about 17 years
George Kostanza wrote:
Clive Palmer
   I like soccer but dislike how it's run.
Overpaid FFA execs also giving Fox Sports cheap TV rights. Free-to-air
TV should be able to bid

Right. Because FTA was banging down the door of the FFA to show the A-League when it was set up. Wasn't SBS's fantastic offer that they would show the league if FFA paid the costs?aitkenmike2012-02-20 18:06:13
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

I don't know if you guys have any access to SBS or not but Fozzie has both Palmer & Agent Buckley on The World Game tonight.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
They stream it online, I'm hoping it's not geo-blocked.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
about 17 years

For God's sake. How immature is this.

"I quit"
"Na uh, I fired you first so you can't quit nah - nah - nahnah - nah."aitkenmike2012-02-20 19:32:43
over 14 years
aitkenmike wrote:

For God's sake. How immature is this.

"I quit"
"Na uh, I fired you first so you can't quit nah - nah - nahnah - nah."

Surprised though? Nope, nothing surprises with this bunch anymore.

over 13 years
And the aussie's thought the NZ Knights were a basketcase.
over 17 years
I might be wrong but for those interested i think the programme on SBS will be streamed live.Think it starts at 9.30 aussie time.
Starting XI
over 15 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
Best avoided anyway. Les Murray loves nothing better than an ill-informed point scored at the FFAs expense. It would be a Slater-Kewell knob slobbering of epic proportions.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Hoping against hope that freaky Foster sees the red mist and roasts Porky on a spit. Doubt it though.
Early retirement
over 17 years
More likely to have a go at Buckley about the lack of Spanish (or whatever this weeks flavour of the month is) coaches running A-League clubs.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Everton FC wrote:
SBS online-stream is geo-blocked, Gay.

How did you find this out?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
patrick478 wrote:
Everton FC wrote:
SBS online-stream is geo-blocked, Gay.

How did you find this out?

Found it.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Everton FC wrote:
SBS online-stream is geo-blocked, Gay.
I googled for an Aussie based proxy to get around the geo-blocking. Loading up the stream link in tells me its not streamign yet, so might just work when it comes time hopefully.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
I'm getting this error when I use that like you posted RR:

To use the World Cup Live Player you must have Flash 10 installed and Javascript enabled.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
patrick478 wrote:
I'm getting this error when I use that like you posted RR:

To use the World Cup Live Player you must have Flash 10 installed and Javascript enabled.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Ah well. I've put a plea out on twitter for someone to upload the interviews onto Youtube, hopefully someone does.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Apparently Clive Palmer is wearing a Come Play scarf from the failed World Cup bid. Lol.

You can see it here:!/yopetemate/status/171545762948329472/photo/1patrick4782012-02-20 23:45:03
Starting XI
over 15 years
According to 442, he ranting and not really answering the questions...
Starting XI
almost 17 years
f**k me, what a blubbermouth. Wild and hialrious allegations of FFA sending "people" north to badmouth Fury owner and run him out of town, which resulted in his divorce!
Dark forces are running the game....
Oh, and this sickening arse kisiing gem from Foster: "We're glad to see you've moved away from your postion. You could take the game over and do something wonderful for it".
Dear God.
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
patrick478 wrote:
Apparently Clive Palmer is wearing a Come Play scarf from the failed World Cup bid. Lol.

You can see it here:!/yopetemate/status/171545762948329472/photo/1

eeek! The evil witch in the right hand pic too.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Palmer rant here:
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

The "Come Play" scarf was hilarious, trollin' like a pro.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Can't stand him,but wearing that scarf is hilarious.
over 17 years
over 17 years
Give me Foxsports FC over SBS TWG any day.
over 17 years
Typical Foster wouldnt have a clue what a hard question was.They just let Clive rant without asking any meaningful questions. 
about 15 years
Traitor wrote:
patrick478 wrote:
Apparently Clive Palmer is wearing a Come Play scarf from the failed World Cup bid. Lol.

You can see it here:!/yopetemate/status/171545762948329472/photo/1

eeek! The evil witch in the right hand pic too.

He really does fill the entire screen, no head room remaining.
over 17 years
Stevo wrote:
Give me Foxsports FC over SBS TWG any day.
over 17 years
ballane wrote:
Typical Foster wouldnt have a clue what a hard question was.They just let Clive rant without asking any meaningful questions. 
Yeah, but what a rant!
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Kevin Airs @KevinAirs442

Newcastle Jets are unhappy to discover Nathan Tinkler was the only owner charged FFA's "standard" $7m licence fee when he took control.

"The Jets are currently reviewing this transaction and considering its legal options..."
Ryan's Rovers2012-02-21 23:24:59
about 15 years

FFA response to Newcastle Jets statement

FFA today responded to a statement from the Hunter Sports Group regarding its acquisition of the Newcastle Jets. FFA rejected the inference that the group was somehow misled on licence fees at the time of its acquisition of the licence.

�There is a difference between a licence fee and an acquisition fee and the distinction is important,� said Head of A-League Lyall Gorman.

�The acquisition fee for a licence is unique to each club and reflects the particular circumstances of that club and its market � its history, its success, its support, prior investment including by FFA, the potential of the market and other factors that are relevant to an assessment of value.�

�In the case of the Jets, those market variables included the fact there was an established club with a successful history and strong supporter base in a traditional football area�.

�The agreement by Hunter Sports Group to the acquisition price reflected those market factors and followed an open and comprehensive commercial negotiation and due diligence process�.

