6 years

The whole report has been released 

over 17 years

Got to say, this is far more grim than I thought it would have been two weeks ago

Yep gotta admit im not as confidant as i was and the longer it goes on it dosnt seem to better at all.
Starting XI
almost 15 years


Starting XI
almost 17 years
about 13 years
about 13 years

Blew.2 wrote:

The whole report has been released 

   Download HERE

  Our Read the Inside Football View.

Report does not contain Wellington or Phoenix in it

almost 14 years

Does say 80% of players in the league must be from Australia or New Zealand.

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

Blew.2 wrote:

The whole report has been released 

   Download HERE

  Our Read the Inside Football View.

Report does not contain Wellington or Phoenix in it

Yep it's very high level, and doesn't dwell a lot on niggly details. Just skimming through it you get a sense that there is a lot that still needs sorting out. Wouldn't be surprised if there's another report on 30 June that also recommends continued negotiations.

Starting XI
about 7 years

So we are fudgeed for next season, right? Rudan won't relocate his family if its not clear if we will be around after next season. Players won't sign because a) Rudan has left, b) same reason as Rudan, and c) Welnix won't want to fork out for good players if its all for nothing. Might be super pessimistic but unless things are given more clarity that's the way it looks

Starting XI
almost 15 years

So we are fudgeed for next season, right? Rudan won't relocate his family if its not clear if we will be around after next season. Players won't sign because a) Rudan has left, b) same reason as Rudan, and c) Welnix won't want to fork out for good players if its all for nothing. Might be super pessimistic but unless things are given more clarity that's the way it looks

Next seasons shirt will be a collectors item. I think this is truly the end of it all.
First Team Squad
almost 6 years

So we are fudgeed for next season, right? Rudan won't relocate his family if its not clear if we will be around after next season. Players won't sign because a) Rudan has left, b) same reason as Rudan, and c) Welnix won't want to fork out for good players if its all for nothing. Might be super pessimistic but unless things are given more clarity that's the way it looks

Seems that way. I'd love us to go out with a bang, but Rudan is key to all of this and he's not going to do it. 

Life and death
over 17 years

Realistic look at a new national league in nz? Obviously not going to be as good as A League but could be a good development league.

over 9 years

The Handa Prem final involving an Auckland team got a crowd of 2k (admittedly on Sunday and at unpopular Albany). Half the crowd looked like ES club youngsters bused in for the occasion. Good on ES for doing so.

The Nix v Victory game (admittedly on a Fri night at Eden Park) got a crowd of 23k. Just having the Handa Prem as highest level of the sport in NZ would be shark.

Losing NZ’s sole A League team would be a massive massive blow to football in NZ, and it’s profile here.

With the AWs barely playing of late the Nix, is pretty much the only Kiwi football that is consistently newsworthy.

NZF need to wake up to this and try and help Phoenix out in anyway they can. They still have $7M in Cash Reserves. Qualifying for WC 2022 which looks likely to be 48 teams and direct Oceania entry, is worth $14M. 

Christ giving NLWG $500k a year for the next few years would in some way be justified, if that helped the Nix to survive. Without the Nix, Herbert and Co, there would have been no WC 2010 cash windfall. 

NZF just blew $250k on a review and another $400k paying out Heraf and Martin. Not saying $500k would ensure Nix’s survival, but what money Nix bring to the table (or lack thereof), seems to be one of issues the Aus state federations are raising. Anyway NZF should be using whatever resources they have to support the Nix, the club is too important for football in this country to just do nothing.

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