�There are other transactions that support the fact that there is a substantial value in an A-League license.�

The Jets, former champions of the Hyundai A-League in the 2007/08 season, continue to enjoy on-field success in what is shaping up as the most competitive of finishes to a season in Hyundai A-League history.

With the Hunter Group�s commitment FFA remains confident this success, both on and off the field can only continue.

�We absolutely agree with the comments regarding the club�s great membership, supporter base and sponsors and commend the work that Nathan Tinkler and his group have done in building on what was already a great club with a rich history,� continued Gorman.

�The work the club is doing in the area of junior development working in cooperation with Football Northern NSW is also a great sign for the future of football in a region with a strong football culture and high participation levels at the grass roots.�

Starting XI
over 15 years

Perth Glory owner Tony Sage said that outspoken Gold Coast United chairman Clive Palmer approached him about forming a breakaway football competition.
Clive Palmer on TWGThe World Game - Monday 20 FebruaryBen Buckley on TWGFFA reacts after Palmer slurJets back Palmer in battle against FFAPalmer dares FFA to axe Gold Coast
Palmer, who is locked in a verbal stoush with Football Federation Australia over a range of issues, contacted fellow mining magnate Sage a week ago to seek his support for the proposal.

While Sage has his own grievances with the governing body over the running of the A-League, he sought to dissuade Palmer from proceeding with the plan on the basis that world governing body FIFA would not sanction a rebel league.

It is believed Palmer also canvassed the support of another disillusioned A-League boss, Newcastle Jets chief Nathan Tinkler, who has threatened FFA with legal action after parting with millions - the undisclosed amount is understood to be the largest paid by any of the A-league�s 10 owners - to buy the franchise license.

�I had recent discussions with Clive and he did suggest the idea of a competition replacing the A-league and being run independently of FFA," Sage said.

�I explained to him how that would put Australia outside the umbrella of FIFA and that you wouldn�t be able to sign FIFA-registered players and play in FIFA-sanctioned competitions and he understood that.

�There�s no way it could happen here, unlike in rugby league where of course it did a number of years back. So the idea got knocked on the head pretty quickly.�

Sage revealed the owners have a number of demands they want the embattled governing body to address, including the appointment to the board of a representative for the clubs.

�I think that is a necessity," Sage said. "I have spoken to A-League chief Lyall Gorman, Ben Buckley and Frank Lowy about it and it needs to happen. It�s something the owners all agree on.

�The guys who have funded the A-League to the tune of $40-50 million since its inception and deserve a say in the running of the game and how their money is spent.

�What Clive is saying is that all they want is somebody on the board promoting their viewpoints. We all support him in that ambition.�

Sage is also pushing hard for FFA to lift the salary cap from $1.2 million to $2.5 million, as well as picking up the travel and accommodation expenses for squads of 20 when a team plays away from its home ground.

�We get about half the salary cap and all the accommodation is paid for by the clubs,� Sage said. �That doesn�t happen in the NRL or the AFL and is the biggest single problem facing the clubs.

"To me fixing that up is the number one priority.

�We need to match up with the other codes on this. If we can get this through then I think you will see the financial burden on the owners ease substantially and the clubs will become a lot more viable.�

The owners are also lobbying FFA to relax its restrictions on club sponsorships.

�The AFL has Toyota as the major sponsor and Ford is allowed to sponsor Geelong," Sage said. "In the A-League you have Hyundai as an exclusive backer and no club is currently able to find a car company to support it, or a telco for that matter.

�That needs to change when existing deals come up for renewal.�

Sage agrees with Palmer that FFA should look at its own wage structures in the wake of the Gold Coast chief�s claim on The World Game that its top five executives earn in excess of $5 million, while the clubs are starved of funds.

�Clive makes a lot of good points and the FFA should listen to him. He�s a very wealthy man who has made his money all by himself,� Sage said.

�The FFA should also listen to the other owners. Clive says things in a way that get attention.

"He�s very colourful and he asks for people�s heads to roll. That�s his way of doing things, it�s not mine necessarily. Nor the other owners.

�We do it behind closed doors - which way will work I don�t know but there certainly needs to be change. Clive is highlighting a lot of things that the other owners agree with.�

Sage believes that when negotiations for a new TV rights package with Fox Sports are concluded over the next 12 months, FFA will fulfill its promise to deliver the clubs the full salary cap cash.

�That�s my belief. It�s unfortunate that is still 12 months away, in which time the clubs will lose even more money,� he said.

�But clubs in the NRL and AFL are also losing money and they have far better TV rights deals than us. So this is not just an A-League affliction. It�s across sport.

"Sponsorships and memberships have fallen because of hard times in the Australian marketplace.�

Sage fears the ongoing dispute between FFA and Palmer, in which the latter called for the head of Buckley and challenged FFA to take him to court, could harm the brand.

�It looks like two sides have gone to their corners and have come out fighting," Sage said. "It�s not good to see our dirty laundry aired in public. I don�t think it�s the way to do it."
Early retirement
over 17 years
Everton FC wrote:
Sage is also pushing hard for FFA to lift the salary cap from $1.2 million to $2.5 million, as well as picking up the travel and accommodation expenses for squads of 20 when a team plays away from its home ground.
That's not what he's talking about.  He doesn't want the cap raised, he wants the share the FFA pay of the cap raised.  Pretty average reporting when the rest of the story makes that clear.
It's a valid point (although I thought the amount they paid was closer to 2 million rather than 1.2).
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Its effectively the same thing if you raise the cap as a result of increased FFA contribution mind you. Though I doubt that is what he wants, as then you'd have the same financial problems anyway and nobody wins.Tegal2012-02-22 15:57:52

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